Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 798 Another big liar

It is easy to destroy the State of Zhao, but how to govern it is a big trouble. Most Zhao people are extremely resistant to the State of Qin and are very uncooperative. This caused a lot of turmoil, and they could only use the army to suppress it, which added a lot of trouble. The casualties aggravated the conflict, and it was not until the end of July that things stabilized a lot.

Because the Qin State transported a lot of grain from the country to the Zhao State's territory, as long as there was no trouble, they could just eat.

Although it is a batter soup made from cassava, in this world, it is very difficult for those who have a stutter to survive. At least it made many Zhao people change their views on Qin.

Of course, there are also some people who are on hunger strike, those are the staunch ones.

Even if they starve to death and jump off the cliff, they will not eat anything Qin eats.

In a mansion, Luo Yan also looked at the disaster situation in the Zhao Kingdom with some headaches. This drought has almost swept across most of the Zhao Kingdom. The autumn harvest of food was less than 20% of previous years, which directly led to a large-scale famine. Then there was a major earthquake, and even plague appeared in some areas.

Luo Yan's scalp was numb when he saw it. He had no choice but to transfer people from Qin State and pull out some students from the academy to practice.

Those who can survive will be able to serve as officials in Zhao State in the future. Those who cannot survive will be pulled back to become teachers.

These days, those who can read are all highly qualified people.

From morning to night, Luo Yan only had time to close his eyes and rest for a while. If he had known this, he would not have come out. As a result, now this mess fell on his head. Personnel dispatch, material dispatch, disaster situation, etc. all needed to be done. Processing, I was so busy that my head exploded.

He finally understood why few of the big officials in ancient times were addicted to women. How could they have the energy?

Dealing with official duties can make you mentally and physically exhausted.

With a gust of fragrant wind, Concubine Yan appeared behind Luo Yan, her soft jade hands gently touched the acupuncture points on Luo Yan's forehead, squeezed gently, and said in a gentle voice: "If you feel tired, husband, you may as well rest for a while before dealing with it."

Luo Yan leaned in Concubine Yan's soft arms, hugged her slender waist, and arched her waist to make her fit more comfortable. Then he hummed and said, "There are a group of people below waiting to eat. I'll be slower here." , they have to go hungry, and if they are hungry, they will cause trouble, and if they cause trouble, people will die, and if someone loses their life, the matter will be complicated."

Historically, the State of Qin must have been extremely ruthless in its treatment of the State of Zhao, and there would be no such thing as disaster relief, but now that Luo Yan and Cassava have appeared, these things have happened.

If there were no cassava, with Ying Zheng's determination, he would never slow down for the life and death of some people in Zhao State.

It doesn't matter even if he loses all the people's support in Zhao State.

Yingzheng will bring down the entire world and govern it in a unified way, instead of wasting national power, thankless, and slowing down.

The former is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and may even be thankless, while the latter is bound to leave consequences.

We can only neutralize it and try to reduce the casualties on Zhao's territory.

"The husband is righteous~"

Concubine Yan gently rubbed Luo Yan's head and said softly.

Luo Yan also feels that his moral character is quite noble. Compared with his cheap brother Guo Kai who has already burped, he is simply a model of a saint. As for whether Guo Kai's death will have any bad effects, for example, no treacherous minister will be willing to serve Luo Yan in the future. Word effectiveness and so on.

This is nothing to worry about.

What is the purpose of the traitor's surrender?

What matters is profit. Will they become virtuous ministers because of one person's death?

What's more, of the remaining four countries, Yan is Qin's lackey. The current prime ministers are all from Qin, so Qi can basically ignore it. The remaining Chu and Wei will definitely take action.

National conditions are different, and the available means are naturally different.

In the two countries of Chu and Wei, there were no treacherous ministers who could cover the sky with one hand. This also greatly reduced Guo Kai's value. He could not be a role model at all. It was better to send him to heaven directly to persuade Wucheng to surrender. It was a pity that the northern soldiers in Wucheng He is more iron-clad and would rather die than surrender and let Guo Kai die in vain.

But not many people know about it.

The Qin generals who are qualified to know the truth of the matter will not talk nonsense. As for the enemy generals, they are all dead. The remaining low-level soldiers know even less, so naturally there are no hidden dangers.

He is still the noble Yueyang Marquis of Great Qin, and this persona has never collapsed.

In addition, now that he is providing disaster relief in Zhao State, his reputation has been wiped out. At least now many people in Zhao know that Luo Yan is doing this.

Luo Yan is not the kind of fool who does good deeds without leaving his name behind.

Luo Yan hugged Concubine Yan's waist tightly, her little mouth was like honey, and the love words came out of her mouth: "I am not a righteous person, I am just your man, and for you, I can become Despicable and shameless, in my heart, you are everything to me."

"My husband is everything to me~"

The affection in Concubine Yan's eyes became even stronger, her thin lips opened slightly, and she spoke softly.

Compared to Luo Yan's words, Concubine Yan's words were undoubtedly more genuine and came from deep in her heart.

From now on, when the moon god bullies me, you have to protect me... Luo Yan thought to himself, but with a smile on his face, he stood up, took Concubine Yan's hand, and said with a smile: "I haven't been with you properly during this time, let's go. Come on, go out for a walk."

"Then these..."

Concubine Yan blinked her beautiful eyes, glanced absently at the copywriting on the desk, and said to Luo Yan.

"There's no need to rush, and it won't take more than an hour or two."

Luo Yan chuckled and said, he is not the kind of good person who dedicates himself to others, no matter what his responsibilities are, he and the people around him are not as important.

When people live in this world, they still have to please themselves.

Life is short, don't be sad, be happy all the time.

Concubine Yan instantly showed a beautiful smile and followed Luo Yan step by step. Her eyes were full of him, and there was no room for anything else.

It's a pity that they are not here. When will I, Luo, be able to sleep with me... Luo Yan held Concubine Yan's hand and muttered wishfully.

This guy is truly a man.

Half a month later, Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang under the escort of the army. As for Luo Yan, he used the excuse to deal with Zhao's mess. After the helpers from Xianyang City arrived one after another, he simply let go. Said: This is an assessment for you. Don’t read rotely when studying. You must practice it yourself to know what is right and wrong.

In this regard, the disciples of the Academy and some Confucian teachers nodded seriously. They were still very convinced of Luo Yan, the Grand Tutor of the Qin State, because what Luo Yan did was indeed beneficial to the people of the world.

As for Luo Yan's private life.

Public is public, private is private. No one can find fault with Luo Yan in his official life. As for his private life, to be honest, compared to the nobles of this era, he is already very clean and self-sufficient.

This is the self-cultivation and pride of modern people.

In the next half month, I monitored the work efficiency of these people, and at the same time accompanied Concubine Yan on her honeymoon, and unlocked a variety of unique postures. The time passed happily, and we entered the end of August.

Luo Yan did not stay in the Zhao Kingdom for a long time. He took Concubine Yan and headed towards Jinghu Lake. At the same time, he missed Jing Salamander a little in his heart.

It has been almost three months since I left Xianyang, and Jingli's belly is probably a lot bigger.

He was going to be a father after all, and he was no longer the boy who was always young and refreshed every day.

When people have concerns, many things become different.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Mirror Lake is 300 miles away and the scenery is picturesque everywhere.

The lake is rippling with blue waves. On it, there are lush lotus leaves and lotus flowers in full bloom, blooming with their own beauty. June to August every year is the most beautiful season for lotus. Each kind of flower has its own season. .

The gentle breeze swayed the flowers and rippled the lake water.

On one side of Jinghu Lake, there is a medical village, where many nearby civilians and people from the world come to treat their illnesses.

Since the death of Nian Duan, the head of the medical family, Duan Murong has become the owner of this medical village, practicing medicine and saving people. Life seems to have returned to the past, but there is one more person in his heart than before. The only thing that remains unchanged is It was the kind heart of treating illnesses and saving lives and the wooden sign hanging in front of the door. The rules on it were left by the teacher, so naturally she would not touch them.

He collects herbs and treats diseases in the mountains every day. In his free time, he writes down some recent events and sends them to Luo Yan Fei Ge.

As for whether the flying pigeon could travel a long distance, Duan Murong had not thought about it carefully. In short, the letter would always be delivered to Luo Yan, and the reply would be very fast.

Snare Killer:...

Who the leader is will actually affect the professional level of the people below him.

Just don’t mention it.

On this day, Duanmu Rong was treating a young child. After the treatment, he handed a few packets of herbal medicine to an old woman and said: "Take it once every three days and you will be cured."

After saying that, Duan Murong smiled slightly at the young child, her elegant and refined face showing an indescribable kindness.

"Thank you, Doctor Rong."

The old woman and her young child bowed deeply and saluted Duan Murong to express their gratitude.

Duan Murong helped the other person up, saying that he didn't need it, and then sent him to the door. Only this time, there was another person at the door, wearing a black and white robe. It was Yan Dan, the current Mo family tycoon and the crown prince of the Yan Kingdom.

The Six-Fingered Black Man disappeared for many years, and Yan Dan was in charge of Mo Mei. This position gradually became stable. In addition, most of the disciples disappeared with the Six-Fingered Black Man, leaving the Mo family empty. Yan Dan did not spend much time and energy. He controlled the entire Mo family and even attracted many people from the Yan Kingdom.

There is never a shortage of like-minded people in this world.

The Mohist philosophy is to love without aggression, and there are definitely not a few people who hate war in this world.

With the paradise of Guancheng City, developing Mohist disciples really shouldn’t be too easy.

Yan Dan looked at Duan Murong with gentle eyes, displaying her gentle and aristocratic demeanor, being humble and polite. After Duan Murong sent the patient away, she asked: "Miss Duan Mu, the man and woman who were sent here a few days ago, Are you okay now?"

"The woman is okay, the man still needs to rest for a while."

Duan Murong looked at Yan Dan and said softly.

She was no stranger to this person. Her master Nianduan had a good relationship with the Mohist giant Six-Fingered Black Man. Yan Dan, as a disciple of Six-Fingered Black Man, naturally had contact with Duan Murong. Coming out of the mountain with Duan Murong is also related to Yan Dan. (Yan Dan suffered life threats from Luo Yan)

However, because of Yan Dan, Duan Murong met Luo Yan. At the same time, the master also fulfilled his wish, left medical works, and even cooperated with Xuanhuang Academy of Qin to improve the medical system.

It is foreseeable that in a few decades, treating diseases will not be as difficult as it is now.

I only hope that future generations of doctors will never forget their original intention of studying medicine.

Yan Dan nodded and said softly: "Thank you very much, Miss Duanmu. If not for Miss Duanmu's treatment, their lives would have been in danger."

"The Mohists are not wrong in preventing wars, but blindly preventing wars will only lead to more wars."

Duan Murong hesitated for a moment, then spoke to Yan Dan.

She knew that the man and the woman were injured due to the battle between Qin and Zhao, but it had nothing to do with her. As long as they did not violate the rules left by the master, she would treat them... Even if they violated the rules, she would sometimes treat them. , as her master said, Duan Murong's heart is too kind, and she can't do it while watching others lose.

Doctors originally believed that ordinary people were more reverent for life, but many people have gradually become numb... Duan Murong has not yet entered that state.

"Miss Duanmu, does she know how many people were killed or injured in the battle between Qin and Zhao? It's not that the Mohists want to stop the war between the two countries, but they just don't want people to cause casualties due to personal desires. The battle between Qin and Zhao is no longer a battle on the battlefield. Now the territory of Zhao State is occupied by Qin The country was trampled on, countless people starved to death, and were even injured by weapons. They were just ordinary people.

The Mo family just hopes that the ordinary people of Zhao State can have fewer casualties, even if it is only a small part. "

Yan Dan sighed softly and said with some regret.

Duan Murong pursed her lips. In recent days, she had also heard a lot about things between Qin and Zhao. In this battle, Zhao suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties, which was no less than the casualties in the Battle of Changping. But Luo Yan She once told her that if the world were unified, there would be no more wars.

But the road to unification is doomed to be littered with corpses, and no one will understand, especially the Warring States Period of seven countries.

The Seven Kingdoms have lasted for hundreds of years, how could they accept each other so easily.

It is inevitable that Qin will be hated by other countries.

Yan Dan looked solemnly, looked at Duanmu Rong, and said in a deep voice: "The world is unkind and treats ordinary people as stupid dogs. It is a great virtue for a doctor to save people in danger. Miss Duanmu, why don't you join the Mohist family and work with us?" Let’s save the world together from water and fire.”

Every word and every sentence is righteous, sonorous and powerful, and full of persuasion.

He once again extended the invitation to Duan Murong.

The Mo family is in short supply of a doctor like Duan Murong, not to mention the connections that Duan Murong and Nianduan have accumulated over the years are extremely terrifying. If they can be used by the Mo family, they will surely be able to grow rapidly.

Duan Murong also pursed her lips, her eyes hesitant. She actually had no objection to the Mohist family, because the Mohist family's philosophy was very consistent with that of medical doctors. It was just that her master had told her before his death that he did not want her to participate in these forces. If not, , she will not leave Xianyang City.

But after all, she went against her master's words and got entangled with Luo Yan.

"Yan Dan, I haven't seen you for a while, but your eloquence has improved a lot."

At the same time, a familiar and playful voice reached the ears of Yan Dan and Duan Murong.

PS: I have to drink at night, hey, it depends on the situation

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