Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 857 Dongchang needs talents like you

Is the Mo family going out in force?

Mo Ya's expression was a little more solemn. Looking at the group of people led by the Mo family tycoon, he must be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, especially the two machine beasts, which were frightening. He had seen the public loser machine beasts before. It's scary. Even if the Mo family's machine beasts are not as destructive as the public loser's machine beasts, they cannot be underestimated, not to mention this group of outstanding masters.

Zhu Zhong looked at the sudden appearance of everyone in the Mo family, feeling as if he had eaten shit.

What's the matter, he had just chosen to betray his adoptive father, and even took action against the Zhu family and others, but the Mo family's gang suddenly jumped out, as if they had picked the right time, why don't you be so deceitful!

If given a choice, Zhu Zhong would also like to be a "good guy" who values ​​justice and love.

In today's world, reputation is very important.

But it was obvious that no one present cared about Zhu Zhong's mood.

Mo Ya's eyes fell on Yan Dan, the giant of the Mohist family. He narrowed his eyes and asked tentatively: "Hasn't the Mohist family always claimed to be neutral and protect world peace? Why have they rashly intervened in this matter now? Could it be that the Mohist family is really like the rumors in the world? He hated Qin so much that he even planned a plan to assassinate Qin!

Also, how should I address you, your Majesty or Your Highness? "

"It doesn't matter what you call it. As for the Mo family's choice, there is no need for others to judge it. Do you leave on your own or do we invite you to leave?"

Yan Dan did not deny his identity, but he also did not admit it. He still covered his face with a cloak, and his voice was low and cold, slightly hoarse, like a weather-beaten old man.

The big hammer clenched the hammer in his hand that was comparable to a child's, strode forward, and said in a cold voice: "Big man, what do you have to say to these Qin dogs!"


Yan Dan raised his arm to stop him. At this stage, they only need to rescue people. As for starting a war with Luo Yan's group, his current manpower is slightly insufficient. He does not want to add unnecessary casualties. Today's Mo family There were only three or two kittens and even fewer disciples. Any casualties would be a huge loss to the Mo family.

"Okay, no need to invite us, we can go on our own."

Mo Ya's eyes flashed, he glanced at the Zhu family and Situ Wanli, grinned, and said calmly.

An ordinary killer might choose to fight to the death at this moment.

As the chief steward of Luo Yan's mansion, Mo Ya does not need to abide by this rule. He is qualified to change some tasks. It is really stupid to do it knowing that it cannot be done. Besides, compared to arresting the Zhu family, Yan Dan once again The news that emerged will probably be more important to Luo Yan.


Mo Crow looked at Xue Nu, and gave a very gentlemanly salute: "Miss Xue Nu, I would like to say hello to you on behalf of my family."

It would be bad if the silent fight hurt Xue Nu. Luo Yan is very interested in this woman. Since she is the woman Luo Yan is interested in, even if it is just a plaything, it is best not to hurt her. What's more, even if the Zhu family and Situ Wanli run away, this Once, can they run for a lifetime?

Unless they leave the farm and become anonymous.

Otherwise, it would just be running from one cage to another.

The snow girl's beautiful and cold face faced Mo Crow, and she frowned lightly. Apparently, she suddenly thought of the bastard who looked at her body and played with her. She immediately laughed angrily, showed a beautiful smile, and said softly. : "I miss him too~"

The gentle words contained an icy chill.

Thief Zhi couldn't help but blinked, looked at Xue Nu, listened to her conversation with Mo Crow, and couldn't help but glance at Gao Jianli, who still had a cold face next to him. He felt some sympathy and empathy for some reason. He missed it. His girl Rong.

Since Miss Rong went to Qin State, he now has no place to treat his leg pain.

The Extinct Lightning God Walk he practiced was extremely taxing on the body. If it was used for more than a certain period of time, it would cause damage to the meridians. In the past, he would seek help from Duan Murong.

But now, there is no such chance.

"That guy has such a good rapport with women!"

Robber Zhi said somewhat sourly.

Gao Jianli ignored him. He knew that Xue Nu did not like Luo Yan. There was no love between the two of them. It was impossible for Xue Nu to like someone with this expression. So he was very calm. He met the right person in this life. He is willing to protect her all the time, even if she has no feelings for him.

Whether he likes him or not is a matter of Yuki-onna, but liking Yuki-onna is his choice.

"I'll tell you exactly what you said."

Mo Ya responded politely, then took a deep look at the Mo family giant, and retreated back with a group of people. He did not choose to fight with them desperately, which made no sense.

Zhu Zhong naturally left with Mo Ya and others. He did not dare to stay to see if the Zhu family would forgive him.

Yan Dan watched Mo Ya and others leave, and then slowly turned his attention to the Zhu family and Situ Wanli.

"Thank you Juzi and everyone from the Mo family for saving me!"

The Zhu family and Situ Wanli both thanked Yan Dan. They knew very well that without the help of the Mo family, the two of them would never be able to escape today.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's talk after we leave!"

Yan Dan said in a deep voice.

Immediately, a group of people got on the Mo family's mechanism beast Suzaku and flew towards the sky.

The snowflakes are falling heavier and heavier.

In the evening, Luo Yan had already returned with everyone in the courtyard of the town.

It was freezing cold outside and snow was falling heavily. Luo Yan had no interest in spending the night outside. Although the carriage was considered warm, no matter how warm it was, it couldn't be compared to a warm bed. After all, the carriage was a little crowded and couldn't stand two nights. Some of the tossings above the human level cannot be performed, and many movements are restricted.


The charcoal in the stove was burned and shattered, making a crisp sound.

Luo Yan was wearing a black coat and warming his hands in front of the stove. At the same time, he listened to Mo Ya's report. He did not expect that Yan Dan would get involved at this time. Although it has not been verified, this kind of thing still needs to be verified. ?

If Yan Dan really died, if it were replaced by a Mohist giant, this giant would still be so secretive, and even go out to rescue the peasants.

So, I really wish there was only one!

Yan Dan is just like in the original novel, he cheats his death.

"Weizhuang is so gentle. How long has passed and this Yan Dan can actually run out and jump around? I'm really disappointed."

Luo Yan chuckled and said quite casually. He didn't blame Mo Ya for rashly changing the mission. It had to be said that Mo Ya did have some brains. In contrast, his predecessor Tianze was a bit brainless. Yes, sort of.

If it were him, he would probably fight to the death with the Mo family and the others for a while, and then escape after being defeated. In this case, the killer who was brought over would probably be dead.

There was a pause.

Luo Yan rubbed his hands, looked at Zhu Zhong aside, and said with a kind smile: "Are you Zhu Zhong?"

"I've seen Marquis Yueyang!"

Zhu Zhong's attitude was extremely humble and respectful, he lowered his head and bowed his hands in salute.

"Don't be nervous. I like smart people. Since you have taken refuge in me and I have accepted you, I won't do anything to you. I only look for ability, not virtue. If you have the ability, I will recommend you to join the Qin Dynasty in the future. It’s okay to be a teacher, as long as you have the ability.”

Luo Yan stood up slowly and softly drew a pie for Zhu Zhong.

In fact, it is not a big deal. If Zhu Zhong is really capable, it doesn't matter if he helps him. Anyway, he can't make any trouble. If he can't control it, he will be killed.

When Zhu Zhong heard this, his mood suddenly became agitated. He glanced at Luo Yan quietly and said quickly: "I am willing to die for Marquis Yueyang!"

"It's better to forget it if you die. I don't believe this."

Luo Yan shook his head and said slowly: "Now I'll give you your first mission. Return to the farmhouse and help Tian Meng become the new hero leader. Since the Zhu family and Situ Wanli are not dead, there will probably be a lot of trouble. You see Let's do it, I just want the results, and by the way, I'm very interested in the Zhu family's half-hearted acupuncture skills and the thousands of people with thousands of faces, you have to find an opportunity to help me get it."

Tian Meng? !

Zhu Zhong's eyes suddenly flashed, and he captured a lot of information in an instant, but he did not ask Luo Yan anything. When chatting with his boss, he could not ask questions at will. It would only make him appear incompetent, especially what Luo Yan said just now.

"The villain understands."

Zhu Zhong responded in a deep voice.

Luo Yan nodded and said to Mo Crow on the side: "Mo Crow, find someone to send him back."


Mo Ya answered with cupped hands, and immediately took Zhu Zhong down to make arrangements.

After a while, Mo Ya came back to resume his life.

"Take this opportunity to arrange for some more people to enter the farmhouse. Since the Zhu family and Situ Wanli are not dead, there will probably be a big drama in the farmhouse next."

Luo Yan chuckled.

Mo Ya nodded and said, "I understand."

"Get ready, it's time for us to go back. This time we go back, some people should move."

Luo Yan narrowed his eyes and said softly.

Keeping Lord Changping would be a disaster after all. He had to think of a way to cooperate with him and trick the Chu State again. How he had harmed the Qin State in history could now be reversed and speed up the pace of the Qin State. .

"This world will eventually be unified."

Luo Yan looked at the snowflakes falling in the night and sighed.

After being empty, the state of mind always rises involuntarily, and the ancient sages were no more than that.

Mo Ya lowered his head and said nothing. He knew that Luo Yan was talking to himself. At this time, all he had to do was cooperate with the flattery: "If Qin can unify the world, I will take all the credit."

"It's okay~"

Luo Yan said modestly.

Mo Ya lowered his head and said nothing, unable to continue the conversation.

"What do you think Tian Guang should do?"

Luo Yan touched his chin, thought for a while, and asked Mo Crow for his opinion.

Tian Guang is worthless to Luo Yan, and he is Chang Pingjun's loyal lackey. The possibility of persuading him to surrender is almost zero. Even the Three Jue Gu can't control it. This kind of person is not afraid of death and is very moral. A wolf in a pack of dogs is very courageous.

As a result, Tian Guang would not be able to serve Luo Yan.

There is no point in raising him for nothing. Killing him seems to be the easiest way to deal with it, but Luo Yan always feels that it would be a pity to kill him directly.

Mo Ya thought for a while and said: "Since your Excellency wants to deal with the peasant family, it is best for this peasant hero to disappear forever, otherwise it will be a disaster after all."

"What do you mean, kill him directly?"

Luo Yan frowned when he heard this and said in a deep voice.

Mo Ya nodded. He felt that this matter did not need to be too complicated. It would be best to keep it simple. Why leave useless people without killing them?

Luo Yan thought for a while and said slowly: "Give it to Dongchang. I think Tian Guang is a talented person. It would be a pity to kill him directly. Zhao Gao happens to be good at tossing such tough bones, so give it to him for fun."

Dongchang... Hearing this, Mo Ya immediately mourned for three seconds of silence for Tian Guang. Death might be a better ending than going to Dongchang.

"That's it!"

Luo Yan decided to give Zhao Gao a gift. How could Dongchang not love such a tough guy?

Mo Ya cupped his hands and said, "No!"

"Go down, it's getting late, rest early."

Luo Yan waved his hand to signal him to leave, and he walked towards the room. During the long night, he felt that he could squeeze out a few drops if he squeezed.

Men still have to torture themselves sometimes.

Ah, what a dull night.

At this moment, the snow outside the house is falling more and more seriously...

. . . . . . . . . . .

On a mountain peak far away from the town, the Mo family and others settled here, because the snow was getting heavier and heavier, and the Mo family's mechanism beast Suzaku could not withstand such a torment, not to mention that the situation of the Zhu family and Situ Wanli was not too bad. good.

"What are Master Zhu's plans next?"

Yan Dan briefly treated the wounds of the two of them, and then asked them about their plans.

The Zhu family pondered for a moment, then smiled self-deprecatingly: "Let's take it one step at a time and return to the farmhouse first. According to what the old man's treacherous son said, it is very likely that the hero has fallen into their hands. Life or death is uncertain. As for Tian Meng and others, People don’t know the situation either. There will definitely be turmoil in the farmhouse, and someone needs to go back and take charge of the overall situation, at least to stabilize the disciples."

"When the snow stops, I'll have someone take you back."

Yan Dan nodded and said.

The Zhu family touched the beard on their chin, looked at Yan Dan with some confusion, and asked, "How did you know that we are here?"

Yan Dan arrived just in time, and they almost followed Tian Guang's footsteps.

"I am on good terms with your hero, and he informed me of this matter beforehand. But where are the rules of the Mohist family, and as a giant of the Mohist family, I cannot take the lead in violating them."

Yan Dan pondered for a moment and explained.

This statement was naturally false. In fact, he was eyeing Luo Yan. He happened to be aware of the farmer's plan, so he waited and watched. The result was obviously very bad. The farmer's people were almost wiped out. Luo Yan was indeed an extremely dangerous person. figure.

The Zhu family heard this and had no doubts. They nodded and asked, "Have you seen anyone else in the farmhouse?"

"No, I and my men were just watching from a distance. I didn't know about it until your plan failed and Luowangdongchang Shadow Secret Guards pursued you."

Yan Dan said softly.

This is true. He didn't dare to get too close to the town. After all, the incident in Yan Kingdom had just ended. If he, a dead man, came to life again, then Qin and Yan would inevitably have another dispute. This was not what he wanted to see. , although the Yan Kingdom has no future, it can at least let it be peaceful for a while.

Zhu Jia nodded and said nothing. He knew in his heart that Tian Meng and others might also be in trouble.

If they hadn't been rescued by the Mo family and others, their end would probably not have been much better.

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