Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 994 Together?

The layout of the furnishings in the house is extremely monotonous and spacious, giving people an indescribable feeling of loneliness, as if no one has lived here for a long time. However, the curtains that flutter from time to time are a bit strange and misty. It gives people an illusion of being ethereal.

Through several layers of curtains, a faint mist is steaming in the distance, blurring the vision.

spa? !

Luo Yan's eyes narrowed, feeling the temperature around him and looking at the scenery behind the curtain. He was a little stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what Xiaomeng meant. Was this an invitation to take a bath?

Confused, he looked at the girl next to him.

The girl did not speak, but respectfully saluted in the direction of the hot spring pool: "Master, the guests have arrived."

"Go down~"

The cold voice sounded a bit lazy.

The girl responded, turned around and left, leaving Luo Yan alone in the house.

Of course, it doesn't seem to matter whether the girl is there or not at this moment.

As Luo Yan focused his attention, a figure taking a bath came into view in the mist. His fair and jade-like skin was perfectly exposed. Although it was only a shoulder, it was also perfectly heart-warming.

"Master Xiaomeng is so elegant~"

Luo Yan did not approach directly, but stood there admiring Xiao Meng's back and smiled.

At this moment, Xiaomeng was leaning on the edge of the pool. As Luo Yan spoke, her slightly lazy eyes shifted slightly and fell on Luo Yan. Drops of water slid down her fair skin. Maybe Because of taking a bath, there was a touch of red on both sides of her cheeks, making her even more attractive.

Even his original cold temperament disappeared.

After glancing at Luo Yan, Xiaomeng withdrew her gaze, as if nothing happened, and poured the clear warm water on her body with her slender jade hands. She said in a calm tone: "The hot springs here are indeed good. If Prince Liyang is interested, You can come down and try.”

Will you die if you don't try?

Luo Yan joked in his heart, and then the artist boldly continued: "Okay~"

As he spoke, the guy untied his belt, stripped himself clean in three strokes, strode toward the hot spring pool wearing a pair of big pants, and then looked at Xiaomeng's stiff expression. Luo Yan jumped into the water, and as the water splashed, Luo Yan's head popped out of the water.

Although Xiaomeng took things between men and women very lightly, she was a woman after all. She instinctively covered the spring light in front of her with one hand, and looked at Luo Yan strangely with her clear eyes.

He is really special, unlike any other man in this world.

If it were anyone else, knowing her identity, they wouldn't dare to jump directly even if they had the courage. Luo Yan didn't hesitate at all. He jumped into the water in just a few breaths. No one else had such a speed. .

She was so fast that she didn't react even if she wanted to stop him.

"King Yueyang takes off his clothes so fast~"

Xiaomeng's slender eyelashes were hung with a few drops of water, without any shyness that a girl should have. She held the air of Feng Qingyun, the head of the Taoist Tianzong, and said calmly.

However, this air of authority soon froze, and the expression on his face became a little unbearable.

Because a pair of big pants slowly floated out from beside Luo Yan, right between the two of them, floating leisurely, this scene was undoubtedly quite strange.


Xiaomeng looked at these big pants and fell silent.

"It's slow this time."

Luo Yan slid his arms comfortably and responded lazily. At the same time, he opened his eyes wide and looked at Xiao Meng who was a few meters away. Xiao Meng at this moment was undoubtedly attractive. Fortunately, Luo Yan was no longer a young man. , otherwise you will definitely embark on the road of crime.

Xiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Luo Yan didn't come too close. At the same time, she adjusted her sitting position and immersed her body in the water. She looked at the person in front of her curiously: "The same is true for King Liyang when he gets along with other women. ?”

"Of course not, I'm not that kind of person."

Luo Yan shook his head, then changed the topic, looked at Xiaomeng, and said seriously: "But when dealing with people like the master, I think it is enough to follow your heart. If you follow etiquette too much, it will be too artificial."

"Follow your heart? Then what do you want to do now?"

Xiaomeng stared at Luo Yan with a half-smile, slightly girlish, bold and enthusiastic.

"It's not what I want to do, but what the master wants to do. I'm a man with a family, but it's really not appropriate for the master to seduce me again and again."

Luo Yan began to shift the blame, as if it was not his fault but that Xiao Meng was too seductive, and at the same time he stared at Xiao Meng with burning eyes.

I am very courageous, and I don’t know how to write fearful words at all.


Xiao Meng raised an arm and gently slid across the water. Suddenly, a layer of water curtain rose out of the air, blocking Luo Yan's sight.

"Master, what do you mean?"

Luo Yan looked at the water curtain that obscured his vision and suddenly felt unhappy. He felt that the trust between people was gone.

Xiao Meng rolled her eyes coquettishly. She was not willing to continue to be taken advantage of by Luo Yan. She had an indifferent temperament, but she was not a fool. She immediately snorted: "Although I disdain Confucian etiquette, I also know the difference between men and women."

"There is only a slight difference between men and women. People who pursue the great path should be detached from things and should not be entangled in worldly concepts."

Luo Yan's words were full of nonsense.

"Does Prince Yueyang think I'm young and easy to deceive?"

Xiaomeng narrowed her eyes and asked.

Luo Yan retorted with a blank look on his face: "When did I deceive you?"

Xiaomeng thought for a moment and was speechless for a moment. It seemed that she had always delivered it to her door. She was a little angry. She stared at Luo Yan for a while and then said: "I've washed it. If King Liyang likes it, , you might as well soak in it for a while~"

After the words fell, Xiaomeng covered her chest and stood up slowly, leaving Luo Yan with a vague and endless reverie of his back.

As Xiao Meng left, the water curtain lost control of its inner breath and fell down instantly.

Xiaomeng's figure has disappeared from sight.

Luo Yan, who had taken advantage of him, curled his lips and said, "Are you embarrassed?"

Immediately ignoring Xiaomeng who left, he found a comfortable place, opened his arms, and started enjoying it. He also had a special liking for hot springs. He and Zhao Ji often took hot spring baths in Nanli Palace, and it was almost a habit. .

Unfortunately, Xiaomeng walked too fast and was a bit boring.

Taking a bath is fun for two people.

The moonlight was hazy, a cool breeze blew by, and the bamboo leaves moved gently, making a constant rustling sound.

In a small building.

Luo Yan was having a drink with Xiaomeng. At this moment, Xiaomeng had lost her aura as the head of the Taoist Tianzong. She was wearing a long green dress and her hair was tied with a hosta. A few strands of messy hair added to the look. She has fallen into the beauty of the mortal world, her fair and slender jade legs are tightly closed and curled, her delicate feet are extremely delicate and cute, and every toe is extremely perfect, like a work of art.

From the perspective of a professional like Luo Yan, he couldn't find any faults.

There are no ugly women's feet in this world, at least Luo Yan has never seen them.

"Prince Liyang is interested in my feet?"

Xiao Meng naturally noticed the look in Luo Yan's eyes, which looked a little puzzled. She reached out and touched her feet. She really didn't understand Luo Yan's interest. Would a man be interested in a woman's feet?

"I naturally like perfect things. These feet are the most beautiful I have ever seen~"

Luo Yan sighed softly and added one sentence in his mind.


Xiaomeng's beautiful eyes blinked, her pupils reflected Luo Yan's face, her thin and moist lips moved slightly, and her cold voice sounded like spring water flowing through the forest.

Luo Yan nodded seriously, raised his glass and said with a smile, "Do I need to lie about this?"

"Am I only beautiful with my feet?"

Xiaomeng asked with a playful smile on her lips.

Luo Yan's sweet words came out of his mouth without thinking, "Of course not, my hands are beautiful, my face is even more beautiful, and my figure is graceful..."

"Prince Liyang used to deceive women like this?"

Xiaomeng covered her mouth and chuckled, smiled nonchalantly, raised her glass and took a sip. It seemed that she didn't drink often, and in her slightly tipsy state, there was a lazy and charming look between her eyebrows.

Luo Yan smiled bitterly: "Master seems to have misunderstood me deeply."

"It's not a misunderstanding. You don't feel like a good person to me."

The smile on Xiaomeng's lips grew a little thicker, but after a moment, she seemed to have thought of something again, and whispered: "What you do makes you look like a good person."

Speaking of which.

Xiaomeng stared at Luo Yan more and more curiously: "What kind of person are you? What do you want?"

"What do you think I want?"

Luo Yan asked rhetorically.

"I don't know. Logically speaking, with your current status, you should have everything you want. Fame, wealth, power, beauty, etc. are all within your reach, but you don't feel like that to me. Those secular people, even you make me feel more like a cultivator, apart from this secular world, everything is just like fun and games."

Xiaomeng's expression became more serious and she spoke slowly.

Although she had only been in contact with Luo Yan for a short time, this was the feeling Luo Yan gave her. This feeling of transcendence was even greater than that of her and Bei Mingzi.

As a Taoist genius who is rare in thousands of years, Xiaomeng's talent and intuition are naturally very accurate, so this feeling is extremely clear.

"This is the first time anyone has said that to me."

Luo Yan was stunned for a moment, restrained his playful spirit, and spoke softly.

He didn't refute Xiaomeng's words. Although he had made up his mind, he had a wife and children, many confidantes, and a sense of belonging to this world, but after all, this world was just the world he knew, and the people and things in it were all Yes, this feeling is difficult to completely peel off.

Zi Nu once said that he was very arrogant, which must be the fault of a time traveler~

Especially when you travel to a world where you know the development of history, everything seems to have no secrets, and even if there are, they are extremely limited.

"You are very suitable for practicing Taoism."

Xiaomeng held the jade cup in both hands, her beautiful eyes flashed, and she said firmly.

This is her intuition.

"you sure?"

Luo Yan laughed out loud and joked: "Maybe you are mistaken. My mind cannot be settled and I am not suitable for practicing Taoism."

If it hadn't been for the Jing Salamander who helped him open up the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, then the Three Ultimate Gu Mother Gu, then the Yin Yang He Huan Heavenly Man Method, and then Yun Zhongjun's elixir... Luo Yan would never be where he is today. , in other words, Luo Yan is a master of hitting things hard.

With so many resources, someone else could have done it.

Of course, Luo Yan worked hard and spent countless amounts of sweat and energy.

"Cultivation does not necessarily require concentration. Sometimes the state of mind is more important. Your state of mind is very transcendent. If you practice Taoism, you will go very far. As for the mind that is difficult to enter concentration, time will smooth out all the restlessness..."

Xiaomeng's eyes were dull, and the hint of tipsiness on her pretty face made her particularly charming.

"When you get older, you won't even want to practice Taoism. Life is short and you should enjoy yourself in the moment. Practicing Taoism will not lead to immortality."

Luo Yan shook his head and didn't care. He might have this talent, but he didn't want to. He was a worldly person, greedy for money and lust, and could not pursue so many noble things.


Xiao Meng's eyes flashed slightly, she looked at Luo Yan, smiled, nodded and acknowledged: "It is true that you have too many desires and cannot enter the Tao."

The pursuit of immortality has never been a desire. The Tao pursued by the Taoist Tianzong is relatively taboo on these desires. It is indeed difficult for people like Luo Yan to enter the Tao because their minds are too complicated.

"What about Master Xiaomeng? What is your path?"

Luo Yan asked curiously.

Xiaomeng pondered for a moment and then said: "The Tao is nameless, but everything you see is Tao. Everything in front of you is not."

"Then what does the master think about the relationship between men and women? Do you think I still have a chance?"

Luo Yan took advantage of the opportunity, moved his butt, leaned over, and said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you with one sword?"

Xiaomeng's beautiful eyes stared at Luo Yan with a smile, not angry at Luo Yan's approach.

"If you kill me with one sword, your Tao will be broken. The relationship between men and women is not a kind of Tao. If you kill me, it just means that you are afraid and resisting this feeling in your heart. How can you understand this? The true Tao, the Tao, should be understood with an open mind, rather than being taboo against external interference."

Luo Yan said nonsense seriously. Regardless of whether Xiaomeng believed it or not, he believed it anyway.

Xiaomeng couldn't hold it back, covered her mouth and laughed, her smile was trembling. Luo Yan was really shameless. He didn't know anything about Tao, but he pretended to be serious. He tried to seduce her again and again. He really took it seriously. Is she a girl who doesn't understand anything?

She was not upset by Luo Yan's few words, but Luo Yan's words were extremely interesting.

Xiaomeng looked at Luo Yan with a smile and did not interrupt Luo Yan. She watched Luo Yan continue to speak. She really wanted to know what else Luo Yan could say. Chatting with him was indeed quite interesting. It was more interesting than the old antiques in the sect. .

Is this the way you look at a show?

Luo Yan reached out and held Xiaomeng's feet and tickled the soles of her feet, but Xiaomeng didn't seem to be ticklish.

"You like my feet that much?"

Xiao Meng instinctively put her feet back, but looked at Luo Yan strangely, really not understanding Luo Yan's quirks.

"Tickle me to tease you. A normal girl should cover her face in shame right now. Master is indeed a master. It's really different."

Luo Yan spread his hands, looking helpless.

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