Qin Official

Chapter 31 A lot of money

On this afternoon, Chao Bo and others were talking about the morning competition scene in the thatched house, but everyone was obviously a little distracted. Xiao Tao was lost in thought from time to time, and the two brothers, Ke and Ke, stood up frequently and looked out the window. Ping was pacing uneasily in the room, sitting cross-legged on the straw mat, seemingly calmly knitting straw sandals, but his dexterous hands could be used, but today he made frequent mistakes for some unknown reason.

"Here comes the money!"

At this time, they heard a loud shout from outside, and everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and stood up together.

Then, the door was kicked open, and the skinny Ji Ying walked in with a big smile on his face, holding a big pottery basin, followed closely by Mu, who held a small earthen bowl in his big palms, with a smile on his face. Overflowing with joy.

After that, Heifu and Dongmen Bao also walked in and closed the door again, blocking out all envious and jealous eyes.

Ji Ying and Mu put the utensils in their hands on the ground, and everyone immediately gathered around them. They saw that the basins and bowls contained four straw dustpans, and the dustpans were full of... The golden copper coin!

In this era, bronze was not called bronze, but was commonly called "gold" because before it was oxidized in the soil, the copper-tin alloy was actually bright yellow. But it is different from gold, which is the first-class currency. The specific situation must be analyzed in detail. People of later generations will interpret all gold as copper or all gold as gold without distinction. They are all rogues...

So when these copper coins were piled together, they were really shining, making everyone's eyes shine with a strange light, especially the few people who had been waiting in the room for a long time, smiling from ear to ear.

They all come from poor backgrounds, and they have never seen so much money in their lives!

The most exaggerated one was Ping, who knelt on the ground as if to embrace the coins and said cheerfully: "I can die on it."

Uncle Chao was calmer and said tremblingly: "Are these really four thousand dollars?"

"Yes." Hei Fu said with a smile: "One thousand coins per basket, Yuan Bai gave us four baskets in total. Ji Ying was worried, but he had counted them one by one! It was indeed four thousand coins, not much, not much. !”

Na Yuanbai was more straightforward and collected the money and delivered it in one afternoon. He was indeed a well-known wealthy family in the county. Of course, this was all because they had asked officials to testify and settled on the deed, so they could not default on the debt. .

After saying this, everyone felt relieved, but then the question came, how should the money be divided?

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to Heifu. After so many days, Shichang's prestige was at its peak, and everyone listened to him.

"I thought so."

Heifu squatted down, selected a basket, picked up half a tael of money from each string of 100 coins, divided them into five parts, 200 coins each, and put them aside.

"Mu, pig, flat, ke, ke, you five, 200 yuan each."

He reached into another dustpan and divided the thousand dollars in it into three parts.

"Ji Ying and Xiao Tao, 300 yuan each. Chao Bo, 400 yuan."

Finally, Heifu picked out another 500 dollars and placed it in front of Dongmen Bao.

"Dongmen Leopard, 500 yuan."

Then he smiled: "The remaining 1,500 money belongs to me. Do you think this split is appropriate?"

When Hei Fu divided the money, everyone held their breath and didn't say a word. Finally, they looked at each other. Some were satisfied, but others had some opinions.

"I thought it was divided equally among ten people..."

Ping, who only took 200 yuan, said a little sourly, and at the same time muttered: "The chief himself took so much..."

"You guy!"

Before Hei Fu could express his position, Ji Ying and Dongmen Bao, the two hardcore Hei Fus, were immediately furious. However, the first one to rebuke Ping was the eldest Uncle Chao among the people.

"Ping, you don't have to make sarcastic comments on the sidelines!"

Uncle Chao pointed at Ping angrily and said, "You really have no memory. When we said we didn't want to compete for first place in the competition, Shi Chang made the decision and asked us to do our best. Without Shi Chang's initiative, we wouldn't have the money."

"Furthermore, Shi Chang has been training us day and night these past few days, and has learned all the training methods passed down from his family. Otherwise, how could you have made such rapid progress if you were as stupid as a stupid cow?"

"Finally, Shi Chang was the one who signed the contract with Yuan Bai. He invested himself in it for the four thousand dollars. If he lost, he would do the work alone and work as a servant for Yuan Bai for two years. ! Never implicate us. Now that he has won, he is willing to share the money with us... I have lived for more than thirty years, and I have never seen anyone who behaves so fairly."

Every time he spoke, Ping's face became paler, and his head lowered lower and lower, until finally, it was completely hanging down.

Uncle Chao said everything in his heart that he had been squeezing for the past few days in one breath: "In my opinion, even if the chief gets half of the money, it's fine!"

"Uncle Chao said something fair!" Dongmen Bao and Ji Ying clapped their hands in agreement, while Xiao Tao, Pig, Mu and others also nodded in agreement.

During the whole process, Heifu kept smiling and saying nothing. He waited until everyone had finished making noise, then raised his hand to ask them to quiet down.

"Actually, there is a reason why I divide it this way."

"Each of the five people will get 200 yuan. This is the reward you deserve for your hard training."

"Ji Ying has been advising and comforting everyone for me these days. He has done a small job, so he deserves 300."

When Ji Ying heard this, he nodded proudly to everyone. Money was a small matter, but the important thing was that his contribution was not missed by his good brothers.

Heifu looked at Xiao Tao, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Tao was threatened and bribed, but he was not afraid of rape and flatly refused. And among all the people, he learned the fastest and performed the most standard movements." , the people behind him basically follow him, am I right? Therefore, he deserves 300 yuan."

Xiao Tao scratched his head in embarrassment and blushed again.

"As for Uncle Chao." Hei Fu bowed to him and said, "Uncle Chao is a veteran in the army. He has learned everything these days and helped me improve my training methods. He has made great contributions. He is also an elder, so he deserves 400 coins. "

"What should be done, what should be done." Chao Bo's goatee trembled slightly.

"Dongmen Bao is the corps leader. He has been assisting me with all his strength these days. Not to mention this, he deserves 500 yuan." Dongmen Bao nodded to Hei Fu. Hei Fu had already discussed with him in advance about the money sharing. , Dongmen Bao values ​​righteousness over wealth and has no opinions at all. Hei Fu makes the decision.

Heifu said this, paused slightly, then pointed at himself and said: "As for me, Uncle Chao has just said that I will not boast. If anyone feels that my distribution of money is unfair, you can raise it. If everyone thinks it is reasonable, , I, the black husband, will not take any money from you, but will give you all the money!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at everyone, and everyone remained silent. No one, including Ping, who had the biggest opinion, dared to say no.

"Two hundred dollars is enough." Zhi picked up his share of money contentedly and said with a smile, "I can buy a thick winter coat and two pairs of coarse cloth shoes. What else can I be dissatisfied about?"

"Yes, the score is very fair. We have nothing to say!" His younger brother Mu Nan said something.

"In addition to money, the chief also distributed wine and meat to us, and helped us reduce our labor force next year. If you still dare to complain about such kindness, your conscience will be eaten by pigs and dogs!" Ji Ying Cursed.

Others also joined in and put their own money into their pockets, and laughter returned to the room again...

Although the money was made behind closed doors, Ji Ying's big mouth quickly spread the news, and the guards talked about it and were envious.

In this way, by evening, the matter of "black men sharing money" had reached the ears of county right lieutenant Du Xian through the mouth of Chen Baijiang.

"Shan, it seems that this gentleman, Heifu, not only has martial arts skills, can do a lot of his job well, and trains the rabble into order, but also distributes rewards equally and reasonably. He is a talent."

He looked at Chen Baijiang: "If such a person is not an official, it will be a dereliction of duty on our part..."

"What does the superior mean?"

Chen Baijiang was stunned. Although he saw that Lieutenant You admired Hei Fu, he never expected that Du Xian actually planned to make Hei Fu an official!

All in all, Heifu has a title, is an adult, and has met the hard requirements for being an official. But after this incident, this man completely became enemies with Zuo Wei and Bin Baijiang. At this moment, the right lieutenant wants to appoint him as an official. What does this mean? Are you going to completely fall out with Zuo Wei? Or do you just want to keep Lieutenant Zuo at a loss before he is transferred?

Moreover, the Qin State has many ways to appoint officials. Does your lieutenant want to recommend them personally? Or should we let the localities make their own decisions? Or ask the county magistrate to recruit? The first type is too risky, and the latter two are not easy either.

"It's not urgent."

Du Xian waved his hand and said, "Let me take another look at this person's character. It won't be too late until the soldier's service is over!"

On the other side, Heifu didn't know what Lieutenant You was discussing with Chen Baijiang. After the ten-day competition, all the soldiers began to assemble together, holding bamboos and wooden sticks, and began to practice "divide and combine, combine". And solve it”.

After learning this, they are qualified reservists who may be recruited into the army at any time, distributed weapons, undergo more professional training, and then embark on the real battlefield.

Guishi had the previous foundation and was the fastest in completing the movements during joint training. However, Heifu always felt that Chen Baijiang, who trained them, had always looked at him meaningfully in the past few days, and his attitude was no longer the same as before. The arrogance of being kind to others turned into a warm embrace...

As for General Bin Bai, he has never been seen again since that day when he was severely punished by the right lieutenant and made ten squat frog jumps on the school field in front of the watchmen and county soldiers. It is said that it is nourishing the body. After all, it is ten laps of frog jumping. My legs are almost broken. And in the future, General Binbai may no longer be able to gain a foothold in the school. It is said that he may be transferred to several townships below Anlu County.

"He can go wherever he likes, as long as it's not Yunmengxiang." Heifu said.

On the morning of October 15th, after completing the last joint training, the watchmen were allowed to rest for half a day, but were not allowed to go out. Starting from tomorrow, they would begin more strenuous labor, and the good days were over.

Heifu returned to the hut and discussed with everyone whether they should cut off the dried meat that was rewarded during the competition today to improve the food.

He originally wanted to divide the whole meat, but everyone was embarrassed and only asked Hei Fu to divide five pieces and leave five pieces to dry in the sun to take home after serving. Anyway, the dried meat has been salted, so it won't go bad in the winter.

As for being stolen? Sorry, Qin law stipulates that even if you cut off a small piece of meat as big as your thumb, even if it is not worth a penny, you will be punished as the crime of larceny, and your head of black hair will be shaved, and you will be shameless to see anyone from now on.

With Heifu taking the lead, Dongmen Bao also took out two of the five dried meat sticks he got and shared them with everyone. In this way, everyone can eat some meat every day and live a happy life.

At this moment, Ji Ying, who had gone to borrow a cauldron for cooking, came back. The man shouted loudly outside the house: "Hei Fu, someone is looking for you outside the school grounds, saying he is your brother!"

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