Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 836 Ying Zheng and Jing Ke

Xianyang Palace.

Luo Yan was teaching Fu Su. After all, his real position was the Taifu of the Qin State. In name, he could be said to be the teacher of King Qin Ying Zheng. Although he had not taught Ying Zheng a serious lesson, he and Ying Zheng had a close relationship. The relationship between teacher and friend, as for the relationship with Zhao Ji, is a personal relationship and does not involve official matters.

Isn’t it normal for adult men and women to each get what they need?

Luo Yan's class was different from other teachers. He never taught the knowledge in books and only discussed problems with Fu Su.

The issue discussed today is the power and duties of the emperor.

When Luo Yan was serious, with his outstanding appearance and temperament cultivated by life, he still had the demeanor of being a role model for others. He straightened his back, sat upright, and said unhurriedly: "Young Master feels that the emperor's rights and Which obligation comes first? The power or the obligation."

After speaking, Luo Yan raised the tea cup and took a sip. The tea in the palace was still very good, very moist and fragrant.

Fusu, who was sitting opposite Luo Yan, already looked like a young man. He was extremely respectful to Luo Yan. In his mind, Luo Yan was the most powerful person in Qin.

Of course, except for the father.

Fusu's face was very focused. He pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Sir, students think it is power. With rights, they must bear corresponding obligations and responsibilities."

The answer is so-so, it seems that my teaching is okay... Luo Yan feels that his cramming education is quite good. In terms of knowledge, those in the academy can teach him, but in terms of life, he can induce him. He can't let this person. Fusu became the weak prince in history.

However, Fu Su is indeed very kind at heart, completely different from his father Ying Zheng. This has something to do with his childhood life.

Ying Zheng has lived in the Kingdom of Zhao since he was a child, and was bullied by the Zhao people. He struggled with others in order to get a bite to eat. Naturally, he cannot be a soft-hearted person. He is a proper representative of wolf culture and follows the life law of survival of the fittest.

You have to fight for everything and grab everything. Only when you are strong can you survive.

Ying Zheng never stopped for a moment, and his gaze never rested around him, always looking straight into the distance.

"Actually, there is no absolute relationship between the two. Powers and obligations are always complementary to each other. Your power comes from the State of Qin. You are the son of the State of Qin and the eldest son of the king. Since you were born, you have possessed powers that ordinary people cannot The power that could be reached, and this power originated from the power of Qin.

If a country is weak, your power will be weak. Even if the country is in turmoil and treacherous ministers are in power, the power of the prince will be even smaller.

At this time, we have to talk about obligations. As the monarch of a country, his obligations are to defend the country, select talents, select officials, punish evil and reward good...

As an emperor, you have the responsibility to govern the world.

When you do your duty well, the country will naturally become stronger, and accordingly, your power will be greater.

Manage his position and perform his duties according to his duties.

The emperor was never a difficult position to sit in. It was easy to be a coward, but the final outcome of a coward was the loss of one's power.

Without power, how are emperors different from ordinary people? "

Luo Yan said calmly. After speaking, he took a sip of tea, looked at the child who was frowning and thinking, smiled, and continued:

"Don't think too much, just remember. Life is still very long. Walk, watch and listen. Compare what you learn with what you see and hear. Be good at doubting. The only one you can believe in is yourself. Don't be fooled. When others are around you, even your father, you have to make your own decision."

Luo Yan said lightly. The last sentence was a bit rebellious, but he didn't mind.

Because Luo Yan was very familiar with Ying Zheng, he knew very well what kind of prince Ying Zheng wanted Fusu to be. A weak and unprincipled prince was definitely not what he wanted. Every emperor must have his own style of doing things.

The most taboo thing for emperors is to change orders in the morning and at night, and to be indecisive.


Fusu was obviously shocked by Luo Yan's last words, and his little head was a little confused for a moment.

"Okay, that's the end of today's class."

Luo Yan did not continue to indoctrinate him, put down his tea cup and chuckled.

Fusu hesitated for a moment, then asked, "What about what the gentleman and teacher said?"

"Write down without hesitation, whether it is useful or not, make your own judgment, whether it is right or wrong, read more and listen more, and finally make your own decision. Everyone has different ideas. Don't blindly follow one person's opinion. You have to You have your own opinions and opinions. What others say is ultimately what others say. Your own decision is your own.

Just listen to what the Confucian disciples in the academy teach you, and remember your identity. You are the son of the Qin State, the eldest son of the king, and you may inherit the entire Qin State in the future.

What you have to learn is how to be a king. "

Luo Yan stood up slowly and said at the same time.


Fusu blinked and muttered softly.

Luo Yan straightened his clothes and chuckled: "Since you were born, you have had the possibility of becoming a king. This is also one of your rights. How to make your father recognize you and make you the future crown prince? This is the duty you need to do. If your duty is not completed, how will the king recognize your identity?"

After speaking, Luo Yan turned around and walked out of the hall. He had talked a bit too much today.

Fusu bowed his hands and saluted Luo Yan: "Fusu pays my respects to the teacher."

Luo Yan waved his hand to express that he had received it, which was very Meng Lang, but Fusu was used to it, and Fusu had even made up for it in his own mind. This is the case for talented and learned people.

After coming out of Fusu's place, Luo Yan went to Yingzheng's place, chatted about Fusu's affairs, and briefly talked about what he had learned today, including the prince's affairs.

Ying Zheng didn't think it was anything. He didn't shy away from communicating with Luo Yan in the past. Even the more straightforward Luo Yan spoke, the more comfortable he felt. A lonely man also longed for friends, someone he could talk to.

"Sir, do you think Fusu has the qualifications to become a king?"

Ying Zheng pondered for a moment and then asked.

"He lacks experience and is still young. In a few years, he will be sent to the State of Zhao to manage a place. During this period, the king will not give him any help and let him handle it by himself. As time goes by, he will naturally be able to hone it. Even if he makes any mistakes during the period, It can only be made up in one place.”

Luo Yan said softly, feeling that this matter was not a problem at all.

Fusu is not stupid, he is even extremely smart. What he lacks is guidance and experience. He will understand after being beaten a few times in society.

Ying Zheng shook his head and stopped talking about this matter. Fusu was still young after all, so it was too early to consider this at this time. As for the future, let's see in the future, after all, he was still young.

"The envoy from the State of Yan has arrived in Xianyang."

Ying Zheng changed the topic and said slowly.

When Luo Yan heard this, his eyes suddenly focused and he said slowly: "When will the king decide to receive them?"

"What do you think, sir?"

Ying Zheng asked, wanting to see what Luo Yan was thinking.

If the Yan State really planned to assassinate him, then this matter would involve too much, and there might even be problems within the Qin State.

Luo Yan pondered for a moment and said: "It depends on what the king wants. I suggest that we arrange a substitute just in case. Jing Ke is very strong and has even defeated Gai Nie, so he has to guard against him."

Defeat Genie?

Ying Zheng frowned slightly, looked at Gai Nie who was standing guard not far away, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Gai Nie was defeated by Jing Ke?"


Ge Nie was obviously not a man of words, so he nodded and agreed directly.

Although he only had his cuffs cut open, and it was just a sparring match, a defeat was a defeat. He didn't bother to make any excuses, and Jing Ke's swordsmanship was indeed sharp. The bursts in a short period of time were extremely terrifying, and they were so fast that they simply defied the laws of nature. It exceeded the limit that the body could bear, as if it was in explosive mode.

"Do you know who Jing Ke is, where he studied, and why he came to assassinate me?"

Ying Zheng asked curiously.

When Luo Yan heard this, he hesitated, but he thought that this matter could not be concealed at all, and even the Shadow Secret Guards would investigate it. He immediately said: "This person's teacher was Gongsun Yu, the then general of the Wei Kingdom, and this person was also Li Concubine’s senior brother.”

It's a bit embarrassing to say this, but it's impossible not to say it.

The moment he finished speaking, Ying Zheng's expression turned cold. He looked at Luo Yan and said slowly, "Mr., did you already know about this?"

"Before Concubine Li entered the palace, I sent someone to investigate."

Luo Yan nodded in response. He knew that Ying Zheng was a little angry, because after Li Fei's unexpected pregnancy, Ying Zheng sent someone to investigate the matter, but Luo Yan suppressed it. Jing Ke was an important chess piece, and he was A lot of things will happen if you die.

Ying Zheng was not as angry as Luo Yan thought. He just nodded calmly and said slowly: "I want to see him alone."

He wanted to know what kind of man Li Fei liked.


Luo Yan looked at Ying Zheng and wanted to persuade him not to be impulsive, but after thinking about it he still didn't say anything. What he did in this matter was indeed wrong.

As for alerting the enemy, this matter has been finalized since the beginning of Xianyang City by Jing Ke and others. No matter whether Jing Ke and others take action or not, the outcome will not be changed. What's more, it is just a meeting in advance. If Ying Zheng wants to meet, let him meet. Staring from the sidelines.

Soon Zhao Gao took Six Sword Slaves to invite people.

Jing Ke and Qin Wuyang were planning the details of the attack. Naturally, Jing Ke was the one to take action, while Qin Wuyang was responsible for holding back the people around to buy Jing Ke time. At this critical juncture, someone from Xianyang Palace suddenly sent someone to invite Jing Ke into the palace.

This unexpected situation naturally startled the two of them.

Qin Wuyang looked at Jing Ke with a puzzled face and asked in a deep voice, "What does this mean? Could it be that the plan has been leaked?"

"Just wait and see what happens. I'll follow them into the palace to take a look."

Jing Ke frowned for a moment, thought for a moment and then said in a deep voice.

"Is something going to happen?"

Qin Wuyang tightened his grip on the long sword at his waist and said with a wave of emotion.

Jing Ke stretched out his hand to suppress him and said extremely calmly: "No, if the plan is really leaked, the other party will not come to invite him, but will send someone to arrest him directly."

Qin Wuyang thought for a moment and felt that what Jing Ke said was reasonable, so he calmed down, reminded Jing Ke to pay attention to safety, and watched Jing Ke leave.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Xianyang Palace.

Jing Ke followed Zhao Gao into it, and the sword on his body had been taken away. As for Can Hong, it was still sleeping in the Kanyu map. Until it was time to appear, it would just wait quietly, waiting for the opportunity to come. .

"Xianyang Palace."

Jing Ke looked at the majestic Xianyang Palace, and his mood was slightly disturbed, not because of the grandeur of Xianyang Palace, but because he was getting closer to Li Ji.

He wanted to know how Li Ji had been spending the past two years.

Zhao Gao naturally would not answer Jing Ke's question, and did not even say a word to him throughout the whole process. The same was true for Six Sword Slave. His cold expression made Jing Ke unable to open his mouth to test. Jing Ke was also worried that his testing would bring trouble to Li Ji.

Soon, Jing Ke followed Zhao Gao into an empty hall.

There is a person standing on the throne in the palace, with a long sword at his waist and wearing a black royal robe. He is young and handsome, with an extraordinary bearing, and his eyes have a sense of oppression without anger or authority.

With just one glance, Jing Ke recognized the other party. The target of this assassination was King Qin Ying Zheng!

Zhao Gao took the Six Sword Slaves and bowed deeply to Ying Zheng, then turned and left, leaving the empty hall to Ying Zheng and Jing Ke. As for safety issues, the hall was very spacious, and Ying Zheng and Jing Ke were even more than ten meters apart. A few meters, which is enough distance for the surrounding guards to rescue.

What's more, it's not that Ying Zheng has no martial arts at all, it's just that he never takes action. No one knows what Ying Zheng's strength is.

Even Luo Yan didn't know this.

Gai Nie once sparred with Ying Zheng... As for the details, Gai Nie did not say anything about it. He only commented that Ying Zheng's talent in swordsmanship was acceptable.

"Are you Jing Ke?"

Ying Zheng put one hand on the hilt of the sword, looked down at the young man with his eyes, and said calmly.

Jing Ke felt a little confused and wanted to take action directly, but he held back. He could feel dozens of powerful auras around him, and the auras were locked on him. If he took action at this time, he had no confidence. After all, he was absolutely Most of the strength lies in a sword.

"Jing Ke, the envoy of the State of Yan, met the King of Qin."

Jing Ke was neither humble nor arrogant. He bowed his hands and asked in a deep voice.

Ying Zheng looked at Jing Ke, and after a moment, he said slowly: "Jing Ke, what do you mean by entering Qin?"


Jing Ke was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Since I am the envoy of Yan, I will form an alliance and make good friends with Qin Yan."

"I thought you were doing it for Concubine Li."

Ying Zheng said indifferently, without any fluctuation in his tone. Even if the woman he likes likes the person in front of him, there is no fluctuation in his tone, not even anger.

What he likes is the shadow on Li Fei's body, the beam of light that she once had, nothing more.

Jing Ke couldn't keep calm anymore. He clenched his fists and suddenly raised his head to look at Ying Zheng. There was shock and disbelief in his eyes. The other party knew everything about him and Zhuan Li Ji.

"You love her very much?"

Ying Zheng looked at Jing Ke and continued.

Jing Ke pursed his lips and didn't know what to say. Of course he loved her, but Li Ji had become Qin's concubine, the concubine of the person in front of him. How could he say these words again? If Ying Zheng was so angry, If he is chopped off, will the plan to assassinate Qin that countless people sacrificed and planned still be realized?

"The foreign minister and Concubine Li are just from the same sect, and there is no relationship between men and women. King Qin does not need to care about them."

Jing Ke slowly unclenched his clenched fists and bowed his hands in a calm manner.

"I'm just a fellow disciple. Is this your answer?"

Ying Zheng said slowly with a cold tone.

Jing Ke didn't speak, just lowered his head silently and acquiesced.

"When Concubine Li entered the palace, she said she had someone to love. I thought it was you, but it seems that you are not."

Ying Zheng said calmly.

After saying that, Ying Zheng turned and left. The conversation between him and Jing Ke ended here. The other party's answer made him very disappointed. He didn't even dare to face it in his own heart, how could he be worthy of Concubine Li.

Taking the overall situation into consideration?

Ridiculous overall situation.

Jing Ke lowered his head, kept clenching his fists, and said nothing.

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