Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 75 The wind is noisy

Han Fei walked on the street and soon asked about the location of Zilanxuan.

Based on Han Fei's understanding of Luo Yan's personality, this guy should be Anping Jun and others he met in Zilanxuan.

It's not like Han Fei has done nothing these days except visiting his elders. During this period, he also investigated some of the cultural environment of Xinzheng. Among them, Zilanxuan was specially marked by Han Fei because this place is home to most of the dignitaries of Xinzheng, the royal capital. A place to have fun.

As Luo Yan, there is only this place for people who want to know Anpingjun.

It also fits Luo Yan's character.

In fact, Han Fei is also quite curious about Zilanxuan.

Because Zilanxuan's family history is very strange, and the people behind it are also unusual.

One thing Han Fei can be sure of is that the person behind Zilanxuan is definitely not a powerful person in Xinzheng.

Since the other party is not a powerful person in Xinzheng, but the other party has the ability to make the powerful people in Xinzheng fear and dare not move, then the other party is obviously very capable.

"Brother Luo may have gone there because of this. No, given his personality, he should be more interested in having fun. But why did he suddenly get connected with Anping-Jun and others?"

Han Fei analyzed the current situation while walking towards Zilanxuan.

Along the way, Han Fei thought he knew Luo Yan fairly well. This guy was extremely lazy. He could lie down but never stand, and he would never look for trouble.

Suddenly getting involved with Anpingjun and others, the other party must have his own purpose.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore, you'll find out when you get there."

Han Fei shook his head, unable to think of a reason, so he simply gave up and strode forward. When he saw Luo Yan, everything was clear to him.

But when it comes to Zilanxuan, Han Fei has not forgotten his promise to Luo Yan: invite Luo Yan to the best romantic place in Xinzheng, drink the strongest wine, and sleep with the most beautiful woman.

Thinking of this, Han Fei also had a smile on his face.

It was quite pleasant to get along with Luo Yan along the way.

at the corner.

A girl in a pink and white dress poked her head out, her bright eyes fixed on Han Fei, watching the change in his face, she pinched the wall with her long white fingers until it turned white.

"When you go shopping with others, you look sad and have a heavy heart, but now you are smiling so happily. I want to see where you go fooling around!"

Guren snorted softly and whispered.

Then he tiptoed behind his stupid brother.

Han Fei knew nothing about this.

Soon the two of them arrived at a brightly lit place.

What comes into view are several cherry blossom trees planted outside. They are covered with pink petals, which fall from time to time in an artificial small lake below. As the clear water flows, there are several fish swimming in it. move.

A wooden bridge is built on it, and on the other side of the bridge is Zilanxuan.

Before he stepped inside, Han Fei could smell the feminine fragrance and the aroma of wine filling the air.

"Good wine, good people~"

Like a scholar, Han Fei tasted it carefully and commented, and then his eyes were attracted by the layout of Zilanxuan.

Unlike Luo Yan who knew the plot in advance, Han Fei was a top student in Confucianism.

He came from a famous family, and his teacher was Xunzi, a great figure in the world.

His own talent is even more outstanding.

At a glance, one can see the vertical and horizontal meaning in the layout of Zilanxuan. It is extremely majestic and full of a sense of hierarchy.

This layout alone is not something that just anyone can put together.

"The master behind Zilanxuan is indeed extraordinary. Could it be that he is really him?!"

Han Fei had some guesses in his mind.

One of the current descendants of Guigu has come out of the mountain and is currently the chief swordsman around the King of Qin.

As for the other one, the landscape has not yet been revealed.

But Han Fei knew who it was.

"You have returned to China too."

Han Fei murmured softly, a flash of recollection flashed in his eyes, and then he no longer hesitated and stepped into the Purple Orchid Pavilion. At the same time, he suddenly had some expectations for the future in his heart.

the other side.

Honglian, who followed Han Fei to the vicinity of Zilanxuan, was dumbfounded. She blinked her big eyes and looked at the feasting and feasting place in front of her.

Even if she has never been here, it is not difficult to guess what kind of place this is based on Honglian's knowledge.

"Don't let me catch you!"

Honglian hesitated for a moment, then made up her mind, hummed softly, turned and left.

. . . . . .

Han Fei didn't know that Honglian had been eyeing him and had followed him. At this moment, his attention was already on Zilan Pavilion and he stepped into it.

On the one hand, it was to visit friends and find the whereabouts of Luo Yan.

On the other hand, there are those who come to see Zilanxuan and are looking forward to the person behind it.

"The guests came a little early, Zilanxuan hasn't opened yet~"

As soon as Han Fei stepped into the Purple Orchid Pavilion, a woman with exquisite appearance and graceful figure came up to her. She looked at the stranger Han Fei curiously with her beautiful eyes. She bowed slightly, was extremely polite and temperamental, and spoke softly. The reception arrived.

"It doesn't matter. I can wait. Just prepare a jug of good wine for me. Besides, I want to inquire about someone."

Han Fei looked at the other party with a smile, without a young master's aura, and asked rather gently.

With that handsome face, he is still very lethal to women.

However, the woman from Zilanxuan was not an ordinary person. She covered her mouth and chuckled, then politely declined: "The guests are just joking. We are dealing with powerful people here, and a little girl does not dare to reveal the secrets of the guests."

"What I want to inquire about is not about powerful people or other people's privacy. I'm just looking for someone. I am friends with him. His name is Luo Yan."

Han Fei said softly.

"Luo Yan? Luo Zhengchun!?"

The woman's expression was slightly startled, she looked Han Fei up and down again, her beautiful eyes blinked slightly, and she asked.

"Yes, that's him."

Han Fei nodded slightly and said softly.

At the same time, I was quite surprised. It had only been a few days, but Brother Luo had become familiar with Zilanxuan. Judging from his expression, he seemed to know Luo Yan.

"Then the guest came at a bad time."

The woman chuckled.

"Why? Could it be that Brother Luo committed something on your side?!"

Han Fei asked curiously.

Based on his understanding of Luo Yan, Luo Yan was very measured in his actions and words, so as not to offend people in Zilanxuan, a place he was unfamiliar with.

"No, it's just that our Sister Zi is not in a good mood today."

The woman seemed to have thought of something, couldn't help covering her mouth, laughed, and explained.

Sister Zi?

The mysterious proprietress of Zilanxuan!

But what does the other person's bad mood have to do with him.

Han Fei suppressed his confusion and asked calmly: "Did Brother Luo offend Miss Zi Nu?!"

The woman shook her head slightly and asked instead: "The guest should have brought money~"


Han Fei blinked slightly, a little confused.

How can anyone not enjoy the service without first asking if they have money?

. . . . . . .

Time passed slowly and it became dark.

After Luo Yan drank and dined at Ji Wuye's place, he originally planned to go home directly to practice with Jingyu.

But when passing by Zilanxuan, he somehow stopped Mo Ya, and then under Mo Ya's extremely speechless gaze, he explained softly: "Mo Ya, don't get me wrong, I just went in to chat, you understand, It’s just chatting between friends.”

The corner of Mo Ya's mouth twitched: "Sir, there is no need to explain. I will wait for you outside. You... please pay attention to your health."

Luo Yan and Mo Ya looked at each other speechlessly, patted Mo Ya who was concerned about him, nodded slightly, and then walked towards Zilanxuan without looking back.

Mo Crow was left alone outside drinking the northwest wind.

The wind seems to be particularly noisy tonight~

Thank you, Mr. Zhengge, for the reward.

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