Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 866 Choice

Duan Murong was only in her early twenties. When she was a teenager, she left Jinghu with her master and met Luo Yan. With Luo Yan, she saw all the prosperity and beauty of the world. However, her temperament has not changed. In essence, she is still the same as before in Jinghu. The herb picking girl in Hu is thin-skinned, has a quiet temperament, and doesn't like to make noise. The only person around her who can be lively and lively is Luo Yan.

"I'll accompany you back to Jinghu Lake to stay for a while, and by the way, I'll visit Mr. Nianduan's grave."

Luo Yan knew Duan Murong's temperament, so he stopped after saying sweet words, became serious, squeezed her soft little hand and said.

Duan Murong was slightly startled, obviously she didn't expect that Luo Yan could still remember his master's memorial day when he was so busy. His eyes suddenly became a little gentler, looking at Luo Yan with a little affection, nodded slightly, and then seemed to be worried about something, and said: "You Are you okay recently? If you are busy, I can go back by myself."

"No matter how many things I have, I can't compare to you. My heart for power is not that heavy. I am already content with everything I have now. If you can give me a baby in the future, then I will be even more satisfied."

Luo Yan held Duan Murong's hand and put it on his face, and said with a smile.

Give birth to a baby... Duan Murong immediately blinked his eyes when he heard this, then a blush appeared, and he lightly spat: "Nonsense."

"Aren't you willing? Then let's have a daughter~"

Luo Yan looked at Duan Murong's shy purple eyes and joked.

"No more nonsense."

Duan Murong raised her hand and covered Luo Yan. She didn't want to hear Luo Yan's rogue words. Even though she was a little happy in her heart, her education obviously couldn't withstand Luo Yan's words.

You will definitely get used to it in the future... Luo Yan looked at Duan Murong with a smile, and at the same time stuck out his tongue naughtily and licked Duan Murong's palm.

Duan Murong withdrew her hand like an electric shock and stared at Luo Yan angrily, as if she was blaming Luo Yan for being a hooligan in broad daylight.

"Stop reading, let's go and go for a walk."

Luo Yan, however, didn't realize it. He stretched out his hand and pulled Duan Murong up and chuckled.

Duan Murong's temperament is still too warm, which is a good thing and a bad thing. Fortunately, Luo Yan's personality is jumpy enough, so he can reconcile with Duan Murong.


Duan Murong asked.

"Whatever, as long as I have you."

Luo Yan looked at Duan Murong and smiled.

For things like shopping, as long as there is a girl you like by your side, it doesn't matter where you go. The most deadly thing is that you are afraid of a few gentlemen crossing the road.

After several years of development, Xuanhuang Academy has expanded its area several times. Now the number of students in the academy is about to exceed 10,000. Many of the buildings inside are also made of cement, which is somewhat similar to the combination of classical and modern. The most popular one is of course the Library Pavilion. The books in it already cover most of the knowledge of this era, and they are all written in the latest small seal script.

This font has become popular in Xianyang City, slowly replacing the cumbersome characters in the past, and is also popular in Korea and Zhao.

Not surprisingly, next year there will also be school palaces built in South Korea and Zhao. These school palaces will be distributed similar to universities, and students who graduate from them will go to various places to become officials, or to teach and educate people, etc.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Luo Yan can't do much, but in the future, they can do more.

After all, people in this era are much simpler. As long as a belief is instilled in them from the beginning, they will carry it out.

The development of an era will never be without this group of lovely people.


The wind outside the house was still biting. Luo Yan put his cloak on Duan Murong and took her walking along the path of the academy. There were many students along the way, saluting Luo Yan and Duan Murong from time to time.

Luo Yan looked at the scenery around him and suddenly had the illusion that he was hanging out with his girlfriend at the university. He looked at the quiet and pleasant Duan Murong beside him and said with a smile: "You are quite senior now. From now on, you will be a medical student." They are all your disciples."

"I don't care about this. As long as they are good doctors, that's enough."

Duan Murong shook his head slightly, his beautiful eyes showing longing and expectation for the future, and said softly.

This is the wish of doctors and Duanmu Rong.

Thank you for giving the doctor a chance, and also giving me a chance... Duan Murong secretly glanced at Luo Yan beside her, feeling an indescribable warmth in her heart. She was glad to have met Luo Yan, and she also felt an indescribable joy. , of course, there is also some indescribable melancholy, just because there are too many women around Luo Yan.

But if it were to happen again, she might still choose Luo Yan. Without him, if she fell in love, she would fall in love.

How can I tolerate other people in my heart?

"Yes, when the world is unified, I will ask the king to issue a policy to nationalize doctors. The doctor industry should not be privatized."

Luo Yan said softly.

Qin destroyed the six kingdoms and rebuilt all wastes. Many things could be started over, just in time for large-scale governance and integration. The academy was the framework of everything, ensuring the transportation of talents, and the Qin State was the core that maintained the operation of everything. He It will help Ying Zheng create a Qin State that is completely different from the one in history, a more powerful Qin State.

But fortunately, this is a parallel world. If it were a serious history, Qin would not be able to withstand his torture.


Duan Murong paused and looked at Luo Yan in confusion.

Luo Yan talked eloquently: "It's the same as being an official. You are called a private doctor and no one recognizes it. The issuance of medical licenses by the state is nationalization. This can prevent quack doctors from making up the numbers. After all, not all doctors have them." Superb medical skills, but also unpredictable people. Not all doctors have benevolence.

According to Legalism, human nature is inherently evil and must be dissuaded by law. "

"...Well, what you said makes sense."

Duan Murong thought for a moment and nodded, feeling that what Luo Yan said was reasonable. Doctors also need a standard of measurement. Not everyone can be a doctor. A quack doctor will kill countless people.

"I also plan to establish a medical clinic, where different conditions will be handled by different doctors. This is why I divided the medical school into different disciplines. An all-around doctor like you needs extremely high talents and famous teachers, but he only treats part of the body. , but it’s much easier and saves a lot of energy.”

Luo Yan continued.

Duan Murong blinked her eyes and looked at Luo Yan. She obviously didn't expect that doctors could play like this. Although she felt a little inappropriate, what Luo Yan said made sense. It was too difficult to learn all subjects, especially for talents. A lowly disciple.

Studying medicine, like studying, requires talent.

Some people are born to eat this way.

"Of course, it's just an idea. If there's anything wrong with it, it can be revised slowly in the future."

Luo Yan looked at Duan Murong and chuckled.

Duan Murong nodded, with a bit of admiration in his eyes, and said softly: "You are really amazing."

It's not that I'm great, it's that I can copy. There are too many things in modern times that can be copied. They are all accumulated experience over thousands of years. There is no need to use your brain at all... Luo Yan muttered in his heart, but smiled and said: " I just want the same as you, hoping that the world will become better and better, that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment, have enough food and clothing, and not get sick."

"I trust you!"

Duan Murong looked at Luo Yan seriously and said firmly.

Sister, I'm so touched that you believe in me so much... Luo Yan quietly stretched out his hand to hold Duan Murong's hand, hugged her into his arms, and said sincerely: "Compared to everyone in the world, you are in my heart That’s the most important thing, so take care of yourself and don’t be too tired. There are endless things to do and endless books to read.”

Duan Murong has done a lot of things in the academy during this period. This girl is not the kind of person who takes time off. She is very determined and a pure good person.

That's when I met Luo Yan. In modern times, I don't know who deceived him into giving birth to a baby.

It must be protected.

Duan Murong hesitated for a moment, then hugged Luo Yan and leaned quietly into his warm embrace.

Just when Luo Yan was picking up girls.

Lord Changping also saw the person he wanted to see. Just as Luo Yan suspected, General Xiang Yan of Chu State really sneaked into Qin State and had a private meeting with Lord Changping in the old place of Chu State.

Xiang Yan is old, but he is in good spirits, his eyes are bright and his body is still tall. When he saw Lord Changping, he bowed his hands respectfully and said, "I have finally seen you, Young Master!"

This is also very interesting. It seems that the person I met this time was not Lord Changping of Qin State, but the son of Chu State.

"Since the general is here, he obviously believes in me."

Changping Jun looked at Xiang Yan and said with a smile on his face.

Xiang Yan's voice is old, but his tone is sonorous and powerful. He doesn't look like an old man at all: "I have to believe it, and I have to bet. I don't know when the young master plans to return to the country!"

The Chu State is now in urgent need of a mainstay, that is, the King of Chu.

Now the king of Chu is not in the right position after all. There are too many voices of internal dissatisfaction. Coupled with the pressure from the Qin State, if you are not careful, the Chu State will really fall.

Lord Changping shook his head and said slowly: "There's no rush. Before returning home, I want to cooperate with the general to see if I can destroy part of Qin's troops and relieve the pressure on Chu and Wei."

"Master, please speak clearly!"

Xiang Yan's eyes flashed slightly, she lowered her voice and spoke slowly.

"I have planted a secret in Xianyang City. As expected, the secret has been moved now. If everything goes well, someone will replace Wang Jian and lead the troops to attack the 500,000-strong army led by the general. I hope the general can lure the enemy deep into the city. When the time comes, I will find an opportunity to cut off his retreat and his supplies of food, grass, and baggage, and annihilate them all within the borders of Chu!"

Mr. Changping looked calm and spoke slowly without any waves in his tone.

"This is true!"

Xiang Yan said in a deep voice.

Lord Changping raised his hand and slowly clasped it, his ambition fully exposed, he said slowly: "The matter has come to this, why should I deceive the general any more? If there is no merit, what can I do even if I return to Chu State, and how will they be convinced? , these hundreds of thousands of Qin troops are my gift to the Chu State, and it is also the first step to change the fate of the Chu State!"

At this moment, he is no longer a minister of Qin, he wants to live his life as a prince of Chu!

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