Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 9 Explanation

Compared with force, there are too many things in this world that can determine destiny.

Such as rights and status. . .

Just relying on force, no matter how powerful it is, can it compare to the kind of characters in fantasy worlds whose fate is dictated by nature and who defy nature at every turn?

By the way, God is so innocent, why do some people always like Ni Tian?


In the Qin Dynasty, the level of military force in the world was limited to just that. At most, houses were demolished and demolition projects were carried out.

It is far from being able to ignore anyone or any force on its own.

Even if we take a step back, there really is such a person.

Luo Yan didn't think he could be that person either.

A modern person travels to this world, and you make him, like the original owner, hold a sword every day. His task is to meditate and practice martial arts, or to practice swordsmanship. Which modern person can bear this kind of self-disciplined life?

At least Luo Yan is not this kind of person.

Life is only a few decades, so live it with flavor.

Facing this new world, if you don’t walk around, find a few beloved girls to talk about a spontaneous love, eat some delicious food, see the great rivers and mountains, and do something that can change history, what’s the point of this life? ?

Is it really possible for you to travel through time and become a salted fish?

But even if you want to be a salted fish, you still have to be a salted fish king, and you can’t let others take advantage of you.

"how do you want to do it?"

Jing Salamander's beautiful slender eyebrows frowned lightly, and his light and cold eyes looked at Luo Yan in confusion and asked.

She really couldn't see anything special about this ninth young master from Korea.

There is no martial arts.

The body is also very weak, which may be caused by drinking all year round, and beauty is not excluded.

Apart from its own identity, it really has no characteristics.

Not to mention it's a sight to behold.

"Aside from your tasks, do you read books on weekdays?"

When Luo Yan heard this, he thought about it and started to lie.

"Reading a book?!"

Jing salamander looked at Luo Yan in confusion. He didn't understand what Luo Yan meant. What book did the killer read?

The killer only needs to understand the words and codes of the Seven Kingdoms.

No time to rest.

For example, Amazing Salamander himself didn’t even get maternity leave.

Where will I have time to read those idle books?

What's more, for a killer, reading is a waste of life, and strength is the key to survival. He is on the edge of life and death every day, so what is he doing reading when he has nothing to do?

Is it possible to become a teacher?

"You don't like reading at first glance. Sometimes a scholar can produce far more destructive power than a killer. No matter how strong the killer is, there is only one person, but a scholar can change many things with his knowledge.

For example, Lord Shang of Qin State at that time, the laws he created made Qin State on the road to great power.

And this is the ninth young master from South Korea whom you despise.

His research on law is the best in the world, just like Shang Yang back then. "

Luo Yan talked eloquently.

"There is only one Lord Shang, and it is impossible for him to become Lord Shang and copy Lord Shang's path. At least for now, I can easily kill him with one sword, so that he will never have the chance to display his talents again, and once we fight with him If there is a connection, if someone from the snare comes to visit, he will die, and the snare will not show mercy to anyone."

Jing Salamander's cold eyes revealed a hint of warning, and he spoke softly.

It seems that Luo Yan does not want to involve unnecessary people, which will only cause unnecessary deaths.

Today, Jing Salamander is tired of killing, and all she wants is a peaceful life.

Girl, your brain circuit is really rough and simple. I talk to you about reading, and you and I talk about killing people. If you are so beautiful, why do you kill people so often? . . . . Luo Yan sighed in his heart, gave up trying to persuade Jing Salamander through deception, changed his mind, and continued: "Scholars, especially talented scholars, are very attractive to some high-ranking people.

Have you forgotten the opportunity I told you earlier?

Han Fei's talent can attract Qin King Ying Zheng, and our opportunity falls on him.

The snare is very powerful, but now the snare is attached to Qin! "

"King Qin Ying Zheng? That young king?"

Jing Sala was slightly surprised, obviously she didn't expect that Luo Yan's real purpose was Ying Zheng. Luo Yan never mentioned this matter, and she didn't ask, but she didn't expect that he had already planned it.

It's just that Qin Wang Yingzheng's current situation is not very good.

It can even be said that the rights are almost non-existent.

In a completely empty state.

The government and the public of Qin all followed Lu Buwei's lead, and Ying Zheng was nothing more than a decoration and mascot on the throne of the King of Qin.

Is it useful to take refuge in him?

Frightened Salamander had some doubts and doubts.

At least at this stage, based on the things and situations Jingyu knew about, she didn't think Ying Zheng had the ability to save the two of them from the trap.

"Don't think that King Qin Yingzheng is in a worrying situation now, as if he is just someone else's puppet. After all, he is the King of Qin and the future emperor of Qin. No one can change this. From the moment he sits in that position, some things are already destined, Lu Buwei No, and he is already old. He cannot always control the government and the public. The empire will eventually need to be returned to King Qin Yingzheng. What we need to do now is to see him and make him feel that we are valuable and worthy of his recruitment and protection. ."

Luo Yan said slowly, with a very firm tone.

"Of course, there will be some risks during the period, but this is a necessary price, and I will help you block these risks. This is my guarantee and a reward for your trust!"

Luo Yan looked into Jingyu's eyes sincerely.

Jing Salamander seemed to be touched by Luo Yan's words, and his eyes were slightly absent-minded.

See this.

Luo Yan stopped when he saw that, waved his hand, turned around and walked out of the car, and at the same time said: "If we have a chance, we can continue chatting. The guy outside is still waiting for me."

After saying that, the man had already got off the donkey cart without giving the surprised salamander a chance to refuse.

Jing Sala watched Luo Yan get off the carriage, moved her lips slightly, and whispered helplessly in a voice that only she could hear: "But you are very weak."

If there is really a risk, Jingyu feels that he still needs to protect Luo Yan.

No matter what.

I am grateful to the other party for taking care of me all the way.

Even though Jing Salad didn't want to admit it, it was indeed thanks to Luo Yan that she had the feeling that she could rely on others.

Thinking of this, a touch of tenderness appeared in Jing Salaman's eyes, but this tenderness only lasted for a moment before it was shattered by Luo Yan's unrestrained words outside the car.

"Brother Han, I've been waiting for a long time. My wife has just given birth and is a bit grumpy. She is still in confinement. She talks a lot. Please understand."

"Understood, I have nothing to do, it's okay to wait for a while!"

"Brother Han is still reasonable. When looking for a wife, you should look for someone with Brother Han's personality. I wonder if Brother Han has any sisters?"

"Well, I have a sister."

"Then Brother Han's sister must have a very good character. I must meet her if I have the chance."


. . . . .

Although the voice was very low, with the sharp ears of Jing Salamander, he could clearly hear what the two were talking about.

The soft color in Jing Salamander's eyes suddenly turned cold, and his thin lips pursed slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to express the feeling in his heart at this moment.

Forgive her for not complaining.

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