Qin Official

Chapter 1 Shiwu, please show your ID card!

In September of the 20th year of the Qin Dynasty (227 BC), in Anlu County, South County of the Qin State, it rained in the evening on the bank of Yunmengze, causing ripples in the lake. The bananas fell to pieces, and finally fell. When we reached the roof of the guest house, we were unwilling to be blocked by tiles.

In a simple guesthouse by the lake, the "housekeeper" with white temples, the owner, was busy humming Chudi songs when he heard a dog barking from outside, followed by a heavy knock on the door. Voice.

"There are still people coming so late." He cursed before slowly moving over and opening the door.

"Thank you, husband!"

The visitor got in awkwardly, and saw that he was wearing a wet brown coat, trousers, straw sandals, and a wooden stick as a hairpin to fix his hair on the left side of his head. When he looked up, he saw that his skin was dark. , with straight facial features, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and no beard on the chin, he is a young commoner of seventeen or eighteen years old...

The young man wiped the rain off his face, showed his white teeth, and bowed to the host: "Old man, it's raining, so I want to stay in the guesthouse for one night, is that okay?"

"Is there any verification or transmission?"

As soon as he heard that this man wanted to stay in the hotel, Shiren instantly changed from an ordinary old country man to a shrewd one, and his eyes glanced at the dagger at the young man's waist.

"There is a verification."

The young man dug into his bag and carefully took out the "Xian" made of poplar boards and the "Zhuan" made of willow strips. Seeing that the words on them were not wet by the rain, he breathed a sigh of relief and folded his hands. Give it to others and introduce yourself at the same time.

"I am a soldier from Yunmeng Township, Anlu County. My husband can call me Heifu!"

"Black husband?"

Sheren has many acquaintances in Yunmengxiang, but he has never heard of this person. His eyes wandered back and forth between the faces of "Xian" and Heifu. This seriousness made Heifu feel like he had been checked by the police for his ID card in his previous life. Illusion, I broke into a cold sweat for a while...

Hei Fu can’t help but feel guilty, because his identity can be said to be true or false!

It turned out that he was no longer the original "black man" from Qin, but a student of a provincial police academy in the 21st century. After graduation, he was admitted to the county police station. He went to the lake to celebrate with his friends, but in order to save A little girl fell into the water and drowned.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying on a hard couch, surrounded by a group of "strangers" dressed in simple clothes and asking for help. Later he found out that these were his mother, brother, younger brother, etc. I probably encountered a vulgar plot in the novel called "time travel", and also went back to more than two thousand years ago in one breath, becoming a young man named "Hei Fu" from Anlu County, Qin State!

"Heifu, isn't this the Qin soldier in the 'China's earliest letter home'?"

He had watched some programs reporting on Yunmeng Qin Jian, and was particularly impressed by the "Black Man's Wooden Slip", but he did not expect that he would become the owner of that letter...

He shuddered when he thought about his future. The TV program said that Heifu wrote the letter in the military camp. The two brothers were just ordinary soldiers of the Qin army. Not only did they have to perform combat missions, but they also lacked food and clothing. They had to write letters to their families. He asked for money to buy clothes, but if he didn't send the money, someone would die! Urgent, urgent, urgent!

It will be unknown to future generations whether the clothes and money Heifu asked for from his family were sent to his family, but one thing is certain for archaeologists: during the excavation process, there was only this letter in the tomb and no remains of Heifu, which means that , Heifu probably died in the war between Qin and Chu, leaving only this letter, which was taken into the tomb by his family as a thought...

"Am I going to die on the battlefield with no bones left?"

Heifu began to rack his brains on how to avoid the fate of being killed in battle in the future. Before he could come up with an idea, the local village chief (Li Zheng) suddenly came to his door and asked to see him by name!

It turns out that Heifu is 17 years old this year. According to the laws of the Qin State, as an adult man, he should be "Fu Ji", that is, register his name in the household registration, and bear the obligation to serve.

Now Hei Fu was dumbfounded, thinking that he was going to be dragged into the battlefield. Although he had received some training at the police academy in his previous life and had seen blood during his internship, fighting alone was one thing. In a world where tens of millions of people were fighting, It's one thing on the battlefield.

His eldest brother "Zhong" laughed after hearing his worries and answered Heifu's doubts.

The State of Qin was very thoughtful in this aspect. As the first military service in his life, Heifu only had to go to Anlu County to serve as a "guard" for a month, help the government build the city and stand guard, or receive military training. He would not be on duty. On the battlefield, Hei Fu breathed a sigh of relief.

The deadline for the soldiers to gather in Anlu County was the first day of October. Now it was the end of September, and the service period was in full swing. Hei Fu had to pack his bags and hit the road in a hurry.

When saying goodbye outside the inner door, his mother and eldest brother gave him a lot of advice. This made Heifu, who lost his mother at a young age in his previous life and was a lonely child, feel the warmth of home and began to gradually identify with this identity...

By this time, Heifu felt much more at ease. He thought: "I'll take care of myself now. Anyway, it's still early before the battle that will determine my life and death. There's no point in worrying. It's better to read more and listen more to understand this era better." , slowly think of life-saving strategies."

As a result, Heifu put his anxiety behind him and began to curiously look at this country called "violent Qin" in history books.

You won't know it by looking at it, but you will be shocked at first glance. Along the way, Qin State's complete system and strict laws surprised Heifu! I thought I was on the wrong set. Is this still ancient times?

For example, when he came to stay at this guest house, the host asked for "examination" and "biography".

"Xian" is the ID card of the Qin people. It is made of a palm-wide poplar wood sign with Heifu's place of origin and identity engraved on it: "A native of Nanjun, Anlu County, Yunmengxiang, Xiyangli, named Heifu, the second son in the family." , is a soldier, seven feet five inches tall."

Shiwu is the name of the Qin State for ordinary people without titles. In addition, the people of the Qin State lived next to each other, with five households living in groups and ten households living in ten households. They had to farm the land well on weekdays and were not allowed to leave their hometowns at will. If you want to travel far away, not only must you have a valid reason, but you must also have a certificate written by the village head (Li Zheng) and the police station chief (Pavilion Chief) where you are from. This is a "biography", which is equivalent to an introduction from the Qin people. letter.

Just like modern times, in the Qin State, you cannot stay in a hotel or open a room without an ID card and a letter of introduction. If a shopkeeper dares to take in such a person, he will be fined or even lose his job!

That’s why Shecai carefully interrogated Heifu, down to the details of how many people in his family there were and what they were doing. He also asked him the names of the elderly people in Yunmengxiang Sunset, and were they in good health? To determine the authenticity of his identity. .

Heifu was well prepared and answered them one by one, and there was no problem with the test. Only then did Shiren let him go and said, "It turns out that he is a soldier who is going to serve in the county. Come in with me."


Heifu agreed, feeling a big stone in his heart and secretly rejoicing: "Fortunately, I didn't make the same mistake as Shang Yang."

Hei Fu heard this story before he traveled through time. After the death of Qin Xiaogong, the nobles whose interests were affected by the new law united and labeled Shang Yang as a traitor, and he was wanted throughout the country. Shang Yang fled to a hotel and wanted to stay, but was turned away by the hotel owner because he could not provide a biography.

It is a great irony that Shang Yang was driven to a dead end by the system he created. But this is fine. It is unlikely that there will be fugitives or villains living in the guest house. We are all good citizens of Qin, so we can sleep peacefully.

The guest house was not big, just a courtyard with two entrances. When passing by the courtyard, Heifu saw a carriage parked here, probably belonging to a resident official.

Then, he followed Toneri to a large room built against the east wall, but before entering, Toneri suddenly turned around and said, "Do you know that fighting in a guest house is a serious crime?"

Heifu hurriedly said: "You know, I will never cause trouble." The Qin State encouraged public warfare and strictly enforced private fighting. Those who fought with others would have their hair and beards shaved off. This was a great shame and humiliation in the eyes of the people at the time.

"As long as you understand." Toneri still asked Heifu to hand over the weapons he was carrying, and then he opened the door of the big house with a stinking face, and a warm feeling suddenly hit his face...

There were four or five people in the house, warming themselves around the stove. Seeing that Lao Sheren had brought another guest, they all crowded around. One of them, a skinny monkey-like young man, even greeted warmly: "Little brother, come here." sit."

"Wait a moment, I'll prepare hot soup."

Lao She was old and took his time in everything he did. The guest house only provided meals to officials on business trips. As for ordinary people, they just nibbled on the dry food in their arms. Being able to give them a bowl of hot soup for free was the most benevolent thing.

Heifu found a comfortable position and sat down cross-legged. While drying his clothes, he looked at the people under the same roof. They were dressed similarly to Heifu, both wearing brown clothes and wet clothes. It’s not easy for people to go out and work in this kind of weather. After a while, several people started chatting about everything from today’s weather to the harvest after autumn...

Heifu listened carefully and responded occasionally. He didn't talk much, but he liked listening to other people's conversations. It allowed him to feel the people and things of this era more truly and absorb useful information at the same time.

As we chatted, the topic slowly changed from daily life to the "big world events" that happened recently.

"Have you heard the rumors?"

The thin, black young man who invited Hei Fu to sit next to him was named "Ji Ying." He suddenly lowered his voice and said to Hei Fu and others: "I heard from people from Guanzhong that last month, there was an assassin from Yan State. , How dare you assassinate the king in Xianyang Palace!"

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