Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 960: Not very patient


The sound of the giant blade rotating gives people an invisible pressure. It is the pressure of being in a meat grinder. It is extremely suffocating. If an ordinary person were to be here, this pressure alone would cause chaos. Lose your cool.

Gong Shuqiu shook the arm of the mechanism, a smile appeared on his thin old face, and he said in a low voice: "The person who designed the mechanism here is indeed a genius. He actually thought of using the five-note twelve rhythms of this sound box to evolve the movement of the stars. It is really interesting. Extremely.”

After a pause, Gong Shuqiu withdrew his eyes from the mural above, looked at Luo Yan, and continued: "Your Majesty is very observant and can see through such details at a glance. I am ashamed of myself."

There was no technical content in this flattery, it was too crude and direct... Luo Yan smiled, did not answer, looked at Luna, and asked, "How is it?"

Moon God didn't answer the question. He just glanced at the star map for a few times, then walked slowly to the front of the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, stretched out his slender jade hands folded on his lower abdomen, and touched the Phantom Sound Treasure Box. The fourth floor of the box was moved to the seventh window of the pavilion, and the originally sad melody changed.

As the melody changed, the giant blades that were speeding around stopped instantly and retracted one after another. At the same time, the sinking ground rose again.


The mechanism that locked the Phantom Sound Treasure Box was also unlocked, allowing the Moon God to obtain it.

"As expected of Lord Moon God, he can see through the mystery just by counting his breaths."

Gong Shuqiu is like an old licking dog, opening his mouth to flatter the Moon God.

"Being kind" to others has always been the standard of conduct for the public to lose grudges. As for the bullying of Tian Ming and others in the original book, it can only be blamed on these little brats being too ignorant and in need of handling.

"There is not much mystery in this star map. There are only a few stars that have evolved. It is not complicated."

Moon Goddess opened her thin lips lightly, with a cool and noble temperament, and said softly, while holding the Phantom Sound Treasure Box in both hands. When the music ended, the Phantom Sound Treasure Box automatically folded and closed.

"Maybe there are a few people who have seen through it. Lord Moon God is being humble."

Gongshu Qiu chuckled.

"I got the things, let's continue moving forward. This Mo family's forbidden area has more than one treasure. Now that it's here, there is no reason not to take it. Rumor has it that the supreme non-attack weapon of the Mo family is also here. Is the national master interested?"

Luo Yan glanced at Gong Shuqiu and reminded him.

The original work spoke highly of the non-attack weapon, saying that it contains all the secrets of the Mohist machine arts, and this thing is also very special. There are no less than seven or eight changes in form, covering all kinds of weapons, which is quite interesting.

"Non-offensive? It was a supreme weapon built by the founder of the Mohist family and continuously improved by successive generations of Mohist giants. I am naturally interested in it."

Gongshuqiu chuckled and said with a burning gaze.

For a mechanism master like him, as long as he has a sample, he can completely deduce its technology.

This time when we come to the Mo family's mechanism city, the Mo family's mechanism skills are naturally one of the trophies, so there is no reason to let them go.

Luo Yan smiled and urged: "Then hurry up. I also plan to watch Gui Gu Zongheng's fight. It will be very interesting."

"Sword Master Gaine and Wei Zhuang of Niliuxisha? It is indeed a very interesting duel."

Hearing this, Gongshu Qiu nodded and agreed.

Moon God was indeed not interested in this. She focused all her attention on the Phantom Sound Treasure Box in her hand. After a moment, she looked at Luo Yan. The Phantom Sound Treasure Box had been recovered. The next step was to unlock it. The mystery of Canglong Qisu needs Concubine Yan’s daughter Yue’er to solve it.

What would Luo Yan do?

But this was obviously not the time to talk about these things with Luo Yan.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

In the central hall, the atmosphere at the moment was extremely depressing, even tragic.

Because Wei Zhuang, an idiot with no moral bottom line, actually led the Mohist disciples directly into the central hall, forcing Mr. Ban and others to be unable to activate the mechanism to annihilate the enemy. He couldn't even shoot his own people in order to deal with Wei Zhuang and others. Just kill him.

The Mo family still has a bottom line in doing things. They can't do things like killing their own people.

Wei Zhuang naturally knows this.

People who claim to be benevolent and righteous will always be bound by morality. These are their most fatal weaknesses.

"Every time a stick of incense is burned, five Mohist disciples will be executed. I am very curious how long you shy turtles can hide. I hope you can keep hiding."

Wei Zhuang stood in the middle of the central hall with the shark tooth in his hand, his eyes calmly looking at the location of the secret room, his voice hoarse and cold, exuding a sense of cold-blooded killing.

In order to force Gai Nie to fight him, he would not mind killing all the Mohist disciples in the entire Guan City. Wei Zhuang was very curious as to how long his senior brother could endure it.

Mrs. Mingzhu stood not far away, her figure was enchanting and beautiful, looking at everything in front of her with playful eyes.

This killing game seems to be fun.

Soon, the first batch of Mohist disciples were killed. The soldiers of the Qin State were like cold-blooded killing machines. They killed the five captured Mohist disciples on the spot without any mercy. The soldiers of the Qin State have always been ruthless in dealing with the enemy. , in their eyes, all Mohist disciples are rebellious.

From the moment they faced off against the Empire, everything was doomed.

The Empire will not bargain with a group of rebels.

"Damn it! They didn't even let the prisoners go!!"

"Master Ben, open the door to the secret room, let's rush out and fight them!"

Seeing this scene happening, the Mohist disciples in the secret room became angry and wanted to rush out to fight Wei Zhuang and others.

Gao Jianli tightened his grip on the Shui Han Sword, his face turned livid. He also did not expect the scene in front of him. Wei Zhuang was also the commander of Ni Liusha, and he was also a descendant of Gui Valley. How could he act so without a bottom line and not even spare prisoners? At this moment , even though he knew Wei Zhuang was doing this to force them out, he still couldn't help it.

This was a conspiracy. They knew it was a trap, but they had to take the bait.

What Wei Zhuang did almost roasted them morally and made their consciences condemned. If they kept hiding like this, even if they survived in the end, they would be in a bad mood.

I have to say that Wei Zhuang understands the weaknesses of human nature very well.

"next batch."

With a sneer on his lips, Wei Zhuang stared at the secret room teasingly and said coldly.

As the words fell, five more disciples were brought up, but this time the five Mohist disciples were no longer just ordinary disciples. There was also a heavyweight among them, Big Iron Hammer, one of the Mohist leaders. He was seriously injured at this moment. The sword wound on his chest was extremely eye-catching, and the overflowing blood dyed his pants red. As the soldiers pulled at him, the blood continued to gush out.

Sledgehammer has the style of a tough guy. Even though he looks like this at this moment, he still hasn't said a word of begging for mercy. He even holds his head high and his chest high, without a trace of cowardice, and his eyes are resolute and firm.

His big hammer is absolutely unwilling to become a pawn in Wei Zhuang's hands.

Even if it means death.

What's more, he is a dead man. If His Highness hadn't saved him back then, he would have died on the battlefield between Qin and Yan. How could he be here now? He has already made a profit by surviving for so many years.

Wei Zhuang didn't care about this, and even asked people to take out the burning incense and place it in front of the secret room, forcing everyone in the secret room to make a choice.

The time of a stick of incense is neither long nor short.

But this stick of incense caused everyone in the secret room to suffer extremely.

Thief Zhi punched the wall and said with a livid face: "I owe Big Iron Hammer my life. If he hadn't carried me back then, I would have been dead. I can't just watch him die like this!"

"You can't save him even if you go out."

Gao Jianli looked solemn and told a truth in a deep voice.

They can't deal with Wei Zhuang alone, not to mention the soldiers of Qin and the masters of Niqusha. Bai Feng, Chao Banshee, etc. are all difficult characters. They may die if they go out like this.

What's more, Luo Yan and others are still hiding in the dark.

"Are you just looking at me like this? If you live like this, you might as well die."

Robber Zhi said angrily that he had a very good relationship with Big Hammer, but now he was asked to watch Big Hammer being killed, which he couldn't do.

It would have been fine if he was killed in the previous fight. He couldn't stop anything, but now he could obviously stop it, but he just sat and watched the other party get killed. You can imagine the feeling.

Wei Zhuang is indeed a disciple of Guigu... Fan Zeng looked at all this and sighed in his heart.

Wei Zhuang's actions may seem cold-blooded, cruel and murderous, but in fact they have manipulated the hearts of everyone in the Mo family. He knows very well that everyone in the Mo family cannot sit back and watch the disciples of the Mo family being killed. Even if they know that all this is a conspiracy, they must rush out. Otherwise, the Mo family will be disillusioned. Even if they survive this time, it will leave a psychological shadow and make the entire Mo family a joke.

This is to draw fuel from the bottom of the cauldron and destroy the Mohist family from a spiritual level.

If everyone in the Mo family rushes out, then Wei Zhuang can physically destroy everyone in the Mo family.

No matter what choice you make, it's a dead end.

"If you want to save people now, you must hold them back and wait for Juzi's rescue. Wei Zhuang's strength is unfathomable, and Xiao Gao is also invincible. If you want to hold them back, you must rely on Mr. Gai Nie's power. Robber Zhi, I'll wait. After opening the door to the secret room, you must notify Mr. Ganie for rescue as soon as possible. Only in this way can we have the capital to hold them back.

Then you contact the giant and ask them to arrive as soon as possible. "

Old Man Ban pondered for a moment and began to make arrangements. He must take a gamble in this situation.


Gao Jianli and Daozhi responded in unison, and Xue Nu also nodded.

The current situation can only be put to death and survive. They, the Mohist leaders, are the only ones who can hold the opponent back. With the special characteristics of the central hall, they may be able to persist until the arrival of Juzi and others.


The breeze blew slowly, and the stick of incense burned out quickly.

Wei Zhuang also slowly pulled out the shark tooth in his hand. The bloodthirsty shark tooth sword was extremely sharp and emitted an icy cold light. He placed it on the neck of the big hammer and looked at the location of the secret room with indifferent eyes. Narrowing his eyes, he was curious whether the heavyweight chess piece of the hammer could lure people out.

If everyone in the Mo family really held back, things would become very troublesome, and he would be very disappointed.

Could it be that Senior Brother really doesn’t have any blood at all?

But soon.

There was a smile on the corner of Wei Zhuang's mouth, because the closed door of the secret room slowly opened, and at the same time three figures rushed out. The leader of the thieves was astonishingly fast, like a ghost, and in the blink of an eye he passed ten people. A few meters.


Wei Zhuang's eyes narrowed, the energy of the shark-tooth sword lingering in his hand, and he swung it out suddenly, trying to stop the bandit.

But the speed of the thieves was astonishing, giving Wei Zhuang no chance to hit him. He passed by him in two flashes and rushed outside.


Bai Feng, who was holding his arms across his chest, saw this scene, a smile appeared on his lips, his figure also disappeared, and he chased after Thief Zhi, competing with others in speed, which he liked very much.

"Just you?"

Wei Zhuang's sword had not made any achievements, so he didn't feel much. He was just a slippery mouse. He was more concerned about the whereabouts of Gai Nie than the escaped thieves. Seeing that only Gao Jianli and Xue Nu came out, he felt a little bad. Staring coldly at the door of the secret room, feeling the atmosphere inside, he soon discovered that his senior brother didn't seem to be inside.

At this moment, the door to the secret room seemed to be stuck by something and could not be closed.

When Wei Zhuang saw this scene, he knew clearly that these were Lin'er's hands and feet. He suddenly flashed and rushed towards the secret room door.

"You can't make it!"

Gao Jianli swayed, pointing his finger at the Water Cold Sword, blocking Wei Zhuang's figure with one sword. At the same time, the cold air surged around his body, turning into layers of ice crystals, spreading around, and at the same time blocking the approaching Blue Wolf King and Hidden Bat. , and the Snow Girl on the side also took action, holding the jade flute in both hands, and the invisible illusion combined with the icy coldness around her attacked everyone around her indiscriminately.


Madam Mingzhu was naturally among them, feeling the icy coldness sweeping over her. Her eyes flashed slightly, and a very charming smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. She moved her fingers gently, and wisps of purple inner energy flowed.

Just when she was about to take action.

Wei Zhuang exploded, seemingly irritated by Gao Jianli, snorted coldly, and the sword power around him surged, and he actually cut Gao Jianli back with one sword, causing him to slide for several meters before he stopped retreating.

"How dare you stop me?"

Wei Zhuang held the shark tooth in his hand, looked at Gao Jianli with disdain, and said disdainfully that he hated such self-righteous people. Weak people do not have the self-consciousness of weak people. The reason why Gao Jianli is still alive is only because he has no murderous intention.

Gao Jianli was not arrogant. He looked at Wei Zhuang calmly and said in a deep voice, "You will know after you try it."


Wei Zhuang sneered. The shark teeth in his hand rotated with the twist of his wrist. The sword blade trembled slightly. The invisible sword power began to spread. An unspeakable pressure was released instantly, forcing the snow girl to stop. Blow the flute, because her illusion can't be sustained under this kind of sword power.

In other words, the snow girl's martial arts can only bully the likes of Hidden Bat, and if she goes up to the next level, she will appear very powerless.

The pinnacle game is not accessible to everyone.

"Since you want to die, I will make it happen for you!"

Wei Zhuang looked at the secret room door that was closed tightly again, frowned, and said coldly.

His patience is not very good.

Because his senior brother let him go too many times!

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