Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 780 Some persistence is more important than life

"It's such a happy day, Marquis Yueyang, please have a few more drinks today!"

"Marquis Yueyang is not drunk today, so we won't let Marquis Yueyang go to the bridal chamber to have flowers and candles."

"Haha, what I said is true, Marquis Yueyang, I'm waiting for a toast, you have to drink it."

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding civil servants and generals naturally started to boo, and they toasted Luo Yan with glasses of wine.

Fortunately, my inner breath is not weak, and the Three Ultimate Gu Mother Gu protects my body, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to withstand these old guys... Luo Yan muttered in his heart, but his face showed a bit of drunkenness, and he continued to deal with these guys. , and finally just pretended to be drunk and lay on the table, making everyone laugh.

"My lords, I will help Marquis Yueyang to go down and rest first."

Zhao Gao came forward with two maids, asked the maids to help Luo Yan up, and then spoke softly to the ministers.

Although the ministers were drunk, they still had some sense and did not continue to entangle, nor did they follow him to have a wedding. This is Xianyang Palace after all, and everything needs to be measured.

It was normal for Luo Yan to get drunk. Even if Luo Yan pretended to be drunk, they could guess a thing or two, but no one went into details.

On Luo Yan's happy day, could Luo Yan really be unable to get married?

"I almost couldn't get out."

Luo Yan was helped out of Zhangtai Palace, suddenly woke up, smiled bitterly, and said to Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao was not surprised by this. He nodded slightly and said softly: "I haven't wished Marquis Yueyang happiness on his wedding yet, so I'll make up for it now."

Luo Yan accepted Zhao Gao's congratulations, and then followed Zhao Gao towards the harem. Today's bridal chamber was held in Xianyang Palace. Since the wedding was held here, Ying Zheng simply gave Luo Yan one-stop service to save him from traveling back and forth. bitter.

After a while, Luo Yan was led by Zhao Gao to a palace decorated with dark red silk and happy characters.

Zhao Gao nodded slightly and signaled to Luo Yan that he could go in.

Luo Yan didn't think too much and pushed the door open.


As the palace door slowly closed, the quiet and empty palace layout was immediately revealed. The tulle hanging along the way added a bit of a festive atmosphere, and the red candles emitted a dim yellow light, dispersing the darkness in the palace.

Luo Yan walked into it, and soon he saw a figure in a wedding robe, sitting dignifiedly by the bed. The figure was curvaceous, and the waist was restrained to an extremely slender shape. The perfect curvature made people yearn for it, especially the posture of sitting upright. Straight waist, elegant and noble, with unparalleled temperament.

I will also have a wife in the future, and my mother will no longer have to worry about me being a bachelor... Luo Yan sighed in his heart, feeling a little sad for no reason, because after getting married, he would no longer be a boy.

While joking in his heart, Luo Yan had already opened the curtain and walked in.


Luo Yan stopped suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief.

Because the woman sitting beside the bed wearing a wedding robe turned out not to be his wife Yan Fei today, but the Queen Mother Zhao Ji!

Damn it? !

Luo Yan's expression suddenly froze, and in his mind ten thousand grass and mud horses were galloping past, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

What is Zhao Ji doing?

If you want to play the wedding game, you can play with her in private some other time. Today is his wedding day. If Zhao Ji plays such a game, someone could easily die. Do you want to be so cruel?

Well, she is the Queen Mother of Qin, and this is Xianyang Palace, so she has the right to be willful.

"Why, aren't you happy to see me?"

The clothes Zhao Ji wore were extremely formal, almost exactly the same as Concubine Yan's wedding robe. She wore light makeup on her face, which made her even more stunningly beautiful. Her eyes blinked, seductive, her red lips parted slightly, and her soft voice revealed He asked with some dissatisfaction and annoyance.

Happy, so happy... Luo Yan was about to cry. If someone caught him, he wouldn't be able to imagine that scene.

It is estimated that even a thousand years later, unofficial history will have to be recorded.

It can be regarded as a name that will last forever.

Just like Lao Ai.

People all like gossip. Not many people remember serious things, but scandalous things will definitely be remembered for a lifetime.

"Your Majesty, is this not a good day?"

Luo Yan smiled bitterly and said helplessly.

Concubine Yan was still waiting for him in the wedding room. He was not in the mood to spend time with Zhao Ji on such a day. She was too much like an animal.

"What's inappropriate~"

Zhao Ji waved her sleeves gently, stood up gracefully, her beautiful eyes suddenly became sharper, she looked at Luo Yan possessively, her tone was soft and tender, and she murmured: "I also want to have a relationship with you. wedding."

"Isn't it possible to do it some other time?"

Luo Yan couldn't laugh or cry. He had a hunch that Zhao Ji was determined to take advantage of Concubine Yan's wedding.

If I had known this earlier, it would have been better to do it in my own house, rather than having Zhao Ji control the situation. Unfortunately, it is too late to regret it now.

Zhao Ji, who is watching with eagerness, has a very clear attitude.

"No, I just want your first wedding to be witnessed by hundreds of officials."

Zhao Ji had already arrived in front of Luo Yan, raising her chin slightly, looking at Luo Yan with charming eyes, and said softly, raising her jade hand to caress Luo Yan's cheek.

You are covering your ears!

Luo Yan raised his hand and held Zhao Ji's hand, and said seriously: "But you know, this is my wedding with her, and it will never become yours and mine."

"...I can have the bridal chamber with you before her."

Zhao Ji's expression paused for a moment, then she looked into Luo Yan's eyes and said slowly.

What's the use? !

Luo Yan suddenly felt that he could not understand women's brain circuits, especially when these women were jealous, which was even more outrageous and completely unreasonable.

Zhao Ji's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, she looked at Luo Yan and asked, "Why, you don't want to?"

I... Luo Yan said dryly: "I just don't think it's appropriate."

Zhao Ji's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, she glanced at Luo Yan charmingly, and said domineeringly and gently, "It's okay if it's inappropriate. If you don't agree, you won't be able to find your little girl when you leave this palace today." Wife~"

I admit, I was careless!

Luo Yan was suffering from the pain of conscience in his heart, and at the same time, he also felt a little bit of joy in suffering.

Life is like that, you never know when the unexpected will come, it is better to accept it silently than to resist.

"Husband, why don't you have a drink with me?"

Zhao Ji walked to the table, picked up the wine bottle, glanced at Luo Yan with her beautiful eyes, and said invitation.

Can you hurry up, I'm in a hurry... Luo Yan looked at Zhao Ji who was trying to flirt, and felt anxious for the first time. When he thought of Concubine Yan waiting for him in an empty palace somewhere, he felt a little sad. It turns out that he still has some conscience after all, and feels a little uncomfortable after doing bad things.

As a creature like a man, before marriage and after marriage are two different things after all.

Some people behave well before marriage, but become promiscuous after marriage.

Some people are just the opposite.

In fact, he, Luo, is a good man at heart.

Luo Yan hugged Zhao Ji and thought reservedly that he felt it was not his problem.

After all, he was forced to do it.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Just when Luo Yan had to deal with Zhao Ji.

Han Fei on the other side came to the territory of the Yin Yang family and approached the Moon God.

Luna is still wearing the ice blue dress with the crescent moon graphic and text. She is elegant and mysterious, with veils covering her eyes that seem to see through people's hearts. She has a cold and aloof temperament, with her hands folded on her lower abdomen. Standing there, with a dignified and cold posture, he was like a fairy in the moon palace.

When Luna saw Han Fei, she was quite surprised. She opened her thin lips and said, "Master Tingwei, aren't you going to attend the wedding banquet? If I remember correctly, you and Marquis Yueyang are close friends."

"Aren't Your Excellency Moon God and Your Excellency Dong Jun from the same sect? Why are you here alone?"

Han Fei looked at Moon God calmly and indifferently with a smile on his face, and said softly.

Because the bride is not me... Naturally, the Moon God would not explain anything to Han Fei, and said calmly: "Master Ting Wei, please tell me the purpose of coming here."

She didn't have any leisure time to talk nonsense with others today. If it weren't for Han Fei's special status and her irreconcilable relationship with Luo Yan, she might not have come out to meet him.

"Canglong Qisu."

Han Fei's expression paused slightly, his eyes became more serious, he looked at the Moon God and said slowly.

Moon God's expression remained motionless, but Han Fei felt that he was locked by a force of energy, with a strong sense of oppression. Obviously, his words stimulated Moon God. Things about Canglong Qisu have always been the secrets guarded by the Yin and Yang family. If outsiders want to pursue it, they must be enemies of the Yin Yang family.

Over the past hundreds of years, the Yin Yang family has killed countless people who pursued this secret.

"I almost forgot, Mr. Tingwei is still the ninth son of South Korea."

Yueshen Qi restrained, her thin lips opened slightly, and she said softly, as a member of the Korean royal family, it is normal to know this secret.

There are many people in this world who know this secret, but there are very few people who dare to pursue this secret. There are people in every country who guard this secret. The Yin and Yang family maintains the balance of this secret and is responsible for dealing with some pretentious and vain attempts to pursue it. people.

"South Korea has been destroyed, and this secret has also disappeared into the sea. Seven countries, seven copper boxes, a secret that has lasted for thousands of years. I am very curious about what the truth is."

Han Fei looked at Moon God and said slowly.

"It's a taboo and you shouldn't seek the truth about it."

Luna said calmly.

Han Fei said, minding his own business: "Five hundred years ago, the Yin Yang family broke away from Taoism, took a different approach, and formed its own sect, pursuing the limits of heaven and man. At that time, a major event also happened, and that was the rise of Duke Zheng Zhuang. , his rise also started a period of chaos.

I am very curious whether there is a connection between the two and whether it is related to Canglong Qisu. This is also the purpose of my coming here. "

Luna's eyes were no longer calm, and she looked at Han Fei with some solemnity. Han Fei seemed to have found a lot of things, but for a moment, her eyes became indifferent, indifferent and ethereal, as if there was no human emotion: "There are some secrets that you don't know." It’s time to pursue it, it will only bring you death and destruction.”

The quiet voice seemed to have a unique rhythm, which was breathtaking.

For a moment, Han Fei felt that everything around him slowed down, as if the space was freezing and his soul was about to be pulled away. However, this feeling of emptiness only lasted for a moment. A dead power emerged from his body, as if he could... Annihilate everything.

Suddenly, the frozen picture in front of him collapsed, and at the same time, the black and white world of death slowly spread out, covering the courtyard.

The undead with long gray hair and simple armor walked out and stood calmly next to Han Fei, with a death-like whisper ringing in his ears.

"I've experienced death and I'm not afraid of it."

Han Fei woke up, looked at Luna with calm eyes, and spoke softly.

Luna's attitude verified his suspicion that the Yin Yang family and Zheng Guogong did have a relationship, and were even deeply entangled.

Han Fei unlocked the telepathy technique, but Luna stared at the undead that suddenly appeared on the side. The aura of death that swallowed everything made her hair stand on end. The undead in front of her was extremely dangerous.

"Is this your confidence?"

Moon God asked coldly, and at the same time he felt a little unbelievable that someone could control the power of the undead, and it was so pure. The most important thing was that Han Fei was still alive.

"This is not confidence, it is just a bargaining chip. If it were not the case, Lord Luna would not talk to me properly."

Han Fei raised his hand towards his old friend, indicating that nothing was wrong, then looked at Luna and chuckled.

Ni Lin also slowly dissipated, seeming to have returned to the land of death.

"Negotiation? Han Fei, are you going to make an enemy of the Yin and Yang family?"

Luna said indifferently.

Although an undead made her fearful, it was not enough to scare her.

"I just want to pursue the truth of this world. It is rumored that there is a force that dominates everything in the world. I am very curious about what it is."

Han Fei smiled slightly and asked in a friendly manner without any threat.

"Curious? Your curiosity will only lead you to death."

Moon Goddess said in an extremely cold tone. At this moment, she had already murderous intentions towards Han Fei, because Han Fei had already touched the taboos of the Yin and Yang family, and he had found out some truth.

Duke Zheng Zhuang is indeed related to the Yin Yang family, and is even deeply involved. Only a few people in the Yin Yang family know this secret.

Han Fei was able to find out here!

"I'm just pursuing the truth and don't want to do anything. You really want to kill me?"

Han Fei smiled bitterly.

Moon God didn't answer, but looked at Han Fei indifferently, his meaning was obvious.

Han Fei sighed softly, looked at the starry sky exposed under the sunset, and said calmly: "Canglong Qisu, a beautiful name, represents the stars, full of hope, but it's a pity..."

After the words fell.

Han Fei's expression suddenly became solemn, he looked at Moon God seriously, and said in a deep voice: "Make a deal, answer what I want to know, and I can hand over my life to your Yin and Yang family, how about that?"

At this moment, Han Fei had the courage and demeanor of being the ninth prince of South Korea.


Luna looked at Han Fei in shock. For a moment, she couldn't understand what Han Fei was thinking, but he used his own life as a condition for a truth that was destined to be unavailable.

He pondered for a moment.

Luna said: "There are many people pursuing this secret, and you are the most special one among them."

"Everyone is the most special being in the world."

Han Fei smiled slightly and said softly.

Luna asked softly: "I don't understand why you insist so much. Is it okay to sacrifice your life for this?"

"Some persistence is more important than life."

Han Fei said calmly.

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