Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 89 This woman is

Although he doesn't know who invented high heels, Luo Yan likes this design very much.

Just like women love beauty, men also like things that can highlight a woman’s beauty.

Just as this thought emerged, the short video began to appear in Luo Yan's mind, and the indifferent smile on Luo Yan's face suddenly solidified, because high heels were originally designed for men, not women.

High heels were even invented initially to prevent feet from getting dirty, and then because they could fit into stirrups. . . . .

Luo Yan shook his head and threw away these fake videos in his mind. He didn't believe it. They were all fake and must have been pranked by modern people.

As long as I don't believe it, they are all false.

Just when Luo Yan's outlook was destroyed by these short videos, a proud figure appeared in Luo Yan's sight at the door of the hall.

At first glance, Luo Yan felt insulted.

What a shame!

The person who came was naturally a woman, dressed very coquettishly, with black stockings like waterfalls, and a few exquisite hairpins binding her smooth long hair. There was also a long step rocker hanging at the end, with two precious orbs hanging on it. , swaying slightly, highlighting her enchanting beauty, and her narrow beautiful eyes blinked slightly.

The smile is charming and charming, the small lips are slightly upturned, and the red lips are slightly open, trying to attract people to kiss her.

The clothes she wears are also extremely coquettish and revealing, with white clavicle shoulders, charming snow peaks, and a slender waist that is restrained. The long skirt is like a blooming blue rose. It is slightly spread when it falls on the ground. The long skirt between the calves. It is quite narrow and outlines a very beautiful arc.

This is a woman who exudes charm in her bones. She seems to be exuding charm all the time to seduce men and tease your nerves.

She has a noble and elegant temperament, but also has a fairy-like charm, like a blue enchantress, alluring but dangerous.

Among the women Luo Yan knew, in terms of figure alone, the woman in front of him ranked among the top three, and there was no difference between one, two, and three among the top three.

After all, he has not yet measured it, so he cannot draw accurate data.

Eyes alone are not scientific enough.

As an extremely rigorous modern person, Luo Yan would never jump to conclusions hastily.

This is irresponsible and disrespectful towards others.

The visitor is naturally Mrs. Mingzhu.

Luo Yan recognized the other party's identity at a glance. After all, besides her, he couldn't think of anyone else in the entire Han Palace who had such a strong aura.

Trendy banshee~

Luo Yan prefers this title to Mrs. Pearl.

Because the other person really looks like a fairy. Every frown and smile, even the way he walks is like a fairy. The fragrance is compelling, charming but not vulgar.

"I have met Madam!"

Seeing the arrival of Madam Mingzhu, the ministers who were sitting again stood up one after another and saluted Madam Mingzhu.

The queen of South Korea has died of illness. Now the highest-ranking lady in the harem is the Pearl Lady. She is not a queen but is better than a queen. Not only because of her status, but also because of her origin. She is a descendant of a noble family and has a rich bloodline. noble.

"You don't need to be polite. I disturbed the elegance of all the ministers. I just heard that a great talent came from South Korea. I was a little curious, so I came to take a look and hope that the king would forgive me."

Mrs. Mingzhu's narrow and beautiful eyes glanced at the people around her, and finally paused on Luo Yan. A flash of surprise and smile flashed deep in her eyes, and finally landed on Han Wangan, with a touch of beauty and luxury. with a smile and said softly.

"You and I are one and the same, why should we be like this?"

Han Wangan said softly, obviously not blaming Mrs. Mingzhu for this trivial matter, and there was even a bit of flattery for Mrs. Mingzhu deep in his eyes.

Korea will die sooner or later!

Luo Yan saw this scene and commented in his heart.

This Madam Mingzhu is not a serious woman. She is Chao Banshee, one of the four fierce generals, and her cousin is the Blood-clothed Marquis who controls one hundred thousand elite Korean border troops, plus General Ji Wuye. . .

This series of titles made Luo Yan take a few more glances at this beautiful and enchanting Lady Pearl.

This woman is so fierce!

Contact with it will be a serious omen!

"This one must be Mr. Luo."

Mrs. Mingzhu turned sideways, her beautiful eyes moved directly from Han Wangan to Luo Yan, she blinked with a smile like an electric discharge, and said in a soft voice.

Coupled with the unique fragrance on your body, it seems like a little hand is teasing your heart.

This woman is "poisonous". One look at her makes her want to look at her a second time.

As a serious person, Luo Yan was unmoved. Some women were too dangerous and could easily lead to accidents. He kept a reserved and solemn expression, and bowed to Madam Mingzhu in a neither humble nor overbearing manner: "I, Luo Zhengchun, have met Madam Mingzhu. I wish you Madam, you are forever young.”

"Young forever? Sir, you really know how to talk. Who in this world can stay young forever~"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Mingzhu chuckled and said softly, while curiously looking at the young man in front of her.

She looks good and has a sweet mouth, but I haven’t seen her abilities yet~

"Although people cannot stay young forever, paintings can. I am also involved in the art of painting. I am bold enough to paint a painting for Madam to show her most beautiful side. I wonder if Madam and the King will agree."

Luo Yan smiled, his eyes shifted from Mrs. Mingzhu to Han Wangan, and asked Han Wangan.

Naturally, this was done to PY Yibo Mingzhu’s wife.

In Luo Yan's opinion.

Madam Mingzhu and Ji Wuye seemed to be in the same group, but in fact Madam Mingzhu and the Bloody Marquis were in the same group, and Ji Wuye and them could only be regarded as allies.

Whether this ally is strong or not is not a matter of discussion for the time being, but it is obvious that there are only advantages and no disadvantages in pleasing Mrs. Mingzhu.

Most critical.

Luo Yan was good at pleasing girls, which was easier than dealing with guys like Ji Wuye.

"Sir, are you also good at painting?"

Han Wangan was a little surprised and said in surprise.

"I know a little bit about these skills. I loved these skills when I was a child. When I grew up, I never gave up. I have some experience. Today I saw Madam with such a peerless appearance. I was a little bit nervous for a while. I hope the King and Madam will forgive me for any abruptness."

Luo Yan nodded slightly and explained softly.

Conduct yourself with grace and decorum.

"Sir, you are really good at talking. It's just a painting, so of course I won't mind. But if your painting doesn't look good, don't blame me for not agreeing to it~"

Mrs. Mingzhu's narrow eyes moved slightly, she looked at Luo Yan with a half-smile, and said in a joking tone.

But Luo Yan knew that this woman was definitely not joking.

This is a fatal enchantress.

"Since Madam has agreed, I naturally have no objection. I am also quite curious about Mr.'s skills. I wonder what he needs to prepare for painting."

When Han Wangan heard what Madam Mingzhu said, he immediately followed Madam Mingzhu's words and said without any opinion.

"There is no need to prepare. One glance at Madam is enough. The painting can be delivered tomorrow."

Luo Yan seemed not to be interested in Mrs. Mingzhu. He kept looking at Han Wangan and said softly.


The moment they heard this, everyone present looked at Luo Yan in surprise.

Does this guy have a photographic memory? !

The smile on Mrs. Mingzhu's lips did not diminish, and her tone was extremely gentle: "Then I will look forward to your good news, sir~"

She looked at Luo Yan with her long and beautiful eyes, a bit of curiosity and amusement deep in her eyes.

This little guy seems quite interesting.

No wonder her cousin would send a special message back and ask her to keep an eye on it.

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