Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 907 I need to get my face back!

Luo Yan nominally inspected the political achievements of Dong Ren, Liu Jie and others, but in fact he was just trying to brush their faces and get closer to each other.

As the dean of the academy, these disciples who came out of the academy are his direct descendants. This relationship cannot disappear no matter how long it takes, especially in this era, the status of teachers is the same as that of biological parents.

Is this considered forming a clique for personal gain? Luo Yan thought to himself as he took Fusu in disguise.

However, as soon as this idea emerged, he was killed by Luo Yan. He only formed a clique, but he had never been selfish. With his current status, he did not need this. The disciples of the academy were just the icing on the cake for him, stabilizing Luo Yan. As for Yan's status, as for the rest, Luo Yan didn't need it at all.

One of his lovers, Bai Jie, is the richest man in Qin State, and now he is also the president of the Chamber of Commerce. In terms of money, it is just a number to Luo Yan.

As for beauties... Luo Yan had already made ninety-nine of the famous beauties in the Qin Dynasty. He was so busy that he could not rest for a moment. If it were not for the blessing of the Three Ultimate Gu Mother Gu, he would have died on the bed.


One person is lower than ten thousand people. In a sense, his status is even more transcendent than that of Ying Zheng, because he is still Ying Zheng's nominal teacher. With the blessing of cassava, sweet potato and other crops, paper, etc., his The Invincible Golden Body has already been condensed and formed.

In other words, who else would dare to kill him openly except for the arrogant man in the rivers and lakes! ?

Just ask who else.

Luo Yan was thinking about it and suddenly discovered something important. He paused slightly and looked embarrassed.

"Yingchuan County still mainly cultivates rice, and cassava is very important to the land..."

Dong Ren stood next to Luo Yan and reported, and suddenly found that Luo Yan stopped and paused in the middle of his words. He looked at Luo Yan with a puzzled expression and asked, "But what did the student say wrong? "

Fusu and Liu Jie also looked at Luo Yan.

My life is almost running out of pursuits... Luo Yan Versailles paused, shook his head, and said slowly: "It has nothing to do with you. I just suddenly thought of something related to cassava. You will also know about it next year, Qin A foreign team searching for crop seeds discovered another crop seed, which is similar to cassava, except that the skin is purple-red. I call it sweet potato.

The yield per acre is only half that of cassava, but it does not have much requirements on land and climate and can be planted repeatedly.

It should be promoted on a large scale next year.

Yingchuan County will be the first pilot. Secondly, two more official roads will be built next year to connect to Yingchuan County. You should be prepared. "

Luo Yan attracted everyone's attention with just a few words.

Dong Ren and Liu Jie nodded.

However, before they could speak, Xia Zhou, an old fritter on the side, said excitedly: "God bless the Qin State, and the Qin State actually got another divine object..."

His flattery couldn't go on without being patted twice, because the atmosphere around him was a bit quiet. Dong Ren and Liu Jie, the two young men, had no intention of flattering him, which made him perform a one-man show by himself, which was quite embarrassing, to say the least. I also held back my words.

"God bless Qin indeed."

Luo Yan nodded and helped to lighten the atmosphere. At the same time, he sympathized with Xia Zhou. The other party was quite pitiful. The old man in the officialdom was doing well, but suddenly he was surrounded by disciples of the palace, all of whom were outstanding in ability and upright. Many of them even came from poor backgrounds and were extremely upright and serious in their conduct and work. However, the hard ones in the background were all disciples of the emperor and did not dare to move.

The road to ascent is cut off, but I still have to keep a smile on my face, and I dare not even make a small move.

Dongchang Shadow Secret Guard is not a decoration~

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the future of Qin belongs to this group of young people. The days of waiting for qualifications and flattering and giving gifts are over.

At least this generation can’t see it.

The wind has changed.

Dong Ren waited until Luo Yan finished speaking, then asked: "When I was in the academy, I heard that the world is huge and vast like smoke. I wonder if students have the opportunity to see the whole world?"

Liu Jie also looked at Luo Yan expectantly. There had been rumors circulating in the academy for a long time, saying that the forerunners had collected Kantu maps from all over the country. It was rumored that there were countless countries outside the Kyushu, some were not even smaller than the Seven Kingdoms, and even more Some countries have three crops a year, no cold winter and twelfth lunar month, and the four seasons are like spring.

"Yes, but we have to wait a little longer. Do the things right now first, and wait until the world is unified and a peaceful and prosperous era is established before we can consider other things. Don't be too ambitious."

Luo Yan smiled and said softly.

It is only a matter of time before the world is revealed, but it is definitely not now. What we need to do now is to unify the world, unify culture and beliefs, and then we can start the world. Before unification, it is useless to consider these things. You have to eat one bite at a time, and the steps are too slow. It's easy to pull off the egg.

The current Qin State cannot withstand the torment, including the recent Maurya Dynasty. They were thousands of miles apart before and were not easy to conquer.

There was a pause.

Luo Yan changed the topic to business: "The road construction still requires Yingchuan County to mobilize some laborers and civilians. Someone will contact you after this matter. You can start preparations now."

Road construction is one of the national policies of the Qin State. If you want to increase control over various places, roads are the first priority. With the blessing of the Mohist mechanism, the efficiency of road construction is not low now, and thanks to Luo Yan's control of the north The Hu people did not play lightly, and the construction of the Great Wall was slowed down a lot, saving a lot of manpower and material resources, which would be invested in building roads.

“Students understand!”

Dong Ren and Liu Jie responded with cupped hands.

After Luo Yan finished taking care of the business, he had time to care about the women at home.

As for Fusu, he has been sent to the Han Palace by Luo Yan. He is learning from his father and working hard to review Yingchuan County's finances. Arithmetic is a compulsory course in the palace, and Fusu naturally learns it too. You may not be good at it, but you must not understand it. This is Luo Yan's requirement for his disciples.

Some talented people will continue to study. Of course, there is no teacher for this study, they themselves are their own teachers.

Luo Yan left some books as inspiration for them. How far they can learn depends on themselves.

The same goes for other disciplines.

In this era, Luo Yan will only leave seeds. Whether they can take root or sprout depends on future generations. Luo Yan has neither the interest nor the time to do this, not to mention that he himself is also a scumbag.

This academic scumbag is a scumbag in the modern sense. In this era, Luo Yan can still be a genius.

Luo Yan asked Mo Ya: "Where have they gone?"

"Honglian Highness went to his palace, Zi Nu and Nong Yu went to the old site of Zilanxuan, Madam Hu and Hu Meiren went to the old mansion, Concubine Yan and Yan Lingji were at Lanxiu Villa, and Jing salamander went to Mr. Chu The courtyard where I stayed when I came to Korea.”

Mo Ya said softly, and at the end, he couldn't help but glance at Luo Yan. Who would have thought that the scholar who had the power to bind a chicken, could only talk nonsense, and was nostalgic for romantic places would reach this stage now.

Even if someone had told him this at the beginning, he would not have believed it.


Luo Yan was stunned for a moment, then responded immediately and walked towards the outside of the palace. Naturally, the place he went to was the place where he started with Frightened Salamander.

That little courtyard full of memories.

Of course, Luo Yan is not very nostalgic. The bed in that place is too uncomfortable, not as comfortable as the bed in Zilanxuan, but who makes Jing Salad like it~

Luo Yan also likes Wu and Wu.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

There has been no slight change in the small courtyard, not even the changes in the plants and trees are significant. It seems that someone has deliberately cleaned, organized and maintained it.

When Jing Salamander just entered this small courtyard, he was quite surprised at the scene in front of him. Then he thought of something, and his cold eyes also gained a touch of tenderness. He pushed open the wooden door with a slight force with his slender jade fingers, and creaked The sound seemed to travel through time and echoed in her ears.

Everything that happened back then floated in my mind like a scroll, slowly unfolding.

With her plain skirt flowing in the wind, Jing Salamander walked into the courtyard with small steps, closed the door behind her, and took a walk in this small courtyard as if reminiscing about the past.

The bright sunshine shines inside the house.

Jing Salamander looked at the untouched furniture in the room and was slightly distracted for a moment. Then he walked into it and his eyes were quickly attracted by a small piece of clothing.

The workmanship is very rough and seems to be the work of a novice.

Jing salamander pondered for a moment, then picked it up, sat down on the bed and started sewing again.

When Luo Yan arrived, he happened to see Jingyu sewing clothes in the house.

Jingluo sews with great concentration. Her character has always been like this. She is very devoted when doing things. Even if it is just a small thing, something that does not require her to do anything now, she can still be immersed in it. This is Luo Yan could not do it at all, his thoughts were too complicated and chaotic, and he had never changed.

Even though he was taught a lot of lessons by Jing Salamander back then, he still didn't change at all.

That’s what the old fried dough sticks are like~

There is a saying that goes well: Habits are formed from childhood.

This statement is absolutely true, because it is difficult for adults to change a habit.

My wife is still so beautiful... Looking at the scene in front of him, Luo Yan still felt the same emotion in his heart as before.

After being away for more than ten years, he is still a young man when he comes back, without any change.

Luo Yan didn't go in either. He leaned on the door frame and admired Jing Salamander. The face of Jing Salamander gradually overlapped with that of the one in front of him, but there was a big difference between the two. His clothing, hairstyle, etc. were all the same as before. It was different, she had become more gentle and beautiful, and there was no trace of a sky-level killer anymore.

A decade of life is enough to change a lot.

This is undoubtedly Luo Yan's contribution, discussing how important it is for a woman to marry a good man.


Jingyu naturally noticed Luo Yan's arrival, but ignored him for the time being. It wasn't until Luo Yan's hot gaze made her feel helpless that she paused her hand movements and slowly raised her head, with a hint of reproach in her cold eyes. Zhiyi looked at Luo Yan, stretched out his hand to gently grasp the scattered hair beside his face, and said softly: "What are you looking at?"

"Look at you~"

Luo Yan responded with a smile and a confident tone.

Jing salamander surrendered, shook his head slightly, ignored Luo Yan, and continued to sew clothes with his head lowered. He could watch it if he liked. After all, he had watched it for so many years, as long as he didn't get tired of it.

"My wife is so beautiful~"

Jing salamander ignored Luo Yan, but Luo Yan harassed her verbally and disturbed her mood.

Fortunately, Jing salamander has become accustomed to Luo Yan's mouth, and his expression remains unchanged, and his eyes have not even wavered. He remains cold and cold, as if he had just met Luo Yan for the first time. Luo Yan used to be so harassing, but Jing salamander can't get enough of it, and even When pressed, he will pull out a small leather whip...


Luo Yan smiled and stopped teasing the surprised salamander. He walked into the house and took out a bowl of wontons. He said with a smile: "I bought it on the way. The taste should still be the same. The old man passed away and the son inherited his father's business."

While he was talking, he had already come to sit down next to Jing Salamander, and at the same time handed over the packed wontons.

In order to retain this memory, he originally spent two words of effort.

The main reason is to pick up Jing Salamander. It's easy to get Jing Salamander's body, but it's a little difficult to get her heart. But who would have thought that he would fall in love for a long time... It's just because he is too good.

But it’s not a waste. It’s come full circle.

It's nice to experience this feeling once in a while.

The Jing Salamander was slightly startled, obviously not expecting Luo Yan to take out a bowl of Chaos. He blinked his cold eyes. After a moment, he raised his hand to catch the wontons handed over by Luo Yan, pursed his lips, and said coldly: " Do you want to eat together?"

"You feed me."

Luo Yan put his arms around Jingli's slender waist and said with a smile.

Jing Salamander smiled helplessly and said, "You can't stop fooling around."

"No, even if I am gray-haired, you still have to tolerate my nonsense and take care of me for the rest of my life~"

Luo Yan said with a hum.

She was pretending to be young because of her age, but fortunately there was no one around at the moment, otherwise the scene would have been very embarrassing.

The Jing Salamander couldn't resist Luo Yan, so he could only follow his wishes and began to feed him. He blew on it with his thin lips and then handed it to Luo Yan's mouth.

This guy is not polite, just one mouthful.

After eating, he still commented: "The taste is average, not as good as the food at home."

I have eaten too much delicacies from the mountains and seas, and if I eat this again, I really can’t taste the same as before.

Jing Salamander did not dislike Luo Yan. He also took a bite and chewed slowly. His eating posture was still elegant, which was in sharp contrast to Luo Yan's vulgar eating posture. At this moment, Luo Yan looked like a pig lying on a Bite on the cabbage.

"How about it?"


Jing salamander said softly, she was not as picky as Luo Yan when it came to eating.

Luo Yan raised his head and signaled: "Then I'll try it again, ah~"

Open your mouth.

The startled salamander continues to feed.

After a while, the two of them finished the bowl of Chaos, and most of it went into Luo Yan's mouth, because Jing Salamander ate too slowly, which affected the rest of the business.

Luo Yan put the bowl aside. After eating and drinking, he stared at the Frightened Salamander eagerly and chuckled: "I have always wanted to do something~"

Jing Salamander looked at Luo Yan in confusion, and then watched Luo Yan slowly get up, walked to the side and pulled out a thin stick, which was exactly the stick that Luo Yan was spanked by Jing Salamander back then. Although it was much dried up, But the shadow of the past can be vaguely seen.

Jingli was stunned for a moment, then couldn't hold it back anymore, covered her mouth and laughed softly, her charming eyes unable to hide the smile. She didn't expect Luo Yan to hold a grudge so much, and he still hasn't forgotten it after so many years.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious, please be more serious!"

Luo Yan couldn't help it and angrily said that he still liked the cold and indifferent look of Jing Salamander, especially the teacher who whipped his butt with a whip.

Jing Salamander suppressed his laughter and asked, "Do you want to pull it back?"

"That's for sure. Wherever you lose your face, you must find it somewhere. I'm a man!"

Luo Yan said with a hum, then turned around and closed the door and the window.

Jing Shao looked at Luo Yan angrily, with a touch of tenderness on her pretty face, as if she had already guessed what Luo Yan was going to do next...

PS: Chapter 2 can’t be released. I don’t dare to stay up late. I’ve been sick recently.

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