Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 770 Where is my 100 million check?

There is still about half a month before the end of the year, but a heavy snowfall has quietly arrived.

It's sunny after the snow, the blue sky is cloudless, and the bright sunshine shines lazily, but it makes the temperature a little lower, especially when standing in the shadow, the ice and snow melt, and the cold wind blows, it's heart-wrenching I couldn't help but wrap my clothes tightly around me.

On a high building in the academy, a warm fire dissipated the coldness of the ice and snow.


Luo Yan was drinking tea and enjoying the snow with Zi Nu, while dealing with many matters in the academy.

As the new year is approaching, Luo Yan can no longer continue paddling. Many things need to be decided by him, such as the list of students in the Academy next year, how many people to recruit, which group of people to focus on, and the distribution of materials, etc. These students cannot be allowed to study. But don't care about the life and death of your parents at home.

They need to make arrangements for food, clothing, housing and transportation. These students will be the grassroots of the future Qin State, which is related to the stability of the Qin State's framework.

"The dignitaries of any country are all the same."

Luo Yan looked at part of the list and couldn't help but chuckle. He was not surprised as he was used to this matter.

As a powerful person, you naturally have special power and connections. There is no so-called fairness in this world, and those in power can only maintain relative fairness. The role of the Academy is only to give ordinary people a chance, and to give people like Li Si a chance to rise. ladder.

The function of the imperial examination lies in this, otherwise what relationship would the upper class have with the people below?

"How do you plan to arrange it?"

Zi Nu's deep purple eyes blinked slightly, reflecting Luo Yan's face, and asked while helping Luo Yan sort out the list.

Luo Yan thought for a moment and said softly: "Common people account for 60%, and children of powerful people account for 40%."

"Is it too much?"

Zi Nu hesitated for a moment and said.

Luo Yan shook his head, took a sip of tea from the side, moistened his throat, and then said: "Although I don't want to admit it, at this stage, we have to rely on the support of the powerful children. If we want to change this situation, we must at least do it first." After a group of students graduate.”

After the first batch of students graduates, the top students will advance to advanced studies, while the rest can go down to the grassroots level and become county magistrates and the like to govern the country. In addition, they also need to be responsible for teaching and educating people.

At that time, Luo Yan planned to open Xuegong branches in various counties in order to prepare for the future imperial examinations.

If nothing unexpected happens, a framework can be built within ten years and it will take shape in thirty years.

The cost of this project will not be small, but the benefits are also obvious.

Zi Nu looked at Luo Yan with a half-smile, and said, "By then, will you be considered a disciple everywhere?"

What is calculation?

That's basically it.

Luo Yan thought so in his heart, but he said humbly: "I don't care about these false reputations."

"You are the only one who believes in ghosts~"

Zinu covered her mouth and smiled softly, rolling her eyes at Luo Yan coquettishly. She didn't believe that Luo Yan was so pure, but no matter what Luo Yan's thoughts were, this matter was ultimately a good thing for everyone in the world.

Thinking of this, Zi Nu's smile faded slightly, she looked at Luo Yan, hesitated, and said, "Will Qin treat people from the six countries equally in the future?"

"Are the people of the Six Kingdoms not Qin people? This generation may not be, but their descendants are Qin people."

Luo Yan said directly without hesitation, while lowering his head and continuing to look at the list.

The approximate candidates have been decided, and the place of origin, date of birth, etc. are indicated behind each name. This is to ensure that the students have a clean foundation. We cannot spend a lot of effort on training, only to end up training two or five children. That would be boring.

The beautiful purple girl looked at Luo Yan with complicated eyes, but hesitated to speak.

"Don't think so much, I will take care of things in Korea."

Luo Yan reached out and held Zi Nu's hand, looked up at her, and said softly.

He did not tell Zi Nu that Wei Zhuang had caused a lot of trouble in South Korea recently. The Qin State was already very dissatisfied with this. As expected, they would take action against South Korea next year and also take care of Wei Zhuang. If he knew It's okay to retreat if it's difficult. If you resist stubbornly, the outcome won't be good.

The Qin army is not a vegetarian.

Zi Nu nodded slightly and said nothing more.

After taking care of the list, Luo Yan took Zi Nu to Nian Duan.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw Duanmu Rong, who was wearing a white coat and holding a big fat rabbit in her arms. Her appearance was beautiful and complemented the ice and snow beside her. She had an indescribable softness and made people feel very comfortable.

At first glance, Duan Murong's facial features are just beautiful, not extremely beautiful, but if you keep staring at her, you will find that the beauty is like a gentle drizzle.

In contrast, Guren's beauty is bright and requires decoration. It would be even better if her two big white legs were exposed.

"...Marquis Yueyang, sister Zinu."

Duan Murong was stroking the big fat rabbit when he spotted Luo Yan with his clear apricot eyes. His eyes suddenly brightened and he came over to greet him. When he realized that Zi Nu was also coming with him, Brother Luo immediately held back what he said and changed his words. .

Luo Yan didn't correct him. He was still very disciplined when Zi Nu was by his side. He was not a scumbag, seducing another woman in front of his own woman.

"Is Mr. Nianduan feeling well?"

Luo Yan asked, his tone a bit concerned, but it was not false, he really hoped that Nian Duan could live longer.

At least we have to build the medical school of the Academy.

It's a pity that Nian Duan's body was a little weak, especially in the winter, and he began to stay in bed. He seemed to be unable to catch the wind and cold, and his face was pale and colorless.

As for how to treat it, even Duanmu Rong has no idea, because doctors have always worked with herbs, and their own resistance to medicine is very strong. When you are sick, it is very difficult to deal with.

In the original work, Duanmu Rong had her heart broken and lay down "for the rest of her life".

Most descendants of medical families have extremely strong vitality, but are also extremely fragile.

Because doctors don’t heal themselves.

This is not to say that it is difficult to treat oneself, but that once a doctor becomes ill, it is a terminal illness that cannot be treated.

Just like modern people take cold medicine, one pill is effective when you are a child, but when you grow up, you don’t feel it even if you drink more than a dozen bottles of water. It’s not that your body resistance has become worse, but that your body is becoming more and more immune to these drugs. Either your body or the virus has gotten used to it.

"It's pretty stable for now."

Duan Murong's light purple eyes flashed with worry, she opened her thin lips and spoke softly.

For the time being... Luo Yan's heart sank slightly. In the original work, Nian Duan should have died two or three years later, but now because of his intervention, Nian Duan did not stay in the mountains and old forests to spend his old age peacefully. Some things are difficult to say. .

As Luo Yan often says, everyone's energy is limited.

A person is like a candle. This candle has been lit since birth and will continue to burn until it goes out.

During this period, someone encountered wind and rain and extinguished it.

And different people have different lengths.

You may not believe in fate, but sometimes fate is so fucked up.

"Let me go in and see Mr. Nianduan. Is she awake?"

Luo Yan asked.

Duan Murong nodded and took Luo Yan and Duan Murong into the house. However, before entering the house, she threw the big fat rabbit in her arms into the snow because the rabbit's poop was a bit smelly. , not suitable for keeping in the house, as it will affect your mindfulness and rest.

It seems that he has gained weight again... Luo Yan looked at the rabbit and couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

According to the lifespan of a rabbit, this rabbit should be killed as it is at its most fertile.

But Duanmu Rong likes it very much~

inside the house.

Nian Duan was leaning on the soft couch, covered with a quilt, and the warm fire dissipated the cold. However, in Luo Yan's perception, Nian Duan was lifeless, even his breathing was a bit shallow, and his face was extremely pale. , very similar to how Luo Yan pretended to be sick.

However, Luo Yan was pretending, but Nian Duan was not.

"Rong'er, take this girl out and wait. Marquis Yueyang and I have something to say."

Nian Duan's eyes were gentle and calm, and he looked at everyone calmly. Without waiting for everyone to speak, he explained to Duan Murong.

Duan Murong was a little surprised, glanced at Luo Yan, nodded, and then walked out of the house with Zi Nu.

Zi Nu didn't think much about it, feeling that Nian Duan had something serious to discuss with Luo Yan. After all, Luo Yan had just summoned doctors from the six countries to Qin some time ago to edit medical techniques and plan to integrate the world's medical books to benefit the world.

The two women walked out.

Nian Duan looked at Luo Yan, very calm and indifferent, with a pair of unruffled eyes, as if he had seen too many things, as if he knew he would die one day.

To put it simply, this look is very much like that of a doctor, especially one who is used to seeing life and death.

When a person sees too much life and death, his heart becomes numb.

Habits are terrible things.

"On behalf of the doctors, I would like to thank you. You have fulfilled your promise to me."

Nian Duan was silent for a long time before speaking to break the calm.

Combining the dozens of medical books given by Luo Yan, Nian Duan synthesized three medical books that could be handed down from generation to generation. Their original copies are placed in the academy library. Perhaps these three medical books exhausted her last bit of energy. Nian Duan's condition deteriorated a bit quickly.

"Mr. Nianduan said something harsh, I should thank you sir!"

Luo Yan looked solemn, bowed his hands with a bit of respect, and said in a deep voice.

He didn't expect Nian Duan to suddenly fall ill.

If he had known it in advance, he might...maybe wouldn't have changed anything, because Nianduan had her own choice. As the current head of a medical family, her decision could not be changed because of Luo Yan's suggestion.

No matter what era, there will always be a group of cute "idiots" who are respectable.

"Without you, I would never be able to do these things in my lifetime."

Nian Duan continued to speak, speaking very slowly and without emotion, as if he was stating a fact.

"Qin has the world in mind. If it can continue to be like this, it will be a good thing for the people of the world. I hope that Marquis Yueyang can always maintain his original intention."

What she saw and heard in Qin during this period made Nianduan change some of her views, especially everything in the academy, which made Nianduan see another possibility, a very beautiful future. Unfortunately, she might not see it. Not long after, she knew how long she had left to live.

Perhaps because he was used to seeing life and death, he had a vague premonition about his own life and death.

"I will!"

Luo Yan nodded and said, he has never changed his original intention.

Thinking of this, Luo Yan looked at Nianduan and asked, "Mr. Nianduan, is there any way to treat your condition?"

"I hurt my heart when I was young, and the root of the disease has been left. No medicine is useful anymore, so you don't have to worry about my affairs."

Nian Duan said softly, with some waves in his eyes, as if he remembered the past.

Heart pulse? !

Luo Yan couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth. Why did he feel that Nianduan's script was somewhat similar to Duan Murong's script, but he obviously couldn't find out about Nianduan's past, and Duan Murong probably didn't know either.

"Compared to this matter, I'm more concerned about Ronger's affairs."

Nian Duan took a deep breath, looked at Luo Yan with a slightly serious look, and said slowly.

Luo Yan blinked and looked at Nian Duan innocently. Apart from touching Duan Murong's little hand, he had never done anything else. He was innocent.

Everyone knows that he, Luo Zhengchun, has always treated girls with integrity.

"Rong'er likes you, do you know this?"

Nian Duan asked calmly.

As an experienced person, how could Nian Duan fail to see Duan Murong's thoughts? It's impossible to hide the look of someone you like, let alone Duan Murong, who is silly and sweet in a certain sense.

Having a dream in my heart, hoping that people in the world will never get sick again... is silly.

He has lived in the deep mountains and forests since he was a child, and he is not familiar with the world... very white.

The girl was cute and cute. She walked out of the mountains for the first time and was exposed to the prosperity of the world by someone. Her heart was confused... very sweet.

Facing Nianduan's direct inquiry, Luo Yan felt a little embarrassed for a moment. He hesitated, nodded dryly, and said, "I know."

"I thought you were going to say you didn't know."

Nian Duan stared at Luo Yan with a hint of sarcasm and said coldly.

Since visiting Luo Yan's mansion several times, Nianduan has basically seen through what kind of person Luo Yan is. He is a romantic but not obscene person. He provokes many women, but compared to those arrogant and lewd dignitaries, Luo Yan is The words are much better.

This is also the reason why Nianduan can tolerate Luo Yan's contact with Duan Murong. Otherwise, even if Luo Yan makes a promise, Nianduan will not continue to stay in Qin.

Nianduan is more willing to keep Duan Murong than all the people in the world.

If you can't protect yourself, how can you protect the world.

Nian Duan saw this very clearly. She didn't care about her own death, but Duan Murong was her only thought and sustenance.

"Actually, I quite like Miss Rong, but I know I've provoked too many women~"

Luo Yan sighed and said bitterly.

It has to be said that it feels awkward for other people's parents to interrogate them like this, so Luo Yan can only adapt to circumstances.

Nianduan didn't listen to Luo Yan's nonsense. He just looked at Luo Yan and said in a deep voice: "I only want a promise from you. If you can't give Ronger her status, don't mess with her in this life."

Luo Yan looked at Nianduan Guang's words and couldn't help but murmured in his heart: Where is my 100 million check?

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