Qin Official

Chapter 29 No clothes

On the other side, seeing that all the people in front of him had finished walking, Heifu smiled and said: "Look, they are far behind us."


"If I didn't compare, I wouldn't have known that we could walk so well."

Everyone took it for granted. Without training day and night in the past few days, they really had no idea that the queue could still look like this! In this way, everyone gained a bit more confidence.

At this moment, Chen Baijiang on the platform waved his flag, and it was Guishi's turn to appear.

"Don't panic, just follow your usual training..."

Holding the bamboo pole high as a sign, Heifu said softly to the people behind him. He could see how nervous everyone was. Even though they had participated in similar competitions in the past, they were all for coping, but this time everyone was nervous. If you go straight to win the championship, your mentality will be completely different.

"Don't panic, I just want to fart, but I don't dare to fart. It would be bad if the two county lieutenants hear it..."

Ji Ying's muttering came from behind. This guy is also a talent. With just one sentence, everyone was so happy that their nervousness disappeared.

The guys suppressed their laughter and began to follow Hei Fu's rhythm, walking in place. After aligning themselves in line, they slowly walked forward...

The pattering sound of walking in unison was continuous, and the platform where the two county captains were sitting was getting closer and closer to them, so close that they could clearly see the faces of the people on it.

Bin Baijiang's face was full of shock. He had been absent from official duties in the past few days and had not been able to see Guishi's subtle progress. At this moment, he suddenly saw this neat team walking slowly. His eyes were full of disbelief. , and what he said to Heifu that day especially resonated in his ears.

"If Guishi can win the championship, I will do three hundred leaps and three hundred leaps on this school field!"

Now it seems that this situation is really possible!

"This is bad..." Bin Baijiang gritted his teeth and stared at Heifu and Guishi, trying to find out every mistake they made!

However, although the people in Guishi were so nervous that their hands and feet were numb, the training given by Hei Fu and the sticks used by Dongmen Leopard on them these days have made everyone move their left and right feet accurately, and their arms moved forward and backward naturally. Swinging and walking in unison.

Until he reached the front of the platform, after Heifu shouted "Stand up!", he took a big step forward with his left foot and landed on the ground. His legs were straight, his right foot quickly moved closer to his left foot, and they came together heavily, making a stomping sound. …

"Turn right!"

Hei Fu took the lead in holding a bamboo pole and completed a standard turn to the right. He glanced over and saw that although everyone was blushing and nervous, no one was left behind, and no one turned in the wrong direction.

"The most difficult level has been passed..."

He breathed a long sigh of relief, and then continued to shout orders, asking everyone to complete the two actions of "sitting up" and "front and back" in front of the two county captains and hundred generals on the platform, even though there were hundreds of guests on the platform. Their eyes were widened, but no one in Guishi made any mistakes.

Bin Baijiang was extremely anxious there, and the face of Lieutenant Zuo Yunman, who knew the inside story, was getting darker and darker, but in the eyes of Lieutenant Du Xian, the right lieutenant of County, this performance of Guishi really amazed him!

When everyone from Guishi came together, Du Xian felt that this team was different from any previous team. Neatly and orderly, they all walked in front of them and stopped in unison. Compared with the chaotic movements of the previous nine, it was really pleasing to the eye. You know, whether it is practical or aesthetic, Qin people have a soft spot for order.

Especially the leader of the queue, Shi Chang Heifu, who is a big man and holds his head high. His momentum and self-confidence are completely incomparable to those of the watchmen and county soldiers present. He is also the only elite Qin army "soldier" that Du Xian saw when he was in Guanzhong. It’s a fight!

"I didn't expect that in Anlu County, there would be such a person among my guards!"

Before Du Xian could finish his emotion, Guishi had already completed all the movements, and with Heifu's "Get up!" they all stood up from a squatting position. No matter it is the tallest male or the shortest pig. Whether it was the fierce-looking corps commander Dongmen Bao, or the shyest Xiao Tao, or even Uncle Chao who had served countless times, they all raised their heads and held their chests high, as straight as green pines!

According to the rules, Hei Fu should have led everyone to turn left and leave at this time. Unexpectedly, Hei Fu shouted again: "Shan Hu!"

Before everyone on the stage could react, everyone in Guishi put their hands behind their backs and shouted in unison:

"How can I say that I have no clothes? I share the same robe with you. The king has raised an army to repair my spear!"

"How can I say that I have no clothes, but I share the same robe with you..."

Guishi had finished the military exercise and left, leaving only a pile of footprints, but Du Xian, the right lieutenant of the county, still murmured this poem and said with emotion: "This song of no clothes, shouted with the Chu tone, is indeed something special." It has a different flavor from Guanzhong Longshang.”

Although as early as Shang Yang's reform period, "poems and books were burned to make laws clear", the impact of burning books this time was not great. After King Huiwen of Qin, there were many nobles in Qin who collected poems and books, but the government did not promote it. .

And although the Qin State banned poetry and books, "Qin Feng" was the only exception, because this is a Qin ballad from the Spring and Autumn Period, especially the song "Wu Yi", which has been sung in the land of Yongzhou for hundreds of years, because of its The melody is majestic and has become the military song of the Qin State. As for the saying "Old Qin bravely fought against the national calamity together", it is just that later generations added extravagance to the already vigorous and hearty Qin Feng. In fact, it is not at all nonexistent.

In this way, Right Lieutenant Du Xian had a better impression of Guishi. Not only did they line up in an orderly manner, they also met the standards of county soldiers... No, they had far surpassed county soldiers. I am afraid that the Nanjun County soldiers stationed in Jiangling City could compete with them. Compared.

As a result, Right Lieutenant Du Xian became more and more curious about Guishi's long-term black husband, and immediately asked Chen Baijiang to call him.

"Master Heifu, please pay homage to the county captain." Heifu came and stood under the earth platform, bowing respectfully to the right and left captains of the county.

The left captain Yunman looked unkind, while the right captain Du Xian smiled and praised: "What a strong man, let's go up to the stage and speak!"

When Heifu stood in front of them, Du Xian asked with a smile, how old he was, where he was from, and how he trained Guishi to be so good...

Heifu brought out his cheap daddy as usual, saying that he taught him all his skills. However, when the right lieutenant asked him how a rural household in Nan County knew about "Wuyi", Heifu passed the blame to him. Chen Baijiang.

"This was taught by General Chen Bai. Guishen's performance today is not due to a villain, but due to General Chen Bai's guidance!"

"Is that so?" Right Lieutenant Du Xian looked at Chen Baijiang.

Chen Baijiang was stunned at first, but then he realized that Hei Fu was taking credit for him!

It stands to reason that if the training of Geng soldiers satisfies the county captain, as the chief training officer, Chen Baijiang can "give thirty days", which is to reward thirty days of hard work. This is the merit of each official in the Qin State. When their achievements are accumulated to a certain extent, they will have the opportunity to be promoted. Although Shi's performance in the first few days today was unsatisfactory, Guishi completely turned things around once he finished his trip. Seeing that the right lieutenant was so impressed with today's competition, he accepted the credit, so what? What about enjoying it but not doing it?

So Chen Baijiang cautiously admitted the matter: "I dare to tell the county captain. When Hei Fu encounters something he doesn't understand, he often asks me for advice. This song "No Clothes"... is exactly what I was taught by my subordinates. His!" After saying that, Chen Baijiang glanced at Hei Fu and nodded slightly to him. He is a good man and he knows how to share his work with his superiors.

"Good, great good!"

Right Lieutenant Du Xian no longer had any doubts, he patted his thigh and said: "These ten days of military exercises have been watched by the second and third sons. I don't need to say who is better and who is worse..."

He stopped talking, turned to Zuo Wei Yunman, and said with a smile, "What do Zuo Wei think?"

"That's your decision, Lieutenant-General." Yun Man smiled, but cursed in his heart.

"I never thought that today, Heifu, a country boy, would be famous!"

But Zuo Wei is a cautious person. Although he deeply hates Hei Fu because of the case of his nephew Huyang Pavilion Chief, he also knows that since the county's military chief, You Wei, has made his decision, if he has to do it in public for this matter, It's really not worth it to contradict the right lieutenant...

"Hahaha, since Lieutenant Zuo has no doubts, then in today's competition, Guishi will be the first..."

"Hold on, Lieutenant!"

However, there was someone who didn't know what to say and stood up rashly, interrupting You Lieutenant's words.

Right Lieutenant Du Xian's face suddenly stiffened. He glanced at him and saw that the person speaking was none other than General Bin Bai!

General Bin Bai was unwilling to fulfill his promise and become the laughing stock of the whole county. He had been staring at Guishi just now, hoping that Guishi would make a mistake. Unfortunately, Heifu didn't give him a chance. It was only at this moment that General Bin Bai finally found a fault!

He didn't notice the angry look on the right lieutenant's face, the wink the left lieutenant gave him, or the smiles that Heifu and Chen Baijiang exchanged, so he stood up rashly, pointed at Guishi, and said excitedly :

"The procession has always been arranged with the old at the front and the young at the back. How dare you change the ranks at will? You are so brave!"

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