Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1052 Shen Jia Bihong is Almost Crazy

She was granted the title of nobleman, named "Xiang", and lived in the side hall of Jingyang Palace.

When she kowtowed to thank her, she was still in a daze, and her body and mind were cold!

How could this be so!

Shen Jia Bihong is going crazy!

Especially when she saw many noble girls looking at her with envy, she wanted to go crazy!

If he had come twenty years earlier and entered Kangxi's harem, that would be fine. Now that his eldest son is in his thirties, what future is there for him to enter his harem?

Especially on the premise of knowing that the young and handsome fourth master is the next emperor, and obviously has the opportunity to enter the fourth master's backyard, this reality is even more desperate.

Xianggui people, Xianggui people

why is this

Niu Yuluyu had a generous expression on his face, but he was also so disappointed and angry that he wanted to explode and scream!

Why not the prince?

She is full of confidence, Lord Kangxi admires her very much, based on her words and deeds, he should let her go to Yuxiu Palace.

Why the third master?

Third Master? hehe! Is it the third master who knows how to paint and recite poems all day long, and spends his time in books? What is the use of such a person?

Even if he is not an idle prince in the future, he will never achieve greater achievements.

How good a future can I have if I become Ge Ge in his family? A side Fujin is over.

It's the same Fujin, even if it's the fourth master's house, it's much stronger than his house

Fuyu is even more exaggerated, the thirteenth elder brother is side Fujin?

Without even thinking about it, she raised her head to look at the Xuanzhi eunuch, and blurted out, "Eunuch, did you make a mistake?"

Immediately there was a burst of titters from the show girls hiding their mouths.

I thought that this second Miss Ulanara is really interesting!

The eunuch Xuanzhi was also a little speechless, but this person has a lot of background. Seeing that the fourth master is not easy to offend, he smiled reservedly and said: "Second Miss Wulanara is joking, how can this imperial decree go wrong?"


"Second Miss, hurry up and accept the order."

Countless gazes fell on her body, Fuyu felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, feeling uncomfortable everywhere, angry, annoyed, shocked and ashamed.

What the hell is side Fujin? How could she be a concubine?

She is going to be the wife!

What happened to Erniang and sister?

Knowing that Fuyu's mouth is not reliable enough, neither Fujin nor Jue Luoshi told her that the thirteenth elder brother was appointed as Fujin for her, but only told her to make her feel at ease.

Fuyu believed in Erniang and her sister very much, so she was relieved naturally.

But in the end it turned out to be like this - she really let go of it too early!

Fuyu didn't dare to be stubborn, so she kowtowed and accepted the order in a low voice, enduring her shame and anger.

After the decree was over, all the show girls were led to leave the palace and go home to get married.

Those who were hand-picked into the palace were led by eunuchs and maids to their own residences.

This time, Lord Kangxi ordered a total of three women into the palace.

Shen Jia Bihong attracted the most attention.

Lord Kangxi is getting old, so he doesn't have much interest in filling the harem, but every draft will always pick two or three people, otherwise it will be against the rules.

The good girls who are better and more noble are naturally allocated to the sons and the outstanding descendants of the clan. The three he picked are all from humble backgrounds.

Two are the daughters of the county magistrate, and the other is the daughter of the county magistrate.

Ordinarily, with such a background, entering the palace for the first time, and not even serving the bed, how can he be named a nobleman? Of course I agree.

However, Shen Jia Bihong was named a nobleman, and she still had a title. How could the concubines in the harem not be curious? Do not inquire?

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