Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 899 I want you to help me practice!

Luo Yan retracted his fingers with satisfaction, and lightly sealed the acupuncture point on Shen Baiyan's shoulder. He helped her pull out the long sword on her shoulder and threw it to Luan Shen. With his other hand, he skillfully pulled out the limp sword. Shen Baiyan hugged Shen Baiyan into his arms to prevent him from falling to the ground. After all, he, Luo Mou, was a man who cherished beauty and cherished her beauty, and couldn't bear to see a beautiful woman fall into pieces.

The waist is quite thin... Luo Yan measured it with his hand and muttered in his heart. At the same time, he looked at Zhao Gao aside with a calm expression and said softly: "Old Zhao, thank you very much."

"Marquis Yueyang is so polite. This is what a slave should do."

Zhao Gao returned to his humble appearance and responded with his head lowered. As for what Luo Yan would do with this woman, he didn't ask any more questions.

With Luo Yan's past methods of dealing with women, he didn't need to worry too much about this matter.

"Yes, we are all brothers."

Luo Yan nodded when he heard this, looked at Zhao Gao and chuckled, then raised his hand to pick up Shen Baiyan, and then walked towards the secret room. He had to find a place for Shen Baiyan to freshen up. Then interrogate the other person carefully and ask some things that interest you.

This woman should know many secrets. In addition, Luo Yan is also very interested in the techniques practiced by Shen Baiyan.

The Mother Gu of the Three Ultimate Gu seems to have some special abilities. He might be able to pry something out of the opponent's mouth.

In short, the value of this woman was very high, so high that Luo Yan was reluctant to kill her.

In the past, if you didn't kill the opponent, you couldn't do anything about it for the time being. Then you found a way to do it, but you felt that the opponent was no longer a threat and you were too lazy to kill. Now, the opponent's inner energy has been almost sucked out by you, leaving only a beautiful body, empty of the realm of a grandmaster. , but it had no deterrent effect at all, making Luo Yan a little embarrassed to kill the other party.

Shen Baiyan was held in Luo Yan's arms. He was so weak that he no longer had the strength to raise his hands. He half-squinted his eyes, trying not to pass out.

Luo Yan took her directly out of the foundry and took a carriage towards Da Siming's mansion.

My own home is definitely not suitable for housing Shen Baiyan.

My sister-in-law's side is not suitable either.

In this way, only Da Siming's mansion is left, and there are killers monitoring it all around. There is no need to worry about what will happen to this woman. As for whether her skills can be restored, Luo Yan is not worried at all. He only needs to If you visit the other person once a month, you can be sure that the other person is always in a weak state.

It's not too easy to deal with a woman who has no martial arts skills.

As for whether lust can be a fascination for the mind, Luo Yan is not the kind of superficial man. He has never been fascinated by a woman, not to mention Shen Baiyan's appearance and temperament can only be said to be average.

At this moment, inside the carriage.

Luo Yan put a dog's paw close to Shen Baiyan's chest, sending some inner breath to nourish her meridians. On the one hand, he could feel the situation in her body, and on the other hand, it would prevent her from really becoming a cripple. This kind of woman must give her Leave some hope of revenge. If there is no hope at all, she may commit suicide.

Luo Yan knew this very well.

It's hard to control with one hand... Luo Yan felt it and said seriously: "Open your eyes. I know you are not fainted. Breath can deceive others, but heartbeat cannot deceive others."

The moment he finished speaking, he had already cut off the flow of inner breath.

Along the way, he had roughly felt the situation inside Shen Baiyan's body. This woman was not pretending. Her physical condition was indeed very bad, especially the internal injuries.

Luo Yan had sucked hard before, sucking out the little inner breath in her body in one breath.

Shen Baiyan had previously fought with Zhao Gao and others, and was seriously injured. Even the hidden danger of losing the mother Gu of the Three Ultimate Gu was exposed. Then he encountered Luo Yan's treatment. It seemed that the hidden danger of practicing was alleviated, but in fact, he was directly killed by Luo Yan. Yan Wan wasted, and all the skills he had cultivated throughout his life became a wedding garment and passed on to Luo Yan.

Speaking of which, Shen Baiyan was quite unlucky. He was sleeping at home, and Luo Yan came to the door for no apparent reason. The Three Ultimate Gu Mother Gu, which sealed most of his strength and energy, was taken away. Later, Luo Yan's army bombed his hometown. , was beaten by many experts, and was attacked by artillery fire, forcing himself to freeze to save his life.

Now that he wakes up, even the last of his energy has been sucked away by Luo Yan.

A miserable comparison.

Any other person in this situation would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood and die.

Fortunately, Shen Baiyan is not an ordinary person.

As a grandmaster, she has a very tough mind and will not let such a "little" thing break her mood. After hearing this, her cold eyes opened, and her eyes had returned to black and white due to the loss of her skills. They were cold and cold. Looking at Luo Yan's dog face, he even ignored Luo Yan's advantageous dog paws.

Shen Baiyan still understands that people are a knife and I am a fish, and she is not in a position to resist in her current situation.

Even if the fish is dead and the net is broken, it can't be done.

As for committing suicide, Shen Baekyan is not that kind of character. As the only Marquise in South Korea, she would not choose to commit suicide no matter how bad the situation was. Moreover, Luo Yan was living such a prosperous life, and she was not willing to die at all.

Luo Yan looked at the other party's cold eyes and said with a kind face: "I have to thank you more. If it weren't for you, my skill would not have improved so fast. Thinking about it now, it was also thanks to your son Xueyi Hou. If it weren't for you, According to his plan, you and I have no chance to meet each other, and I have no chance to get the Three Ultimate Gu Mother Gu.

Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, time flies~"

Luo Yan's words were undoubtedly extremely harsh when they came to Shen Baiyan's ears. She had been in a state of frozen dormancy for these years and had no concept of time at all. Everything seemed like yesterday.

Shen Baiyan had murderous intent in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down, looked at Luo Yan calmly, and said indifferently: "What else do you want?"

Since Luo Yan kept her, he obviously had plans for her.

"I'm very interested in the techniques you practice. Why don't you teach me?"

Luo Yan chuckled.

Shen Baiyan looked at the greedy guy in front of him, sneered and said, "Okay, since you have inherited everything from me, you are naturally qualified to practice my skills."

Being so talkative... Luo Yan was a little surprised, but he continued: "I'm all ears."

"The technique I practice is called Ice Soul Jue. It is a secret technique left over from ancient times. Once you practice it, your appearance will not change, you will live forever, and you will be able to share the time with heaven and earth."

Shen Baiyan said calmly.

You're so awesome, why don't you go to heaven and freeze yourself every day to become immortal? Outrageous... Luo Yan looked at Shen Baiyan with excitement, even squeezing it with his dog's paw, and said excitedly: "This is the technique I want, teach me quickly."

"Will you let go first?"

Shen Baiyan felt in pain, frowned, stared at Luo Yan, and shouted softly.

"Sorry, I got excited."

Luo Yan quickly let go, rubbed her chest with an embarrassed look, and then said shyly: "You continue."

"You do not believe?"

Shen Baiyan seemed to see the calmness and disdain in Luo Yan's eyes, and said coldly, obviously he didn't expect that a villain like Luo Yan could resist the temptation when faced with this kind of technique. You must know that Bai Yifei couldn't hold it back at the beginning. Even though this technique was more suitable for women, he practiced it forcefully and turned himself into a blood-sucking monster.

"I believe it, just keep talking."

Luo Yan said seriously.

At this moment, Shen Baiyan was sure that Luo Yan was playing tricks on her. She felt that the guy in front of her was more difficult to deal with than she thought. However, she still spoke out the secrets of Bingpo Jue. She didn't seem to worry about Luo Yan's rumor, because this skill The Dharma has a core key, which is a mother Gu of the Three Ultimate Gu that is compatible with itself. After that, it will need the sacrifices of many people to support it to mature, and finally use it as the core to reborn itself.

Back then, Shen Baiyan sacrificed tens of thousands of people in order to mature the mother Gu of the Three Ultimate Gu.

After that, he fell into a deep sleep in Snow Clothes Castle, trying to transform his body. Then he encountered the scourge of Luo Yan, and his life's efforts were completely ruined by the scourge.

"This technique is against the harmony of nature, you should not practice it again in the future."

After hearing what Shen Baiyan said, Luo Yan sighed with compassion.

Shen Baiyan was silent. She wanted to practice again, but she had no chance now. Everything in her body had become nutrients for Luo Yan. Unless the Three Ultimate Gu Mother Gu was taken back from Luo Yan's body, but in front of her Although she had only been in contact with this guy for a while, she had already sensed how cunning he was and it was impossible to have such an opportunity.

After a moment of silence, Shen Baiyan continued to encourage: "You have got everything from me. You can directly practice the core part of this technique to transform your body."

"Okay, I'll try it when I have time."

Luo Yan nodded and said very perfunctorily. It was obvious that he was not interested in this technique at all.

Today, he is no longer the novice he once was. This kind of technique is so overbearing and special, and its own flaws are obviously huge. If there were no flaws, would Shen Baiyan tell himself this?


Shen Baiyan was not persuading, but looked at Luo Yan calmly, as if he didn't think Luo Yan could resist this temptation forever.

"Actually, I also have a very special technique here, which is also a secret technique passed down from ancient times. It is called the Yin Yang He Huan Tian Human Technique. It achieves the enhancement of energy and spirit through the dual cultivation of men and women. It is a technique that directly points to the great road. Maybe it can make you Quickly restore your skills and even make up for the damage caused by the lack of the three ultimate Gu mother Gu."

Luo Yan persuaded Shen Baiyan seriously just to repay Shen Baiyan for his selfless dedication.


When Shen Baiyan heard this, a hint of shame and anger instantly appeared in his eyes. He stared at Luo Yan and said coldly: "If you touch me, I will never let you go even if I die."

"I'm just suggesting that if you don't want to, forget it."

Luo Yan said casually, as if he was just joking. As for whether he was joking, Shen Baiyan would know it later.

Shen Baiyan frowned and looked at this shameless man, and was speechless for a moment. She was not good at other men, let alone an old man like Luo Yan, how could she withstand him.

Da Siming on the side looked at the interaction between Luo Yan and Shen Baiyan, and inexplicably thought of her own past. She used to be so strong and would rather die than surrender, but later she was unknowingly seduced and corrupted by Luo Yan. In her heart The defense line is also constantly collapsing.

Da Siming's eyes were a little complicated and pitiful. She felt that Luo Yan was sure of him.

Soon, the carriage arrived at Da Siming's mansion.

Luo Yan handed over to Da Siming and asked her to take Shen Baiyan to wash and treat the wound and change clothes. After the two women left, he touched his chin and said playfully: "I didn't expect this old woman to still be there." A virgin, it’s interesting, wasn’t Hou Bai in Blood Clothes her biological child back then?”

Luo Yan discovered this when he examined Shen Baiyan's body. In addition, he also found that this woman's body was extremely special, especially in terms of pulse condition, which was completely different from that of ordinary women. This was obviously caused by her practice of martial arts. Yes, that ice soul is extremely overbearing and inhumane, and cannot be controlled by the human body at all. Without the Three Ultimate Gu Mother Gu as a medium, the body can collapse directly.

Luo Yan also understood why this woman was chasing him.

The other party didn’t have a choice either.

If she cannot find the Three Ultimate Gu Mother Gu, her body will collapse quickly, and even the ice seal cannot suppress it.

Mo Ya was a little surprised when he heard this, and then thought of some rumors. When the blood-clothed Hou Bai Yifei appeared, some people had doubted this matter. However, as Bai Yifei grew up, no one dared to mention it again.

Now that I think about it, Bai Yifei is really not the other person's child. After all, Bai Yifei has never inherited the surname Shen.

"Let's go see Hu Yu. I haven't seen her for a long time."

Luo Yan was in a good mood at the moment. He chuckled and walked towards Hu Yu's yard with Mo Ya. After a while, he would take Hu Yu to the prairie.

Hu Yu is now wearing a long dress from the Central Plains, looking slightly coquettish, especially those golden-blue eyes of different colors, which add a bit of alien style. Her skin is as good as snow, and her slender waist can only be grasped. It can be compared with her. I guess the only one is the snow girl.

As for the golden eagle following her, she no longer looked as handsome as before. She had gained a lot of weight and looked dull.

"Long time no see, did you miss me?"

Luo Yan walked over, casually put his arms around Hu Yu's waist, buried his head in her neck, took a deep breath, and spoke softly.

Hu Yu is still very feminine, and she has the charm of a foreign woman in every move and smile, which is very tempting to men.

In this regard, Hu Yu did not resist, and silently accepted the bites of Luo Yan, like a canary locked in a cage. Her yearning for freedom was gradually wiped out, and the brilliance of hope seemed to disappear. He slowly disappeared, and only Luo Yan was left in the world.

"In a while, I will accompany you to the grassland."

Luo Yan picked up Hu Yu and walked towards Ruantan. He looked at the lifeless Hu Yu in his arms and said softly.

Hu Yu's beautiful heterochromatic eyes suddenly brightened a bit. She stared at Luo Yan closely and said, "Is what you said true?"

Luo Yan smiled slightly, put her gently on the soft couch, and said with a smile: "When did I cheat on you? Your sister misses you too. I will take you to meet her. You are also my woman after all. She She’s also my sister-in-law.”

When did I lie to you... Hu Yu ignored this sentence directly. She did not believe in the credibility of the man in front of her.

Hu Yu supported Luo Yan's shoulders with both arms to stop his movements. She stared at Luo Yan seriously and said in a deep voice: "What on earth are you going to do?!"

She didn't feel happy at all at this moment, but felt vaguely uneasy.

"Let you be crowned king!"

Luo Yan caressed Hu Yu's cheek and said softly.

Hu Yu felt more uneasy. She grabbed Luo Yan's shoulders hard and wanted to ask something, but Luo Yan didn't give her a chance at all...

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