Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 855 Farmers are rich in dogs!

"Use my loyalty!"

Tian Meng knelt on one knee, with the blood-stained sword in his hand stuck on the ground. He faced Luo Yan with a resolute and upright face, and said with a respectful tone and sincere eyes.

There is a saying that compared to those sycophants, Tian Meng's behavior is more admirable. This may be a bonus of appearance and temperament. Even if some people treat him as a dog, he is still a majestic-looking wolfdog. This one in front of him There is no doubt that Tao Tianmu is a wolfdog that can bite people.

Not only will it bite its enemies, but it will also bite its own people.

The peasant disciples lying beside him in a pool of blood undoubtedly became his answer sheet of allegiance, and their expressions full of shock, anger and disbelief were unexpectedly mocking.

Interesting... Luo Yan looked at Tian Meng in front of him who was willing to be his dog. Not only did he not restrain his murderous intention, but it became even stronger. There was no so-called loyalty in the dog in front of him. He would not be surprised at all. If there is one in the future A better choice, he would also dedicate himself to become his allegiance, just like these farm disciples in front of him.

The so-called moral bottom line is like a joke in Tian Meng's eyes. The person he loves most is himself. He is an extremely selfish person.

The same is true for him in the original work.

But soon, Luo Yan restrained his murderous intention. He needed a chess piece, one that could lead the peasant family and even unite the leaders of hundreds of schools to fight against the Qin Dynasty.

Tian Meng is undoubtedly extremely suitable.

"Very well, you are a smart man."

Luo Yan slowly stretched out his hand and patted it, looked at Tian Meng in front of him with admiration, and chuckled.

Tian Meng clasped his hands and said to Luo Yan seriously: "It is my honor to serve Marquis Yueyang."

"It's a pity that your loyalty is a bit cheap, but it doesn't matter. I never look at the virtues of others when I employ people. I don't care about your conduct as a person. I only care about your ability and value. I have captured the peasant hero Kuitian Guang. Since then, From now on, it’s time for the farmer’s boss to be replaced, and I need the farmer to work for me.”

Luo Yan said calmly.

Tian Meng's eyes flashed and he said in a deep voice: "The biggest power in the farm family is the Tian family. My second brother is also one of the hall leaders. The only one who doesn't get along with me is the Zhu family of Shennong Hall. As long as the Zhu family is eliminated, , my subordinates are 100% sure to become the new hero!"

"Eat it."

Luo Yan said nonchalantly, and at the same time he raised his hand and threw something to Tian Meng.

Tian Meng raised his hand to catch it, looked closely, and found that there was a tiny purple-black insect in his palm, which was extremely delicate.

"This thing is called Sanjue Gu. It is one of the Gu insects in the Baiyue Land. It is very special. If you eat it, your energy and blood will be strengthened and you will be immune to all poisons. Oh, I forgot, all of you farm disciples seem to have this Talent, but it shouldn’t be useful for this thing, you can try it too.”

Luo Yan looked at Tian Meng and said slowly.

Luo Yan didn't believe in loyalty, but Tian Meng could indeed use it. This person was enough and had no lower limit. This kind of person would be very useful.

Tian Meng's expression changed, but he only hesitated for a moment before swallowing the Three Jue Gu. As his Adam's apple rolled, he opened his mouth to Luo Yan, indicating that he had swallowed it.


Luo Yan looked at Tian Meng and remained silent.

The next moment, Tian Meng directly covered his heart, his face instantly turned miserable, and his whole body was shaking in pain, as if his heart was tightly held in the palm of his hand.

"very good."

Luo Yan nodded, very satisfied that Tian Meng didn't play any tricks.

Tian Meng was panting with cold sweat on his head.

Luo Yan continued: "Your first task is to become the new leader of the farm family. After you become the new leader, I will send someone to contact you. As for the Zhu family... I can help you solve it. It just so happens that I am very interested in him. I’m very interested in his martial arts moves.”

The Zhu family's special skills are indeed very powerful. In addition to the skill of Thousand People and Thousand Faces, the half-hearted acupuncture technique is also a unique skill.

Luo Yan is very interested in the acupuncture technique and believes that no man would refuse such a magical skill.

"Subordinates take orders!"

Tian Meng also took on the role, cupped his hands and said in a deep voice.

The shock and anger in Tian Mi's eyes dissipated at this moment, and she looked at Tian Meng with eyes full of spring water. She covered her mouth and smiled softly: "I didn't expect that the dignified Master Tian Da would also be loyal to the enemy. I really surprised the slave family~ "

After the words fell, Tian Mi, the little honey pot, ignored Da Siming's dangerous gaze and didn't care whether there was anyone around. She leaned directly into Luo Yan's arms, rubbed Luo Yan's chest like a coquettish one, and blinked her beautiful eyes. Blinking, full of admiration, the fair skin is delicate and smooth, exuding an alluring fragrance.

"My lord is still so charming, I can't stop it~"

Hearing the charming and soft voice made Luo Yan's belly feel hot.

There is a saying that Tian Mi is really good at seducing men. Her energy is different from Madam Mingzhu's. It is like a kitten's claws, scratching your little heart, as if at a distance, with just the right amount of control. It is easy to stimulate men's desire.

Not the desire to conquer, but the pure love between man and woman.

Just ask if you are tempted.

Which man can withstand such temptation? There are bad people everywhere in the farmhouse!

Wait... Luo Yan gave Tian Mi a look, put his arms around her waist, then looked at Tian Meng and said, "Why are you watching if you don't leave?"


Tian Meng's eyes also changed rapidly. He glanced at Tian Mi who was hugging Luo Yan. He still didn't understand that this woman had hooked up with him a long time ago. Maybe he had hooked up with him a few years ago. He felt a little bit in his heart. Shen did not dare to say anything, and chased Tian Hu in the direction where he left.

Tian Meng left.

Tian Mi became more and more unscrupulous. She hugged Luo Yan's neck, her eyes were as charming as silk, her breath was like orchid, and she said in a sweet voice: "Are you here to pick up the slave?"

"This is a note to thank you~"

Luo Yan stretched his arms slightly, looked at Tian Mi's charming face, and chuckled.

He will thank Tian Mi vigorously.

Tian Mi seemed to understand that meaning, her pretty face immediately turned red, her thin lips pursed slightly, and she twisted her body, as if she was looking forward to it.

Dog man and woman... Da Siming looked at the man and woman, and this thought came to his mind inexplicably. Although there was no such word, the thought was incomparably consistent with this word.

But it was obvious that Da Siming still underestimated Luo Yan's nature. This guy stretched out his hand to hold Da Siming's soft Rou Yi, and asked seriously: "Let's go together~"


Da Siming opened his eyes wide, blinked, and looked at Luo Yan in disbelief.

Lao Luo, are you serious? !


Luo Yan also blinked and looked at him expectantly.

I don’t want it~

Tian Mi punched Luo Yan's chest with a small fist to express resistance, but the invitation seemed to be a little stronger. Her soft eyes even glanced at Da Siming who seemed to be reluctant, and said softly: "Sister What are you afraid of? Could it be that you are afraid that your sister will eat you?"

Mo Ya looked up at the sky and felt that the weather today was good and suitable for sleeping.

Because the snowflakes in the air have already fallen, and as expected, another heavy snowfall is coming. Perhaps only the purity of snowflakes can drown the turbidity and filth of this worldly world.

It didn't take Tian Meng long to find Tian Hu using the farmer's special contact information.

Tian Hu was also surprised when he found out that his eldest brother was out of trouble. As for the disappearance of Tian Mi and those core disciples, he didn't care much. As long as his eldest brother was still alive, the relationship between the two was still very deep, at least for him. thought.

As for how much Tian Meng has in his heart, only he knows clearly.

Tian Hu took a general look at Tian Meng's condition and asked, "Brother, are you okay?"

"No problem."

Tian Meng shook his head and said softly, but his face was a little ugly. He also felt the changes in his body along the way. There was no trace of the three unique Gu. It seemed to be hidden deep in his heart, unless he took out the heart. It is possible to find it.

This undoubtedly stopped Tian Meng's thoughts. Fortunately, there was no shortage of famous doctors in the farmhouse, so he could figure out a solution for the Three Jue Gu matter when he returned home.

"But then Marquis Yueyang of Qin State made things difficult for my eldest brother?!"

Tian Hu clenched the tiger soul in his hand and asked in a deep voice.

"It's a blessing to be able to save this life. Leave this place as soon as possible. I just told him that Xiakui has fallen into the hands of Luo Yu. We don't know whether he will live or die. The farmer's family will be in chaos. You and I must go back and take charge of the overall situation as soon as possible!"

Tian Meng held Tian Hu's sword-holding arm, and spoke slowly with a deep tone.

Tian Hu's expression changed when he heard this. After a moment, he asked: "Brother, are we going to rescue Xia Kui?!"

You can't use your brain... Tian Meng's expression froze, but he explained: "The situation does not allow us to go back. We are lucky to escape. Let's save our lives for the time being and leave this area before making long-term plans."

"But Xiakui..."

Tian Hu wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Tian Meng.

"After the assassination plan failed, Xia Kui was already ready to sacrifice. He stayed behind to save some seeds for the farmers. Living is the best answer to Xia Kui!"

"I listen to big brother."

Tian Hu frowned and nodded.

His greatest advantage is that he listens to advice. First of all, you can persuade him instead of being cut down by him.


Tian Meng said in a deep voice, and immediately the two of them headed towards the outside. They never encountered the pursuers of the three departments of Qin State along the way.

This may be the benefit of being a dog.

At least you can survive.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Gray-white dark clouds piled up in the sky like marshmallows, and the cold wind blew the snowflakes down.

The Zhu family raised their hands to catch a cold snowflake, shook their heads, and sighed softly: "It's snowing again. I don't know how many people will starve to death."

"Boss Zhu, you still care about the people of the world at this moment. You and I may not be able to leave this Shura field today. Just calm down and think about what to do next."

Hearing this, Situ Wanli said with a wry smile.

He was in extremely poor condition at the moment. His face was pale, and there were many injuries on his shoulders and back. The blood almost dyed the clothes on his upper body red. It was not that he was not careful enough, but that he was just too unlucky to be killed by Qin Shi's three departments inexplicably. The men and horses focused on him, and he was almost beaten to death by the group.

As for the reason, maybe it's because his strength is too poor.

Although the killer has no emotions, he is not without brains. He still knows how to pick on the weak.

"You shouldn't have come. Fortunately, brother Liu Ji didn't come with you. At least he can leave a seed for Shennong Hall."

Zhu Jia shook his head, holding the funny big head, the mask on his face turned into a melancholy blue, sighed, and said slowly.

"Siyue Hall doesn't have any seeds."

Situ Wanli said dumbfounded that he really didn't want to die. He sighed deeply, raised his head and sighed: "The biggest tragedy in life is when a person dies without spending all the money."

The Zhu family didn't laugh at anything. They pondered for a moment and said slowly: "When Zhu Zhong comes back, we will try again. If nothing can be done, I will risk my life to help you find a way out."


Situ Wanli looked at the Zhu family and fell silent. He knew that the Zhu family were not joking. In this case, there was no need to be humble.

The Zhu family mask turned into red anger, and there was a bit of sadness in the comedy. He said as if explaining the aftermath: "If I die, Shennong Hall will be controlled by Brother Liu Ji. Brother Situ, please help me and take care of me." There is Zhong'er, although he is a little scheming, but his nature is not bad, I hope you can help me take care of him."

"The situation is not that bad yet..."

Situ Wanli wanted to say a few words of comfort, but he couldn't continue mid-sentence.

How can we say that their current situation is not bad?

Zhu Jia shook his head and looked at the sky. He missed the days in Shennong Hall. Watching the farmers' disciples farming, he felt an inexplicable peace of mind. This was what he wanted in this life. But where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are rivers and lakes. Wherever there is strife and killing.

There seems to be no end, just like human desires and ambitions.

at the same time.

A carriage was parked in a dense forest. It was guarded by killers from the three departments of the Qin State within a hundred meters. It looked extremely unique. Only the carriage trembled slightly from time to time as if it was performing a classic old song:

The shaking red wine glass, the lips seem to be stained with blood, the unusual beauty...


A black shadow suddenly appeared beside the carriage. The person who came was naturally Mo Ya. He bowed respectfully to the carriage and said in a deep voice: "Sir, we have found the whereabouts of the Zhu family, and there is an unexpected harvest. Zhu Zhong, the leader of the Gonggong Hall of the Farmer's Family, I hope to be loyal to you!"

The rocking of the carriage stopped briefly.


Luo Yan looked at Tian Mi curiously and joked: "Do all the masters of your farmhouse like to be dogs for others?"

"My slave is not a dog!"

Tian Mi, who was kneeling in front of Luo Yan, had an intoxicating blush on her pretty face. She rolled her eyes with an angry look, bit her lips and retorted reluctantly.

Da Siming on the side looked at Luo Yan angrily. Luo Yan went too far. He almost scolded her too. Da Siming was so embarrassed and angry that he was being tapped!

next moment.

Luo Yan stuck his head out of the car window and looked at Mo Ya waiting outside the carriage. He thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I accept his allegiance, but he has to hand over the Zhu family to me. I want to live. You Bring someone to cooperate with him."


Mo Ya cupped his hands in response and disappeared in a flash. He did not dare to disturb Luo Yan's interest.

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