Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 820 Take it for granted

Qin State, Xianyang Palace.

Inside Zhangtai Palace.

On the throne, Ying Zheng stood in front, holding the sword at his waist. His angular face was somewhat gloomy. He looked at the ministers below without anger and said in a cold voice: "There is a rebellion in Xinzheng, the old capital of South Korea. This is the first incident since Korea surrendered, and I am very curious as to why the Koreans suddenly had the courage to become enemies of the Qin Dynasty, and who planned this rebellion."

Ying Zheng was not surprised that a rebellion broke out in Zhao State, because the hatred between Qin and Zhao was too deep. During this period, there were no less than ten rebellions, large and small.

But Korea is different. The Koreans are a little less bloody than the Zhao people. In addition, Han Wangan took the lead in surrendering at that time, which completely vented this anger. Now that there is sudden trouble in Korea, it is still Xinzheng, the old capital of Korea. This makes Ying Zheng's mood suddenly deteriorated.

No emperor wants this kind of thing to happen frequently in the country under his jurisdiction. This is a silent resistance to Ying Zheng.

"The last general is willing to personally lead 50,000 elite troops to put down the Xinzheng rebellion!"

"The general will go where he wishes!"

After the words fell, the generals were the first to be excited. Regardless of what the rebellion was, if there was a battle, then it was credit. What's more, it was such a large-scale battle, it was no different from taking credit.

Wait until the general finishes speaking.

Li Sixi walked out unhurriedly, cupped his hands and said, "I think that putting down the rebellion is a trivial matter, and figuring out the causes and consequences is the key."

It must be said that Li Si was very observant, and he grasped the key as soon as Ying Zheng spoke.

There was a rebellion in Xinzheng, the old capital of South Korea. This matter was not a big deal at all, and there was no need to bring it to the court to discuss. And Ying Zheng said this, which shows how much Ying Zheng paid attention to this matter.

Lord Changping walked out unhurriedly and said calmly: "According to the spies, this rebellion was caused by the old nobles of Korea. They seemed to be dissatisfied with Qin's policy in Korea and caused this turmoil."

"Dissatisfied? South Korea no longer exists, so why do these old nobles need to exist? Order South Korea to station troops to suppress the rebellion. Anyone who dares to participate in this rebellion will be killed without mercy!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand violently and ordered in a cold voice, his tone full of chilling meaning.

He has zero tolerance for such rebellion.

Ying Zheng will not be merciful and will figure out the cause and effect. From the moment these people undermine stability, they are guilty!

Guilty naturally requires punishment.

The cold voice echoed in the hall, suppressing many generals who wanted to speak.

After a while.

Lord Changping took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, killing the old nobles of Korea is not a trivial matter. It will also have an impact on Qin's great cause of unifying the world. Since Korea surrendered, it has been extremely stable. Now a sudden rebellion has occurred. , there must be something fishy in it, maybe I was deceived by others, so I am willing to go there personally to investigate the matter.

If there really is something going on, it won’t be too late to kill him when the time comes! "

Meng Yi nodded when he heard this, took a step forward, and said, "I think there is some truth in what Lord Changping said, and this matter really needs to be investigated clearly."

Li Si raised his hand and said, "I second my opinion."

Without Luo Yan present, everyone raised their hands and said one after another after hearing what Changping Jun said.

Ying Zheng frowned when he saw this scene. After a moment, he said: "I will follow your words, but those who participated in the rebellion don't need to say anything else!"


The ministers cupped their hands and responded.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Ying Zheng received the news, and Luo Yan naturally also received the news, even about half a day faster.

At this moment, he was drinking a small drink in Feixue Pavilion. Da Siming beside him was pouring wine for him. On the stage, the snow girl danced gracefully, and her dance was so beautiful that it made people lose their mind.

Mo Crow smiled bitterly and put a knife on the neck of the Snow Maiden.

Without him,

Snow Girl didn't want to dance for Luo Yan anymore, and then something like this happened. She was angry and annoyed about this, but she didn't dare to gamble with her maid's life, betting that Luo Yan was just joking. How can you make a joke?


Luo Yan was admiring the dance of the snow girl while thinking about the Korean rebellion. The rebellion reported in the report had nothing to do with Niqusha. It was just a rebellion launched by the old Korean dignitaries who were unwilling to accept the loss of their rights. However, this matter could not survive at all. After careful consideration, those powerful people are not idiots. If South Korea is gone, what will happen if they rebel?

If you are simply unconvinced, like the Zhao people, there is no need to wait until now to launch a rebellion.

In addition, Nilisha spent some time in Korea some time ago.

This is too much of a coincidence.

"Weizhuang, you really will give me problems."

Luo Yan drank a glass of wine and muttered in his heart, and then remembered something. In the original book, there seemed to be such a rebellion in South Korea. The rebellion happened very unexpectedly, and Wei Zhuang even killed Han Fei. Dad Han Wangan, it can be said that Wei Zhuang put in a lot of effort when Qin destroyed Korea.

And a key figure also appeared in this matter, Lord Changping!

This is the first meeting between Changping Jun and Wei Zhuang.

Isn't it possible that he has something to do with this guy... Luo Yan took a sip of wine and felt a little weird. Changping Jun was not the king of pots, and Luo Yan was embarrassed to throw everything at his head, but there were many signs. Pointing at him, Luo Yan couldn't help but doubt.

Jing Ke planned to assassinate Qin, Wei Zhuang launched a rebellion in Korea, and Lord Changping lived in seclusion behind the scenes...

If everything was planned by Lord Changping, to be honest, if he didn't know the plot, it would be a bit creepy. Ying Zheng might even have better luck, otherwise it would be possible for Lord Changping to succeed, and Lord Changping would not even need to return to Chu. In the Qin State, he became the second Lu Buwei, with power in both the government and the public.

"They are all ruthless characters, and they are scary."

Luo Yan whispered to himself, sighing slightly.

But the sound of his words made the maid who was held hostage by Mo Ya burst into tears. She glanced pitifully at Luo Yan. She agreed with Luo Yan's words. These people were ruthless and would bully others.

It was also the first time for Mo Ya to do such a thing. His old face was a little embarrassed, and he even felt dumbfounded. He couldn't help it. He looked at the maid with tears in his eyes and felt helpless. This fate was broken by Luo Yan before it could continue, which made him feel helpless. .

Soon, Snow Girl's dance ended. Her dance skirt slowly dropped, and she stood gracefully in the center of the stage. Her beautiful eyes stared at Luo Yan coldly and said, "Sir, can you let Xiao Ci go?"

"Just kidding, don't take it so seriously."

Luo Yan then said something, raised his hand to signal Mo Ya to let him go, and at the same time waved to Xue Nu, asking Xue Nu to come over and chat.

The snow girl did not refuse. She stepped on her crystal high heels and walked slowly to the table. Ignoring the aloof elder sister Da Siming beside Luo Yan, she took off the jade bracelet from her wrist and placed it gently on the table. She went up, staring at Luo Yan with her beautiful eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Sir, the Snow Girl is just a dancer. She cannot accept such an important gift from you, so please take it back."

"No gift can ever be taken back. From the moment it is worn on your wrist, it is yours. Even if you don't want it now, you don't want it anymore. Instead of giving it back to me, I only recognize you. I don’t recognize the bracelet.”

Luo Yan didn't even look at the bracelet. He looked at Xue Nu with a smile and chuckled.

Where can I get back the bracelets I gave away?

Xue Nu frowned. She still underestimated how difficult Luo Yan was. She looked at the bracelet on the table with beautiful eyes. She didn't know what to do for a moment. This bracelet was too valuable and it would be inappropriate to accept it.

If it was just an expensive bracelet, Xue Nu wouldn't care. However, this bracelet was also very important to Luo Yan, and seemed to be related to a very important person in him.

However, what Luo Yan said was so ambiguous that Xue Nu couldn't figure it out completely after thinking about it for two days.

Luo Yan stood up slowly, picked up the bracelet and walked to Xue Nu, held her wrist, put the bracelet on her again, looked at her calmly, and said softly: "Don't lose it, it's very important, it's still important." Yes, if nothing unexpected happens, I will leave Yan State today, would you like to return to Qin State with me?"

"My lord, you are joking. The snow girl knows that she is of low status and cannot accompany you. Besides, there is no shortage of women around you, so why bother with me."

Xue Nu glanced at Da Siming and said softly.

He quietly stabbed Luo Yan and Da Siming at the same time.

Luo Yan said seriously: "She is the chief minister of the Yin Yang family and a subordinate of my wife. She came to Yan country to protect me, not what you think."

As for what Xue Nu was thinking, Luo Yan didn't know anyway, so there was no pressure to say it.

Protect? !

Xue Nu blinked her eyes, glanced at Da Siming suspiciously, and then looked at Luo Yan. With Luo Yan's unfathomable strength, does he still need protection?

"What if I don't want to?"

The snow girl pursed her lips and asked softly.

"I won't force you. True love can stand the test of time. I believe in your fate and it will lock us together. No matter what you have experienced in the past, your future is destined to belong to me."

Luo Yan reached out and stroked the hair next to Xue Nu's cheek, and said softly.

Fate... Xue Nu's beautiful eyes moved slightly and she looked at Luo Yan calmly. She never believed this.

To be honest, Luo Yan didn't believe it either. Fate was all forced upon me. Do you think you have fate just by sitting still?

Luo Yan believes in wolf culture and needs to snatch everything, especially the ones he likes. The same goes for women.

Fate is this thing.

Even if she doesn't have it, she can still create it. As for other people's fate, the worst she can do is break it.

The words fell.

Luo Yan suddenly hugged Xue Nu's waist and pecked Xue Nu on the lips. It was very soft and fragrant. Then he slapped him in the face, but Luo Yan caught him. He also released his mouth, looked at the snow girl with a smile, licked his lips, and said domineeringly: "You are mine, you can't run away."

Xue Nu pushed Luo Yan away suddenly, stretched out her hand to cover her lips, and stared at Luo Yan coldly. No matter how good her mood was, it was gone after Luo Yan made trouble so many times, not to mention that she had no respect for a powerful person like Luo Yan. No favorable impression.

But she didn't realize that she didn't seem to dislike Luo Yan's domineering attitude.

Even if he is disgusted, it is not as disgusting as ordinary nobles.

Because this was not the first time she and Luo Yan met, plus the psychological hints from Luo Yan's friends and the offensive of the bracelet the second time, Snow Girl's attention to Luo Yan must have been unusually high in the past two days, so Luo Yan only met Luo Yan for the third time. Dare to kiss.

As for the next meeting, Luo Yan feels that he can hit the bases.

You must not chase a girl slowly and leisurely. The so-called slow heat is bullshit. In the final analysis, it means that the girl is not interested in you. If you don't give her a few stimulating kisses at this time to make her mood turbulent, how can you make her feel so confused? Come in empty.

At worst, the other person will completely hate you~

Luo Yan has nothing to lose, and the excitement and excitement in this process are also very interesting. Isn't this the happiest time between men and women?

It's like first love, but also like passionate love.

"Let's go, take care of yourself. If you have any trouble, you can go to Qin to find me."

Luo Yan looked at Xue Nu, smiled slightly, and then left without saying anything. He took Da Siming and Mo Crow away.

Xue Nu looked at Luo Yan's leaving figure and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"By the way, I almost forgot to say, don't dance for others casually. Also, Lord Yan Chun is eyeing Yan Dan, so be careful."

Approaching the door, Luo Yan paused, turned around and glanced at Xue Nu, smiled slightly, and reminded softly.

As soon as the words fell, he really left, very simply, without any nostalgia.

The prodigal son is probably this kind of person.

"Are you okay, miss?!"

The little maid looked at Xue Nu with tears in her eyes. She felt that Xue Nu had been bullied by Luo Yan.

Snow Girl is not as fragile as the little maid thought, and she is not an ordinary woman. However, her mood at the moment was disturbed by Luo Yan's two words, especially what Luo Yan said about Yan Chunjun's plan to deal with Yan Dan. I asked myself to be more careful about things. Could it be that the things planned by Yan Dan and myself were exposed?

What Luo Yan said? !

But what Luo Yan said, why should he remind her?

These things are obviously more important than the kiss Luo Yan just had.

"Don't you bring your special dancer?"

After walking out of Feixue Pavilion, Da Siming crossed his arms and glanced at Luo Yan beside him with his beautiful eyes, and hummed softly.

Luo Yan slapped her butt, squeezed it, and with her shy and angry eyes, he chuckled and said: "You are the best in my heart, she is just a dancer, you have nothing to compare with her. ?you are unique."

When Mo Ya heard the words, the corner of his mouth twitched. These words sounded so familiar. He had heard them many times around Luo Yan.

Mrs. Mingzhu should know better about this.

Da Siming naturally didn't believe Luo Yan's nonsense, sneered and curled his lips.

"Mo Ya, please go there yourself and say hello to Mr. Yan Chun."

Luo Yan raised his chin towards Mo Ya and said softly.

Hearing this, Mo Ya directly responded with his hands raised, and disappeared from the spot in a flash.

Da Siming stared at Luo Yan amusedly and said, "Still don't trust her? How about I help you take her with you?"

"If she doesn't want to, there's no point in bringing her along. I won't force others. Have you ever seen me force a woman?"

Luo Yan said frankly.

"Where's that Hu girl?"

Da Siming looked at Luo Yan sarcastically, with some disdain.

Luo Yan said confidently: "I sacrificed my life for the sake of national justice. What do you know!"


Da Siming was silent.

Luo Yan snorted softly, standing tall and proud.

"what about me?!"

Da Siming said suddenly and looked at Luo Yan with resentful eyes.

Luo Yan was stunned when he heard this, then looked at Da Siming, thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "I apologize to you. I did get impulsive on you, but you can't blame me entirely. You are also responsible."

In fact, Luo Yan cannot be entirely blamed for this matter. No one wants to see such a thing as a misfire.

Da Siming calmed down after hearing this. Without him, he was used to it!

To a certain extent, Da Siming knew her husband better than Concubine Yan!

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