Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1048 Fourth Master knows exactly what words can impress his mother

The old thirteen lost his mother-in-law, if even Fujin is not gentle, considerate, and knowledgeable, the days to come will be too miserable.

In fact, Fujin knew very well that if he knew about this matter, he would definitely object, so he didn't tell himself at all, right?

She only let her natal family come forward, and even she herself can say that she doesn't know!

This kind of method, people can't see the wrong place, but it's disgusting in my heart!

Concubine De smiled and shook her head, "Emiang is not stupid, how could such a thing be full of words?"

Who knows if there will be any accidents?

If you promise too much, what should you do if you get slapped in the face? Wouldn't it make her unable to hold her head up in front of her eldest daughter-in-law in the future?

Of course, if there are no accidents, the main concubine can and will definitely do it.

Ulanara's family is very relieved.

"Since that's the case, then it must be the Zhaojia family. Er Niang, the Zhaojia family is more suitable. The Zhaojia family's Ama is not only the Minister of Rites, but also the Prince and Taifu."

Fourth Master knew very well what words could impress his mother-in-law.

Sure enough, Concubine De hesitated immediately upon hearing this.

Thirteen was raised by himself, and has a good relationship with the fourth and fourteenth sons. Shisan's Yue family has a capable background, which is also good for the fourth and fourteenth sons.

Let the two sons compete for the position of crown prince, Defei never thought about it, but having more in-laws is more power, isn't it?

Who would think that he has many capable relatives and connections?

The fourth daughter-in-law is from the Ulanara clan, and the thirteenth daughter-in-law is married to someone from the Ulanara clan, which seems to be a bit of a waste.

"Then Zhaojia." Concubine De quickly made a decision, and said with a smile, "I will pass a message to your wife's natal family. If they are willing, Fuyu will point out to the old thirteen to be the side Fujin. You see how?"

Fourth Master froze slightly, he really wanted to say no

But I also know that since the Ulanara family begged Er Niang, Er Niang would always give them an explanation, so as not to hurt the relationship of relatives.

If Ulanara's family is willing to take a step back, I have no position to object to.

"Er Niang is very thoughtful." Fourth Master nodded.

"Then it's settled," Concubine De smiled, glanced at Fourth Master and asked with a smile: "Don't just talk about Old Thirteen, what about yourself? Is there really no one you want?"

Fourth master shook his head, "My son listens to my mother."

Concubine De laughed, very satisfied.

Fourth master returned to the mansion, feeling quite depressed.

He really cared and loved Thirteenth Brother as if he was his own younger brother. Fuyu like that, let alone a side Fujin, even a concubine is not good enough for Thirteenth Brother.

But things have come to this, and it can only be so.

I hope the Wulanala family doesn't agree, otherwise, just like Fuyu, the Thirteenth Brother's House will still be full of excitement in the future!

Fourth master was in a bad mood, and Mu Jin noticed it as soon as he entered the room.

Although when she smiled and called "Master!", he looked at her with softer eyes and a faint smile on his lips, but she knew that he was in a bad mood.

Mu Jin held Fourth Master's hand and sat down together, withdrew her eyes and waited on everyone, raised her eyes and smiled softly: "What's wrong with Master? Who made Master unhappy?"

I complained in my heart, if it is not happy, it should be her.

Today's palace examination, the results will come out in three days, at most ten days and a half months, or even earlier, newcomers will be admitted in the mansion.

Fourth Master sighed softly, if he could confide in someone who was bored in his heart, Jin'er would undoubtedly be the best candidate.

He told the truth.

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