Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 864: Taboo

Have you ever seen the picture of a chicken pecking at rice? Luo Yan is like a big rooster at this moment, pecking at the moon god's body rhythmically.

After coming out of Yong Palace, Luo Yan was intercepted by Concubine Yan's junior sister Yueshen, and then came a familiar place, familiar words, and finally the familiar blending of water and milk, talking to each other, her loneliness and emptiness Luo Yan came to satisfy, Luo Yan came to channel her jealousy and dissatisfaction.

If you want to ask why Luo Yan is so good, maybe Luo Yan is born with a great love, showing mercy and saving seeds at every turn.

Turn your hands to make clouds and turn your hands to make rain, and work hard with your hard sweat.

Never say a tired word.


Luo Yan took a deep breath, held the back of his head with one hand melancholy, and looked at the ceiling of the hall. It was like a layout of stars, extremely mysterious, and seemed to be telling the whisper of the starry sky.

Of course, Luo Yan didn't understand at all. He was just reminiscing about what happened just now.

It has to be said that the current Moon God has been developed by him to a level where she is already comparable to Madam Mingzhu. Even because of the bonus of the art of change, she is even better than Madam Mingzhu in some aspects, making Luo Yan more and more interested. The more I like it.

"You didn't come to see me when you came back yesterday. It's me who comes looking for you every time."

Luna's purple hair fell on Luo Yan's chest, and her beautiful face faced Luo Yan's eyes. The pair of deep starry eyes reflected Luo Yan's face. Her thin lips were lightly opened, and her cold voice was mixed with some complicated words. The emotions, like sadness and resentment, coupled with the otherworldly temperament, are very life-threatening.

Fortunately, Luo Yan's life can't be ruined.

"I was too tired yesterday, so I went back to rest first. As for the relationship between you and me, after all, we cannot see the light of day. You should know this very well."

Luo Yan stretched out his hand and stroked Yue Xie's hair, looked into her eyes, a flash of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and sighed softly.

Luna leaned into Luo Yan's arms, hugged his body, and said softly: "Why can't you see the light? As long as you are willing, there is nothing you can't do. As for the senior sister, she already has a child, so she can still leave." If you don’t succeed, sometimes I don’t know what you are afraid of.”

I'm afraid that Concubine Yan will beat you to death... Luo Yan played with the soft hair of the Moon God, and did not answer such a question. He was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Isn't it good for us to be like this? As long as you are willing, we can always be like this. Go down."

"But I don't want to."

Luna snorted coldly, regained some strength, sat up slowly, picked up the thin quilt on the side to cover the spring light on her body, and glanced at Luo Yan coldly, her eyes with tear stains were indescribably cold. , as if it can speak.

Whether you want it or not, you can't change the relationship between you and me. It's not that I'm irresponsible, but that you don't have the consciousness to be a mistress at all!

Luo Yan murmured in his heart. He felt that Luna was a little too much and had too many demands, making it difficult for him to satisfy him.

It was Moon God who seduced him first, and he had already made a mistake, and now he still bullies Concubine Yan in vain, how could Luo Yan endure this? He is not the kind of irrational scumbag who would be seduced by a mistress. Sometimes Luo Yan Yan didn't know what Yueshen was thinking, and he had no clue.

It makes sense to break up other people’s families!

Luo Yan must not compromise on this point, he is principled.

"Wouldn't it be great if we were happy together? Why do you always like to compare with Concubine Yan? If I agree to you now, then I may agree to other women in the future. Am I still mine?"

Luo Yan stood up and hugged Luna, and coaxed into her ear seriously.

After saying that, without waiting for Luna to speak, Luo Yan tightened his arms around her waist and asked in a deep voice: "Or, you have never liked me, you just want to compare with Concubine Yan, This is your goal, and I am just a tool to achieve your goal!"

After the words fell, Luo Yan seemed a little annoyed. He stretched out his hand and tilted Luna's head towards him.


Luna looked at Luo Yan's face with a little confusion in her eyes. She gradually became a little unclear. If she had this idea at the beginning, it is a little unclear now.

"I see. I understand. You and I should calm down for a while. When you determine what you want in your heart, we can meet again."

Luo Yan didn't care whether the Moon God could understand it or not. He closed his eyes slightly, leaned forward forty-five degrees, and said in a melancholy tone, full of a sense of determination that he could see through the mortal world.

Even after Xuan let go of Luna, he stood up to get dressed. He was very fast and didn't even give Luna a chance to defend himself. He had already put on his clothes and was adjusting his belt.

"I'm leaving. You don't have to rush to answer my questions. I just want to know the answer in your heart. I'll give you time to think."

Luo Yan seemed to not want to see the Moon God again, so he chose to turn his back to her, said something, and strode out of the hall.

Today I have to go to the Chamber of Commerce and the Academy. Time is limited and I can't stay here for too long.

Luo Yan is a very enterprising man. He has to make money for his wife and children. How can he be overly indulged in female sex? This is not what a good man should do.

Luna sat on the soft couch and watched Luo Yan leave absentmindedly. Her beautiful face was also a little confused. Luo Yan's question went straight to the bottom of her heart. For a moment, she didn't know what she wanted. She was really just innocent. Revenge against Concubine Yan?

Maybe so at first, but to this day, can the Moon God still use Luo Yan as a tool for revenge?

Luna herself doesn’t know yet.

After all, she could not regard Luo Yan as a dispensable tool.

Luna gave almost everything she had to Luo Yan, even her sense of shame. The only thing left was her desire to win compared with Concubine Yan. She was still jealous of Concubine Yan. Why could Concubine Yan always do so easily? She gets everything she wants, why!

. . . . . . . . . . .

In a blink of an eye, Luo Yan had arrived at the Chamber of Commerce and was having lunch with Bai Jie in his arms. Compared with the pretentiousness of being with Luna, being with Bai Jie seemed much more natural.

Although I don’t want to admit it, sometimes a rich woman on the list is really great.

You don't need to worry about all the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce. Bai Jie is very good in this area and manages all aspects in an orderly manner. Luo Yan only needs to stand behind her to help suppress any dissatisfaction.

"Sir, this is the Pearl of the East China Sea that I sent people to salvage from the deep sea. It has magical effects. It can gather the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth. Wearing it for a long time can cleanse the muscles and bones. Although the effect is slow, it is long-lasting and has no side effects. I am here to offer it to you, Your Majesty. .”

At this moment, the Emerald Tiger was talking to Luo Yan with a flattering smile on his face, and his intention to please was self-evident.

There were two exquisite boxes placed in front of him, with a long golden lock inside each. Each golden lock was inlaid with a pearl, which was the size of a dragon's eye and was extremely round. It seemed to be surrounded by dense air, which was quite magical. .

Obviously, these two items were given to Luo Yan's children.

Jade Tiger spared no effort in flattering him. Even if he gave gifts late, he would strive for the best things. He would never be casual and perfunctory. He only wanted to improve his status in Luo Yan's mind and give him a noble title in the future. Man This is what I want in this life.

The Jade Tiger has no shortage of money, the only thing left is status.

Especially as Qin's tendency to unify the six countries becomes more and more obvious, Luo Yan's status naturally rises.

"Good thing, you have your heart. Don't worry. I will definitely do what I promised you. I'm not Ji Wuye's kind of person who will turn his back on others. What's more, you've performed well over the years. I know your abilities. Agreed, after some time, I will give you a chance to rise to fame, it is up to you whether you can seize it or not."

Luo Yan drank wine, looked at the flattering emerald tiger in front of him, and said in a leisurely manner.

"As long as you are in need, I am willing to die for you."

The flesh on the Jade Tiger's face trembled, and he said with a smile on his face.

Luo Yan nodded, raised his glass and took a sip, indicating that the Emerald Tiger could leave.

The Emerald Tiger was also very discerning. When he saw this scene, he cupped his hands and turned around to leave, not daring to disturb Luo Yan's enjoyment.

Bai Jie stood up slowly and brought the pair of longevity locks presented by the jade tiger to Luo Yan. Her gentle eyes showed a bit of certainty and she chuckled: "These pairs of pearls are indeed rare. There are thousands at least." Years of gestation.”

The pearls in the sea will grow bigger and bigger with the clams, until they reach a limit, and then they will slowly shrink, and finally turn into this kind of beads. The number is extremely rare. It does have miraculous effects when worn on the body, but it only works on young children, but not on adults. If a person swallows it, it can also change the muscles and bones, which can be regarded as a unique and rare thing.

"The Jade Tiger still has a way of flattering people. Let him help find some more someday."

Luo Yan looked at it for a few times and chuckled.

Luo Yan had no shortage of ways to strengthen his muscles and bones, but there were very few that were suitable for young children. The time when the Emerald Tiger arrived was perfect.

"This object is extremely rare. It is extremely difficult for him to find two."

Bai Jie covered her mouth and chuckled, and said softly, obviously not thinking that there are more emerald tigers to be found, it depends on luck.

"Believe it or not, there must be something better over there at the Emerald Tiger."

Luo Yan said with a smile.

When Bai Jie heard this, she couldn't help but look at Luo Yan. Obviously, her understanding of the Emerald Tiger was far less thorough than Luo Yan's.

"If not better, he has something similar."

Luo Yan was extremely determined, because he knew very well who Jade Tiger was. To expect him to be loyal to him was undoubtedly overthinking. Jade Tiger only succumbed to people who could bring him benefits. There are a lot of good things caught in the year, and there are records in the net.

For example, this pair of rare pearls from the East China Sea is not the best. The Jade Tiger also hid a larger one, but there was only one and it could not be given to Luo Yan's children, so he kept it privately.

Luo Yan didn't mind this. Anyway, the things belonging to the Emerald Tiger belonged to him, so he could just come over if he wanted.

Bai Jie nodded slightly, but didn't say anything.

"By the way, cassava can be sold on a large scale. Anyone who wants to buy it can sell it."

Luo Yan continued.

Now that the war has reached this point, there is no need to hide cassava and spread it out in advance. Chu State is very suitable for growing these things. In addition, there are many things that can be laid out in advance. There is no need to wait until the world is unified. Take your time, build a framework first and fill it in later.

The latter was naturally left to Li Si to take charge of. Luo Yan never did any fine work and knew everything.

"Okay, I will arrange this."

Bai Jie responded softly.

Luo Yan hugged Bai Jie and praised: "You are really my good wife."

One thing to say, Bai Jie is not only capable, but also has a great figure.

Bai Jie's pretty face was slightly red, and she nestled next to Luo Yan. She was gentle and soft, with a bit of a woman's cuteness.

. . . . . . . . . . . .


With the arrest of Xia Kui Tian Guang and the failure of the assassination plan, the peasant family became turbulent. Especially after the Zhu family and others returned, the two sides started fighting.

"Damn it, Tian Meng, Tian Hu, don't say I don't give you face, hand over Zhu Zhong and everything will be easy to negotiate, otherwise I will overthrow your Lieshan Hall today!"

Liu Ji brought hundreds of disciples from Shennong Hall to Lieshan Hall. The handsome man tilted his head, clenched a sword, and glared at Zhu Zhong, who was shrinking his head behind Tian Meng and others. He wished he could kill him directly. Zhu Zhong was chopped into pieces.

The Zhu family and Situ Wanli came back alive, but they were both seriously injured, especially Situ Wanli, who almost died.

After learning what happened, Liu Ji was already shocked and angry. The most unbelievable thing happened to him again. Zhu Zhong actually came back. He actually had the nerve to come back. Not only did he come back, he even stopped giving up his last name. He changed his family name and joined Tian Meng's command. He changed his surname to Tian and is now called Tian Zhong.

It’s so damn true that the bottom line of a man’s life is gone.

Liu Ji couldn't stand this kind of thing when he was the adopted son of the Zhu family. He wanted to come over and start a fight with his brothers after he got a vote.

It doesn't matter if there are many masters, the farmer's formation is specially designed to restrain the masters!

Tian Hu sneered, stared at Liu Ji eagerly, and said disdainfully: "Liu Ji, it's just you? If you want to die, come here and try!"

"Tian Zhong is no longer from your Shennong Hall. He is now my adopted son and cannot tolerate your teaching. Liu Ji, I advise you to take care of yourself!"

Tian Meng looked at Liu Ji indifferently and said calmly.

He also didn't expect that Zhu Zhong would surrender to Luo Yan. To be honest, Tian Meng didn't think Zhu Zhong was a weakling. He even had a bit of a hero who cherished heroes, and he still had a sense of crisis in his heart. He was worried that Zhu Zhong would replace him, so , he gritted his teeth and simply accepted Zhu Zhong as his adopted son.

Well, no one has told him these days that not everyone can control his adopted son. If he is not careful, he can easily be ridden on his head and shit.

Zhu Zhong... no, it's Tian Zhong now, looking at his adoptive father with a grateful expression.

Tian Mi stood aside with an enchanting figure, her beautiful eyes blinking, and the farm disciples around her were stunned by her feminine charm. However, no one dared to look at her. They could only see but not touch. She saw The situation was about to become unstable, so he immediately walked out and persuaded in a charming voice: "Brother Liu Ji, can't we sit down and talk about something? Why shout and kill? We are all peasant disciples, sit down and talk~"

"Tian Mi, this matter has nothing to do with you. Zhu Zhong has violated a peasant taboo and must be severely punished!"

Liu Ji was unmoved and said coldly.

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