Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1032 Fujin This Is...Where did I hear it?

Chapter 1032 Where did Fujin hear this?

Mu Jin doesn't know the power of heaven and earth. Relying on her master's pampering her, her mother's family also used their power to show off their power and domineering outside, which ruined the reputation of the fourth master's mansion in vain.

How dare a side Fujin do this?

After thinking about it, she is getting heavier now, so it's not easy to ask her to come over, so I might as well go there by myself.

It happened to take the things that De Niangniang rewarded to her.

I have never been to the Yuping Courtyard myself, so I don't know how gorgeous and exquisite the decoration is, just right, open your eyes

Nanny Wu and Nanny Ji advised Fujin not to go.

After all, it's against the rules.

Even if Fujin sympathizes with Fujin Mu, wouldn't it be enough to allow her to come here in a soft sedan chair?

But somehow Fujin was determined to go.

Nanny Wu and Nanny Ji had no choice but to order people to rush to Yuping Courtyard to spread the message.

The fourth master hadn't returned to the mansion yet, Mu Jin was waiting for the fourth master eagerly, but the little eunuch from the main courtyard rushed in and told her that Fujin was coming.

Mu Jin was a little confused.

Yanmao and others are also confused

If the person who sent the message was not someone from the main courtyard, Mu Jin almost suspected that it was a prank.

After dismissing the little eunuch, Mu Jin hurriedly ordered people to quickly send the scrolls on the kang that Si Ye read daily, the snuff bottles that he occasionally likes to play with, the homely clothes on the hangers, and even the soft-soled shoes worn indoors, etc. .

Even the two pots of orchids that Si Ye liked so much and specially moved over and placed on the long table in front of the window sill were temporarily moved to the backyard for storage.

Fourth master almost lived with her every day, and there were traces of him everywhere, if Fujin saw it, he would inevitably feel unhappy.

This kind of subtlety is probably more poignant than Fourth Master staying in Yuping Courtyard almost every day.

She didn't need to provoke Fujin.

Everyone was in a hurry and just getting ready, Fujin arrived outside Yuping Courtyard.

Mu Jin hurriedly led the crowd out to greet her.

"Greetings to Fujin, Fujin is auspicious!"

"Get up!" Fujin smiled faintly.

Mu Jin invited Fujin into the room, and asked with a smile: "If Fujin has something to order, just send someone to ask my concubine to go to the main courtyard, so please trouble Fujin to make this trip."

"It's okay," Fujin glanced at her and smiled, "I don't have anything to do in daily life. It's rare that I'm more energetic today and go out for a walk. It's just a matter of relaxing."

After being seated for a while, Xiao Cong came in with hot tea, and Mu Jin personally served it to Fujin.

Fujin tasted the tea and said with a smile: "It's the bird's tongue that I like to drink every day, you have a heart."

Mu Jin was taken aback, and didn't know whether the "heart" she said meant she had heart for fourth master or her, so she could only put on a silly smile and simply said nothing.

Otherwise, what do you say? Kuafujin is amazing, can you tell what kind of tea it is after tasting it?

Seeing that she didn't answer, Fujin smiled and didn't bother with this matter anymore.

As soon as he raised his eyes, his eyes swept away, and everyone was screened out.

Nanny Yan didn't dare to leave Mu Jin's side, she lowered her head as if she didn't see Fujin's eyes, and still stood by Mu Jin's side.

Anyway, Nanny Wu and Nanny Ji are also there, aren't they? Then it is not impossible to stay by yourself.

Fujin didn't care either, and said: "Mrs. Mu, I won't go around with you anymore. Why did your natal family provoke Ba Fujin? Don't be nervous, I know this has nothing to do with you directly, just ask."

"If it hurts the reputation of the Fourth Master's Mansion, it's not good after all, don't you think?"

Mu Jin was stunned, and said for a while, "Where did you hear about Fujin? I haven't heard a word about it. My mother, second elder brother and second sister-in-law probably don't even know who Fujin is, How can you provoke him?"

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