Qin Official

Chapter 95 Jing Guan

The murder case in Liushuli, which occurred on the eighth day of July, was initially tried jointly by Shifu and Youyou from Jinshui Township, with the help of magistrates sent by the county. The focus of the investigation was on the husband of the deceased "Wei Hua", an Orion. Youyou Shuwu believed that the Orion must have found his wife having an affair when he returned home and killed them both in anger.

So the government urgently ordered the local pavilion chief and Li Zheng to arrest the hunter. One day later, he was found in the forest where the hunter was hunting...

The hunter's name is "Miao" and he is in his thirties. When the head of the village pavilion led people to find him, he was squatting on the ground setting up animal traps. He didn't understand what happened, so he was suddenly pushed to the ground and could only Subconsciously shouting injustice!

"It's too late to cry out for injustice now!"

Diao was immediately taken to the rural government office. In front of his wife's body, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. When he heard that his wife had been killed during adultery, he couldn't accept it for a moment. He couldn't stand firmly on his feet and sat down. on the ground.

Youyou Shuwu believed that Orion himself was the murderer, so he pressed him again and again, but Orion denied it and insisted that he did not kill anyone!

Shu Wu was so angry that he was already planning to torture him, but Ling Shi Nu finally stopped him.

"Youyou, the law states that it is better to obtain a confession without whipping and plundering, and the worse is to whip someone. Let me ask first."

In Nu's view, Diao, as the first suspect, did have a motive for committing the crime. But the premise is that he knew about his wife's adultery in advance. Judging from this person's reaction, it seemed that he had never known it before. Alas, he was really a dull and honest man.

Moreover, when Marten was captured, he would still set up a trap at the place where he was hunting, unless he killed someone first and then calmly returned to the hunting spot, pretending as if nothing had happened. But is this possible? Generally speaking, after killing someone, you should flee immediately.

Nu summoned several woodcutters. They had lived with Diao for the past few days and could testify that Diao was still in the mountains when the crime occurred. It was impossible for him to suddenly fly more than ten miles of mountain roads and return home to kill people.

In this way, Diao's murder suspicion was basically eliminated, and Youyou had to reluctantly let him go.

When the mink returned to the willow tree carrying the prey he had hunted these days, he looked at the house still surrounded by ropes and white ash, as well as the puddles of dried blood. He felt dizzy and didn't know what to do. good……

As for the investigation of the case, after ruling out the possibility of love killing, we had to start looking for a new direction.

It's a pity that there is not much evidence left by the murderer at the scene. Apart from the very common short knife, there is only the thorn coupon found in the grass outside the door...

It was very common for men in the Qin State to wear swords, so identifying criminals with just one sword was like looking for a needle in a haystack, so Shu Wu tended to start with Jing Guan.

Jingguan is a deed used by merchants for trade. It is so named because the engraved teeth on it look like thorns on wattle sticks. Qin Law stipulates that for any transaction exceeding one hundred yuan, a deed must be given. As the saying goes, "Those who do not agree to deeds are therefore trustworthy." After the transaction is concluded, the seller must write down the transaction items and the price on a wooden board, then saw it in half, with each buyer and seller holding half.

And depending on the trade items, the materials for making coupons are also different, including bamboo and mulberry wood. As for which material corresponds to which goods, only the officials who specialize in managing the market and those merchants can tell clearly.

Shu Wu immediately sent people to the towns and cities to find the city officials and asked what the Jing coupon was used for, which industry it was for, and how much it was worth.

The result was soon received, and the city official replied that this was a bamboo coupon used in the silk trade. There were eleven teeth on the bamboo coupon. According to the rules of the silk trade, each piece of silk is worth one hundred and eighty yuan, so each tooth is equivalent to one hundred and eighty yuan, so the value of this bamboo coupon is equivalent to one thousand nine hundred and eighty yuan...

"The murderer must be a businessman!" Shu Wu seemed to have found a new direction and said firmly with bright eyes.

Nu but hesitated: "Why did he leave this Jing deed in the grass beside the ditch outside the door?"

Jing deeds are very important tokens. Merchants will be punished by market officials if the quantity of goods, money and coupons they sell does not match. Therefore, merchants are extremely careful to protect them, not to mention littering them everywhere.

"Perhaps the criminal was walking in a hurry when he went out and threw Jing Qi out of his arms."

Although this situation is too coincidental, the stubborn Shuwu has set a new tone for the case and cannot be questioned by others.

So in the next few days, he sent out all his men in the Xiangting Pavilion to conduct extensive searches of the townships and markets, and looked for those with market registrations, especially those selling silk, who became key suspects.

Unfortunately, after struggling for three or four days, they found nothing. The merchants who sold silk silk almost all had alibis, and the city officials searched through the trade records of the past year, but could not find the identity of this Jing Guan. Right half...

Not only that, the originally bustling villages and towns have become deserted due to the investigation.

The case had been taking place for several days, but the investigation was in vain. Not only did the people panic because of the murder, it even disrupted the normal trade of the town and city, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the county magistrate and county lieutenant.

"Zhuzi is incompetent and is dragging me down!"

The right lieutenant of the county, Du Xian, is the most furious. According to the above information, he may be transferred out of Anlu at the end of the year. Whether he will be promoted or transferred depends on this year's performance evaluation.

This year, Anlu successively solved cases of tomb robbing, human robbery and trafficking, etc., which stood out among the eighteen counties in Nanjun. But if this blatant murder case cannot be solved as soon as possible and spread to the county, Du Xian's performance appraisal this year may be greatly compromised.

So the right lieutenant got angry and sent a document to the countryside, saying that since Youyou was incompetent and could not solve the case, he should quickly submit the case to the county, and the county would organize some capable officials to solve the case together...

You Gong Shuwu was in a desperate situation. He thought it was a simple case, but it turned out to be a difficult one, leading him to a dead end.

At this point, he also knew that he could not solve the case with his own abilities, so he had to go to the county seat to plead guilty, kowtow in front of the county captain, and beg for forgiveness.

"I shouldn't believe you, a mediocre person like you!"

Du Xian, the right lieutenant of the county, smashed the pen holder in front of Shu Wu and said angrily: "Forget it, since you yourself said you are unable to solve the case, then I will replace it with someone else!"

After saying that, Du Xian loudly said to the outside: "Let the chief of Huyang Pavilion come in!"

"The county captain summoned the chief of Huyang Pavilion!" Wei Shi immediately called out.

"Chief of Huyang Pavilion...Hei Fu?"

Shuwu was shocked and turned around, only to see Hei Fu striding in and bowing to the county lieutenant: "I pay my respects to the county lieutenant."

Du Xian stroked his beard and said: "Heifang, Ling Shi Nu highly recommended you to me, saying that you were not only the first official to rush to the scene of the crime, but you were also deeply knowledgeable in the art of Ling Shi Nu, and were meticulous and good at reasoning. I suggest that you participate in solving the case together, what do you think?"

"Heifu doesn't dare to have any ideas. Since I have the trust of Shi and the county captain, I should do my best."

“Just doing your best is not enough.”

Du Xian said with a straight face: "If the murderer is not captured for one day, people will be in panic. Time is tight. I can only give you half a month. If I successfully capture the murderer, I will definitely ask the county magistrate and the county government for a reward. If not, you will wait. All those who resolve the case will be punished!"

As he spoke, he pointed at Shuwu and used him as a negative example to warn Heifu: "I will be impeached like him and get an evaluation of dereliction of duty and incompetence. When the plan ends in October, I will not be able to hold this position." I’m afraid I can’t keep it!”

Shuwu broke into a cold sweat after hearing this, but Heifu smiled and said: "Don't worry, County Lieutenant, I have not been idle these days. Every night, I am deducing the case by myself, and I already have a plan in my mind..."

Du Xian was immediately overjoyed: "Oh, tell me!"

Hei Fu hesitated to speak and looked at Shu Wu. His meaning was very clear. Since this man had nothing to do with the case, it was better not to let him listen.

Du Xian waved his sleeves impatiently: "Shu Wu, please step back."

Even though Shuwu cursed in his heart, he had no choice but to leave quietly, looking downcast when he left.

After he walked out of the hall, Hei Fu took a step forward, cupped his hands and said: "In my opinion, this case was started in the wrong direction from the beginning! You shouldn't have started with the thorn coupon. That thorn coupon was probably the murderer's intention. Leave it to confuse us!"

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