Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 952 Agreement

Passing through the thick purple poisonous mist, we soon came to an open space near the lake.

What caught his eye was Wei Zhuang, who was wearing a long robe. In addition to him, there was a thin man hanging on a tree trunk nearby, and there were two powerful auras hiding in the darkness.

Hidden Bat, Blue Wolf King, Black Kirin... Luo Yan sensed these auras, and the personnel information of Niqusha emerged in his mind. As for where these information came from, it was naturally Mrs. Mingzhu. For these information, he went to A lot of effort was put into it.

"I didn't expect you to take Gai Nie in. It seems that you have finished handling the matters in Loulan, and you have the leisure to intervene in these matters."

As soon as Luo Yan and Mrs. Mingzhu appeared, Wei Zhuang looked over with cold eyes, and spoke slowly in a hoarse and low voice with an unspeakable charm.

"Why did you come to me instead of causing trouble for Gai Nie?"

Luo Yan glanced at the location of Hidden Bat and others, then his eyes calmly fell on Wei Zhuang and said softly.

For Wei Zhuang.

Others may be afraid of him, but Luo Yan is quite familiar with him, and has even seen him transform from an upright young man to the killer star he is today. This familiarity makes him feel that things are different when facing Wei Zhuang. .

The country is destroyed and the family is destroyed. These are not just four words.

Qin's destruction of the six kingdoms is by no means just a few pages in a history book. This process is destined to change too many people.

The easiest thing in this world to change a person is hatred.

Wei Zhuang's eyes narrowed slightly, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his voice was a bit cold: "Do you really want me to deal with him, or do you want to fish out other people through him."

"Fishing out the others? What do you mean?"

Luo Yan frowned and said pretending to be puzzled, his heart tightening slightly. Wei Zhuang was indeed a descendant of Guigu, and his reaction was really fast. The current matter had just begun, and he seemed to have smelled something wrong.

Wei Zhuang said coldly: "Aren't you going to deal with the Mo family? If not, with the strength of the empire, how could I, my senior brother, take a child to run so far? The most important thing is that you, the empire's number one lackey, have nothing to do with you. If he takes action, don't tell me that you are doing it for the ridiculous friendship between you two."

After the words fell, Wei Zhuang sneered and stared at Luo Yan mockingly. He knew that Luo Yan was not that kind of person.

Luo Yan's heart was very cold. Wei Zhuang knew this when he was in Korea.

In order to achieve his goal, Luo Yan will do whatever it takes, even if more people die.

In this regard, Luo Yan belongs to the same type of person as him.

But it’s a little different.

Wei Zhuang likes to rely on his own strength, while Luo Yan likes to rely on other forces. When he was in Korea, he liked to drive away wolves and devour tigers, but now he only needs to rely on Qin!

Mohist family?

One Mo family can't feed me enough.

Luo Yan frowned, looked at Wei Zhuang, who thought he had seen through the truth, smiled, and did not refute, but said lightly: "Why do you think I want to deal with the Mo family? There is no dispute between the Mo family and I, not to mention, the empire I owe the Mohist family a lot of favors, and part of the changes in the world in recent years are due to the Mohist family's achievements."

"Do you know who the current Mohist giant is?"

Wei Zhuang narrowed his eyes, stared at Luo Yan closely, and asked in a deep voice. He had wanted to ask this question a long time ago.

Although Ni Liusha has not communicated with the Mohist family in these years, many actions of the Mohist family have not been hidden from Ni Liusha's eyes. The current Mohist giant's style of dealing with things is very similar to that of a person, a person who should have died.

Wei Zhuang also has many doubts about what happened back then, which is why he is standing here this time.

He needs to solve a riddle.

Wei Zhuang was in no mood to care about Luo Yan's dealings with the Mo family. He only needed to achieve his goal.

Complete the decisive battle with senior brother!

"You actually pay attention to him, ha~"

Luo Yan looked at Wei Zhuang in surprise, and then chuckled: "You are right, the current Mo family giant is indeed him. His death was just a fake corpse, and the empire only got a soaked corpse, but he It doesn't matter whether you die or not, what matters is the result."

"I'm curious what you want to do if you keep him."

Wei Zhuang stared at Luo Yan deeply, testing Luo Yan's intentions. He did not believe that Luo Yan would ignore Yan Dan for no reason, especially since this Yan Dan had planned a plan to assassinate Qin. Will Ying Zheng tolerate this?

If Ying Zheng could hold back, how did Luo Yan persuade Ying Zheng, and what on earth were they planning.

Luo Yan doesn't seem like a good person.

Being highly virtuous, serving the country and the people, benevolent... is simply a joke.

Based on Wei Zhuang's understanding of Luo Yan, this may be a big whirlpool.

A whirlpool designed to deal with anti-Qin forces, and anyone who participates in it may suffer.

However, what Wei Zhuang doesn't know is that Luo Yan and Ying Zheng's appetite is not only for these anti-Qin forces, but also for those who do not obey the laws of the empire and people from all walks of life. This big net covers the entire world. , now it’s just a sign.

"What do I want to do, does it matter? I will give you a chance to fight with Gai Nie. This seems to be what you want. As for the rest, that is my business. We are mutually beneficial. You also know Gai Nie's temper. Since he refused to return to Guigu to fight you back then, he will not fight you easily now. If you want to have a real fight with him, you can only force him.

The Mo family and that child, they are the reason for Ge Nie to fight you.

Shouldn't you thank me? "

Luo Yan said with a kind face.

The hidden bat hanging on the tree trunk slowly opened its eyes. Looking at the man communicating with Wei Zhuang, a trace of fear flashed deep in his eyes. The man in front of him was really scary. No wonder women like Madam Mingzhu would be fascinated by him. .

"It really doesn't matter, but I hate being taken advantage of."

Wei Zhuang sneered, and a cold murderous intention slowly spread, and he said coldly.

"Valuable talents will be used, and worthless people are not even qualified to be used. Besides, we are just cooperating and using each other. The empire needs to use you to deal with the Mo family, and you need the power of the empire to force Ge Nie to fight with you. A decisive battle, cooperation will benefit both sides.”

Luo Yan didn't care about Wei Zhuang's bluffing and chuckled.

"You are still the same as before, so good at talking."

Wei Zhuang restrained his murderous intent and said coldly.

No, no, no, compared to talking nonsense, I don't like you and Gai Nie for a long time... Luo Yan thought of that time in Korea, the scene where Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie fought again after several years, the scene where the two exchanged blows, he is now Just thinking about it makes my hair stand on end. It's hard to imagine the scene of two people with paralyzed faces talking to each other.

"Both each other, you have changed a lot, but your expression is still so cold. If you act like this, you probably won't be able to find a wife in this life."

Luo Yan smiled and joked.

Wei Zhuang's face twitched. Looking at Luo Yan who suddenly became unruly, he couldn't throw out a few harsh words. He was silent for a moment and then said sarcastically: "Women will only affect the speed of my sword. Only the weak." Only then will you be addicted to beauty, power, and wealth!"

Then what is your purpose of becoming stronger?

Defeat Gai Nie?


Luo Yan was speechless and did not discuss the three views issues with Wei Zhuang. He and Wei Zhuang were not the same person. He was a pure layman who was greedy for money and lust, while Wei Zhuang was a pure swordsman who became stronger just to become stronger.

To be honest, if it were a fantasy fairy novel, someone like Wei Zhuang would probably be very successful.

But Qin Shi didn't give him this chance.

No matter how strong or advanced your swordsmanship is, it will still be a mortal body.

You have to get used to being hit by artillery fire at close range.

"Okay, I admit, I am indeed weak, so I like beauty, power, and wealth."

Luo Yan shrugged his shoulders and accepted Wei Zhuang's evaluation calmly. Then he changed the topic and said calmly: "If nothing happens, Bai Feng should not be able to stop Gai Nie and others from leaving. They should go to the Mo family's agency." Cheng, whatever you need, I will help you arrange it."

"Since it is the government agency city of the Mo family, it naturally needs a government agency family that can compete with it."

Wei Zhuang paused and said slowly: "Moji's organs are made of wood and stone; if bronze opens its mouth, ask Gongshu, you know what I mean."

"...Okay, I will inform Duke Shuqiu. He should be interested in the Mo family's organ city."

Luo Yan pondered for a moment, nodded, and responded.

Although the matter in Loulan has been settled, the secret of the Bing Demon God has not been completely solved, especially the inheritance of the Bing Demon God. However, there are also many secrets and treasures hidden in the Mohist government city. Luo Yan needs to get it. Compared with the original work He wanted to destroy the machine city, and he even wanted to take the whole machine city.

To achieve this goal, one must obtain the power of Black Kirin, and only his unique disguise technique can achieve this.

Think of this.

Luo Yan looked at Wei Zhuang and asked, "Can you let me meet the black unicorn against the quicksand? I'm very curious about him."

"...The killer will only hide in the darkness. When have you ever seen a killer stand in the light?"

Wei Zhuang frowned, stared at Luo Yan, and said lightly.

Not knowing Luo Yan's intention, Wei Zhuang didn't want Lin'er to meet Luo Yan, because Luo Yan was a little weird in dealing with women, and he never quite understood this weirdness.

Yes, Lin'er is a woman, but she has never shown her true face in front of others.

But her true face didn't seem to matter.

A true master of disguise can fulfill all your wishes... LSP Ecstasy.

But Luo Yan doesn't know all this. In fact, even if he knew, he wouldn't be too excited, because Yueshen and Da Siming can do this, although their acting skills are a bit poor.

"I hope Guancheng can see it. Okay, let's see you in Guancheng. I will inform Gongshu Qiu to meet you."

Luo Yan said softly.

"Are you going too?"

Wei Zhuang looked at Luo Yan with some surprise. He didn't seem to be the kind of person who liked to join in the fun.

"Don't you need a referee for the decisive battle between you and Genie?"

Luo Yan asked instead without answering.

Wei Zhuang said indifferently: "Only the living person is the winner, so the decisive battle between me and my senior brother does not require a referee."

I don't believe it... Luo Yan looked at Wei Zhuang's pretense and didn't expose it. He even nodded in approval and said softly: "I need to go to the government city to get something and meet a few people on the way."


Before Wei Zhuang could speak, Mrs. Mingzhu stared at him charmingly and chuckled.

"There are so many women I want to see."

Luo Yan rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Hard to say."

Wei Zhuang said coldly.

Luo Yan looked at Wei Zhuang in shock, obviously not expecting Wei Zhuang to joke with him.

Madam Mingzhu leaned against Luo Yan, caressed Luo Yan's cheek with her slender jade fingers, and said with a smile: "Even outsiders don't trust you, Luo Lang, you are really powerful."

"Even you doubt me, hey, I'm really not that kind of person."

Luo Yan sighed softly and defended.

Mrs. Mingzhu covered her mouth and chuckled, and said playfully: "Then you are still so interested in Lin'er?"

What's the meaning? !

Luo Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Mrs. Mingzhu meant. Lin'er was a woman, which made him more interested. However, his face remained indifferent and he said calmly: "I'm just interested in his disguise." Interested, after all, he was able to hide from so many people and sneak in with me, and even entered Loulan together.

Tsk, there are not many people in the world who are capable of this. She is so courageous. "

"Loul Lan... Is Ying Zheng really pursuing immortality?"

Wei Zhuang looked at Luo Yan and said in a deep voice.

He was very curious about this question, whether Gai Nie left Qin because of this, and Luo Yan also seemed interested in the so-called immortality.

"Part of it."

Luo Yan said calmly, no one can refuse immortality, and it is impossible for him, but they still have self-control. The pursuit is just incidental, and things still need to be done.

Compared with those recorded in history, Ying Zheng was not so fanatical. At most, he was just interested in the truth.

Are there immortals in the world?

This question should be of interest to many people.

"It seems you are among them, it's really ridiculous~"

Wei Zhuang took a deep look at Luo Yan and said slowly.

"Is it ridiculous? Maybe..."

Luo Yan thought of Xiao Li and Pi Xiu, and did not argue with Wei Zhuang. To a certain extent, Wei Zhuang was just a frog in the well, thinking that everything in front of him was everything, but he didn't know how big this world was.

But it's normal. Wei Zhuang's thoughts are all about fighting with Gai Nie. This man has gone to an extreme.


As agreed with Wei Zhuang, Luo Yan returned to Yi Zhuang. He had to send Duan Murong and others away first. If he didn't send Yue'er home, Concubine Yan would come to find her.

Mrs. Mingzhu also came with her. This woman is very clingy and not many people can hold her.

Unless Luo Yan was in bed, he would have no choice but to fall out with him.

But Luo Yan is obviously not the kind of person who likes to fall out with women, especially since he and Mrs. Mingzhu also have an in-depth emotional past. They are all lost youth, worthy of recall and remembrance.

Thinking about it now, Luo Yan also missed the past. Without the fetters of marriage and children, he was so free.

There is a saying that is right.

Whether you get married or not, you will regret it.

Life is a process of regret. You can only keep looking forward and walk through this life step by step.

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