Qin Ye's little ancestor is a real boss

Chapter 507 Lu Lehua's End (1/2)

Old Madam Cheng hesitated for a moment.

Si Heng was also an acquaintance, and he had helped a lot when Nan Yan was not found to treat Old Master Cheng.

Now Si Heng said he wanted a herb for research, and she couldn't be stingy, so she asked Cheng Yanzhao to get one for Si Heng.

"Thank you, Grandma Cheng. Since Grandpa Cheng has the medicine, I'll go back first."

Si Heng held the medicine in his hand and couldn't wait to take it back for research.

Old Madam Cheng nodded, "Go."


After Nan Yan came out of Cheng's house, she wanted to go back to the courtyard.

On the way to Cheng's house, Fu Yubai called her and said that Chen Fei was back and brought back news that the Sheng family would send someone.

Sheng Mingtang didn't even care about the lives of Sheng Jing and Sheng Yuanhang, and he wanted to catch them back at all costs.

In this regard, Nan Yan just wanted to say, who gave him the confidence.

He has been respected for too long, thinking that his words are the imperial decree, as long as he speaks, no one dares to disobey his orders?

Nan Yan felt that they should teach the Sheng family a lesson.

Lest they become arrogant and think that this is a feudal society, and a mere family still wants to dominate.

Before they reach the courtyard, another call comes in.

It's from the Qin family's old house.

"Yan Yan, a woman who claims to be your mother is looking for you at the Qin family, do you want to see her?"

Old Madam Qin heard Qin Lu talk about the relationship between Nan Yan and the An family.

For An Yaoqing and Lu Lehua, the parents, Old Madam Qin hates and despises them from the bottom of her heart.

But after all, Lu Lehua is her biological mother, and she can't make a decision on her own, so she contacted Nan Yan.

Nan Yan: "Drive her away, she has nothing to do with me."

She has done her best by not taking revenge on the An family.

This is still for the sake of Mr. An, and she doesn't want to embarrass him.

"Okay, then Yanyan, will you come back for dinner tonight?" Madam Qin paused and said with resentment: "You haven't had dinner at home for a long time..."

When Nan Yan heard Madam Qin's tone, she hurriedly said: "Back!"

It's time for her to accompany the old lady.

Otherwise, the old lady will get angry with her and need her to coax her.

Madam Qin responded with satisfaction, then hung up the phone and asked the housekeeper to drive Lu Lehua away.

The housekeeper went out for a while, and came back soon, saying embarrassedly: "Madam, that woman refused to leave, and said that if Miss Nan didn't come to see her, she would commit suicide live and crash to death at the gate of the Qin family, so that netizens all over the country would scold her..."

Madam Qin said angrily: "This is crazy!"

"Madam, what should we do now?"

Madam Qin stood up with a dragon-headed cane and walked out, "I'll go see it myself."

With Nan Yan's diet therapy, Madam Qin's health is getting better and better. She uses a cane not because she walks unsteadily, but because she is used to it.

Besides, the cane is a weapon in her hand.

When the time comes, she will beat anyone who doesn't obey with the cane.

Lu Lehua stood at the door of the Qin family's old house.

In a few months, she was like a completely different person, with a bloated and out of shape body and a well-maintained face, now with many wrinkles.

No matter how gorgeous the clothes she wore, she no longer had the charm of the past, and the heritage of a scholarly family also disappeared from her, just like a nouveau riche.

She had a very bad life in the past few months.

After An Yaoqing cheated on her, in order to ask for her forgiveness, he sent the mother and son away, and pretended to apologize to him, pretending to be a good man for a month.

But Lu Lehua felt sick, and when she saw An Yaoqing, she couldn't help but think of his betrayal and felt that he was extremely disgusting.

So she never gave him a good face.

She thought that in the future, she would rely on her four sons and her daughter An Muyao, who was not her own daughter but better than her own daughter, to take care of her in her old age.

As a result, An Muyao disappeared, and before she disappeared, she exposed her wolfish ambitions and poisoned her, and didn't regard her as a mother at all.

This was already a blow to her, and then An Mulin and An Xiran were indifferent and avoided her in various ways, making her feel that she had lost two sons.

Recently, there have been frequent abnormalities in the company, causing the eldest and third sons to gradually stop coming home. Every time she called, they would hang up impatiently after a few words, and never come back to see her again.

Just a month ago, An Yaoqing stopped pretending and completely broke up with her. Not only did he personally take back the mistress and her son who were sent abroad, but he also let them live in their home.

And Mr. Lu's indifference to her, on the contrary, he was closer to Nan Yan, as if he had abandoned her and only wanted Nan Yan.

After a series of blows, Lu Lehua has collapsed and is in extreme emotions.

She feels that everything is Nan Yan's fault.

All the problems started after Nan Yan came back.

If Nan Yan didn't come back, she would still have a happy and beautiful family, four sons and a daughter would always be with her, and An Yaoqing would not cheat.

All this is Nan Yan's fault!

So, she wanted to kill Nan Yan. Only when Nan Yan died, everything would return to normal, back to the past!

After Mrs. Qin came out, she saw Lu Lehua's face full of sinister and sick expression.

Seeing her like this, Mrs. Qin couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Isn't Yanyan's mother the daughter of President Lu?

How did it become like this?

"Where is Nan Yan?"

Lu Lehua looked at Mrs. Qin gloomily, his eyes still looking behind her.

She wanted to see Nan Yan, not her!

"Yan Yan is busy, and even if she is not busy, she will not see you. You said you did so many things to offend Yan Yan before, how can you still have the face to see her now? Go away quickly, we don't welcome you here!"

Old Lady Qin didn't ask the security guard to drive her away because she was Nan Yan's mother, but came to drive people away in person.

She thought that if Lu Lehua still had the face, he would definitely not stay here.

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, Lu Lehua rushed towards her like crazy.

She didn't even have time to hide before she was caught by Lu Lehua.

Lu Lehua held a fruit knife in his hand and pointed it directly at Old Lady Qin's neck, saying frantically: "Call her out and let her come to see me, otherwise I will kill you!"

"Old Lady!"

"Let go of Old Lady!"

The housekeeper and Aunt Li saw that the old lady was held hostage, their faces turned pale, and they hurriedly called for help.

The security guard came out.

But Old Lady Qin was in Lu Lehua's hands, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

She was even more afraid of an overreaction, which would irritate Lu Lehua and cause her to really hurt Madam Qin.

There was no other way, so Li Madam could only inform Nan Yan.

When Nan Yan heard that Lu Lehua had held Madam Qin hostage with a knife, she hurried over.

She drove the car at the speed of a racing car, and it took less than ten minutes to reach the destination.

Nan Yan got out of the car and walked directly to Lu Lehua. Her cold eyes restrained her fierceness and she said indifferently: "You didn't want to see me. I'm here. Let grandma go."

Lady Qin felt Lu Le's sudden rapid breathing and the feeling of the knife piercing her neck because of her excitement. She quickly reminded: "Yan Yan, be careful of her. Her brain is not normal and she may hurt you. Don't come over!"

Nan Yan glanced at the blood on Lady Qin's neck and didn't dare to act rashly. "Don't hurt grandma. I'll replace her. How about it?"

Lu Lehua stared at Nan Yan fiercely, his whole body tense, like a cat with its fur standing on end. "Come over and replace her, or I'll kill her!"

"Okay, I'll go over now, don't move."

"Yan Yan..."

"Miss Nan..."

A few soft calls.

Everyone was worried about Nan Yan.

They didn't want her to get close to Lu Lehua, the lunatic.

Nan Yan waved her hand to them, telling them not to worry, and walked calmly to Lu Lehua.

Lady Qin signaled her with her eyes not to be stupid.

Nan Yan gave her a reassuring look, telling her not to worry.

Lu Lehua didn't want to kill Madam Qin.

He held Madam Qin hostage to force Nan Yan to come.

Now that Nan Yan was here, Madam Qin was useless. She pushed Madam Qin hard, then pointed the knife at Nan Yan's heart and stabbed her.

"You evil creature, go to hell!"

Go to hell!

Go to hell!

As long as she died, everything would be back to the way it was!

She wanted her original life!

Nan Yan didn't hide, but first supported Madam Qin who was about to fall, then turned her body to avoid the heart, and was scratched on the arm by Lu Lehua.

Seeing that he didn't stab her heart, Lu Lehua immediately waved the knife again to make up for it.

Nan Yan had already supported Madam Qin and protected her behind her, so she had enough time to deal with her.

She raised her foot and kicked Lu Lehua hard in the stomach, kicking her back ten steps, falling to the ground, unable to get up.

"Yan Yan, your hand is bleeding, Aunt Li, call a doctor!"

Old Lady Qin looked at the blood on Nan Yan's arm, her eyes turned red with anxiety.

Lu Lehua's knife was merciless, and he was going to kill Nan Yan.

And Nan Yan didn't dodge at all in order to help her. Although she avoided the heart, she was stabbed on her arm, leaving a long wound.

Now the flesh is turned outward and bleeding continuously, which looks very scary.

Nan Yan pressed the wound with her hand and comforted softly: "Grandma, it's okay, it's just a little skin injury, don't worry."

"Such a big wound, so much blood, how can it be okay! Your hands are so important, what should I do if there are sequelae!"

Old Lady Qin was about to cry anxiously, she would rather get hurt than see Nan Yan get hurt!

What a great loss it would be if her hand was injured!

At this moment, the self-blame and guilt in Old Lady Qin's heart made her even feel that she would not have the face to see Hua Shifang, Sun Chan and Grandpa An again in the future.

Nan Yan quickly said: "It's really okay. I can even cure my brother's leg fracture. This minor injury will heal in less than three or five days, really!"

Old Lady Qin was stunned for a moment, then blinked, "Oh, right..."

She was so concerned that she forgot how good Nan Yan's medical skills were.

Besides, there is Hua Shen Doctor.

With Hua Shen Doctor here, how can Nan Yan's hand be left with sequelae.

After thinking this through, Old Lady Qin's heart finally fell.

But she was still very anxious, so she quickly helped Nan Yan in and asked a doctor to bandage Nan Yan to stop bleeding.

Otherwise, excessive blood loss would also hurt the body.

Qin Lu received a call from the housekeeper and knew that Nan Yan was injured, so he hurried back.

And Lu Lehua was also taken to the Qin residence, waiting to be treated.

Hua Shifang also came.

The Qin family's family doctor wanted to suture Nan Yan, but Nan Yan refused. After sealing the acupuncture points on her arm with silver needles to stop bleeding, she contacted Hua Shifang.

Hua Shifang applied ointment to her and held her in his arms.

"Don't touch water for three days, don't use this arm for anything, it will heal in a few days."

For Doctor Hua, this was just a minor injury, not worth worrying about.

Nan Yan nodded, "I know, Master."

Qin Lu pinched Nan Yan's uninjured hand and asked softly, "Yan Yan, how do you want to deal with her?"

Lu Lehua was almost killed by Nan Yan's kick, and now she is lying on the ground screaming miserably.

Her eyes have completely lost focus and are turbid, and even the sound of screaming in pain is chaotic.

She looks like a fool.

Nan Yan looked at her and nodded to Hua Shifang.

After Hua Shifang went over, he took her pulse.

"Overstimulation of the brain, insane."

To be honest, Hua Shifang was quite angry.

Lu Lehua turned into a lunatic and escaped.

Otherwise, if she hurt Nan Yan, let alone whether Nan Yan would let her go, Qin Lu and her fellow apprentices, and the two masters would not let her go.

But now that she is crazy, there is no point in punishing her.

If she is cured, it doesn't seem to make much sense to punish her again.

After all, she couldn't be killed. At most, she could suffer a little and then let her go.

It would be better to let her be stupid and foolish for the rest of her life.

After all, Lu Lehua was such a proud person, but now she has become a fool. If she can wake up one day, she will probably be in pain.

Hua Shifang thought about it, took out a silver needle, and pierced an acupuncture point on her head.

Now, she will be more crazy, and no doctor can make her normal.

It was Nan Yan who called to inform Mr. Lu.

Nan Yan didn't add any explanation and told him everything that happened here.

No matter what, Mr. Lu is Lu Lehua's biological father.

He has the right to know the truth.

After listening to it, although Mr. Lu felt sad for Lu Lehua, he scolded her mercilessly that she deserved it and that she had brought it upon herself.

She was really paranoid to the core, playing a good hand to this point.

Nan Yan is obviously her biological daughter. If she had treated her well after Nan Yan was brought back, how happy she would be now!

Having such an excellent daughter is the dream of many mothers.

She was so ungrateful that she ruined her good life like this.

"Yan Yan, don't feel psychological pressure. Grandpa knows that you are not wrong. It's all her fault. You don't have to care about her. Grandpa will send someone to take her back and raise her."

Grandpa Lu sighed, "It's good this way. She has forgotten everything in the past and doesn't have to live in pain all the time. It's also a relief."

Nan Yan said "hmm", and persuaded Grandpa Lu a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Grandpa Lu's words were just to comfort himself.

Who would want a good person to become a madman or a fool?

But what can we do about it?

He can't blame Nan Yan.

After all, Nan Yan did nothing wrong.

It's them, the parents and elders, who are wrong. It's Lu Lehua who is wrong.

It can only be said that she deserves it.

An Mulin and An Xiran also got the news from Mr. Lu and followed him to the capital...

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