Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 746 So scary


Zhen Gang's sword was extremely heavy, and its power was even more fierce, giving people the illusion of being unstoppable. In addition, the timing of his attack was perfect at the moment when Tian Guang's sword power ran out, and his sword struck directly. Forcing Tian Guang, the master of swordsmanship, to retreat.

The twin sisters Zhuan Po and Mie Hun were even more skilled in swordsmanship. The daggers wrapped in chains properly locked the space for Tian Guang to retreat.

Duanshui seized this opportunity and stabbed Tian Guang on the back with his sword. With the Chaos God and the Demon Demon waiting for the opportunity on both sides, this moment was a decisive blow.

"Six Sword Slave?!"

Tian Guang discovered the situation the moment he fought against Zhen Gang. The six paths of Qi that were almost compatible locked onto him. A strong sense of crisis rushed straight into his brain, making his back go cold and giving him a feeling of being in a desperate situation.

That's a keen sense of danger.

There was no time to think more about why he was targeted by the Six Sword Slaves. Faced with such a decisive blow, he made an instant judgment. He moved his body slightly to the side, avoiding vital parts such as his heart, and allowed the water to penetrate through his chest. The sword energy exploded, and the blue sword energy was like boiling steam, forcing Zhen Gang and Duan Shui back.

The arms were swung violently, and the huge force made the two sisters Zhuan Po and Mie Hun have no choice but to sheath their swords. In terms of strength alone, the two sisters could not compare to the rough man from the farmer's family.

But the Chaos God and the Demon King moved at this time, attacking Tian Guang with their long swords.

Tian Guang shouted softly in his heart: "Dong Mie!"

The terrifying inner energy poured into the long sword in his hand. The spiral gray-blue sword energy was filled with a strong aura of death, and he slashed at the chaotic gods and monsters with a death-defying posture.


Zhen Gang dodged and stood in front of Luan Shen. The sword in his hand burst out with a sword energy that was not weaker than Tian Guang, and he clashed with him!


Two extremely strong sword energies vibrated, and strong winds raged.

In the pavilion not far away, Luo Yan held a handful of melon seeds and began to eat them. At the same time, he commented leisurely: "As expected of the peasant hero, he is very strong. He actually blocked the sudden attack of the Six Sword Slave. Although He was seriously injured, but he still had the energy to fight back, which is awesome.”

From Luo Yan's point of view, if you want to fight high-attack assassins like Six Sword Slave, it's best to fight with a tank like Jianqing, or with a few more masters to cooperate and fight.

Luo Yan felt a little uncertain whether the future sword master Gai Nie would be able to kill six people.

Ge Nie has the ability to kill a few of them, but he will definitely be seriously injured or even killed.

It has to be said that Zhao Gao trained the Six Sword Slave to an extremely terrifying level. As Wei Zhuang said, it is a perfect killing machine with no flaws. It is better to say that there are six people than one person. One person makes up for it. All broken people.

"Is Zhen Gang the strongest among the Six Sword Slaves?"

Luo Yan felt that Zhen Gang and Tian Guang were fighting again, looked at Zhao Gao beside him, and asked.

Tian Guang's desperate sword strike seemed to be difficult for the other Six Sword Slaves to catch, but Zhen Gang did.

"The six sword slaves each perform their duties, and they are six in one. Zhen Gang is the main attacker, and is naturally the strongest, but slow. The Chaos God sword technique is the most demonic, elusive and extremely evil. The sprite's body technique is ghostly, waiting for opportunities to move. Duanshui has the strongest ability to find opportunities, supplemented by Soul Transformation and Soul Destruction."

Zhao Gao lowered his arms and stood beside Luo Yan with a slightly elegant air, half a body behind him, and introduced softly.

"He can't last long, you want to kill him?"

Da Siming held his small waist with one hand and stood like a model. There was a touch of coldness in his eyes as he spoke softly.

In Da Siming's view, if Luo Yan wanted to kill Tian Guang, there was no need to go there himself.

Looking at the figure of the Six Sword Slaves, Da Siming also had some fear deep in his eyes. There were probably not many people in the world who could stop the Six Sword Slaves from assassinating him. I really don't know how Zhao Gao trained him.

"Kill him for whatever reason, keeping him is still useful."

Luo Yan said softly, continuing to eat melon seeds, watching the two sides fight, and assessing Tian Guang's strength.

Mo Ya twitched the corner of his mouth. He felt that Tian Guang could not last a few rounds. The attack of the Six Sword Slaves was like a violent storm, and the strength of the six people was a group of people very close to the Grandmaster. The dangers can be imagined. One careless life is lost.

The fact that Tian Guang is covered in blood now shows the problem. It is only a matter of time before he is killed.

Six Sword Slave knows strategy very well, and there is never a tough opponent who can beat him to death.

Luo Yan squinted his eyes while eating melon seeds. He was waiting for Tian Guang's back move, or should I say Changping Jun's back move.

The lack of attack in the past few days gave Tian Guang an opportunity to ask for help.

Will Lord Changping send someone to rescue Tian Guang?

This is his confidant!

If he doesn't come back, Six Sword Slaves will chop him into pieces!

As if to confirm Luo Yan's conjecture, a strong wind suddenly swept across the sky, followed closely by a square cube sliding down from the mid-air. Its location was where the Six Sword Slave was.

In mid-air, the cube changed rapidly, the mechanism opened, and eight spider-like feet stepped heavily on the ground. The next moment, both arms were raised, and a three-meter-tall mechanism beast appeared in front of everyone. In his sight, the machine arm covered with blades began to wave, directly forcing the Six Sword Slaves back.

No one wants to test whether the blade of this machine beast is sharp or not.

"Mo family?"

Luo Yan's brows were slightly raised, and for a moment he felt that the melon seeds in his hands were no longer fragrant. He did not force out Chang Pingjun's backhand, but he forced the Mo family members out. This was not what Luo Yan wanted.

But the next moment, Luo Yan's eyes froze slightly, because there was actually a man in black robe who took action together.

The opponent held Mo Mei in his hand, and when he waved it, the black and white sword energy drove back several Dongchang killers. At the same time, he supported Tian Guang, and with the cooperation of the machine beast, he actually saved several farm disciples.

“It’s getting more and more interesting~”

Luo Yan looked at the man in black robe holding black eyebrows and whispered to himself.

If he remembered correctly, Mo Mei, the Mo family's token, was now in Yan Dan's hands, and the identity of the man in black in front of him was obvious.


Yan Dan supported Tian Guang and said in a low voice.

"Mo Mei? You are a giant of the Mo family?!"

Tian Guang looked at the sword in Yan Dan's hand and said with some surprise.

"Now is not the time for small talk. Let's talk after we are out of danger!"

Yan Dan said in a deep voice, and then whistled. In the sky, the Mo family's machine bird swooped down. At the same time, the spider-like machine beast began to get angry, and countless small crossbow arrows were fired out, forcing everyone to stop. near.

The Mohist machine beasts have always been more defensive than offensive.

This is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

The advantage is naturally that it has strong defense power, but the disadvantage is also obvious, and the deterrence power is not enough.

Almost instantly, the Six Sword Slaves moved, intending to keep Tian Guang and Yan Dan behind. A machine beast could not stop them, but the next moment they stopped, because Zhao Gao sent a message. , so that they don’t have to chase.

"Is it because of the war between Qin and Zhao?"

Luo Yan murmured to himself that Yan Dan was not in such a hurry to leave Qin in history, but now it was more than a year earlier than in history. Obviously, the war between Qin and Zhao had a great impact on him.

Of course, there is also the reason why the Mo family was deceived by Luo Yan.

There are only three or two Mo family kittens today, which can be said to be extremely miserable compared to the Mo family in history.

If Yan Dan can still sit still, then he will really become a Buddha.

"Just let them go?"

Da Siming frowned and looked at Luo Yan and asked.

Luo Yan glanced at Da Siming and chuckled: "Otherwise? Kill them? I can't touch the Mo family for the time being. As for Tian Guang, since he has contacted the Mo family in advance, my goal has been achieved. , it’s just a pity that I didn’t test it out.”

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shook his head.

He was just looking forward to Lord Changping's backup plan, but Lord Changping didn't give him this chance.

However, after such a sudden incident, Changping Lord should be stable during this period of time. During this time, Luo Yan has to go to Yin Yang's house.

The five-year appointment with Ying Zheng is getting closer and closer.

"Do we need to send someone to hunt him down?"

Zhao Gao lowered his head and asked.

"What do you mean? I won't bother the people in Dongchang with this matter. Just let the people in the net go. Let's go and go to Xianyang Palace to restore the king's life. If nothing else, Yan Dan should have escaped as well."

Luo Yan said softly, but also had a feeling at the same time.

The trouble he caused messed up the plans of many people, including the Moon God of the Yin Yang family.

But this is also the effect Luo Yan wants.

Want to study Canglong Qisu?

Whoever wants to study Canglong Qisu in the future will have the final say. So what about the Yin Yang family? Luo Yan was forced to panic. Luo Yan slaughtered all the royal families of the Six Kingdoms, cut off all the clues to Canglong Qisu, and then removed the copper The box and the Phantom Sound Box melted.


What to study? !

But if it really comes to that point, Luo Yan and the Yin Yang family will probably really fall out, and Donghuang Taiyi may go crazy.

Chasing the secret for thousands of years?


. . . . . . . . . . .

Xianyang Palace, Lama Temple.

After Ying Zheng learned that Tian Guang was rescued by the Mo family, his expression changed slightly. He looked at Luo Yan and asked, "When did the Mo family collude with the peasant family?"

During this period, Ying Zheng had a good sense of the Mohist family, because the cassava and the map were contributed by the Mohist family, and the Mohist disciples are now exploring outside the country. The Maurya Dynasty also needs the Mohist people to lead the way, and Qin is also in debt. I got a favor from the Mo family.

But the Mo family and the peasant family were involved, which made Ying Zheng feel a little uncomfortable.

"The Mohist giant Six-Fingered Black Man has a disciple. Your Majesty should know that this person is Yan Dan. The Mohist family that remains in the Seven Kingdoms is only a part of the Mohist family. Six-Fingered Black Man may not be able to return when he goes overseas, so Yan Dan is the new disciple of the Mohist family. A giant, with Mo Mei, he is qualified to control the entire Mo family.

In recent times, Yan Dan has been getting closer to Chang Pingjun, so it is normal for him to save people. "

Luo Yan said calmly.

"Mo family, farmer family, various schools of thought..."

There is a bit of evil in Ying Zheng's brow, and he is obviously very dissatisfied with the various schools of thought meddling in these matters. Looking at history, the various schools of thought can be regarded as the source of chaos. Their shadows are behind the rise and fall of every dynasty. They are just like Like other aristocratic families in later generations, they sat back and watched the rise and fall of dynasties, while fueling the chaos behind the scenes.

It is an extremely unstable factor.

Because there is no so-called loyalty among the various schools of thought, they only believe in their own ideas. They can be friends with Qin or enemies of Qin.

"Where is Yan Dan?"

"He should have run away. He should be the one who made the move today. With the speed of the Mo family's machine beast Suzaku, it is too difficult to catch up at this moment."

Luo Yan said softly.

"Sir, did you know this would happen?"

Ying Zheng looked at Luo Yan's calm expression and asked with some confusion.

Luo Yan shook his head and said slowly: "Today, I wanted to see if Lord Changping had a back-up plan, or if the farmer family had a back-up plan in Xianyang, but I never thought that the Mo family would get involved, but it doesn't matter, Yan Now that Dan has taken action, he will definitely return to Yan State this time instead of staying in Qin State as a hostage.

In addition, the dispute between Qin and Zhao has come to an end, so it is understandable that Yan Dan is eager to return home.

In fact, even if Yan Dan doesn't take action today, I still plan to find an opportunity to let Yan Dan leave. "


Ying Zheng frowned at Luo Yan and asked.

"If Yan Dan doesn't return to the country, what reason does Qin have to destroy Yan?"

Luo Yan said softly with a smile.

That smile made Gai Nie feel slightly cold in his heart. He felt that Luo Yan's calculation was a little too far-reaching. This was completely toying with Yan Dan.

"Yan Dan? Does he have the courage to become an enemy of Qin?"

Ying Zheng asked with calm eyes.

It's not that Ying Zheng underestimated Yan Dan, but Ying Zheng didn't think that Yan State had the courage. Even if Yan Dan wanted to fight against Qin State, would Yan State allow him to do so?

"Yan Dan is a Jianghu person, and the Yan State cannot resist the Qin State. Therefore, I would venture to make a guess. Yan Dan may take a different approach, such as assassinating the king. If the king dies, the Qin State will inevitably be in turmoil, and the six kingdoms will be in danger. Explanation, plus the fact that Mr. Fusu is underage and Mr. Changping is the prime minister, Qin’s plan to go east will inevitably be delayed for another ten years or even longer."

Luo Yan said slowly, his tone was very calm, as if he was telling a story.

Assassination? !

This word directly stimulated Gai Nie and Zhao Gao. Their eyes became sharp, and they looked at Luo Yan in surprise. How dare Luo Yan say that.

Ying Zheng naturally felt that these two words were harsh, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that what Luo Yan said was very likely to happen. The assassination was indeed Yan Dan's only chance. Besides, if he wanted to rely on national strength to compete with Qin, Even if Yan Guo struggled for another thirty years, this would not be possible.

"If Yan Dan can really plan this matter, I may take a high look at him."

Ying Zheng chuckled.

Luo Yan didn't answer. In the serious history, Ying Zheng was very embarrassed and almost died under Jing Ke's sword. Of course, it was obviously impossible for such ridiculous things to happen in the world of Qin Dynasty.

The higher the force value, the easier it is to kill someone.

Ying Zheng was either killed by Jing Ke, or Jing Ke didn't even get a chance to get close.

"I have already helped him plan. Fan Yuqi is fleeing in Yan State. The king can put a reward on his head. With Fan Yuqi's relationship with Lord Changping, he will definitely contact the farmer. If Yan Dan wants to plan this matter in the future, he will definitely He will offer Fan Yuqi's head to gain the king's trust.

How to make everyone in the world think that the king wants Fan Yuqi's head depends on whether the king can act. "

Luo Yan continued.

He has been planning this big show for a long time.

The hall fell silent.

Let’s not talk about what Ying Zheng and Nie think.

Zhao Gao now feels that Luo Yan is a bit scary. He is trying to trick Yan Dan and Changping Jun to death.

PS: I’ve been sleeping, taking care of myself, but I still don’t have a girlfriend~

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