Qin Official

Chapter 48 My stupid brother

When I left Yan's house, I was still in a state of shock and looked back frequently.

"Are you still thinking about Yan's Yushu?" Hei Fu saw all this and teased his younger brother.

"No way!"

Suddenly her face turned red, like a monkey's butt, and then she said obsessively: "Brother Zhong, tell me, we are also women, why do our girls next door all have dark and rough skin, dirty hair, and cracked nails? It's full of mud, but the Yan family's jade is so, so..."

He couldn't find the words to describe it for a moment.

"The hands are like lotus roots, the skin is like gelatin, the teeth are like gourds, and the eyebrows are like moths. A charming smile captures your soul?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Brother Zhong is so good!"

He looked at Heifu in shock, his eyes full of "you understand me". At the end, he turned back and said with emotion: "When you want to marry a wife, you should marry a daughter of the Yan family."

"My brother, you are not even old enough to me, and you are already thinking about getting a wife."

Heifu smiled and shook his head. Just when he was excerpting the decree, Yan Zheng's granddaughter was curious about their identities and peeked outside the door, but was surprised to find out. From that moment on, I started to wander out of my mind.

Obviously, this young man who was about to turn 16, just like the pimples blooming everywhere on his face, had an emotion called love in his heart and was fascinated by the 14-year-old girl.

Although, from Heifu's perspective, that little girl would be just an ordinary high school girl in future generations.

But think about it, it is different from him who is well-informed and has countless beauties on his hard drive. I was surprised that in the past ten years, I rarely left the sunset area, and all I saw were farm girls. Suddenly I saw a well-kept, white-washed, neat-toothed little lady wearing a beautiful dress. It was not a surprise. God.

"They are both women, but why are they so different? It's like..."

Shocked and at a loss for words, he pointed to the dirty mud on the ground and then pointed to the white clouds in the sky: "It's like this piece of mud is compared to the clouds!"

"I'll tell you why."

Heifu patted Jing's shoulder and shattered his dream.

"Just because she didn't have to brave the scorching sun to go to the fields to deliver food to her father and brother since she was a child; just because she had clothes to put out her hands and food to open her mouth, and she didn't have to pound grains and blow the stove herself; just because she could eat rice every meal, and she didn't have to be like you and me. Just like sisters and sisters-in-law, they chew coarse rice bran; just because she was born in a family with the same surname and is the daughter of an official, she is naturally different from poor peasants like us who have been poor for generations."

When he heard these words, he could not help but nod his head in shock at first, but then he became stunned until he became speechless.

He suddenly felt the status gap between him and the Yan girl. Should he marry a Yan girl? Haha, the longing that had just been ignited in his heart was extinguished in this way.

"Brother Zhong, you are so boring."

He muttered in surprise, took the bamboo basket from Hei Fu's hand, put it on his shoulder, and walked forward silently.

Hei Fu stopped talking, and the two of them walked out of Banli, one behind the other, and walked along the hillside towards Sunset Lane. As he walked, he was still surprised and looked back at the plaque. The sun was setting in the west, and there were patches of sunset on the top of Yan's mansion. She looked close but was actually far away, like the girl he could never touch.

For the first time, sadness appeared in the eyes of this half-grown child who seemed to never grow up under the protection of his elder brother.


Seeing that there was no one else around, Heifu called his brother and said, "Have you figured out what I wanted you to remember before?"

He turned around in shock: "What's the matter?"

"Then Zhu Ren was arrogant towards us in the past and respectful in the back, and Yan Zhang was first cold to me and then hot to me. Why is this?"

"Why..." Jing pondered for a moment, then blurted out: "It's because they know that my brother is going to be the pavilion chief!"

"That's right!" Heifu patted the man who suddenly understood and asked him to sit down on the roadside.

"Let me tell you another story. The story related to Su Qin is called "The Former Arrogant and the Later Gongful"!"

"After experiencing these things, Su Qin said with emotion, I am the same person. When I am rich, my relatives respect me, but when I am poor, they despise me. Not to mention ordinary people..."

A moment later, after finishing Su Qin's story, Heifu said to Jing: "Now you understand, a person's status in the eyes of others is completely different whether he is rich or poor. What happened to you and me today is not the same as Su Qin's." Like, if I hadn't known that I was going to be the pavilion chief, let alone recognize me as a disciple, we would probably have stood outside Zhang Yan's study all the time!"

He nodded in surprise, but then said with some dejection: "Brother Zhong, you have the ability, you have made meritorious service, and you have the opportunity to be the chief of the pavilion. Naturally, you will be like Su Qin, and you will be looked down upon by others, but I... I just If you can continue to be a little soldier who means nothing and has no extraordinary abilities, you will always be looked down upon by others."

The more he talked, the more he felt inferior to himself.

"Who said that?"

But Hei Fu encouraged him: "Although my brother may seem naughty, I know you are smart and smart! Now, there is an opportunity for you to become an official, start an official career like me, and be respected by others!"

His shocked eyes suddenly lit up: "What chance?"

Heifu said: "If I can pass the examination and become the chief of Huyang Pavilion, the first year will be just a probationary period, and in the second year, I will be a formal official. When I was in the county seat, I asked an acquaintance of the order Officer, he said that when the time comes, I can recommend one of my disciples to study in the school and learn the law! Once you enter the school, you will be a disciple!"

It turns out that although poetry and writing were prohibited in the Qin State, it still had its own set of Legalist education methods. Official schools - schools - were generally set up in counties and counties. The students in the school are called "disciples", and there are certain restrictions on the origin of the disciples. It is stipulated that they must be at least the disciples of "Historical Master". The so-called "historians" refer to low-level civil servants such as clerks, secretaries, and archivists in government agencies at all levels. Although the chief of the pavilion is a military official, he is also among them.

In the school, disciples have to learn writing, driving, fencing, archery, etc., which are actually variations of the Confucian "Six Arts of the Gentleman". But because the purpose of learning was to become an official, the Qin Dynasty advocated the rule of law, and the most important learning content was to learn the laws clearly. Disciples should hold the rules copied by Heifu and memorize them again and again until they are familiar with them and become a part of their lives.

After graduating from the academy, students are usually assigned jobs by the state and are appointed as low-level civil servants to enter official careers. There is no need to be lucky like Heifu, or like other people, who beheaded on the battlefield in exchange for meritorious officials.

"The father-in-law Yan is well-known and well-off, but do you know that he was just a young disciple in the school back then. He accumulated achievements step by step and became what he is today."

After talking about the benefits of being a disciple in the admission room, Heifu asked seriously: "Jing, are you willing to be a disciple in the admission room and stay there for two or three years to seek a better future than now? A higher status?" ?"

"My brother is willing!" Jing was so excited that tears filled his eyes, but he also hesitated.

He lowered his head and whispered: "But I don't even know the words, how can I be a disciple?"

"Isn't there still one year left?"

Hei Fu encouraged him and said: "I asked you to come with me to Banli today because I want to entrust you to Yan Zhang. I heard that Yan Zhang's second son opened a school in the village to teach people how to read and learn Dharma. You can enroll in the school by paying some money and a silk bundle, so you might as well go and listen..."

The State of Qin not only had government-run schools, but also some temporary classrooms that taught literacy to the children of wealthy nobles in the countryside. Living in the Qin State, if no one in the family is literate or literate, they may one day commit a crime without knowing it and be implicated.

"But..." Jing's face was tangled. When faced with unfamiliar things, it is always the most difficult to take the first step. With his arrogant personality, how can he sit down and study quietly? Heifu himself was a little unsure.

So Heifu spoke in a long tone: "I have heard that the second son of Yan Zhang is the father of the lady you see today! If you can learn to read well, become a disciple in the entrance hall, and become an official in the future , when the time comes, the family members will be considered equal, and maybe Yan Zhang will marry his granddaughter to you!"

"Is this true?"

The innocent surprise was overjoyed, and the flame of love that had just been extinguished was ignited again. He bowed to Heihu and said, "I understand what Brother Zhong means! Let Brother Zhong make the decision in everything!"

On the next way home, the carefree Jing returned. His steps were wandering all the way, thinking about his suddenly bright future and the girl he fell in love with at first sight. He couldn't help but laugh. stand up.

Little did he know that Hei Fu behind him secretly shook his head.

"My stupid brother, how can you understand my good intentions?"

The reason why Heifu deceived him into entering the room, to change his future, to make him and the Yan family match each other so that he could marry a beautiful girl... were all empty talk!

The most important thing is what Heifu found out:

The first thing that disciples in the admission room have to do is to change their household registration from ordinary place of residence to "disciple registration".

And Qin Law also stipulates that people on the disciple list are not required to serve during their studies!

Not only regular service, but also military service and garrison service are exempted!

This is one of the few legal loopholes in the strict and harsh Qin laws.

Becoming a disciple in the admissions room was the only way Heifu could make his younger brother escape the war three years later after thinking hard.

If history does not change, in the war when Wang Jian led an army of 600,000 to attack Chu, the two brothers would have died in battle, with no bones left and no souls to return home, leaving only a letter for their family to remember.

Now, Heifu was confident that he would survive the battle, but he was not sure whether he could keep his brother safe on the chaotic and complicated battlefield.

Therefore, he could only make this last resort.

In front of Zhong, Heifu is a younger brother, an elder brother is like a father, and Zhong will consider many things for him in every detail.

But in front of Jing, Heifu had become his elder brother, and it was his turn to think about his younger brother's future.

Of course, the real purpose of all this does not need to be verbalized, it can be arranged silently to keep him safe.

The beauty of Tangdi is like that of Ebu Weiwei. All people today are better than brothers.

The power of death and mourning, brother Kong Huai, Yuan Xisi is gone, brother begs for it.

Brother, isn’t that how it should be?

"I don't just have to survive on my own."

Looking at his younger brother who was humming a song in front of him, Heifu thought silently: "I still want to be shocked and alive, so that our whole family can survive in this ups and downs of the world, and we must live as long as possible! "

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