Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 7 Chance Encounter

All the way west.

Luo Yan didn't know much about this era, but that didn't stop him from knowing the location of South Korea from the memory of the original owner.

In this era without navigation, getting somewhere relies on a sense of direction.

First determine an accurate direction, then follow this direction to enter a country, and then pay some money to go to Guandao, and then you can accurately find where you want to go.

“I really miss my four-wheeler.”

Luo Yan, who was driving the donkey cart, held a piece of dogtail grass that he plucked from somewhere in his mouth. He looked at the road ahead with a pair of bored eyes, humming with emotion. The look in his eyes gradually changed from the energetic and wanton at the beginning. It's so numb that no matter how beautiful the surrounding scenery is, you will get tired after looking at it for a long time.

Besides, the scenery along the way is not all beautiful.

More often than not, families were broken up and people died.

Just like this donkey cart, he bought it from an old man.

The old man's son and grandson were all killed in the war, and now there is only an old man left in the family who is dying, with a small shabby house, and the most valuable thing is this donkey cart.

This kind of home can no longer be called home. Even for this old man, living is a torment.

In troubled times, people's lives are not as good as those of dogs. This is what we are talking about.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~"

Suddenly, the donkey pulling the cart made several low sounds, stopped its hooves at the same time, and shook its head slightly.

See this scene.

Luo Yan understood that Uncle Donkey was on strike.

This kind of thing has happened many times along the way. Basically, after a few hours, it will take a rest, and Luo Yan will not force it to continue moving forward.

After all, you have to rely on it to pull the car along the way.

The speed is slow, but it is better than walking on two feet.

In line with the principle of lying down and never standing, this donkey is now an uncle and must be taken care of.

After all, it was his first mount in this world. . . . Not physically.

Needs to be cherished and protected.

"Uncle Donkey can't pull anymore. He needs to rest for a while. I'll go around to see what's available. It's not good for your health to always eat dry food."

Luo Yan jumped slightly, got off the donkey cart, then knocked on the cart and said.

As Luo Yan's words fell, the car curtain was opened by a slender bare hand, and a cold and beautiful face poked out from it. Her eyes fell on him, she nodded slightly, and reminded softly: "Be careful. , this place is already close to the border of South Korea.”

They traveled for nearly half a month before finally arriving at the junction of South Korea and Wei.

The main reason is that for the sake of safety, the Amazing Salamander took all the small roads and the time was wasted.


It also has something to do with the speed of this donkey.

But in this era, horses were a scarce resource. Ordinary people couldn't afford horses. Being able to buy a donkey cart was just luck.

Although the donkey cart is a bit shabby, it can be repaired to keep out the rain.

At least it would make the Jing salamander do confinement.

Although she doesn't seem to need it.

"Peace of mind."

Luo Yan made a gesture, chuckled, and then used Qing Gong to fly forward with a slight jump.

Jingli watched Luo Yan go away until no one could be seen, then slowly pulled back and looked at the little guy in her arms. Sometimes she didn't know whether she was right or wrong in choosing to believe Luo Yan.

After being together for half a month, she still couldn't see through Luo Yan.

Because Luo Yan not only didn't look like Luo Wang's killer, he even had the air of a nobleman in his behavior.

They are extremely picky about food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Just like those nobles.

This is outrageous.

"Mom will protect you."

Jing Salamander looked at the sleeping little guy in his arms, a touch of tenderness flashed in his cold and ethereal eyes, and he said softly.

Because of her appearance, her dark life had a different kind of brilliance.

As for Luo Yan.

It was an accident that he broke into her world suddenly.

. . . . . . .

The blue sky with white clouds floating leisurely.

On the ground, by the river.

Luo Yan looked at the scene in front of him with some surprise. He originally planned to get two fish to stew for the startling salamander, but he didn't expect to see such an interesting scene.

The first thing that attracted him was a white horse.

This is an extremely handsome white horse, with pure white body, lively eyes, and bright body surface. Just by its appearance, you can tell that it is a good horse. Selling it for thousands of gold is just a small thing, but in this era, a good horse is worth nothing. Horse represents identity and symbol.

But soon, Luo Yan's attention shifted from the white horse to the man beside him.

Next to a fire, with wet clothes hanging to dry, a man wearing trousers and naked upper body fainted on the ground. This man looked good, and he was definitely a pretty boy in this era.

It's a pity that the figure is a bit poor, lacking muscles, a little thin, and a little less masculine.

It's worse than Luo Yan. At first glance, he has a short-lasting physique.

At this moment, his nose was bleeding and there was a bruise on his head. It looked like he had been hit by something heavy, causing him to faint.

Of course, Luo Yan is not interested in men.

What interested him more was the man's identity and the gold and jade he wore around his neck.

The gold must be pure gold, and the jade must be good jade. Coupled with this attractive white horse, this man's status is definitely either rich or noble.

What is most important in life?

money? !


are friends.

In life, there are many friends and many paths.

I'm new here, and if I don't make some "good friends", how can I have sex for nothing? No, it’s to resist the trap’s pursuit!

Luo Yan did not hesitate and tore open the man's pants.

. . . . . . .

After a while.


The man woke up slowly. The pain stimulated his nerves and made him take a breath. Then he felt his nose was uncomfortable and wanted to rub it with his hands.

"You'd better not touch your nose now."

At the same time, a strange voice came from the side.


The man was startled by the sudden sound. When he heard the sound, he turned around and saw a man squatting behind him. This man was playing with ants with a branch, and his expression seemed very involved.

Who is this guy! ?

Watching the comatose "good friend" wake up.

Luo Yan stopped his stupid behavior of counting ants, pointed at the other person's nose with the wooden branch in his hand, and said softly: "Your nose was hit, and I blocked it with the cloth on your pants. It's best now." Do not move."

The man touched the cloth stuffed on his nose, and then remembered what happened before. A look of helplessness and depression suddenly flashed in his eyes. He stood up slowly, folded his hands and bowed, and said very politely: "Thank you for your help! "

That behavior was extremely elegant and graceful.

It's a pity that the upper body is naked and a piece of cloth is stuck on the nose, which ruins the demeanor and makes it a bit funny.

"These are all trivial matters. Compared to this, I'm more curious, how did you manage to be knocked unconscious by a wine bottle when you were alone? Could it be that you were looking for a short-term life?"

Luo Yan asked curiously.

Before he came, he made sure there was no one else around.

What's more, if there was someone else, they wouldn't turn a blind eye to the gold chain around his neck if they knocked the person in front of him unconscious.

This thing looks expensive at first glance.

What's more, the white horse on the side is also very expensive. How could a robber let it go?

Then there is only one possibility.

It was this guy who knocked himself out.

Hear the words.

The man's expression became even more depressed, as if he had thought of what had happened before, and he sighed deeply. He lost both the fish and the fishing rod, and was finally hit on the head by an empty wine bottle.

It was really unlucky to the extreme.

"Your Majesty, you are joking. How could I commit suicide for no reason? It was an accident and my foot slipped."

The man waved his hand and said with some embarrassment and helplessness. Then he glanced at his own wine bottle with heartache. This was his most beloved wine bottle. He didn't expect it to hurt him so deeply. It was a shame that he loved it so much before.

"Since there's nothing to do, let's talk about the reward. I've been guarding you for most of the day."

Luo Yan looked at the man and said softly.

The man looked at Luo Yan in surprise, so direct?

Before he could think about it, Luo Yan continued: "Invite me to a drink. I happen to be a little hungry."

drink wine? !

Hearing Luo Yan's words, the man's eyes lit up and he felt energetic.

The wounds on my body no longer hurt.

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