Qin Official

Chapter 38 I have a bold idea

When he was suddenly attacked, Heifu was startled, and he subconsciously leaned back to avoid it. Then he raised his right foot and kicked the figure in the chest!


The black shadow was kicked to the earth platform and let out a scream. Heifu wanted to go up and make up for it, but two more figures came out and raised their hands in front of him. Fortunately, this time they finally made a sound.

"Shi Chang...don't, don't hit!"

"Heifu, it's us."

After finally lighting the firewood with a flint, Hei Fu saw clearly that the two people in front of him were Dongmen Bao and Xiao Tao, and the one he kicked to the ground was not Ji Ying. Who could it be?

"What are you doing?" Hei Fu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Dongmen Leopard stroked his bun and said, "Ji Ying made a bet with me that he didn't know if you were afraid of being scared, so he hid behind the door and wanted to try..."

"Brother Heifu, your kick is really cruel. Xiao Tao, please help me see if my ribs are broken?"

At this time, Ji Ying let out a scream like a slaughtering pig. Xiao Tao quickly went over to help him take a look. It was okay. Fortunately, Hei Fu's kick was in the wrong position and he didn't use any strength.

"You really deserve it. If I were frightened and drew my sword, you would be dead by now."

Hei Fu pulled Ji Ying up, who was still clutching his chest and whining in pain, and asked again: "The guards have all dispersed, why are you still here?"

"It's not just to wait for you!" Ji Ying grinned.

"Uncle Chao and a few others are anxious to go back first. I thought that I would have to wait for Hei Fu to come back and say goodbye to you in person." Dongmen Bao is a man who values ​​his promises.

Xiao Tao also stammered: "I... Shichang and I are from the same hometown... so we want to go back together."

"So that's it." Hei Fu suddenly realized that it seemed that these three people had made a special trip to wait for him, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved. It seemed that he was not the only one who kept that friendship in his heart.

Thinking of this, Heifu suddenly had an idea in his mind!

He asked the three of them to sit down and asked: "We say goodbye now, but I don't know when we can meet again. May I ask my second and third sons, what will you do for a living when you return home? What are your plans for the future?"

"What else can I do to make a living? Farm the land."

When Ji Ying thought about going home, he was a little discouraged: "My family has many brothers, and they have been separated one after another. I am the youngest and can inherit the land, but my family's small land does not produce much. I may use this capture I stole more than a thousand rewards and tried to find a way to work as a prison guard..."

Xiao Tao also said: "I...I also farm."

Then, he stammered a lot. It turned out that Xiaotao's family was the poorest among everyone present. The land was thin. Before he came to serve, the family could hardly eat rice. The three hundred dollars given by Hei Fu really solved his urgent need, so Xiao Tao was grateful to Hei Fu.

But the problem is that if the money is converted into rice, it can only last for two or three months at most. Xiao Tao is worried that when his family becomes impoverished, he will be forced to become a "bastard" for a noble man in the village.

The concubine here does not refer to the son born from a concubine. The military merit and nobility system stipulates that any warrior who can kill an enemy's head can obtain the first level of nobility, and the corresponding land and residence, that is, the servants who work for you, all of whom are poor and without nobility. , status is lower than ordinary people.

Dongmen Leopard rolled his eyes: "Although I live in Dongmen, I have to go to the west port of the city every day to help unload ships, beg for food, and support my mother and wife. This was the case before and after the service." He He is the only one among the people present who is married.

The three of them all came from miserable backgrounds and their futures were not bright. Hei Fu nodded thoughtfully.

"Brother Heifu, what about you? What are your plans?" Ji Ying asked.

"I was just about to tell the second and third sons."

Heifu smiled and told him exactly what happened today when the right lieutenant called him to the official temple and said that the county wanted to recruit him to be the head of the Huyang Pavilion. He just concealed the relationship between the right lieutenant and the left lieutenant. struggle.

"This is a good thing!"

Ji Ying slapped his thigh and stood up happily: "Although the pavilion chief is not a high official, on weekdays we have to bow respectfully when we see him. We dare not retaliate when he scolds him."

Dongmen Leopard was also full of envy: "From now on, Hei Fu is an official. He has a salary and rations every month. He is no longer the same as me."

Heifu waved his hand quickly: "Don't say that. Whether you can become the director of the pavilion depends on the assessment in one month."

But Xiao Tao said: "What a great... martial artist, and also... talented. I will definitely be able to do the job!" After saying that, he thought about his future, and his eyes couldn't help but feel a little gloomy.

Heifu saw their attitude. On the one hand, he was happy for him, but on the other hand, he was envious of them.

It seems that my idea may be realized...

So Hei Fu stood up and bowed to the three of them: "Everyone, actually, I have a bold idea!"

"Hei Fu, what you want is for us to go to Huyang Pavilion to work as thieves and pawns?"

After a while, when Heifu finished speaking his thoughts, Ji Ying was a little surprised.

Dongmen Leopard also widened his eyes: "Is this still possible?"

"I said of course it doesn't count."

Heifu explained: "But I heard that since the Huyang Pavilion Chief, Qiu Pi and the three pavilion soldiers were all punished and served their sentences a month ago, no new officials have been appointed, and Xin Qiu Pi, who was in charge of the affairs, has been pursued Killed as a thief.”

"Now Huyang Pavilion is an empty shell. There are no pavilion directors, no thieves, and no soldiers. We are recruiting people. However, cases often happen in Huyang Pavilion. Everyone is afraid of it, so there are only a few people responding."

After Heifu explained the situation, he said to Dongmen Bao and Ji Ying: "If you two are interested, you might as well go to the county or village to apply. Dongmen is a public servant, has strong martial arts, and has been a corps commander. You can be a thief. Ji Ying Infants can serve as pawns in the pavilion. In this way, we can work together in Huyang Pavilion and manage this ten-mile place together. Not only will we have a share of money and salary, but we will also have the opportunity to catch robbers, solve crimes, and earn titles. Wouldn't it be wonderful?"

The reason why he came up with this idea was that although the chief of the pavilion was a small official, he had to govern an area of ​​ten miles, investigate lawlessness, and hunt down thieves. He had heavy responsibilities and considerable risks. In addition, Mrs. Hei was not familiar with the place, so she would inevitably feel a little uneasy if she went to Huyang Pavilion alone. It would be a big difference if she could get an acquaintance to be her right-hand man.

Finally, Hei Fu realized that he had missed Xiao Tao, so he said casually: "If Xiao Tao is willing, you might as well give it a try!"

After hearing Heifu's "bold idea", Dongmen Bao and Ji Ying looked at each other, both eager to give it a try.

Like Hei Fu, they were all a little reluctant to part with their love for the past month. After all, they trained together and won the first place in the ten-day military exercise together, and received rewards and money. It was really an unforgettable thing in this life. If possible, they all hope to continue this friendship.

Now, there happens to be an opportunity!

Huyang Pavilion is located at the junction of the county town and Jinshui Township. It is not far from their homes and can be reached in half a day. Moreover, although Qiu Pi and Pavilion Soldiers were not officially included in the establishment, they could still receive a ration. In addition, the status of civil servants in the Qin State was higher than that of ordinary people, so they could hold their heads high in front of the villagers.

But the two of them also have their own hesitations. Ji Ying is worried about the risks of being a pawn in the pavilion. The public security of Huyang Pavilion is not good, and arresting thieves on weekdays may lead to lives. His parents will most likely not agree to this matter. I would rather him farm the land honestly.

Dongmen Bao is a brave and fierce person. The riskier the job, the more excited he is. However, he still has his mother and bride at home. Once he goes to Huyang Pavilion to take office, he may not be able to go home for ten and a half days...

Heifu saw the hesitation of the two of them and quickly apologized: "I was reckless. I only thought about the pleasure of us working together and forgot about everything else."

"I'm willing to give it a try!"

But Dongmen Bao slapped his thigh. Those problems were nothing compared to the love between brothers!

He stood up and said: "When I go back to convince my mother and bride, I will go to the official temple to apply. A real man should patrol the area with a sword, and you are still hesitating!"

"Me too!"

After Ji Ying thought for a moment, he stood up and said, "Although Ji Ying has no ability, he can still serve as a small pavilion soldier. Even if there are risks, as long as Brother Heifu is in charge, I am not afraid."

Xiao Tao also hesitated and said: "If... if you are long... you don't think I'm useless, I, I'm willing to give it a try!"


Heifu suddenly became proud. He patted the three of them and laughed and said: "Then it's settled. After I go back, I will carefully prepare for the official assessment. The second and third sons will also apply for the exam on their own and do their best. If we are destined to work together, Then see you in Huyang Pavilion in one month!"

The four people touched their hands together and high-fived each other!

"See you at Huyang Pavilion!"

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