Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1073 Another one!

The two Wen women congratulated with a smile: "Congratulations to Mu Fangfu Jin, you are such a cutie! Look at these features, he must be a beauty when he grows up!"

Mu Jin was almost out of strength, as if he was fished out of the water, with gentle eyes and a smile, he ordered someone to carry the child over for him to have a look.

Seeing that wrinkled little face, I felt extremely joyful and relieved in my heart, and the heat of moving flowed through my heart.

This is her and fourth master's child.

Little Grid is also very good, and she also likes Little Grid very much.

Mammy Yan and Buckwheat were a little secretly disappointed, of course they were looking forward to being a little elder brother, so that the opposite side Fujin would be better.

But this little Gege is also the flesh and blood of the master's same side Fujin, so naturally it is also painful. In the future, when Fujin is born again, there will always be a little elder brother.

The news also spread outside.

Hearing that Mu Fangfujin had given birth to a little princess, and that the mother and daughter were safe, everyone was relieved, and smiled and said some auspicious and congratulatory words.

Yun Shi and Wu Gege were especially happy.

Even Fujin felt a little happy. Didn't the Lord value Mu's child so much? I just don't know how I will feel when I get the news that I am a little princess!

Li Fangfujin finally let go of his heart, feeling a little joyful and happy for no reason.

Have a little princess.

Hello little Greg!

In this way, her third elder brother is still the only son of the fourth master, and the Mu family is safe, and the mother and daughter are safe. Even if the fourth master loses his temper when he comes back, it will not be too serious.

Unexpectedly, the delivery room became tense again, and Mu Jin's painful cry came through the door, which shocked everyone.

"What's the matter?" Yun blurted out, "What's wrong with Mu Fang Fujin? Is something wrong?"

"Shut up!" Fujin glared at Yun Shi, although she thought the same in her heart, and other people also thought the same, but can you say something nonsense?

Fujin hurriedly asked Nanny Ji to ask if he wanted to pass on to the imperial physician.

Physician Liang is currently waiting in the East Wing of Yuping Courtyard.

Fenix ​​replied through the door: "Ma'am, please tell Fujin not to worry, there is still a baby in Fujin's belly."

Everyone: ""

Yun's face suddenly became ugly and listless.

Li Fangfujin's heart that had just fallen was pulled hard again, and he kept praying to heaven in his heart: must be a princess, must be a princess

This time the delivery went much smoother, and the baby was born smoothly within two quarters of an hour.

"Congratulations to Fujin! You are a little elder brother! Ouch, Fujin is pregnant with twins. This is a great blessing! Congratulations!"

Mammy Yan, Buckwheat, Fennel, etc. laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths, beaming with joy.

Mu Jin was also very happy in her heart. Twins, so she has both children at once? Life seems to have reached its peak!

When the news came out, everyone couldn't help congratulating.

It's just that maybe because the congratulations just now have exhausted everyone's energy, now they say "congratulations" even though their faces are full of smiles, but the atmosphere is obviously different from before.

Since Mu Fangfujin has given birth safely, there is no need for everyone to stay here anymore.

Li Yugui vaguely reminded that Fujin had no choice but to order everyone to disperse.

After the bedroom was tidied up and the two children settled down, Fujin ordered Dr. Liang to come to check Mu Jin's pulse.

Although the bedroom has been cleaned, there still seems to be a faint smell of blood in the air. Fujin feels unwell, with chest tightness and nausea. "

Sahua ヽ(°▽°)ノ


Akimbo laugh!

Tickets are coming to celebrate~~

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