Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 930 Senior brother, where are you?

Someone found some books for Xiao Li, and Luo Yan and Concubine Yan walked out.

Concubine Yan asked: "Husband, who is this girl?"

She has never seen her husband be so interested in someone, even chatting patiently with him for so long. As for being seduced by beauty, it is not something a girl can do. What's more, Concubine Yan has confidence in her husband. His husband is not that kind of person.

"Legend has it that the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady shed a tear when she saw the battle between Chi You and the Yellow Emperor, and this tear was the necklace Xiao Li wore. That necklace contained divine power, real divine power."

Luo Yan said to Concubine Yan with a serious expression.

In the original book, relying on the power of this tear, Xiao Li transformed into a female war goddess, liberating the power of the dragon soul of little Pixiu, and chopped down such a large weapon demon. In the end, she also disappeared into thin air because of the dissipation of her magical power. However, those few The power of the burst is really terrifying, at least it won't be a problem to defeat Nie Nie, Wei Zhuang and others.

This is also a gift prepared by Luo Yan for Donghuang Taiyi. If this old guy doesn't respect martial ethics in the end, don't blame him for using the power of the Dragon God!

In order to protect the tranquility of this land, Luo Yan believes that Xiao Li and Xiao Pixiu will not be stingy with their power.

Of course, Luo Yan had to rely on his sharp tongue to slowly deceive him.

However, given the direction of Qin's development, as long as Xiao Li takes a closer look, he should understand what the right path is, and convincing her is not a problem at all.

Love lasts for a long time, doesn't it?

As long as they are intelligent creatures, they will have feelings.

"How could your husband know this?"

Concubine Yan looked at Luo Yan and asked in confusion.

Luo Yan reached out to hold her hand and said softly: "Because I have seen it before, maybe it was in a dream, maybe it was just a bubble, but after all, it is real, just like you and me. In this case, it can only be Choose to believe and rest assured, I will take care of everything."

As he spoke, he hugged Concubine Yan's waist, looked into her gentle eyes, and gently pecked her lips.


Concubine Yan nodded and leaned into Luo Yan's arms.

Luo Yan stroked her long hair gently, with tenderness in his heart. No one is truly heartless. Over time, the responsibilities between husband and wife will become a bond, and the connection between each other can never be severed.

Xiao Li, who was reading in the room, seemed to have noticed something. He glanced at the direction where Luo Yan and Concubine Yan were leaving, his eyes flickered, and he hesitated: "What exactly is this feeling? Why is it so familiar? Could it be related to the goddess?"

She touched the necklace around her neck, unsure about the matter.

Because Concubine Yan gave her a somewhat familiar feeling, but that familiarity was not enough to remind her of anything.

After all, she was just an obsession.

Da Siming stood at the door and glanced at the girl in the room. A flash of suspicion flashed through his cold eyes. She also couldn't figure out why Luo Yan was so familiar with this nagging girl. Part of the conversation between the two Outsiders can't understand it at all, it's like a book from heaven.

But one thing she was sure of was that this girl was very important to Luo Yan.

That guy has always been unlucky.

Above the eaves of tall buildings, the wind howled.

Wei Zhuang, who was full of character, sat on it. His long gray hair was dancing wildly, and his burly figure was indescribably domineering. He stood up with a shark tooth on one hand, looked into the distance with cold eyes, and said in a low voice: "Loulan, The Dragon Soul, the Demon God of War, the Chi You Sword... It seems that the empire is also declining, and it is ridiculous that it has started to pursue these things."

Bai Feng maintained his handsome posture, stood aside, and continued: "Lin'er said that the matter has been confirmed, that Old Man Lu is Loulan's messenger, and he controls the dragon soul in his hands, and he is also an organ The master of magic, in addition, also got an interesting news that may interest you.

The reason why Gai Nie betrayed Qin. "


Wei Zhuang looked at Bai Feng indifferently and said nothing.

Bai Feng shrugged his shoulders and did not provoke Wei Zhuang on this matter. He said softly: "Gai Nie betrayed the Qin State because of a child, and this child is here and is even related to the Loulan envoy. No surprise. , he should appear here, our trip is not in vain."

A frightening light suddenly appeared in Wei Zhuang's eyes, and he said in a cold voice: "Are you sure?"

"You should know what Lin'er does."

Bai Feng chuckled.

In the whole situation of Niqisha, Lin'er doesn't like waves and is very steady in his work, which is highly valued by Wei Zhuang.

"Have you found out the origin of this child?"

Wei Zhuang pondered for a moment and asked.

Bai Feng knew what Wei Zhuang meant and said softly: "It shouldn't be Gai Nie's. This child is an orphan. His origin is temporarily uncertain. There is no accurate information from Gong Shuqiu, and Lin'er has not found anything. I want to know. To find out the truth, perhaps we can only start with Gai Nie, or find King Yueyang, he should know something."

Hearing this, Wei Zhuang was in a bad mood.

If it was for other things, that would be fine. He never expected that his senior brother would do it for a child, a child that was not his.

His senior brother is really good at joking.

The dignified descendant of Guigu, what on earth is going on in his mind!

Not only did he let himself go, but now he has denied himself, given up everything he once pursued, and betrayed his beliefs!

How stupid!

Wei Zhuang clenched the shark tooth in his hand, stood up slowly, and said in a cold voice with a violent and domineering aura: "Is that woman back?"

"She was searching for medicine. There are a lot of strange medicinal materials here. You know, she has always been interested in these."

"Inform her that there is a mission."

Wei Zhuang said coldly.

Bai Feng nodded. As for whether Mrs. Mingzhu would come or not, that was the other party's business. He was only responsible for notifying her.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

There is an open area to the north of the town.

The surrounding environment is extremely harsh, and there is not even much greenery or houses to be seen, only small mounds of soil and abandoned wood.

In an extremely desolate and gentle area, there is a small wooden house sitting in the center. The door is tightly closed, and it is filled with a strange calm. Except for the sound of the wind blowing by, there is no movement.

If someone looks down from a high place, they will find that there are many men in black hiding in some hidden places around.

There are quite a few people.

Everyone seemed to be staring at this ordinary wooden house.

Suddenly, a young man ran out from a distance, walking quickly, and soon arrived in front of the wooden house. He raised his hand and beat it hard several times, shouting: "Uncle Lu, are you here? It's me, Dawn!"

The door was closed for a while, until Tianming was about to leave, the door suddenly opened, and immediately after, a bronze mechanical arm pulled Tianming in.

In the room, countless machines and arms were waving, and all kinds of weapons made the kid Tianming dumbfounded.

"Why are you here! Didn't I tell you not to come here for a while?"

Old man Lu looked at Tianming, frowned and said, at the same time, he activated the mechanism and closed the arms of the surrounding mechanisms.

With a soft cry, Tianming fell to the ground, touched his head in confusion, blinked his big eyes, looked at Old Man Lu innocently, and whispered: "Old Man Lu, what are these?"

Looking at these retracted machine arms, he looked curious, obviously full of interest in them.

What man doesn't like these things.

"Tianming, now is not the time for joking. It's very dangerous here. You shouldn't come."

Old man Lu said in a deep voice.


Tianming looked at Old Man Lu with a confused expression. He originally wanted to come over and chat with Old Man Lu about what happened today, but he never thought that something happened to Old Man Lu. He immediately asked, "What happened?"

Old Man Lu had a solemn look on his face, obviously unwilling to involve Tian Ming, but just when he was about to send Tian Ming away, the sound of fighting came from outside the door. The movement was so loud that he immediately lay down at the door. He looked through a hole similar to a cat's eye.

I saw a few figures suddenly appear on the originally empty plain. The leading man had his hands folded and pressed a long sword. The black and gold robe on his body was dancing in the wind. His eyes were cold and terrifying, like a peerless ferocious beast. He just stood there. It's scary.

In addition, there is also an elegant young man in white and an extremely charming noble woman. They stand aside and face off against dozens of killers in black.

"Weizhuang? Do you dare to interfere in the empire's affairs?!"

The first Luowang leader recognized Wei Zhuang's identity, his eyes were wary, and he asked coldly.

However, Wei Zhuang didn't even look at him. He simply ignored him. He looked towards the door, as if he was looking at the eyes in the hole. The next moment, he walked over with his sword in hand. Now that he was sure Whatever Senior Brother wants, then the matter can be easily solved.

Since Gai Nie chose to hide, he would force him out.


Several snare killers stopped directly in front of Wei Zhuang.

Wei Zhuang's eyelids trembled slightly, and a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He had no intention of talking nonsense with the other party. His aura surged, and the shark-tooth sword in his hand was unsheathed. Along with a golden-red sword light, the two figures were directly hit. The sword flew out, unable to block his violent sword attack.


The shark teeth in his hand trembled slightly, expressing the violent and bloodthirsty sword intent.

"If you don't want to die, just get out of the way."

Wei Zhuang scanned the audience indifferently and said indifferently. As the words fell, the shark teeth in his hand slowly calmed down, and his sword intention was restrained. At his level, he could already control it freely.

The snare killers stared at Wei Zhuang one by one, but no one got out of the way. If they got out of the way now, what would happen to them would be failure of the mission, and in the snare, the consequences of mission failure would be death. This is an iron rule, from now on It has not changed, even if there is a new boss.

"Weizhuang, you are very strong, but you may not be able to kill us all. When the reinforcements arrive, you will be destroyed against the quicksand!"

The leader of the Snare Killer said coldly.


Wei Zhuang snorted coldly, his figure suddenly rose up, and the shark teeth in his hand flashed past like an aurora.

As if teleporting, the person appeared directly behind the opponent, with the shark-tooth sword energy lingering in his hand without a drop of blood.

The Snare Killer's eyes widened as he opened his mouth. The sword in his hand was broken, and his neck was broken at the same time. The next moment, he knelt softly on the ground, blood overflowing, and his death was extremely miserable.

"What are you doing to piss off this guy~"

Madam Mingzhu covered her mouth and chuckled, her charming eyes glanced regretfully at the killer lying in a pool of blood, and then lightly stepped on the ground, a thick purple poisonous mist rippled out, and began to clear the place. , all of them were paralyzed and paralyzed on the ground.

When it comes to playing drugs, she has already mastered her tricks.

After all, her previous test subjects were all of Luo Yan's level.

Bai Feng had already moved hundreds of meters away at this moment, looking at this woman with vigilant eyes and frowning, just because Mrs. Mingzhu's poison does not distinguish between friends and foes, it is also poisonous to her own people. Except for herself, everyone else is fine. It's not pleasant to be recruited.

Hidden Bat is very experienced in this regard.

Ever since he offended Madam Mingzhu, Hidden Bat has been bullied by Madam Mingzhu a lot in the past, and she has been able to manipulate her to death, sometimes even worse than death.

Wei Zhuang did not move. The inner breath he cultivated has a certain anti-toxic effect. As long as the inner breath is shielded from the outside world, he can resist the poison of Mrs. Mingzhu. Of course, he must not be injured during this period, and he must not have physical contact with Mrs. Mingzhu. Otherwise, you will definitely get tricked.

Watching Madam Mingzhu clear the place, Wei Zhuang didn't say anything and walked slowly towards the wooden house. He was not interested in the weak, although Shark Teeth was not picky about food.

But the small fish and shrimp are boring after all, and they have no taste at all.


The long sword was swung, and the two sword energy directly shattered the door of the wooden house. At the same time, countless machine arms in the house rose again, guarding Wei Zhuang and others.

The person controlling this is an old man with sharp eyes, a gray robe, and a flying silver beard. The deep texture at the corners of his eyes reveals the weather and frost of the years. At this moment, he is looking at Wei Zhuang defensively. He has obviously heard of Wei Zhuang's name. After all, Everyone in the world knows the name of the descendant of Guigu.

A few years ago, Mr. Lu also traveled around the Central Plains until he found the dragon soul.

"What about the child?"

Wei Zhuang looked at the empty room, his eyes instantly darkened, he stared at Old Man Lu and asked coldly.

Tianming... Old man Lu blinked his eyes. He never expected that the other party came for Tianming, and suddenly his whole body felt bad. He had just given the dragon soul to Tianming, hoping that he could take it out, but now this person But he was eyeing Tianming, how could he escape with Tianming's strength.

"It seems there is a secret passage here~"

Mrs. Mingzhu looked at the strange mechanical arm in the room and joked.

Wei Zhuang had no interest in this and looked at Bai Feng. He was only interested in the child at the moment. As long as he found the child, he would definitely find his senior brother. As for the so-called Loulan and the legend, he had no interest at all now.

His senior brother was everything to him, and the shark tooth in his hand was already hungry and thirsty.

Bai Feng flashed and went to search for Tian Ming's whereabouts.

Mrs. Mingzhu looked at Old Man Lu, then looked at Wei Zhuang, and joked: "Aren't you curious whether this legend is true or false?"

"All I see is trouble."

Wei Zhuang said coldly.

Although he is not afraid of Qin Guo, Luo Yan and others, it is also extremely stupid to cause trouble for no reason.

What's more, it has not yet been determined whether this legend is true or false.

What can some information prove? There is no point in pursuing these.

The words fell.

Wei Zhuang turned around and left, looking for his senior brother.

Mrs. Mingzhu did not leave. She stared at Old Man Lu with her eyes. She knew very well that Luo Yan valued this old man very much and would definitely come over later. She had to continue the unfinished business last night. One time was not enough. It didn’t even overflow~

Old Man Lu was so stared at by this woman that he felt hairy all over his body.

PS: No more today. I’ll save the manuscript tonight. There will be an event on the 15th. The minimum guarantee is 25,000.

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