Qin Official

Text Volume Chapter 579 Two Wars

"Although hundreds of schools of thought have different approaches, they all want to govern the world. Now, regardless of the indiscriminate nature, they accept books from all over the world, delete or burn them, and suppress private learning. I am afraid that the hearts of scholars will be chilled."

"In the chaos in Qi, the first perpetrators have been killed. We should be gentle to the rest of the people in Guizhou who had no choice but to join the thieves. However, now everyone attaches great importance to the law and ropes. They slaughtered the old people and nailed them to the trees. Thousands of them were erected beside the pavilions and post roads, and their corpses were left to rot. Hanging beams, the road is full of stench, I am afraid that the world will be uneasy!"

"Today, it is decided that the head of Guizhou, far away, has not gathered yet. In the opinion of my sons and ministers, I should offer kindness and benevolence, suspend punishments, reduce taxes, mourn widows and widowers, show sympathy for loneliness, support the elderly, revive those who are in need, flourish virtues and prosper, and bring peace and prosperity. In this way, those who are close will be close to you, those who are far away will be virtuous, the world will take care of you, and people will live in peace. The heart of this minister's boxing can only be observed from above!"

Qin Shihuang's eyes swept over these dazzling words one by one. After reading them, he crumpled the memorial into a ball with a sneer and threw it to the ground!

"What a wonderful eldest son I am. We haven't seen each other for more than a year. Hu Hai and other young masters all asked me if I was in good health. But he was the only one who has been holding back a lot of complaints and will soon spit them out!"

Qin Shihuang had only returned to Xianyang for a few days, and Fusu asked for an audience several times. The emperor certainly knew that what his eldest son wanted to say was not heard, so Fusu turned to writing memorials.

Qin Shihuang didn't even bother to review Fusu's naive views. He only asked his visitors to tell Fusu four words:

"The sight of a child!"

After the visitor was ordered to leave, the emperor paced in place with his hands behind his hands. He looked at the memorial on the ground and became more and more angry as he thought about it.

"What I have banned are all useless books from ancient times that are not modern. Useful agriculture and engineering studies, the imperial court has come out to promote them. Knowledge such as laws and regulations and calendars must not only be taught in public schools, but also use printing technology." Spread throughout the world! As for those hundreds of schools of knowledge that are useless to practice, just let them disappear. Those Confucian scholars and scholars who have not changed the past will be disappointed! I am not surprised!"

As for chaos...

"I was tolerant to them. I destroyed the Six Kingdoms without killing the nobles. I also ordered them to farm their own land. I did not touch a single cent of their land. I only took over the salt and iron industry and the government exclusively owned it. But the remnants of these Six Kingdoms, and How did you repay me?"

The party formed local ties, emptied the government, harbored traitors, ran private salt business, and harbored rebellious intentions. In the end, they killed Qin officials for rebellion, assassinated the emperor, and wanted to restore the state!

Can these traitors still be forgiven?

Many years ago, Han Fei told Qin Shihuang a story. Dong Anyu, an official of the Zhao family, once served as the governor of Shangyi. On his way to his post, he passed through the mountains and saw a deep stream with steep stone banks on both sides, as if cut by a knife, and it was extremely precipitous.

Dong Anyu held on to the carriage rail and asked the locals: "Has anyone ever gone down this stream?"


"Have any ignorant children or deaf and crazy people been there?"


"Have any cows, horses or dogs ever been swined?"

The answer was still no. Dong An sighed afterwards: "I know how to govern Shangyi. If I enforce the law strictly, breaking the law will be as certain as falling into this mountain stream. In that case, no one will dare to It’s illegal, how can we not manage it well?”

There is no mercy in the law, just as if you enter a stream, you will die! This is the clear attitude of Legalism and the determination of Qin Shihuang.

After experiencing Gao Jianli's assassination, the Fengchan incident, and the Qidi rebellion, he had completely given up on the scholars and nobles of the Six Nations. The Huairou line of pursuing royal politics has failed. Next, a deep gorge must be drawn in front of the people of the world, especially the people of the Six Kingdoms!

The more than 10,000 people who were executed after the Qi rebellion were the first to be sacrificed in this deep stream. They only hoped that killing these Qi chickens would frighten the Chu monkeys who also disobeyed the king's laws.

Fusu believed that the reason why the East was restless was that the laws were too strict and the punishments were too severe. Suspending punishments and reducing taxes and taxes could bring the world back to its original state. But Qin Shihuang felt that it was just the opposite!

"Jiaodong wiped out all the fields, captured young men as prisoners, and governed the county so harshly. Why was there no one in Jiaodong who rebelled when Linzi and Jibei were in ruins?"

What Heifu did in Jiaodong gave Qin Shihuang another choice.

So when the inspection was coming to an end, Qin Shihuang, who had clearly seen the truth about the hometown of the Six Kingdoms, decided to implement a new strategy throughout the world.

We should deal with the nobles left behind by the Six Kingdoms with great violence! Starting from the Qi region, clans and local forces were uprooted county by county and moved to the frontier. Mainly located in the hinterland of Qin, Bashu and Hanzhong are vast and sparsely populated areas. And let the lower-level leaders of Guizhou, such as local government officials and farm laborers, allocate land to the wealthy and nobles, so that they can become good citizens who support the government.

As for scholars and intellectuals, we must divide and attack them. Scholars who are willing to cooperate with the government should be included in public schools, and they can be lured with titles and salaries so that they can become officials after studying law and help Qin officials control the place. Those who are unwilling to obey will lose their teaching qualifications and be deemed illegal, and their school's bibliography will be deleted without mercy!

There is also the most unstable factor in Kanto society, the light-hearted and evil boy. Confucianism disrupted the law with literature, and chivalry violated the law with martial arts. On the surface, these people became farmers, merchants, and farm laborers, but secretly they still joined forces, roamed the streets and alleys, rallied around the heroes, and were at odds with the government. Cooperative attitude.

The fields across the land raised a flag to rebel, and the light-hearted and evil boy was the first group to join! Later, they became the vanguard of the anti-Qin Dynasty. Although there was no order, they were loyal, not afraid of death, and had a large group.

For this group, it was useless to just ban them, and to order the local authorities to arrest and kill them would not be enough to kill them all. After thinking for a long time, the emperor came up with a way to kill three birds with one stone.

Distribution and confiscation of the army!

"The Xia have the same ancestors, the Zhu Xia family, the blood of the Xia Jingbian and the opening of the border, how can it be allowed to be shed only by people from Guanxi?"

After an eastward tour, Qin Shihuang understood more clearly who was the foundation of the Qin Dynasty and who was the target that needed to be consumed and weakened...

Sending chivalrous and evil young men to serve on the border in counties and counties all over the world can not only eliminate local instability, but also solve the problem of insufficient soldiers. The light chivalrous and evil young man relied heavily on the rural party. He recruited the army, sent them to the border areas, and let the Qin army control them. After leaving the familiar hometown, who could resist?

If they are properly controlled, the evil boy's fearless character and fear of death will be used to the advantage of the situation, allowing them to defeat the enemy in the war, and afterwards they will be rewarded with titles and titles in the border areas. This can not only open up territory for the empire, but also solve internal dangers and worries.

At worst, this group of people can be consumed in war after war...

This is a purpose that cannot be known to anyone, but Qin Shihuang's mentality has changed, and he no longer regards those people as his own people.

He did what he said and put Fusu's unpleasant memorial behind him. Qin Shihuang asked people to open the map of the Four Seas Returning to One in the main hall.

This map represented his dream of unification after he succeeded to the throne. Qin Shihuang had seen it countless times. In reality, his footprints had traveled to almost every county in the empire.

But this territory is not yet perfect.

His empire is still missing the last three pieces of the puzzle!

"Within Liuhe, the emperor's land stretches across the quicksand in the west, ends in Beihu in the south. There is the East China Sea in the east, and Daxia passes in the north. Wherever people go, there are all those who are not his subjects."

These are the words in "Song of Qin" and the declaration left by Qin Shihuang on the Langya stone!

He enters the map from the north.

Daxia was the old name of Taiyuan. Meng Tian's north was blocked by the river, and it extended from Yinshan to Liaodong. The emperor was satisfied with the north. Since the Huns were far away in Mobei, he didn't bother to care about him.

Then, Qin Shihuang subconsciously turned his attention to the west. Since he tricked the magicians and gave up on the East China Sea Immortal Island, it was Qin Shihuang's only hope in pursuing immortality.

To the west, Li Xin destroyed the Yueshi, built Zhangye County, and forced Wusun to surrender. He had expanded the empire's territory to the edge of the desert called "Bailongdui" and built "Yumen Pass" there.

The next step is to have the envoy caravan explore the countries in the Western Region. After finding the Queen Mother State of the West, Li Xin will be sent to conquer the country with chariots and horses. Those who obey the Qin will become ministers, and those who rebel against the Qin will be destroyed!

When Da Qin and the Queen Mother State of the West are connected, the "Westward Quicksand" will naturally be completed.

However, the Western Region is far away, and the pace of merchant envoys is slow. There is no need to move the garrison in the west for the time being. Instead, the rich and powerful young men from the six countries can immigrate to Shibian of Zhangye County.

In the eyes of Qin Shihuang, the two battles that can be started immediately are the east and the south...

His square-toed shoes with Kui pattern stepped on the northern Xinjiang, and he walked slowly from Lintao to Liaodong. His footprints seemed to have turned into a Great Wall!

"The evil young men Zheng Yan and Zhao Qingxia joined the army and sent troops from Liaodong to make the Ji family of Korea surrender."

The ancestors with the surname Ying were ministers of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and it is said that the ancestors of Chosun were after Jizi, one of the three benefactors of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. In the Zhou Dynasty, they were called princes, but in fact they have always been dissatisfied with the Zhou Dynasty. If Jijun of Chosun can be brought into the dynasty now, the last descendants of the surname Zi will be To bow down to the emperor named Ying is also considered as comforting the ancestors.

But North Korea is not the end. The place Qin Shihuang really wants to conquer is in the south!

Qin Shihuang stepped on the small city marked "Canghai" in the middle of the peninsula, as if he was a giant trying to destroy this humble city!

This little 銊芊(èimo) gentleman actually dared to harbor the rebellion of the Six Kingdoms and was related to the assassination of Junan. He was really bold!

Even though Lord Canghai had the protection of the sea, the emperor still had to punish him. He marched both by land and water. The Yan army marched south from Korea and laid siege to the city. Ren Xiaozhou's division set out from Jiaodong to block the sea and eliminate escape routes.

His country will be destroyed, his people slaughtered, and his city captured! Only in this way can we shock the world and show the emperor's determination to eliminate evil!

Only by imagining that scene could the emperor's anger be reduced a little.

He gently lifted up his lower clothes and took a big step, directly across the Bohai Bay!

Looking back again, the vast ocean seen on Zhifu Island is actually so narrow...

"North Korea becomes a vassal, Haoqiu and Jiuyi all submit, the Bohai Sea becomes an inner lake, and ships can travel without hindrance. Only in this way can Great Qin be called 'the East has the East China Sea'!"

"And the south side."

The emperor did not hesitate at all, and walked over in a few steps. He crossed the Huaihe River and stood in Yuzhang and Changsha where he had stayed not long ago. Yunmeng Pengli seemed like a small puddle beside his feet.

South of Changsha and Yuzhang is a vast land, including Dongou, Minyue, Nanyue, Xiou and Luoyue, two thousand miles from north to south and eight thousand miles from east to west. These Yue tribes live there, which is called Baiyue.

Qin Shihuang had planned to go to war with Baiyue many years ago, but there was no reason at that time. Yue's horns, elephant teeth, jade, and pearls are good, but to Qin Shihuang, these things are not as interesting as the twelve golden figures in front of Xianyang Palace. Not worth mentioning at all.

If you have to give a reason, in addition to the dream of "extending the south to the north", the emperor also had a last resort.

"Farming war" was the method that Shang Yang found for Qin to strengthen its country, but it was hungry very quickly. In order to feed this beast of war and give the empire infinite internal power, even if the six kingdoms were wiped out, Qin Shihuang had to continue Find enemies and defeat them.

But fighting is not a war. After Heifu proposed the strategy of expanding to the west, since there were better opponents like the Xiongnu and Yuezhi, the emperor gave up the idea of ​​​​conquering the south.

But now, all the border enemies that could catch his eye have been defeated, and Qin Shihuang's eyes have returned to the south again. This time, thanks to Heifu, because of the unexpected popularity of sucrose, the empire has another reason to go to war with Baiyue...

There are dense mountains and forests, rich products, and concubines that are coveted by the young officials and officials.

At that time, the road to the south was impassable, but now Yuzhang is developing well, the road is smooth, and the logistics are as good as Nanchang and Changsha. In this case, why not fight?

The majority of chivalrous and evil young men are Qi and Chu. Qi’s territory has been decided, but the young chivalrous and evil young men in Chu’s land are still a hidden danger. They can be conquered during this southern expedition...

Twenty-three out of ten, one out of ten? Just die, it doesn't matter!

"For the battles in Korea and Canghai, fifty thousand soldiers and civilians are enough."

With so few troops and to punish the mastermind of the assassination, this battle must be fought and there is no need to discuss it!

"However, in the Battle of Baiyue, the battle line is thousands of miles from east to west, and it takes only 200,000 people to attack..."

But for the war in the south, although Qin Shihuang was determined, he still let the ministers discuss it.

He will not be swayed by Baiguan's proposal, he just wants to see who is in favor and who is against...

With this in mind, Qin Shihuang immediately asked Zhao Gao to come in and draft an edict announcing his plan to attack Lord Canghai next year. He also revealed his intentions for the southern expedition and asked the ministers to discuss it.

Zhao Gao lost his left hand in that assassination, but his right hand was still there, and he could still write well, and was even more trusted by Qin Shihuang than before.

Perhaps because the long-delayed great plan was about to be implemented, Qin Shihuang's face was still a little red while dictating the edict. Even Zhao Gao might not have seen the emperor so excited for a long time.

After the edict was drawn up and Zhao Gao and his visitors were sent to the Censor's Mansion, only Qin Shihuang and a few palace maids and eunuchs were left in the main hall.

The emperor walked back to the palace and stopped the young eunuch who was about to put away the picture of Four Seas Returning to One. He stared at this vast territory and the thousands of creatures living on it for a long time, with extremely complicated emotions in his eyes.

No one knows that all of the above, including the Southern Expedition, the Northern War, the Kaibian War, and the Annei War, all combined, are just the first war that Qin Shihuang wants to fight!

In this first battle, he is fighting against others.

Fight against those who do not believe that they can truly unify the world and that the Qin Dynasty can last forever! Visible enemies and invisible enemies must all act quickly to eliminate them all!

He wanted to show the world how he could do what the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Shang Tang, Zhou Wu, and the Five Hegemons of Spring and Autumn could not do!

Qin Shihuang tried his best to think about these things. He was a little excited, but then he felt something was wrong.

The emperor's face turned even redder...

When the emperor was concentrating on his work, no one dared to disturb him.

The palace maid and eunuch standing in the corner of the palace lowered her eyebrows and did not dare to express her anger, but suddenly, there was a strange sound!


It was a cough, a slight cough. The maids and eunuchs raised their heads in surprise and looked at each other to see which bold guy had made the noise.

They finally found the source of the sound.

It was Qin Shihuang. Qin Shihuang was coughing. His tall body stood on the map. Although he tried his best to control it, clenching his hands into fists and pressing his beard to his lips, he still couldn't control it!


The cough became louder and louder, but the palace maids and eunuchs were dumbfounded and looked horrified. They didn't even know whether they should go over and help Qin Shihuang pat his back.

Fortunately, after an unknown amount of time, the coughing slowly stopped. Qin Shihuang's tall body still stood in place, but the cough just now seemed to have exhausted his strength. He could only gasp and stagger back to the emperor's palace. On the couch, he looked exhausted

The palace became calm again, and the eunuchs and maids looked at their noses and hearts again, as if nothing happened just now.

It wasn't until the old eunuch who came after hearing the inquiry tremblingly asked for instructions that Qin Shihuang waved his hand and asked him to take everyone in the palace away...

Some were at a loss, while others were frightened and begged for mercy, saying that they had not seen anything, but they were dragged away by Lang Wei who came over.

The hall fell silent again.

The emperor knew that from today on, he would never see these more than ten palace people in this hall, in Xianyang Palace again...

The assassination is a lesson. There are countless people in this world who are looking forward to the emperor's aging and death. The slightest bit of discomfort on his part would be amplified by rumors and lead to terrible disasters.

Therefore, no one can spread the emperor's vulnerability to the outside world!

Not even a cough will do!

It wasn't until he was the only one left in the palace that Qin Shihuang opened his palms that he had been holding tightly.

The iron palm holding Tai'a was trembling a little at this moment.

"It's like this again..."

Qin Shihuang saw the blood, and his palms were filled with bright red blood that he had coughed up!

The emperor was not alarmed, because this was not the first time...

He knows his own body well. A few years ago, Qin Shihuang began to suffer from hearing loss in his ears. Now, he is almost deaf in his left ear.

During this inspection, when he was in Jiaodong, Qin Shihuang also had problems with his legs and feet, and could hardly walk. This was why the journey was so slow, and he would not get off the car if he could.

Although the assassination in Langya did not hurt the emperor, it also frightened him. In the first month, Qin Shihuang almost didn't show up. He had to do it, but he couldn't! Qin Shihuang was ill. He was so ill that he could hardly stay in bed. He could only send out oral instructions to let the world know that he was fine.

Since then, he has coughed up blood.

From that time on, the emperor could no longer stay up late at night and could no longer review the mountains of memorials as meticulously as before.

Even the prime minister and the court officials were ignorant of all this. Only Zhao Gao and a few other ministers, as well as the imperial doctor Ling Xia Wuqie who hurriedly ran east from Xianyang, knew about it.

After the Qi rebellion was settled, Qin Shihuang's condition improved and he could continue to patrol.

I thought I was in good health and high spirits, but after passing Wuguan and approaching Xianyang, the emperor's old habit relapsed. He coughed non-stop and occasionally coughed up bloody sputum.

The emperor's illness has not yet been cured.

Xia Wuji checked his pulse and hesitated, only saying that the emperor was not seriously ill, but that he was tired and needed to rest and rest...

Rest? The world is in a mess, there are thieves who want to restore the country outside, there is an innocent son who cannot shoulder the big responsibility inside, the attitude of the ministers is unpredictable, and there are so many things in the world, how can he rest in peace!

The more I think about it, the more anxious I become and the heavier my cough becomes.

A terrible question, one that he had never thought about before, was placed in front of Qin Shihuang.

"How many years can I live?"

"Is it five years? Or ten years?"

Qin Shihuang could no longer determine that he would live forever.

Seeking immortality in the East China Sea has been proven to be a scam, and the pills are poison that will kill the magician himself. However, the Queen Mother of the West has not been found for a long time, and his body is getting sick day by day. Qin Shihuang is so anxious that even his governance has begun to be extreme and impatient.

Things that could have been done ten years later have been brought forward now, and battles that can be fought later must be fought now!

If anyone tells him to take it easy at this time, the emperor will become anxious!

There is no need to rush.

Because the second war planned by Qin Shihuang was a fight with the sky and a mortal enemy called "time"!

In more than thirty years, he has defeated the kings of six countries, thirty generations of ancestors, and even three emperors and five emperors. He is full of confidence.

But now, Qin Shihuang was a little unsure.

Because in this battle, no one, no matter how wise or foolish, has been able to win throughout the ages.

The dew on the sage leaves, why is it easy to lose weight?

Why does Gui Boyi urge me? Human life must be hesitant!

It was snowing outside, and although there was a furnace heater, the empty hall was still cold. There was no one around, except Qin Shihuang, who sat alone and blankly.

"If I can conquer people, can I conquer heaven?" He murmured to himself.

But just a moment later, Qin Shihuang's eyes burst out with anger and unwillingness, and his hands clenched into fists again!



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