Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 813 Men are so boring sometimes

Have you ever seen Scud?

Xue Nu had never paid attention to a man's legs before, nor had she the intention to study a man's legs, but tonight she saw it. Before she could even stop him, Luo Yan had already taken off his pants, revealing two thighs with leg hair. At that moment, Her thoughts paused, and she was stunned by Luo Yan's actions, and she was stunned for a moment.

After all, he is a person of status, and he can take off his clothes as soon as he wants. Even those eager dignitaries are not like this.

Luo Yan didn't take it seriously and threw his pants aside casually. Since he was the one who proposed the rules of the game, he was naturally willing to admit defeat. Then he knocked off the chess pieces on the chessboard, raised his brows slightly, and smiled at the corner of his mouth. Staring at the snow girl, he said: "You just won one set, and you still have to win two more games before you and I agree. Miss Snow Queen, you have to work hard."

Snow Girl looked at Luo Yan's thin clothes. She felt that if she won two more games, Luo Yan would not have much clothes left. By then, would the person in front of her still keep her promise?

But if he loses, the person in front of him will not let him go.

This situation seems to be a dead end.

After pondering for a while, Xue Nu looked at Luo Yan with her cold, frosty eyes, and said softly: "If you lose again, you don't need to take off your clothes."

"Play the game fairly and fairly. I'm not Korean."

Luo Yan shook his head and told a cold joke that Xue Nu couldn't understand.

"Just change the rules."

The snow girl frowned slightly and said.

Luo Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, looked into Xue Nu's eyes, and chuckled: "Is Miss Xue Nu worried that I will break my promise? Don't worry, I said that I never lie to women. As long as Miss Xue Nu can beat me in three games, even if I really Even if I take off all my clothes, I won’t show my bestiality and break the agreement.”

Hearing this, Xue Nu knew in her heart that she had no choice. She could either believe Luo Yan or take action. But in this case, her mission would have failed.

Regarding this, Xue Nu was also a little annoyed.

"Let's begin, the third set."

Luo Yan took the lead and said softly.

A flash of hesitation flashed across Xue Nu's fair and delicate face, and she started to make her move in compliance with Luo Yan's wishes.

As expected, Yukionna quickly lost the third set.

Luo Yan looked at Xue Nu, chuckled and said, "Miss Xue Nu, please."

At the same time, he looked at the figure and dress of the snow girl. The dance skirt on her body was a light blue waist-revealing dance skirt with snowflakes. It was divided into upper and lower parts, revealing a flexible and slender waist, showing a perfect arc. In terms of arc alone, Judging from the perspective of those who have experienced it, the snow girl is not small at all.

At this moment, it is inappropriate for the snow girl to take off her top or dance skirt, as her youthful beauty will inevitably be revealed.

This has become a dead end.

An ordinary dancer would naturally not care about some spring scenery, and might even take the initiative to reveal it, but the Snow Maiden obviously wouldn't, and even wrapped herself tightly. Her dance posture obviously does not need those embellishments, it is eye-catching, but in this way , it would be very troublesome to lose the chess game.

The first mover advantage is so great that it can even be said to be a sure win. This person seems to be joking, but in fact he is very scheming. He has been setting a trap for me from the beginning... The snow girl pursed her lips, slowly put down the white piece in her hand, and showed her face. A smile that is extremely beautiful and truly has the charm of a city and a country.

It is not an exaggeration to say that beauty is a disaster.

"Do you like to listen to the flute?"

However, the snow girl didn't answer the question. There was a smile on the corner of her mouth that could make men all over the world move. She said softly.

Luo Yan's eyes were a little strange and he couldn't help but ask: "Is it possible that Miss Xue Nu wants to play the flute for me?"

This...this is so embarrassing.

He is not the kind of casual person, he is a man with wives and concubines at home!

However, the Snow Girl obviously did not mean what Luo Yan understood. She stood up gracefully and walked to the table beside her. With her slender jade fingers, she opened a delicate brocade box, inside which was placed a delicate jade flute. She held the jade flute casually. The flute was gently placed on the thin lips, and a melodious tune was played, cold and aloof, like a winter plum.

Such beautiful hands and mouth, what a pity... Luo Yan commented in his heart and began to appreciate them at the same time.

Beauty is in the bones, not the skin. This is absolutely true. Some women are intoxicating just because of their temperament, and Xue Nu is undoubtedly the best among them. However, Luo Yan's heart is like a quagmire.

Men will remain young men until they die. One is eloquent, the other is restrained, and extremely sultry.

The melodious music was so penetrating that even Mo Ya outside the house and Gao Jianli downstairs could hear it. The next moment, everyone who heard this music couldn't help but feel lonely in their hearts, as if they were in a sky full of snowflakes. , an unspeakable sadness emerged in my heart.

Mo Crow couldn't help but ask the maid who was drinking tea with him: "Your girl can also play the flute?"

"Well, the girl can play music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she's very good at it."

The maid nodded in response, with admiration in her eyes.

Mo Crow nodded.

At this moment in the house, Luo Yan was indeed quietly admiring the beauty of the snow girl.

The snow girl closed her eyes and played the music elegantly, telling her inner loneliness and sadness, just like her name, beautiful and cold.

Soon the song ended, and Xue Nu slowly opened her eyes. What came into view was not the miserable scene of Luo Yan's self-mutilation, but the scene of these guys clapping.

"The people are beautiful, the music is even more beautiful, and the artistic conception is melancholy and lofty, which is intoxicating."

Luo Yan applauded and praised.

Although he didn't know anything about music, he knew pretty well about beauties, so he was right to praise her. As for the illusion contained in the music, those little teasings were innocuous at all, and he didn't even have a slight disturbance in his mood.

After experiencing the storms of Madam Pearl, the things Snow Maiden did were just childish.

You must know that Mrs. Mingzhu's illusions are always paired with poison, and the effect is so sudden that even people with special souls like Luo Yan sometimes can't withstand it.

Snow woman, what does this mean?

If it were paired with a striptease, Luo Yan might fall for it.

That's it? !

Xue Nu blinked her eyes and looked at the intact Luo Yan with some confusion. It was difficult to keep calm in her heart. The illusion she cast had no effect on Luo Yan, as if it was lost in the sea. Although she did not use all her strength, ordinary people would never be able to resist her. The song will involuntarily fall deeply into her artistic conception, recall the sad past, and finally commit suicide.

The snow girl never kills anyone with her own hands. Usually when a song ends, the target will die on his own.

But Luo Yan is obviously an anomaly. He obviously has no internal energy fluctuations in his body, but he is immune to his own illusions.

"I've finished listening to the music. It's time for the snow girl to take off her clothes."

Luo Yan obviously wasn't very interested in the music. After listening to it, he urged Xue Nu to get down to business.

In the middle of the night, what kind of sentiment is cultivated.

If the snow girl couldn't see that Luo Yan was not an ordinary person at this time, then she would not be a snow girl anymore. She immediately stopped holding back, turned around gracefully, flicked her slender jade fingers, and aimed three sharp ice needles at Luo Yan. Then he left, and at the same time he bent forward, a sharp sword blade popped out from the end of the jade flute in his hand, and aimed at Luo Yan's heart at an extremely tricky angle.

Some women are so beautiful even when they are killing people that one can't help but want to die in her hands.

Just like those trolls on the Internet said in my previous life: trample me to death!

The snow girl's movements were not slow. Even if she was wearing high heels, her figure was as fast as a ghost. She arrived in front of Luo Yan almost at the same time as the three ice needles, wanting to kill Luo Yan directly.

Then, and then no more.

Luo Yan smashed the ice needle with a wave of his palm, stretched out his hand, and hugged the rushing Snow Girl into his arms. At the same time, he tapped his fingers to directly seal the acupuncture points on Snow Girl's body.

It's painfully skillful.

"The Snow Maiden is so enthusiastic, I'm really a little embarrassed."

Luo Yan put his arms around Xue Nu's waist and stroked it gently with his big hands, for fear of hurting the beauty in his arms, and joked at the same time.

The snow girl was also a little confused. Was she defeated like this? !

Luo Yan didn't go too far. He just hugged the fragrant Snow Girl. The elegant fragrance was invigorating. He looked at the cheeks and figure of the woman in his arms, just like a careful painter observing the subject of the sketch and analyzing it from an artistic perspective. , the figure of the snow girl is perfect.

The handsome man and the beautiful woman are a perfect match.

However, Luo Yan was not wearing pants at the moment, and his two hairy thighs ruined the harmonious atmosphere, which was unbearable to look at.

Unfortunately, there was no audience in the room.

"grown ups?!"

The Mo Crow at the door also noticed the movement and couldn't help but scream.

"Nothing, just go about your business."

Luo Yan said without raising his head. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to caress Xue Nu's cheek, and said in an extremely gentle manner: "This is a long night, Miss Xue Nu, how do you think we should spend it?"

Xue Nu could feel goosebumps rising on her skin. Feeling the warmth of Luo Yan's palm, she felt a little trembling in her heart. However, she suppressed the feeling, stared at Luo Yan, gritted her teeth and asked, "Who are you?"

Luo Yan hugged the weak and boneless Snow Girl, touched her face, then stretched out his hand to squeeze and feel her delicate skin.

Great and flexible.

"As I said, you can call me Zhengchun."

Luo Yan replied casually.

Xue Nu seemed to understand that she couldn't ask anything, so she closed her eyes directly, keeping her eyes closed. As for what Luo Yan was going to do, how could she resist now? She accepted her fate, but as long as she didn't die today, she would definitely Will seek revenge on Luo Yan.

Soon Xue Nu felt Luo Yan reach out to untie the hem of her skirt. At this moment, she bit her lip and an unspeakable sense of humiliation swept through her body.

Just as she was waiting for the next step, Luo Yan stopped moving.

Then, Yuki-onna felt her acupuncture points being released.


Xue Nu opened her eyes instantly and looked at Luo Yan who let go of her in surprise, with an astonished expression.

The other party actually let go of the big meal delivered to his door.

Luo Yan admired Xue Nu's big white legs and said with a smile: "Keep playing chess, remember, don't be lazy. No one in this world can cheat with me, but for the sake of you being Xue Nu, I will forgive you once." ."

Luo Yan is very patient with the girl he likes. Besides, he is not a womanizer today.

He is physically and mentally empty but has the heart of a saint.

Da Siming:......

Are you sick... Xue Nu couldn't help but cursed in her heart, then her pretty face turned red, she reached out to pick up the hem of her skirt to cover up the spring sunshine, and glared at Luo Yan with a hint of shame and anger. She couldn't understand Luo Yan at all now. What did Yan want to do? He could easily get her, but he still had to play chess with him.

What does he want to do? !

What Luo Yan wants to do is to have fun. The Yan Kingdom is so boring, and if he doesn't have some fun, life will be boring.

The higher the status, the lower the desire.

No wonder so many people throughout history have been interested only in rights.

After all, except for the fight for power, everything else is already within easy reach, and there is nothing left to pursue.

If there is no pursuit in life, there will be no motivation to live.

Luo Yan has already reached this level, but he has no interest in power. His only hobby is beautiful women, so he is enjoying the process of contacting beautiful women.

Facing Luo Yan, whose strength far exceeded hers, Xue Nu could only hold back her confusion and shyness and continue playing chess with Luo Yan.

Without him, there is no way to resist.

Faced with a person whose strength far exceeds her own, what can the snow girl do?

She had no choice either to be obedient or to be eaten up by Luo Yan.

To ordinary people, Xue Nu is very fierce, even cruel, but for Luo Yan, Xue Nu can bring some waves to his peaceful life and make his life a little fun.

Xue Nu was very smart. She learned a few forbidden moves from Luo Yan and easily defeated Luo Yan in three games. She only had a pair of underwear left after winning Luo Yan.

Although Xue Nu won, she also lost a few games. Now she could only cover the spring scenery in front of her in humiliation with her hands. Her beautiful eyes stared at Luo Yan with shame and anger. It was impossible to hide the look in Kaoru's eyes. No matter how complicated her past was, it was difficult to maintain a normal mind when being bullied like this.

"I am willing to admit defeat. From now on, no one will dare to mess with Feixue Pavilion in the Yan Kingdom."

Luo Yan didn't care what Xue Nu thought. He had a great time tonight. He chuckled, picked up his clothes, stood up and left.

Xue Nu stared coldly at Luo Yan's leaving figure.

Suddenly Luo Yan stopped and while putting on his clothes, he turned around and looked at Xue Nu, saying, "I've been quite bored the past few days. How about I continue to play chess with you tomorrow night."


Xue Nu now understood that Luo Yan was just looking for fun.

This person really has a bad character!

The snow girl's eyes flashed slightly.

Luo Yan quickly put on his clothes, and his temperament returned to its previous uprightness. With a gentle smile, he said harmlessly: "Don't think about running away. Of course, you can also try the game of hide and seek." It’s quite interesting.”

Xue Nu understood that she was being targeted by the person in front of her, and she had already considered whether to give up her plan and return to the Mojia City.

But just for a moment, the snow girl gave up the idea of ​​​​escape, stretched out her hand to caress her hanging hair, showed a gentle and beautiful smile, and said softly: "The snow girl is waiting."


Luo Yan nodded, stretched out his hand to open the door, and walked out.

There were a lot of things going on tonight, and he planned to re-rank. After seeing Yuki-onna's number, the ranking in his mind needed to be moved.

Don't ask, it's boring to ask.

In a boring life, you always need to find something interesting to do.

Men are so boring sometimes.

Snow Girl watched Luo Yan leave, but she was thinking about a question in her heart, who is Luo Yan? !

After being bullied all night, she didn't even know who her opponent was.

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