Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 903 Nongyu, he can hold it steady

The new year is approaching, but the confrontation between Qin and Chu has not stopped. Even the sound of friction is getting louder and the frequency is getting higher and higher.

At this moment, in the Qin army's tent.

Wang Jian looked at the Chu army's layout on the sand table, his eyes slightly focused, he stroked his beard and remained silent.

With his many years of experience in leading the army, the 600,000-strong army led by Xiang Yan has no way to go. With no way out, they have no choice but to defeat the Qin army, especially since this winter is colder than in previous years. Under the circumstances, the situation of the Chu army became increasingly pessimistic. It can be seen from the frequency of the opponent's attacks that the opponent is becoming more and more impatient.

This is not because Xiang Yan cannot bear his temper, but because the overall situation forces him to end this battle as soon as possible. Even if it is a tragic victory, he must repel the Qin army.

The two countries have been at war for nearly a year.

The strategic failure during this period resulted in most of Chu State's land being occupied by the Qin army, and a lot of rice fields and so on were lost. Under such circumstances, the food accumulated by Chu State could not last for long, and this battle continued. , will definitely miss next year’s spring planting.

This will create a vicious cycle until it drags the Chu country into a situation that is beyond redemption.

The Battle of Changping was the best example.

If the army does not have enough food, grass and baggage to support it, even if there are millions of troops, what can it do? After a few years of starvation, it will directly lose its combat effectiveness.


A burly man wearing silver-gray armor slowly walked into the camp. The person who came was clearly Wang Jian's own son Wang Bi. He raised his hands and saluted Wang Jian: "I will see you at last, the general."

"come and see."

Wang Jian raised his hand, signaling Wang Ben to stand beside him.

Wang Ben's eyes flashed, he walked to Wang Jian's side and looked at the position he pointed at.

The army distribution on the sand table is extremely detailed and can be seen at a glance.

Wang Ben only took a few glances before he noticed the problem. A sharp gleam flashed in his eyes and he said in a deep voice: "Is Xiang Yan going to launch a general offensive? No wonder the Chu army's attacks have become more and more sharp during this period. Look, The situation in Chu country is not good."

"This is the news from the Shadow Guard and Luo Wang."

Wang Jian took out a secret letter from his arms and handed it to Wang Ben. Then he stroked his beard, looked at the sand table, squinted his eyes, and deep in his eyes, light flickered, and he began to think.

Wang Ben did not disturb Wang Jian's contemplation. He opened the secret letter and read it. With just one glance, a smile appeared on his face and he said softly: "We are running out of food and grass. As expected, with the current situation of Chu State, it can now support six people." One hundred thousand troops.”

An army of 600,000 is not a simple small number. The amount of food and grass consumed every day is an astronomical figure.

The amount of money spent by the stalemate for more than half a year is difficult to estimate.

During the Changping War, the three years of confrontation between Qin and Zhao exhausted the national strength of the two countries from top to bottom. This was without disturbing the spring planting of the two countries. At present, most of the Chu State's territory Losing is worse than the Battle of Changping. One year is already the limit, and it can't be delayed any longer.

"Chu's food and grass can last for three months at most. Next summer will be the time for the decisive battle."

Wang Jian said calmly, and at the same time he planted a flag on Qicheng, which was the place he chose for the decisive battle of the Chu army.


Wang Ben was a little surprised. This was the hinterland of the Chu army. Could it be that the Chu army would continue to withdraw eastward?

Wang Jian said in a deep voice: "He has no choice. We can only choose the place for the decisive battle."

Xiang Yan wanted a chance to fight, so Wang Jian couldn't give it to him, and Xiang Yan wouldn't be stupid enough to risk his life. The army in his hands was Chu's last hope. Without a glimmer of victory in sight, he wouldn't be able to give it to him. If you place a rash bet, the final outcome will naturally be to retreat.

This is the best time for the Qin army to dispatch.

Wang Ben frowned and asked in a solemn voice: "Isn't it a little too steady?"

"We are not short of food."

When Wang Jian heard this, he smiled and said softly that he had not experienced this kind of war in many years when he was rich enough to fight casually. In the past, the biggest problem that restricted him was food and grass, but now, the Qin State is There is really no shortage of food, and it can be fully sustained, and it can kill Xiang Yan and Chu State.

When Wang Ben heard this, a flash of helplessness flashed in his eyes. The old man had made such a decision, and he obviously couldn't refute anything.

"You lead 200,000 troops and go here to stand by."

Wang Jian continued, pointing to a city at the junction of Chu and Wei. This place is close to the Yangtze River and Huai River. It is a strategic location. The most important thing is that it is very close to the rear of Chu State and can be entered at any time. , which means to force the Chu army to retreat.

Wang Ben pondered for a moment and said, "Will the Chu army take the bait?"

Wang Jian stroked his beard gently and said with a faint look: "People in desperate situations will not give up as long as there is a glimmer of hope for survival. This is the hope I gave him, he can only hold on to it."

Wang Ben nodded and had to admit that he was not as good as his father in controlling people's hearts.

"This battle won't last long."

Wang Jian looked at the sand table and whispered to himself.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Xianyang City, Taifu Mansion.

Luo Yan was frowning at the battle report from the front line. Even if he was not on the front line, he could see the madness of Chu State from the battle report. That kind of madness at all costs, like a group of mad dogs tearing at the defense line, trying to block the Qin State. Bite a crack.

This is the consequence of not having food... Luo Yan muttered in his heart, Xiang Yan would not be in such a hurry if there was enough food and grass.

The outcome of the Changping War was determined by one bite. As long as there is one bite, the outcome of the Qin-Zhao War is still uncertain.

"Food is always the key to a country's peace. If you don't have enough food, it's useless."

Luo Yan said softly, and immediately thought of crops such as sweet potatoes, cassava, and corn, and a smile flashed in his eyes. Just finding these things for the Central Plains would not be considered a wasted journey in his life.

Next year we can encourage childbirth, so we need to increase the population first.

Set a small goal, break 100 million.

Drawing a blueprint in his mind, Luo Yan also immersed himself in writing on paper. He would make a draft first and leave the details to Li Si and others next year.

Before I knew it, I had been busy until late at night.

Luo Yan put down the pen in his hand, stood up and stretched, running his inner breath to relieve his mental fatigue. He quickly packed up his things, looked out the window at the dark night, and asked, "What time is it?"

"Hai Shi."

Mo Crow's voice sounded outside the door, low and clear.

It's almost ten o'clock... Luo Yan immediately tidied up his clothes and walked out of the house. He glanced at Mo Crow standing guard outside the door and said calmly: "Old rules."

I didn’t have enough fun last night, so I might as well add an extra hour tonight.

It seems to be getting colder tonight... Mo Ya muttered in his heart, but reminded him: "Sir, I haven't observed the whereabouts of the ladies today."

Subtext, he didn't know whether the ladies would suddenly come to check the ward. The situation yesterday was special. Mrs. Hu and Hu Meiren had just arrived, so their movements were naturally easy to investigate. But today was different, especially things related to Luo Yan's inner courtyard. Each of Luo Yan's women was more fierce than the last, and it was impossible to stare at them even if they wanted to.

What's the use of you... Luo Yan sighed in his heart, but said calmly: "It's okay, I just went to chat with my sister-in-law."

Do you think the ladies will believe it when we chat at this point... Mo Ya complained in his heart, and could only helplessly answer: "My subordinates will be watching from outside."

"Be smart."

Luo Yan swung his spacious sleeves, said a few words, and walked boldly towards Mrs. Hu's room. With his eyesight, it was not difficult to find that the lights in Mrs. Hu's courtyard were still on.

This must have been left for him, Luo Yan was sure.

That's all, as long as you are happy... Mo Ya looked helpless. He had an intuition that something would happen to Luo Yan sooner or later. Luo Yan always liked to play with fire, so he couldn't bear it until Mrs. Hu and the others returned home. If you were caught doing this at home, you would really have no excuse.

Luo Yan is indeed in a good mood at the moment. Stealing is sometimes a very interesting thing. Fun comes from trying. You have to give it a try in life. If you don't give it a try, how will you know whether you are happy or not?

Soon Luo Yan came to Mrs. Hu's courtyard. Looking at the dark house, a smile appeared on his lips. He couldn't help but strode over, coughed lightly, and with a gentleman's face, he reached out and knocked on the door. , lowered his voice and said: "Sister-in-law, open the door, it's me, I'm here to talk to you about something."

The room was quiet for a while, and then a nervous voice came out: "Oh...it's getting late. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow. I've already taken a rest."

They cover their ears and steal the bell.

Luo Yan smiled and complained with some dissatisfaction: "Sister-in-law has gone too far. Last night she called me Ah Ma in a gentle way, but tonight she didn't even open the door for me. Isn't this bullying an honest person? If you do this again, don't blame my brother for forcing me. Break in!”

After saying that, he knocked on the door again, this time a little harder.

At this moment, Mrs. Hu in the room wanted to die, and her voice was a little panicked: "What are you talking about?"

We are already an old married couple, so what are we afraid of... Luo Yan was a little surprised, but soon he felt something was wrong. There seemed to be more than one breath of Mrs. Hu in the room, and another breath that was a little familiar, but also a little strange. It seemed that he had deliberately restrained the fluctuations of the breath. Obviously it can't be Hu Meiren.

Luo Yan's expression froze, and his little head was thinking rapidly. Several bold ideas suddenly emerged. His lips were instantly dry, and his heartbeat slowed down a beat. He pursed his lips, changed the subject, and laughed dryly: "Let's talk to my sister-in-law." It’s a joke, sister-in-law, please don’t blame me, brother, you know I like to fool around, since sister-in-law has rested, let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

After saying that, Luo Yan was a little panicked and planned to leave. It seemed that there was some savage beast in his sister-in-law's house.

There is a saying that the more you are afraid of something, the more likely the other party will come.


Luo Yan had just walked a few steps when a familiar voice came from inside the house: "Brother Luo, please stay."

The familiar voice made Luo Yan freeze up. At the same time, the lights in the dark house turned on. The light dispelled the darkness and also illuminated Luo Yan's figure, making him look like those in police movies about catching thieves. The plot, countless lights converge.


The door was slowly opened, and an unparalleled figure came into Luo Yan's eyes.

Wearing a pink and white tulle nightgown with a thin belt binding her waist, she looked like a willow in early spring. Her delicate face was extremely beautiful. Her eyes that used to be quite gentle and elegant were looking at Luo Yan with some disappointment at the moment. His lips were pursed tightly, as if he didn't know what to say to Luo Yan.

Before opening the door, she felt an uncontrollable anger in her heart, but after opening the door, the moment she saw Luo Yan, the anger seemed to turn into disappointment and deep loss.

Mo Crow's crow's mouth... Luo Yan cursed in his heart. He decided to let Mo Crow wear white clothes from tomorrow on. Black clothes were too moldy.

Mo Ya, who was hiding in the dark at the moment, blinked when he saw this scene. When he was sure that all this was true, he couldn't help but said: "Something big happened..."

After saying that, he couldn't help but cover his face with his hands. He no longer dared to think about the next scene.

inside the house.

Mrs. Hu was wearing pajamas similar to Nong Yu's, with black hair hanging down on one shoulder. She still had that dangerous hairstyle. She crossed her arms and bit her lips. She looked at Nong Yu with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to explain something, but she couldn't. I didn't know what to say, and there were tears in my eyes.

Luo Yan's mind was racing, but he calmed down the next moment, sighed softly, and said helplessly: "You still discovered me."

He didn't try to quibble about anything. At this point, quibbles were useless.


Nongyu pursed her lips, looked at Luo Yan in an unacceptable manner, and asked.

Luo Yan is fine with other women, why is he like this with Mrs. Hu? Doesn't Brother Luo know about Mrs. Hu's relationship with her?

"Come into the house and talk."

Luo Yan was very thick-skinned and said calmly. He immediately walked to Nong Yu, put his arms around her shoulders, and said in a deep voice: "I believe you, Brother Luo, you are not a scumbag. I can give you a explain."

In this short period of time, he has already found a way to deceive.

Nongyu looked at Luo Yan with complicated eyes, bit her lip lightly, said nothing, turned around and entered the house, she didn't want to make the matter a big deal.

Soon the door was closed tightly, cutting off the outside world, making Mo Ya's idea of ​​watching a show in vain.

inside the house.

The three of them stood together. In front of Nongyu, Luo Yan reached out and took her into his arms regardless of Mrs. Hu's resistance. Then, with Nongyu's astonished expression, he sighed softly: "You guessed it right, I and I Sister-in-law, we are indeed in that relationship. This relationship has lasted for a long time. It has been like this since we were in South Korea. At that time, Mrs. Hu had not yet recognized you, and I didn't know that you had this relationship.

If I knew it, I wouldn't be able to do this.

Later, after my sister-in-law met you, she also wanted to sever ties with me, but I didn't agree.

Everything is my fault, don't blame her. "

Luo Yan endured everything responsibly, and the panic lasted only a moment. After all, this was just a small scene. As long as Zi Nu didn't get involved, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Nongyu, he can hold on!

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