Qin Official

Chapter 76 The responsibility for honor and disgrace lies with oneself

(I have to take a long-distance bus home in the afternoon to celebrate the New Year. The second chapter will not be written until 12 o'clock in the evening. Everyone is going home soon. Have a safe trip)

The Qin State has always had a tradition of being transferred to other places. The three chief officials in the county, that is, the county magistrate, the county magistrate, and the county right lieutenant, are not allowed to be people from the county.

Du Xian, the right lieutenant of Anlu County, was from Qin in Guanzhong. Although he came to Anlu to take up his post, his family members stayed in their place of origin. Therefore, Du Xian did not buy a house as his residence. He only lived in a courtyard specially provided for officials behind the official temple in the county.

The courtyard is not big, just for the second time, and the furnishings are not luxurious. There are only a few slaves and concubines in the courtyard to take care of daily life. There was originally an elegant bamboo forest planted by the scholar-bureaucrats of Chu State, but Du Xian had his men cut it down, and used a corner of the yard as an open space for martial arts training - a typical thinking of military officials of Qin State.

In the evening of that day, Du Xian asked his servant to send Hei Fu, the head of the Huyang Pavilion, who came to visit, to leave. Later, he heard from a servant who had returned from buying grain in the market that it was being spread outside that Hei Fu was "generous and kind." deeds.

"Is this happening? I didn't hear him mention it just now..."

Du Xian was sitting on his knees behind the desk, wearing regular clothes, and said in surprise. Just now, Heifu came to visit to thank Du Xian for "the kindness of knowing him". The pavilion chief was the direct subordinate of the county captain, not to mention that Heifu was recruited by Du Xian, so he had joined the Youwei line.

Du Xian was very happy to see that Heifu had made great achievements just after he took office and was promoted to the highest rank, so he invited Heifu to eat with him. However, in front of him and Chen Baijiang at the banquet, Heifu did not mention it at all. And the matter of dispersing wealth.

Chen Baijiang, who was sitting with him, said with some amusement: "This black man is the same. He really doesn't regard money as money. More than four thousand dollars is a lot of money. He does nothing wrong but uses it to repay others' debts. That person is just an anonymous person." The criminal who submitted the letter is not related to him, so why bother..."

Chen Baijiang was a little jealous of Heifu's rapid promotion and was often praised by his right lieutenant. His luck was also a little too good, so his words were a bit strange.

Du Xian said to Chen Baijiang, "Do you think his four thousand dollars was not worth it?"

Chen Baijiang heard the dissatisfaction in Youwei's tone and was a little at a loss, but Du Xian lectured him: "You are still too short-sighted. Let me ask you, for those of us who are officials, What do you want most?"

"Could it be a military title? And a steady stream of money and food?"

Chen Baijiang carefully replied that in the Qin State, title and wealth were linked. The higher the title, the larger the land and house, the more servants, and the more abundant the output.

Du Xian nodded: "Yes, I heard that Wei Ting once said something when he entered the Qin Dynasty. There is no criticism greater than being humble, and there is nothing more tragic than poverty. A man born in the world, how can he stay in a humble position and suffer hardship for a long time? Land? But these are the only two things an official pursues?"

Chen Baijiang cupped his hands and said, "I am stupid and can't think of anything else. Please ask your lieutenant to clarify my doubts."

Du Xian nodded at Chen Baijiang and said, "There is still fame!"

The so-called fame refers to achievements and fame. In the eyes of the world, if one has a successful career but is unknown, it is not enough to flaunt success and wealth.

Because of this, in another twenty years, the man who yelled "Wealth will not return to his hometown, but will walk at night like brocade clothes" will miss not only the scenery of his hometown, the sound of Western Chu, but also the praise of his fellow villagers.

Therefore, in Du Xian's view, Heifu gained a reputation in the county and was praised by the county people for only 4,000 yuan. It was really a good deal. Fame is something that can only be met but cannot be obtained. It is not an illusory thing. It can even be transformed into actual benefits.

Although the Qin State promoted officials based on political performance, reputation was also part of ability. The article "The Way of Being an Official" summarizes the "Five Good Deeds" of an official, one of which is "happy to do good deeds". If a Qin official can do more good deeds and has a good reputation in the local area, he will easily get the attention of his superiors and may be promoted.

"This black man has a bright future."

Du Xian stroked his beard and began to feel glad that he had recruited this person. To Du Xian, the more capable Hei Fu was and the more he was praised by others, the more it proved that his right lieutenant knew people and was good at handling them...

While Du Xian was praising Hei Fu's "good deeds and righteous deeds," Zuo Wei Yunman, who lived in Luyou, south of the county, was cursing Hei Fu's behavior.

Yun Man is a descendant of the ancient Yun State. In the Chu State, he was the senior official of Yun Jun Ruo Ao and was responsible for managing the Cheyuan. During the reign of the Qin State, the Yun clan became the largest clan in the area due to their active cooperation.

Even with the restrictions of the separation order, their family was still extremely wealthy. They had a tall gate, whitewashed walls and red tiles. There were pavilions and pavilions in the house, gardens, ponds and bamboo groves that Chu people loved, and they also raised dozens of slave children with green hats and good clothes. A maid wearing a beautiful Japanese dress and a thin skirt.

The hall was luxuriously decorated and filled with lacquerware, and the lamps were brightly lit. Yun Man was discussing with his nephews what happened in the market today.

"This black man caused trouble as soon as he took office and took credit for it. Now he has been promoted to a superior. He is so lucky!" One of Yun Man's nephews said angrily.

Yun Man also looked unhappy and responded: "This man looks simple, but in fact he is cunning. The so-called righteous deeds are also hypocritical. Have you ever heard of the story of Mengchang Jun of Qi State who burned bonds to market justice? In my opinion, this is Heifu is definitely a name-seeker!"

Although the Yun family hated Hei Fu with gnashing of teeth because of the previous two incidents, but now that Hei Fu had boarded the county right lieutenant's ship and gained fame in the county, Yun Man wanted to deal with him, but it was very difficult. point.

"Father, let that Shuzi be proud for a while longer."

Yun Man's son suggested: "After a year and a half, when Du Xian is transferred away, the father will still have the final say in the Anlu County Lieutenant's Office! It won't be too late to deal with that black man then!"

The prisoner Xi's family also lived in Luyou, south of the county town, but the house was not as simple as an official's house. A small courtyard with three entrances. There are trees and vegetable beds in the courtyard. The house is a little old, but it is very clean. The house is very neatly tidied. There are no extra ministers and concubines. There is only an old servant serving in the kitchen.

I am happy to have two sons. The eldest son Huo was born in November of the 11th year of King Qin's reign and is already 10 years old. The second son Hui was born in the 18th year of the Qin Dynasty. He is only 2 and a half years old now and is still a child learning to speak.

After returning home from work every day, Xi would sit in front of the table with his wife, son and family of four to finish today's meal. The food was light and he didn't talk much, but his wife was filial and his son was filial, and the family was considered warm and harmonious.

Xi is a not very interesting person and has no more entertainment activities. For more than ten years, he has been sitting in front of the desk after eating, copying down the case notes of his daily work.

This habit originated from when he first became an official, he witnessed an unjust, false and wrongful conviction because the jailer was not proficient in the laws and regulations and beat him to death.

On that occasion, an innocent soldier was considered a cattle rustler and was punished as a tattooed Cheng Dan. Finally, after an appeal was made to the county, the injustice was rectified. Although the Qin government took the initiative to help Na Shiwu buy back his wife and daughter who were punished as concubines, they had already suffered a lot. The society of Qin was not tolerant of a tattooed man, so the family could only He spent the rest of his life in seclusion.

Therefore, after witnessing all of this, Xi always warned himself to remember every law and order, to treat every judgment with caution, and to never allow injustice to appear in his own hands.

When he was copying the rules, his younger brother, who was a master in the school, often laughed and said, "Brother, what is the use of copying these?" It's hard enough to be busy writing documents every day, why don't you want to copy them and take them to the grave?

In this regard, Xi just smiled and said nothing, and the habit formed naturally. He always felt that he had an obligation to record the various cases that happened in Nan County every day. All the good and evil in this small world were condensed in the prison case files. This is equivalent to the legalist's "examination of myself three times a day".

That evening, in the middle of copying, his brother Dare visited Xi again and told Xi about the "righteous deed" Heifu, the head of Huyang Pavilion, had done in the market today.

"Brother, what do you think?" Gan Gan sat opposite Xi and asked with a smile.

Xi pondered for a long time. Unlike the county right lieutenant and left lieutenant who focused on Heifu's name and fishing name, Xi was concerned about whether Heifu violated the law by doing this.

"Hei Fu lent money to Qu Ji to pay off the fine. The Qin State only does not allow the use of houses and other properties as collateral for debts, but simply lending money, as long as the deed complies with the regulations, is not illegal. As for Hei Fu himself, he destroyed it on the spot The deed, not wanting the four thousand money, is something he can decide by himself, and no one can hold him accountable for his fault, but..."

Xi picked up a bamboo slip on the case table. What was recorded on it was his verdict on Gongshi Quji today. A simple and concise sentence can determine the rest of a person's life and the survival of a family. This bamboo slip is very light. , but also heavy.

Xi understands its weight very well. He is not a heartless person. He just feels that the greatest justice in the world is to do everything according to the law. During this process, all your own likes and dislikes must be put aside.

"Shang Jun said: If your words are not in line with the law, you will not listen; if your actions are not in line with the law, you will not be high; if your actions are not in line with the law, you will not act."

The meaning of this sentence is that anything that is not in compliance with the law will not be obeyed, promoted, praised, or done.

In Xi's opinion, what Heifu did did not violate the law. However, Heifu used private money to favor criminals. Although he received praise from the whole county, it went beyond the spirit of Qin's law and was a dangerous behavior.

Who does he think he is? The chief of a small pavilion, who has only been in office for a few days and has only handled one case, feels that what he has done is more fair than the law. Can he issue rewards and punishments on behalf of the law?

The people of Anlu County are also confused. How can they praise such behavior blindly?

Misfortunes and blessings arise from Tao and Dharma, not from love and evil.

"Brother, do you want to investigate and reprimand the pavilion chief?" Not every Qin official follows laws and orders like a god. Xi's younger brother Gan cannot understand his brother's extreme thoughts. Like the people of Anlu County, he appreciates Hei Fu's righteous deeds. .

Xi shook his head: "As a legal official, you should not be tolerant of things within the legal prohibitions, and there is no need to be harsh on things outside the legal prohibitions."

The yardstick is there, and law enforcers only need to see whether people have exceeded it. They must not expand the yardstick infinitely to include people who are clearly outside the line because of their own likes and dislikes.

Although he was a little unhappy in his heart, Xi would not pursue Heifu for this. In that case, wouldn't he become the kind of person who acts based on his own likes and dislikes?

"As long as what he does is still within the law, then let him be!"

After seeing his brother off, Xi looked at the half-copied legal documents on the desk. He suddenly thought of what Hei Fu said when he asked him for advice today, and the unjust case he experienced when he was just an official.

"Judgment should be rewarded and punished, and no guilt should be innocent. Have I really done that?"

But after a moment of wavering, he regained his former persistence.

"I have a clear conscience, at least, I have a clear conscience!"

At this time, Heifu didn't know all the bad and bad comments about him from the people and officials in Anlu County.

He didn't care too much, because Heifu always felt that the responsibility for honor and disgrace lay with himself, not others! He dared to pat his chest and say that he was not ashamed of this matter.

After getting rid of the public servant, Heifu first walked around the cattle and horse stalls in the evening market and looked at the cattle. This was the first thing Heifu wanted to buy after getting a huge sum of more than 10,000 yuan.

"Spring plowing is coming soon. Although no local officials will make things difficult for my family this year, if we have a plowing ox at home, my brother and I can plow the fields with Jingpengtian, which will make us less tired."

Heifu considered that he had few chances to go home this year, so there would be no one to help Zhong with farm work. One more cow in the family was equivalent to three more laborers.

Bu Kan was shocked when he saw it. After he walked around the cattle and horse stables and asked about the price, he realized that his thoughts were too simple.

It turns out that the cheapest farm ox costs seven to eight thousand yuan, and the better ones cost even tens of thousands. At this time, Heifu felt that the 4,000 yuan in bonds that had just been burned in the blink of an eye was indeed a bit too much. But he has no regrets. Heifu thinks that what a man does and what he doesn't do is what he should do.

Cattle are so valuable and are the most valuable property of many middle-class families. It is equivalent to buying a car in future generations. You cannot just pick one at random...

Choosing cows and horses is a science. There are even people who specialize in horse fortune telling and cow fortune telling. They also make up some mantras. For example, when looking at a cow, it means "the eyes are round and big, the whites of the eyes are connected to the pupils, the neck is long, the legs are wide, and the legs are wide." "The one with short hair is better", but Heifu had only heard people say it, but when he saw it himself, he was still confused.

So Heifu gave up his plan to buy cows for the time being and decided to wait until Xiu Mu returned home to discuss the matter with Zhong. His eldest brother was a good farmer and he knew his stuff.

Later, Heifu bought some gifts and went to visit Du Xian, the right lieutenant of the county. You must always have a good relationship with your leader, especially the leader who has helped you. Heifu also has to rely on the right lieutenant to prevent the left lieutenant from touching him. He knew very well that although he had become the pavilion chief, he was still a nobody in Anlu County.

By the time he came out of Youwei's house, it was already dark. Heifu hurriedly walked through the streets and arrived at a courtyard next to the county carpentry workshop before the curfew.

His brother-in-law, Citron, was left in the county town by the county engineer because he offered a treadmill. He was responsible for teaching the craftsmen how to make treadmills. He also arranged a place for him to live, and the treatment was pretty good.

During these days, whenever Heifu came to the county to participate in a trial or testify, and could not return to Huyang Pavilion late at night, he would come here to lay a bunk on the floor and make do with it for one night.

He never thought that when he arrived at the door of the small courtyard today, he would see Citron rubbing his hands and pacing beside the door anxiously.

"Sister-in-law, what happened? Did you forget to take Guan Yue with you again?" Heifu walked over and asked.

It is funny to say that his honest sister-in-law always forgets to bring the key to the place where he lives. One day, he knocked on the door in a daze and called Heifu his sister's name, saying to my wife, hurry up and open the door. …

I guess I feel homesick after being away for a long time.

But today, Citron was lingering outside the door for another reason.

Seeing Hei Fu coming back, Citron was overjoyed. He took a few steps over and slapped Hei Fu on the shoulder with a pair of big hands, almost dislocating his shoulder...

"Heifu, that's a good thing!"

Citron grinned and said, "We gave you the reward of Tzui, and the county finally gave it to you!"

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