Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1066 The Fourth Master's Anger Comes Up Suddenly

"Master, there is one more thing that I would like to discuss with my master." Fujin smiled, "After returning from the autumn hunting tour, the thirteenth and fourteenth masters should move into their own mansions, right?"

Thirteen will get married at the end of this year, and fourteen will be early next year. The two's mansion was already under construction last year, and now it has already been built, and they are waiting to choose a date to move in.

"Well," the fourth master nodded: "The thirteenth and fourteenth brothers have always been close to the master. When they move in, Fujin don't forget to prepare an extra generous gift for each."

Fujin said with a smile: "Don't worry, this concubine understands in her body and mind. I have already asked someone to prepare it, and I can send the gift list to my master for review in two days. I thought, after the thirteenth master moved, it would be better to let him The concubine's younger sister will also come to the mansion some other day, and she can also help with the matter of marrying Fujin. It's not good that there is no woman in charge of the house's affairs, what do you think?"

My younger sister is a good daughter of a concubine, who was supposed to be a concubine Fujin, but turned out to be a side Fujin, and Fujin felt somewhat guilty.

At any rate, we must fight for as much rights as possible for her. Now that I enter the mansion, without the pressure of Fujin, I will naturally be able to gain a better foothold.

And the Thirteenth Master's wedding is after the Golden Festival, which is still several months away.

She has been the only favorite for several months, and if she is lucky, she may be pregnant.

If he wins another man in one fell swoop, even Di Fujin can't wrong her.

"I don't think so." Fourth Master's anger came up in an instant!

Fujin, how dare she think!

With her younger sister's temper, presiding over the internal affairs? Help with the matter of marrying Fujin? Isn't Fujin guilty of saying this?

Besides, isn't this irritating?

He could see that the old thirteen really liked that Zhaojia family, and when he pointed out the marriage proposal, the silly boy laughed like a fool.

He is also happy for him.

At just the right time, the two are in the same family, and they will be a couple of gods and immortals in the future. This is the happiness of the thirteenth brother, and the fourth master will never allow anyone to mix sand in it.

If it wasn't for Fujin secretly doing this kind of thing behind her back, her sister wouldn't even think about Fujin, let alone Fujin. Now he still wants to enter the mansion early to scare people. Is this bullying the old thirteen who has no real relatives to make decisions?

"Fujin," the fourth master looked at Fujin, and said word by word: "Before Fujin and I got married, did I have Fujin by my side? The Wulanala family is a Manchu nobleman, and Fujin's younger sister, Xian Zhaojia, came into the house. How should the Houzhaojia family manage? Could it be that Fujin wants to see the thirteenth brother's Houzhai family rebel against the house?"

Fujin's face turned pale, and the hands in his sleeves trembled, tightly pinching them.

"No, Fuyu, Fuyu is not like this, she doesn't know the importance of her, she is about to leave the court, Er Niang will teach her, and the nanny and mother-in-law who followed her into the Thirteenth Master's house will also teach her. Even if you are a concubine, you can teach her! She, she won't be as self-willed as before, master can't treat her with prejudice like this!"

"When it's time to teach her, I will ask Fujin to teach. In daily life, I don't have to worry about Fujin. I have Zhaojia to teach me." The fourth master said coldly, "Don't forget Fujin, Zhaojia is the real son of Fujin." Brothers and sisters of the Eight Classics!"

Fujin's face turned even paler, and he could barely breathe.

"This matter is non-negotiable." The fourth master suppressed his anger, "I don't want any gossip from the old thirteen's house to favor Fujin over Fujin in the future! Even in our house, if the master spoils Jin'er again, but Is she allowed to be disrespectful to Fujin?"

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