Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 640 Ruthless

Do you want to experience it?

Luo Yan's words were undoubtedly filled with warmth when they reached Hu Ji's ears. What's more, being hugged by Luo Yan at this moment, as the daughter of the Wolf King, she had never been in such close contact with a man.

As a treasure of the prairie, it was too late for the barbarians to protect it, so how could it be so desecrated?

But obviously.

The rules on the grassland cannot control the gangsters in the Central Plains, especially those who have read books.

Hu Ji also adjusted her mentality very quickly. She knew that she and her sister would have to rely on the man in front of her in the future. The coldness in her eyes slowly converged to the deepest level. There was a touch of softness in her different-colored eyes. Not only did she not He resisted and even put his arms around Luo Yan's neck.

Her thin lips parted slightly, with a demon-like expression: "Do you treat every woman like this?"

That's right, what happened to me?

In the past, it was those women who bullied me, okay?

Luo Yan sighed in his heart, which of his confidante was a fuel-efficient lamp?

It's a pity that obviously I can't tell Hu Ji this.

So, Luo Yan looked puzzled and pretended to be stupid: "What kind of thing?"

"What do you mean?"

Hu Ji glanced at Luo Yan with her beautiful eyes, and gently slid her fingers into Luo Yan's chest to caress her. She was a bit naturally charming, but she had a seductive charm despite being untouched. Even if she just glanced at Luo Yan in a pretentious manner, she still felt a little... It is a bone-crushing ecstasy that makes one's heart feel slightly warm.

But these are undoubtedly child's play for Luo Yan.

Compared with Madam Mingzhu, the Hu Ji in front of her is much more immature after all.

The Hu Ji in the future might be charming, but she is undoubtedly a little less interesting now.

However, Hu Ji was undoubtedly more aware of current affairs than her sister, and she actually took the initiative to cooperate.

"You are smarter than your sister."

Luo Yan looked at Hu Ji and chuckled.

Hearing this, the smile on Hu Ji's face also froze, but it recovered after just a moment, and she asked softly: "Don't you like it?"

"I like smart people, but I don't like people with ulterior motives. You should understand what I mean. If you are obedient, I can guarantee that you and your sister's future will be safe. But if you have constant thoughts, don't blame me. ”

Luo Yan looked at Hu Ji calmly and reminded him unmoved.

"I've already eaten what you gave me. Why are you worried? Or are you afraid of me?"

Hu Ji's beautiful eyes moved slightly, she looked at Luo Yan and said provocatively.


Luo Yan smiled in his heart and decided to teach Hu Ji a lesson to let her know not to provoke a man casually, especially when she is at a disadvantage.

a long time.

Luo Yan stood up and dressed until he was fully dressed. He glanced at the tired Hu Ji and said lightly: "Tomorrow I will send someone to take you to Aguda's tribe."

Hu Ji lay lazily on the soft couch, her brows furrowed from time to time because of the pain in her body. Suddenly hearing Luo Yan's ruthless words, she immediately looked at this guy and asked, "Aren't you worried about me being raped by Aguda?" Bullying? That Aguda has always coveted my sister and me. If you send me there, it is no less than a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. I don't think he will let me go~"

Speaking of which.

Hu Ji looked at Luo Yan mockingly: "Are you willing to do it?"

Men will always have a possessive desire for their women, especially a very beautiful woman like himself.

Hu Ji knew this very well. Whenever Luo Yan showed a trace of concern, it meant that he could control the other person.

"I believe Aguda covets you and your sister, but I don't believe you when you say he dares to humiliate you at will. Without confirming the position of Wolf King, he will not humiliate you excessively unless you cooperate. "

Luo Yan, however, calmly pressed forward and said extremely calmly.

"What if I cooperate?"

Hu Ji looked at Luo Yan with charming eyes and asked.

"The hundreds of people under me should like your sister."

Luo Yan said coldly.

These words were naturally a threat, and he wasn't such a beast, but he didn't dare to bet on Hu Ji.

Playing with your thoughts, how will Hu Ji play with him?

In the game between men and women, whoever is tempted first will be finished.

Hu Ji undoubtedly cares about her sister's safety, but Luo Yan does not necessarily.

The moment Hu Ji heard this, her beautiful eyes widened and she glared at Luo Yan. She gripped the quilt tightly and couldn't believe that Luo Yan would say such a thing.

"So, protect yourself. This is also to protect your sister. As you think, men are indeed possessive of women, but you and your sister are dispensable to me. You expect me to do it because Being tempted by beauty is undoubtedly overthinking.

A man born in heaven and earth cannot indulge in wine and sex.

You underestimate me, Luo Zhengchun, and you underestimate yourself! "

Luo Yan was neatly dressed, standing up straight like a dog, looking like he had never been interested in beauty, looking down at Hu Ji condescendingly, and said coldly and arrogantly.


Luo Yan bent down and caressed Hu Ji's cheek, showed a smile, and continued: "Take good care of yourself, I will check it next time we meet."

After saying that, he stood up and walked outside the house.

He still has many things to deal with, so how can he be entangled with Hu Ji for too long? Although the taste is good, it is enough to take a few sips of wild flowers once in a while. It is not addictive, and it is impossible to be emotionally involved.

Besides, Hu Ji still needs work.

Can this be emotional?

Just... very scumbag.

Luo Yan left, and the room quickly became empty.

Hu Ji bit her lip lightly, and blood overflowed. There was still a little bit of tenderness in her originally charming and silky eyes. They were cold and resentful, filled with the anger of hatred. She stared at the direction where Luo Yan left, slender. Jade fingers gripped the quilt tightly.

Although she had long known that she was giving it away for free, she never thought that Luo Yan would be so heartless.

This indifference is even worse than that of the men on the grassland.

To please him like this, you can say that you use all your abilities.

But Luo Yan just told her to get out of here after eating everything. Who the hell could stand this?

"Luo Zhengchun...I remember you!"

Hu Ji's eyes flashed with hatred and grievance, as well as a hint of complexity and depression, and she whispered to herself.

It would be impossible for her to forget Luo Yan in this life.

Her first man!

Soon, Hu Ji lost her strength, closed her eyes and fell asleep. She had exhausted her energy just now, but Luo Yan still acted like nothing happened, which really made her despair.

Of course, what happened next made her even more desperate.

Luo Yan's ruthlessness left an indelible memory for her.

Luo Yan has already found Zhang Han and asked him to prepare and send Hu Ji away tomorrow.

The purpose of bringing her here has been achieved, successfully convincing her to become a puppet, and letting her know that her sister Hu Yu is in the hands of Qin. What happens next depends on Hu Ji's own ability.

In the original book, the woman can assist Touman to become the Wolf King. I hope she can give him some surprises.

This move has been made, and the only thing to do from now on is to take one step at a time.

It was impossible for Luo Yan to focus all his attention on the grassland. The seven kingdoms had not yet been unified, and his focus had to be on the great cause of unification.

PS: This chapter is quite difficult to write. Please keep it short. I will go back to Xianyang tomorrow... I miss my wives.

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