Qin Official

Chapter 21 Millions of Qin troops were formed here

On this day, just after the first day of the week, there was a violent drum beat at the south gate of the school...

Heifu immediately opened his eyes. He had not slept well last night. To use a poem to describe this house, it is, "There is no room for leakage at the bedside, and the rain is like numb feet!" In addition, there is another room in this small space. The musty smell of the stock, not to mention the smell of sweaty feet...

This was their situation last night. They barely fell asleep until the rain stopped in the second half of the night, so at this moment, everyone was still sleeping soundly.

Heifu looked at the dim light outside the window, got up and put on his clothes, and then woke up everyone in the room one by one, starting with Ji Ying and Dongmen Bao.

"Get up, Ersanzi, get up soon!"

Dongmen Bao probably hated being called out. He sat up suddenly, looked at Hei Fu fiercely, and almost punched him. Then he remembered who he was and touched his hair instead. Get up and stay.

Ji Ying grinded his teeth and turned over. Hei Fu lifted the quilt, and then he cried out that he was cold.

The rest of the people were about the same. Chao Bo and brothers Zhi and Mu were already looking for shoes, but Ke and Ke couldn't get up either. What surprised Heifu was that the taciturn little Tao rolled over before he called. It seemed that he also woke up early.

The most difficult one to scream was the one named Ping. He pushed and muttered and refused to get up after countless pushbacks. It was not until Dongmen Leopard got impatient that he jumped up and grabbed his collar and scolded him loudly, and Ping woke up drowsily.

After everyone went out, they discovered that it rained lightly last night, but it was still sunny today.

"It will be bearable if you stay until the afternoon." Uncle Chao sighed. Unlike doing farm work in his own fields, the guards preferred cloudy days when serving.

After arriving at the school grounds, Heifu discovered that they were actually the first ones to arrive, and they were well organized. The rest of the people from all walks of life basically arrived one after another in different levels, yawning nonstop and low in energy. However, after all, no one dares to be lazy. Everyone knows what the price will be...

When the sun fully rose, there was a huge school ground with a total of ten rooms and hundreds of people gathered.

But this so-called "gathering" is really just standing in a group, without any order at all. The watchmen are all from the same county, even from the same hometown, and are related to each other. When they meet, of course they have to say hello, come over and have a chat, greet their respective families, and talk about this year's harvest. I heard that You gave birth to another fat boy...

Heifu saw this scene. He thought that many people here had participated in the watch and had been trained in previous years, so there would be some order, but the reality surprised him.

Uncle Chao also shook his head, obviously dissatisfied with the performance of these young people. He said to Heifu: "Most of the noble people and old soldiers were recruited by the prefect of this county to guard the border two days ago, so Most of the people who came were new soldiers."

"That's it." Hei Fu understood clearly. This was probably what the two merchants in the restaurant said yesterday. Because the King of Qin attacked Yan in the north and defended it in the south, the Qin-Chu border needed to be guarded, so most of those who stayed They are new recruits in their twenties, so their military literacy is generally not high.

In short, although no one was making any noise, there were constant whispers, and the order was very loose, making the school grounds look like a mess.

What finally silenced everyone was a harsh golden cry...

"Boom!" The bronze spine hit the bell, making a loud noise. Everyone stopped talking and looked at the small earth platform in front of the school ground. Gold and drums were already there, and the county soldiers, holding spears and spears, trotted out and stood in a row, heads held high. Although in Heifu's eyes, their queue was not neat, it was much better than the more scattered ones.

At this time, two generals wearing colorful armor also stepped onto the platform. Hei Fu stood on tiptoe and saw General Bin Bai, who had troubled them yesterday, standing on the right and General Chen standing on the left. During the whole process, the two of them did not exchange a word, and they just carried out official duties indifferently, which shows the difference in their relationship.

General Chen Bai was responsible for training the soldiers. When he saw that the time was almost up, he took a step forward, coughed lightly, and spoke...

"This autumn's harvest has been completed, Anlu has a great harvest. Following the orders of the county magistrate and county lieutenant, we have recruited two or three sons to gather here to prepare for more troops. We will practice troops for half a month and work for half a month..."

"Why perform military exercises? As the ancients said, a lady often dies in something she cannot do and defeats something inconvenient. To not teach the people to fight is to abandon them..."

This Chen Baijiang deserves to be a man who has studied and graduated from a school. He speaks in a refined manner and can even say a few "ancient sayings" from time to time. However, General Binbai looked on with disdain, and the soldiers in the school grounds also looked at a loss. After all, they, the lower class people, would not understand what the ancients said two or three hundred years ago.

Dongmen Bao and others were also puzzled by Monk Erzhang. Heifu could only explain in a low voice that General Chen Bai was talking about why the guards should be trained because if they were driven to the battlefield without training, it would definitely lead to "overthrow." The defeat of "the army will kill the general" is sending them to their death.

"I just sweat more in normal times and bleed less in battles...Do you understand now?" Heifu whispered to Dongmen Bao and Ji Ying.

"That's it!" The two of them suddenly realized, Dongmen Bao cursed in a low voice: "Why do you say such a simple thing is so complicated? Hei Fu, why don't you go up!" He now has another layer of respect for Hei Fu. admire.

"I'm just a civil servant, how can I be qualified?" Heifu smiled, but thought of something in his mind.

He heard that nobles in the Spring and Autumn Period would use hunting throughout the year to train the people in their territories. That was probably the origin of daily training.

After hundreds of years of development, in the Qin State today, this has become a system guaranteed by law. Just imagine, more than a hundred soldiers are trained every month in Anlu County, and the number can reach two to three hundred in spring, summer and autumn. That's two thousand a year. There are nearly 40,000 people in the eighteen counties of Nanjun. There are more than 20 counties in Qin State, which is nearly one million people...

After doing the math, Hei Fu couldn't help but take a breath. He finally knew how Qin defeated the 450,000 Zhao army in Changping, and how it mobilized 200,000 and 600,000 troops to destroy Chu.

The tree that hugs each other is born from the smallest grain of wood; the nine-story platform is born from tired soil.

The invincible Qin army of millions was composed of soldiers and soldiers as tiny as ants like him!

At this time, General Chen Bai's lecture was coming to an end. He said that although the soldiers were not yet formal soldiers, they were still subject to military discipline! Those who cheat, cheat, or disobey orders will be punished extremely severely! Then he announced the specific content of the "troops exercises" in the first half of the month.

"Wu Zi said, sit and stand, walk and stop, left and right, front and back, divide and join, tie and untie, practice every change, and then teach the soldiers... This is Geng Pou. The required training, as for martial arts and weapons, will be practiced in the army when you serve as regular soldiers or garrison soldiers!"

As soon as he said this, Heifu breathed a sigh of relief. Apart from playing with daggers and daggers, he really didn't know anything about the weapons of this era, let alone bows and arrows.

On the other hand, walking, sitting, standing, left and right, forward and backward are things that the modern army more than two thousand years later also emphasized on training. China enjoys this even more and has come up with tricks. High school students and college students who have experienced military training will understand it, let alone someone who graduated from the police academy.

Finally, General Chen Bai came to the key point of today: "In the art of military use, teaching and precepts come first; if one person learns to fight, he will teach ten people. If ten people learn to fight, he will teach a hundred people. It is the responsibility of this hundred generals to teach you. Wait for a hundred people! A hundred people are divided into ten shis. Even though a shi wu is small, it cannot be without a leader. Today we should select a shi leader and a corps leader!"

He glanced at the guards who were standing in a mess, frowned, and ordered to the county guards: "Let everyone stand separately according to the order of each house!"

The county soldiers came over and designated ten areas on the school grounds, and arranged for everyone to stand separately based on the houses they lived in. It seemed like a simple task, but it took a full quarter of an hour. The ten animals were finally separated. They were placed in order from right to left, A, B, C, D, E, Ji, Geng, Xin, and Ren. , the serial number of Gui.

This thing of Heifu and his friends is "Guishi".

"Those who have nobility, would like to be the leader or the leader of the army, to stand out!"

Hearing this, Heifu nodded to Dongmen Leopard, and the two of them went out together, but Heifu took two steps, while Dongmen Leopard stopped one step behind him.

Two hundred generals walked down the platform and inspected each department in order. A clerk followed behind them and counted the number of people in each department, as well as the names of the chiefs and corps commanders.

When they reached Guishi, Chen Baijiang saw Hei Fu at a glance and smiled: "There are only two noble men in Guishi?"

Facing this "savior", Hei Fu said respectfully: "I dare to tell the generals that only Hei Fu and Bao are public servants, and the other eight are all soldiers."

"Which one of you is the elder, and who is the corps commander?"

Dongmen Leopard took the initiative to answer: "Why is the black husband the leader? The villain is the leader of the corps."

"Good, great good." Chen Baijiang was very happy and was about to ask the officials around him to write it down.

However, at this moment, Bin Baijiang's contemptuous voice sounded from the side.

"This black man is just a soldier who is serving for the first time. At most he has some courage. What can he do!?"

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