Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 845 Something wrong? !

In the main hall, the atmosphere was slightly depressing.

King Yan's face was uncertain, and he didn't know what to do. Qi refused to join forces, and he expected Chu and Wei to bring back their troops from the front to help Yan. This was simply unrealistic. Waters far away could not save the fire near, let alone the conflicts between countries. There is no trust between them, and he has no hope for Wei and Chu.

As for the deadly fight with Qin, does Yan have the power to fight?

Both Korea and Zhao were destroyed, not to mention the Yan State. Even if they really blocked this wave of offensive, what would happen next?

The Qin State will not get angry out of shame and simply give up attacking Chu and Wei first and directly destroy Yan State first. When the time comes, he, the king, will definitely bear the brunt.

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, the State of Qin has given the State of Yan a chance. If it had not been given the chance, the army that would have come would not have been a hundred thousand troops. It might have been two hundred thousand or even three hundred thousand, and the people leading the troops could not have been Quercus." Marquis Yang, but Wang Jian and other famous generals. Based on my understanding of Marquis Yue Yang, Marquis Yue Yang is a very talkative person. As long as Yan State gives an explanation, I think there is still a possibility of reconciliation between Qin and Yan."

Qin Chen Yanxiang Zhang Tang looked solemn and suggested in a deep voice.

Reconciliation, how to reconcile... Yan Wangxi looked ugly and didn't know how to answer Zhang Tang's question for a while.

"Your Majesty, we cannot protect His Highness the Crown Prince. The two envoys sent to Qin State are both His Highness' disciples. Everyone knows that this matter has nothing to do with His Highness the Crown Prince. Who would believe it?"

Zhang Tang continued.

King Yan's face was stiff, and he held on and said: "I have already declared that this matter has nothing to do with the Yan State. Yan Dan was only deceived by the Mo family, and the Mo family is the culprit!"

"But everyone knows that His Highness the Crown Prince is also a disciple of the Mohist family, and even has an irreconcilable relationship with the former Mohist giant."

Zhang Tang shook his head and sighed.

King Yan was immediately stunned by these words and fell into silence.

Zhang Tang didn't say anything either. He had already said what needed to be said. He knew how King Yan Xi would choose. When things developed to this point, there were not many choices left for King Xi of Yan. He could either fight to the death with the Yan Kingdom or kill Prince Yan. If it is handed over, the former may be quickly defeated, but the latter can temporarily save the Yan Kingdom and survive in an ignoble way.

"Can handing over Yan Dan ensure that Qin will retreat?"

Yan Wangxi pondered for a long time, stared at Zhang Tang in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

"Although I am a minister of Qin, I have been in Yan for several years. The king has great trust in me. At this time, Yan is facing a great disaster. I am willing to go to the front to negotiate with Marquis Yueyang in person to gain a glimmer of hope for Yan."

Zhang Tang took a step back, bowed his hands, and spoke word by word in an extremely sincere voice.

"Xiang Guozhen is a minister of Yan State!"

Yan Wangxi looked sad, stretched out his hand to help Zhang Tang, and said with emotion, his eyes were full of complicated emotions. He never thought that Zhang Tang would stand up at this time.

Hey, it's not just to give you a step down... Zhang Tang sighed in his heart, he couldn't deserve the praise of King Yan Xi.

He didn't want to stay in this Yan country for a long time. From top to bottom, there was a bunch of shit.

No disparagement intended.

It's just that when I come here after staying in Qin, the gap is not as big as usual.

King Yan held Zhang Tang's arm tightly and said in a deep voice: "The future of Yan depends on the Prime Minister!"

Zhang Tang nodded heavily.

As for Yan Dan, it is no longer important now. The previous unwillingness to hand over Yan Dan was just because he was worried that the Yan State would be implicated by Yan Dan. Even if the words were harsh, they could still be negotiated. If it was directly said that Yan Dan planned the assassination, how would the Yan State explain it to the Qin State? ?

It is better to hold on to the end, at least in front of the people of the world, Yan Guo is innocent.

Just like people's bad nature, the first reaction when they do something wrong is to cheat and clean themselves up.

As for the reluctance, King Yan Xi is the monarch of a country!

Would a person who calls himself a widower be reluctant to part with a son? !

. . . . . . . . .

In the past few days, small frictions between Qin and Yan continued, and small groups of troops fought together from time to time. Of course, the battle situation was one-sided. Although Luo Yan did not lead many troops this time, only 10,000 people, he could not hold the opponent back. The general leading the army, Yan Yi, is one of our own.

When it comes to things like fighting, when you turn on the full-screen radar, the number of people is not very important, especially since Yan Yi's command is to send out small groups of troops.

What the heck, they all gave away tricks.

Luo Yan was sitting in the Zhao Palace, looking at the previous report in his hand, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Why hadn't he noticed before that Yan Yi was also a talent?

Sure enough, no one who can climb to a high position in this troubled world is a simple guy.

After these small frictions, the number of casualties in Yan's army has almost reached 10,000.

"Yan Yi did a good job, thank you for your hard work."

Luo Yan put down the information in his hand, looked at Zie Ri standing in front of him, and chuckled.

Zhanri still wore a bronze mask on his face, making it impossible to see his true face. His voice was low and he deliberately concealed his identity: "It's not hard work, it's all planned well by Marquis Yueyang."

The flattery is good, I feel very comfortable... Luo Yan remained calm, nodded, and said: "When the matter in Yan country is over, I need you to do something for me."

"I don't know what it is and whether I can do it."

Zhanri's eyes flashed slightly, he looked at Luo Yan in front of him, and said slowly.

Luo Yan chuckled and said, "Killing a few people shouldn't be difficult for a killer like you. When the time comes, the people in the trap can also cooperate with you. As long as you can do it, I will forget about the past and you will still be in the trap." The word is first-class."

Zhan Ri hesitated for a moment and then accepted. Because of Luo Yan's conditions, he had no choice. He could either continue to cooperate, or Luo Yan would turn his back on him.

Luo Yan has countless criminal records.

At this stage, Zhan Ri doesn't want to fall out with Luo Yan. He needs the power of Qin and Luo Wang. Taking refuge in Luo Yan is his only and best choice.

"I thought you would ask about those people. Don't worry, I won't give you characters you can't complete."

Luo Yan said with a smile.

I hope... Zhanri didn't believe Luo Yan's words at all. He nodded and left.

It's time for Changping Juntianguang and others to go offline... Luo Yan watched Zhanri leave and muttered in his heart that he planned to speed up the pace. The affairs of the Yan State were over, the Wei State was directly flooded, and the rest was the Chu State.

The great drama of Chu State was the highlight of Qin's destruction of the six kingdoms.

In the original history, the State of Chu caused the State of Qin to lose hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. As for the reason, it was naturally the fault of Lord Changping.

What Yan Yi can do cannot be difficult for Chang Pingjun, and it may even be more difficult.

"Da da~"

The sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground sounded from the inner hall. After a while, Madam Mingzhu, wearing a purple-blue palace dress, walked out. She had a tall figure, proud curves, and narrow eyes with enchanting eyes. , with a faint smile on her thin lips, she walked to Luo Yan's side unhurriedly: "Your Majesty, he's gone~"

This royal cry made Luo Yan's bones go numb, and he couldn't help but look at Mrs. Mingzhu in his arms with a smile on her lips, feeling like a fairy in his heart.


Luo Yan nodded pretending to be serious and did not refute. The role-playing game was quite interesting.

Which man can refuse the eight characters "Ordered by God, he will live forever". Unfortunately, if a person like Luo Yan becomes a king, he will definitely be a fool.

Mrs. Mingzhu rolled her eyes at Luo Yan, who was entranced by the drama. In the past, she had always thought that this man was a very serious scholar, immune to temptation, and had a bottom line. But the more she got to know him, the more she discovered that this man was bad, with a dark heart, and a sweet voice. Asked: "Is that person the Tianzi-level killer of Luo Wang?"

After asking, a little curiosity appeared in her eyes.

There are very few Tianzi-level killers in Luowang, and each one of them is extremely powerful. As the Chao Banshee who was once one of the four most ferocious generals, Madam Mingzhu knows a lot about these things.

"What does he care about? It's just a subordinate."

Luo Yan put his arms around Mrs. Mingzhu's waist, looked into her eyes, and chuckled.

Madam Mingzhu's beautiful eyes blinked slightly, and she chuckled: "But I have an intuition that he is not loyal to you. It seems that your control of the net is not iron-clad. Do you want me to help you? I know a lot. A poison that makes life worse than death."

Don't always play with poison. I believe in profit more than this thing... Luo Yan shook his head and sighed: "People like him can't be controlled by just poison. What's more, even if you can control his people , and can’t control his heart.”

After all, Luo Yan prefers to let others do things for him, even if they have other purposes in mind, than forcing others to do something.

None of this matters, as long as the other party can complete what he told him to do.

Poison is always just a dirty trick, just like when Marquis Xueyi tried to control him with the Three Jue Gu, but in the end, even his mother had to tell the truth.

Which person who is poisoned would be willing to be poisoned? It's just that some people can resist and some people can't.

Once you try to control someone you can't control, you will inevitably suffer backlash.

"Then do you think you can control me?"

The smile on Mrs. Mingzhu's lips became a little thicker. She looked at Luo Yan sincerely and exhaled like a blue breath.

I can't control it, you're having more fun than me... Luo Yan thought to himself, but with a very serious look on his face, he said slowly: "How have I ever controlled you? What exists between you and me is love, you have to believe in love! "

"Love? I once believed in you, but you deceived me."

Mrs. Mingzhu hummed softly.

"Things of the past are in the past, why do we still think about them? Are we so unhappy now?"

Luo Yan shook his head and said slowly.

He felt that Mrs. Pearl was very happy, and of course, he was also very happy, although the process was a bit tortuous and slightly painful.

Because Mrs. Mingzhu really played tricks with poison, giving Luo Yan a more powerful feeling than Chi Lian in the original work.

Fortunately, Luo Yan and Mrs. Mingzhu didn't play too many tricks when they were together, and everything they gave was real money and sincerity!


Mrs. Mingzhu pursed her lips and stared directly at Luo Yan, her meaning self-evident.

Come again, say goodbye... Luo Yan closed his eyes and was speechless, feeling a little sore in his waist for no reason.

A few days later, Zhang Tang arrived at Zhao's old capital on behalf of Yan.

Luo Yan received him and said with a smile: "Zhang Xiangguo has worked hard these years. When the affairs of Yan State are over, Zhang Xiangguo can return to the country."

Return home?

Hearing this, Zhang Tang nodded slightly and sighed softly: "It has been several years since we were separated, and things have changed. That's all. Stop talking nonsense. Marquis Yueyang, you must also know the purpose of my coming here. King Yan agreed. Your condition is that you are willing to hand over Yan Dan and only ask Qin to withdraw its troops and allow Yan to be stable for a few years."

"Yan Wangxi is actually a smart man, but I have never discovered that before."

Luo Yan suddenly thought of the previous sophistry of King Yan, shifting all the blame to the Mo family, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Da Siming knelt down next to Luo Yan and made tea for the two of them in an elegant manner. With the white snow scene in the distance, it was quite charming.

"The King of Yan likes that this person has a good vision and can see through some things. However, the situation in Yan country has become so corrupt that he alone cannot change anything."

Zhang Tang sighed softly and said slowly.

There are some things that no wonder the King of Yan likes to do nothing. The entire officialdom of the Yan Kingdom has long been rotten to the root. As the King of Yan, can't he replace all the people in the officialdom?

This is simply unrealistic. Many of them are even dignitaries, and some are even members of the royal family.

Does King Yan really not know what Yan Chunjun did?

It's just turning a blind eye. At least occasionally, Yan Chunjun can be given some money to subsidize the national treasury. It's better than the national treasury being in deficit every year. Besides, Yan Chunjun and Yan Wangxi are also brothers. This money No different than in his hands.

As for luxury, no matter how luxurious Yan Chunjun's life is, how much can he spend?

As the old saying goes, when turbidity becomes the norm, you can only choose to blend in instead of pretending to be aloof.

Yan Dan just couldn't see this clearly, so he did so many things. He even sent him to Qin to serve as a hostage, but he didn't see it through.

Being a king is never easy, and the same is true in officialdom.

As for the Qin State...that's different, okay? If you try to make the previous emperors of Ying Zheng less ruthless, if there are a few wimps among the six generations, the Qin State will never be able to imagine its current situation.

Sixth Generation Yu Lie, what is the difference between this nonsense and fantasy stories?

It’s enough that the three generations of ancestors and grandchildren are talented, and the rest also have ambitions. This is the most outrageous thing. It’s okay to have a few people who are greedy for pleasure.

Luo Yan shook his head and did not make any further comments. He just said calmly: "Yan Dan alone is not enough. I want the King of Yan to accept the imperial seal, even if it is only in name. This will lower the morale of the Yan country and give it to the emperor." My king is angry."

"Is...is there something wrong with this?"

When Zhang Tang heard this, he looked at Luo Yan in astonishment and couldn't help but say.

"Isn't it appropriate? Zhang Xiangguo, you are a minister of Qin. Now that the King of Qin has been assassinated and almost died, it doesn't matter if he wants more. Besides, I only want it in name, and I have not asked King Yan to hand over all the general power. It is already considered a compromise. ”

Luo Yan said confidently.

It's not easy to go all the way. What's the point of just asking for a Yan Dan? This is Luo Yan's purpose.

Destroying the majesty of Yan's royal family will make it easier to attack Yan in the future.

Don't forget, Luo Yan still has a killer weapon like cassava in his hands.

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