Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 801 On how to practice

As autumn approaches, the gentle breeze becomes a bit cooler.

Nianduan's tomb is located on the Jinghu River not far from the doctor's village. It is very simple. Apart from a tombstone, there is nothing else. If there is anything else, maybe it is the green grass and wild flowers growing around it, but with the surrounding The landscape scenery of Jinghu Lake can also be regarded as a good landscape treasure.

Death is like a light extinguishing. Perhaps in a few decades, Nian Duan's tomb here will return to dust and no one will remember it.

However, the tomb in Xuanhuang Academy should last forever.

After all, someone will remember the contribution of this medical leader to the people of the world.

That's not bad... Luo Yan sighed softly in his heart, picked up a glass of water and poured it slowly in front of Nian Duan's tombstone, splashing some alcohol.

On the side, Duan Murong knelt in front of the tombstone and kowtowed slowly. Her purple eyes showed a little sadness and a bit of guilt. After all, she did not obey her master's words obediently and was still entangled with Luo Yan, even now. Fan Hui will go to Xianyang City with him.

If the master were still alive, he would probably be very angry and even scold himself.

Just when Duan Murong was thinking about these things, a figure suddenly appeared next to her, and Luo Yan knelt down respectfully beside her, and then said respectfully to Duan Murong's surprised eyes. Duan's grave kowtowed.

Death is a big deal, not to mention that Nianduan is Duan Murong's master.

"Mr. Nianduan, don't worry, I will take good care of Ronger and protect her for the rest of her life."

Luo Yan stretched out his dog's paw, held Duan Murong's delicate hand beside him, and then made a righteous promise to Nian Duan's tombstone.

Although Nian Duan asked him not to provoke Duan Murong, this kind of thing is not something that his elders will not do if he says not to provoke it. We are all adults. How can we obey the arrangements of our elders in matters of love? What modern people pursue is free love. Nian Duan The concept is too old-fashioned.

To put it another way, even if she didn't provoke Duan Murong, would Duan Murong be happy for the rest of her life?

According to the plot of the original work, this is obviously not the case.

Luo Yan could only break the agreement he had made with Nianduan. Presumably Nianduan Quanxia would not blame himself if he knew it.

We can only blame this troubled world, there are too many bad people.

Duan Murong was so simple, and she would not be bullied to death without Luo Yan. It would be better to let the person who bullied Duan Murong become herself.

Duan Murong was held by Luo Yan, and she was still in front of her master's grave. She was also a little embarrassed. She felt like meeting Luo Yan's parents, but she could feel the force of Luo Yan's palms and the seriousness of his tone, and the feeling of struggle finally subsided. Many, raised his hand to lightly lift the bangs on his forehead, glanced at Luo Yan with his beautiful purple eyes, then pursed his lips and looked at the tombstone.

If the master were still alive and saw himself and Luo Yan like this, he would probably be angry and even say that he was disobedient.

"Master, this is my disciple's choice. Even if...even if it is really wrong, my disciple will admit it."

Duan Murong felt the warmth of Luo Yan's palm, and the shyness in her eyes gradually dissipated, and she became more determined. She was a girl who dared to love and hate. It was easy for a simple mountain girl to fall in love with someone.

A moment of heartbeat is more important than anything else.

Just like that night when Luo Yan asked her if she liked him, Duan Murong herself didn't know this question.

But as Luo Yan's kiss fell, Duanmu Rong gradually got the answer in her heart, because the feedback from her body told her that she liked it, and she was even so happy that she had shortness of breath, and there was an indescribable desire.

There was no way, Luo Yan was too good at it, and his mouth was honed in the battlefield.

As for the training process, it's roughly ABCD... after you have to recite a round of letters and use each letter skillfully, you are basically a master.

It didn't take long to pay homage to Nianduan.

After getting up, Luo Yan accompanied Duanmu Rong for a walk by the Jinghu Lake, and then returned to the medical village. Concubine Yan was pregnant after all, and he did not dare to go too far under Concubine Yan's nose. The most important thing was that Duanmu Rong Rong didn't give him a chance. At most, she hugged and kissed him.

The two quickly returned to the medical village.

Luo Yan went to accompany Concubine Yan. As for Duanmu Rong, he cooked anti-fetal medicine for Concubine Yan and then went to deal with the patients in the medical village. There were twenty or thirty people living in this medical village, including commoners and people from the world, most of them They all came here for medical treatment during this time.

The world has been in chaos recently, and Qin's destruction of Zhao has aggravated the chaos, so many more people come to the doctor's village to see a doctor.

The most important thing is that Yan Dan has a handle on Duan Murong's temperament. Many of these people were sent by him to trick Duan Murong. However, Luo Yan's arrival broke Yan Dan's plan and forced him to give up. Duanmu Rong.

For Duan Murong and Luo Yan to face each other, this deal is obviously not worthwhile.

Especially in these troubled times.

The next few days passed uneventfully, and the relationship between Concubine Yan and Duan Murong became much closer. The relationship between Aiwu and Wu, of course, was also due to the fact that Duan Murong's own temperament was very comfortable. The two women were close. Like sisters.

This scene is basically impossible for Yan Lingji.

Thinking of Yan Lingji, Luo Yan couldn't help but rub his waist. Once Yan Lingji learned that Yan Fei was pregnant, then...Zi Nu would probably feel unwilling to do so.

It's crazy for a woman to take her own life.

They are all gold-eating beasts.


But luckily Concubine Yan is pregnant, otherwise she would be three times happier.

. . . . . . . . . .

On this day, Luo Yan was bored fishing by Jing Lake, and Concubine Yan stayed with her. As for Duanmu Rong, the patients in the medical village still needed her to treat, so naturally she didn't have that much time to accompany Luo Yan, not to mention Concubine Yan in Luo Yan There is no difference between Duan Murong's presence and absence around her.

Regarding her relationship with Luo Yan, Duan Murong hoped that Luo Yan could keep it secret. She didn't want the women in Luo Yan's house to know about her relationship with Luo Yan.

It’s understandable that girls are thin-skinned.

After all, a serious girl like Duan Murong is different from the coquettish bitch like Tian Mi. She has self-respect and enough self-love, but she is too simple and has not seen much of the world.

There is a saying that if you don’t fall in love a few times and get to know a few scumbag men and scumbag women, how can you know the dangers of the world, and how can you know what it’s like to love someone.

Our ancestors said it well, every time you learn a lesson, you will gain wisdom.

It is the first time for everyone to come to the world. Without anyone to teach us, we can only rely on experience and insights. This is a part of life.

It's just that everyone's luck is different.

Some people get it right the first time they bet, and some people never get it right in their lifetime.

I think back then, when Luo Yan was in kindergarten, he was very innocent and didn't give kisses to those aunts.

Time is really a butcher's knife.

Luo Yan raised the fishing rod and complained to Concubine Yan: "There are not many fish in Jinghu Lake~"

He originally wanted to catch a fish to replenish Concubine Yan's body, but the food in the medical village was mediocre, with chickens, ducks, fish, and pigs basically non-existent. The meat for the past few days was hunted by the Snare Killer in the mountains and forests... Actually, he really wanted to I stewed the hare, but Duanmu Rong has been raising it for nearly three years and has developed feelings for it.

Concubine Yan covered her mouth and chuckled, looking at Luo Yan with her beautiful eyes. She said that her husband's fishing skills were a bit miserable.

Compared to fishing, it would be easier to use your inner strength to blow up the lake.

With the combination of perception and internal strength, the fish can be easily taken out of the lake.

But this generally makes life less interesting.

Luo Yan didn't mind Concubine Yan's jokes either. Fishing was a small thing to cultivate sentiments, and making his wife laugh was the real thing. He moved the fishing rod and was quite curious. Yan Dan actually didn't do anything to him, which made him It's a bit of a waste of hope.

It seems that in the past few years, Yan Dan has become much calmer in his work, and his accounting has made more gains and losses.

Think of this.

Luo Yan said: "Mo Crow."

After the words fell, a figure appeared behind him. He was dressed in a black tights, with a slicked back hair, and his flowing hair shone in the sun, as if he had been smeared with hair gel. He had an evil temperament, but his behavior was very respectful. He raised his hands and saluted. :"grown ups."

"Don't be in a daze. Go check to see if anything has happened in Yan State recently, especially about Prince Yan Dan. Also, contact Zhan Ri and ask him if there are any secrets he has buried in Yan State and Chu State. Son, I’ll need it some time later.”

Luo Yan turned his back to Mo Ya and gave instructions casually.

As he finished speaking, the fishing rod sank suddenly, and a fish took the bait, even a small one, which surprised Luo Yan.

"Took the bait!"

Luo Yan smiled at Concubine Yan.

When Mo Ya saw this scene, he obediently said nothing and remained standing.

After a while, Luo Yan fished a crucian carp weighing seven to eight taels out of the water. Looking at the bright black color, he felt very good. He glanced at Mo Ya who was still standing there and added: "Clean up the surrounding areas." Be clean. If the people of the Mo family listen to the advice, there is no need to use force. If they don't listen, you can do whatever you want.

Don't make too much noise and disturb the medical village. "

Luo Yan didn't want Duan Murong to come into contact with things that were too bloody and dark. He liked Duan Murong's pure purity, maybe because his heart was dark enough.

People in darkness always yearn for light.

Just like Luo Yan, he always longs for love. With so many women who love him deeply, he still feels a little empty, lonely and cold inside.


Mo Ya cupped his hands and responded, then he disappeared in a flash.

After Mo Crow left, Concubine Yan's beautiful eyes moved slightly, she looked at Luo Yan and asked softly: "If my husband doesn't like that Mo family giant, just send someone to get rid of him. If it's inconvenient, you can let him go." Shao Siming takes action."

The Yin Yang family has too many ways for people to be tricked silently.

Many tycoons of the Mohist family in the past dynasties died at the hands of the Yin and Yang family.

"It's still useful to keep him, so don't worry about these things and just raise the baby with peace of mind."

Luo Yan put the fish into the fish basket, washed his hands, and then looked at Concubine Yan's concerned eyes and chuckled.

In addition to assassinating Qin in this plan, the favor of the Six-fingered Black Man also made Luo Yan hesitant. He was unwilling to do things too far. Of course, it still had to be seen whether Yan Dan would make a fool of himself. If he went too far, Luo Yan would not save him even if he was stupid enough to die.

Of course, I won't send anyone to kill him.

Speaking of which, Luo Yan and Yan Dan had no grudges. Luo Yan was the one bullying Yan Dan most of the time... Hey, the world of adults is so boring, and grudges arise out of nowhere.

There is no so-called right or wrong. Interest disputes are the biggest right and wrong.

If Yan Dan is blocking the road, then he is naturally his opponent and needs to be eradicated. If he is not blocking the road, there is no need to pay attention to him.

"I just hope to help my husband."

Concubine Yan's beautiful eyes moved slightly and she spoke softly.

Luo Yan held Concubine Yan in his arms and caressed her belly. He felt that Donghuang Taiyi needed more attention than Yan Dan. But he had not forgotten Donghuang Taiyi from the Yinyang family. What the other party wanted was A descendant of pure blood, the child in Concubine Yan's belly may be a member of the Eastern Emperor's Taiyi plan.

But there is no need to let Concubine Yan know about this, Luo Yan will quietly disintegrate the Yin and Yang family, making Donghuang Taiyi a real loner.

In the future, I will win over the Taoist Heavenly Sect and the Human Sect...

A Donghuang Taiyi is nothing to worry about.

Of course, although you despise him in attitude, you still have to be cautious and meticulous in tactics.

"You are pregnant. Compared with those trivial matters, this is the most important thing."

Luo Yan hugged Concubine Yan and said softly.

Maybe it was due to male chauvinism, but he was still a little resistant to Concubine Yan's involvement in these things, especially after Concubine Yan became pregnant. He, a man, was better to do things like murder and arson.

Now that you are the Marquis of Yueyang of the Qin State, it is nonsense to still need the help of your own woman for such trivial matters.

Even if the risk is extremely small, Luo Yan is not willing to do it.

Even though thousands of people died outside, he didn't feel bad about it, but if it hurt Concubine Yan and the others, he still wouldn't feel bad about it to death.

When Concubine Yan heard this, she immediately leaned into Luo Yan's arms and stopped talking.

She became even more clingy after being pregnant... Luo Yan sighed in his heart as he hugged Concubine Yan with a perfect figure, feeling the tenderness and attachment.

Fortunately, it was outside. If this were at home, Yan Lingji would take a notebook and write it down when she saw it, and then cast death coil on herself at night. Two big white pythons... hiss~oh~

For the next two hours, Luo Yan held Concubine Yan fishing. During this period, Duan Murong came once, looked at her for a while, and then left again.

Because when Luo Yan and Concubine Yan were together, she felt that she was a bit redundant, but she didn't have any taste in her heart. She just felt guilty. She felt that she was stealing someone, a bit embarrassing, and not like a good girl. Things to do.

But emotional things sometimes don't matter what's right or wrong.

If you like it, you like it.

There are also people who fall in love with people they hate, what can you do?

. . . . . . . . . . .

Time flies, and half a month has passed in Jinghu Lake. During this period, Luo Yan also received many letters from the Qin State. During this period, Ying Zheng intended to take action against the Yan State.

Compared with the Wei State, the Yan State is obviously easier to bully. It can even force the Yan State to accept the Dixiao Seal and follow the old path of South Korea by directly pressing the border with troops.

Obviously Ying Zheng is addicted.

Once the game of world hegemony begins, it cannot be stopped. You can only keep playing until there are no more enemies in front of you.

This is the reason why this period is called the Warring States Period.

The fighting has not stopped for hundreds of years, and there is no one except this era.

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