Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1214 Fourth Master was also a little stunned

"Or, when Mu's body is inconvenient to serve, I should go to someone else anyway! I am really worried about this matter, if I don't mention it to my master, my heart will not be at peace."

Fujin felt that among the princes and elder brothers who opened their teeth and built houses all over the capital, there was probably no Fujin who was more virtuous and magnanimous than himself.

Look how much I have tolerated and made concessions for my master?

Since he dotes on that Mu family so much, she doesn't say anything else, but Mu family always has some inconvenience every month, right? It's just that I went to other people's place in those few days, is it okay?

Fourth master was also a little stunned.

Never expected that Fujin would say that!

Fourth Master was speechless again: Is he so inseparable from women? Do you need someone to accompany you every day?

What cats and dogs are brought into the house?

"If you have grievances, let them go." The fourth master looked indifferent, and sneered, "If they have grievances, I still have to get used to them? Are they masters or are they masters? Fujin thinks highly of them! Who dares to make trouble?" Moth, even if you are making trouble, I still want to see who is so clever!"

Fujin's complexion changed drastically, and she felt annoyed. She forgot about fourth master's temper, and fourth master couldn't stand being threatened the most.

This method may be useful to others, but to fourth master, don't even think about it, fourth master will never buy it.

Fujin suddenly became anxious: "Master, that's not what I mean by being a concubine, being a concubine—"

"Fu Jin doesn't need to explain, I understand what Fujin means," the fourth master sneered, "If Fujin is not easy to manage, just leave it to the senior management, but if there is anything, Fujin just pushes it but doesn't know it and it's over!"

"Master, don't worry, I will take care of it." Fujin forcefully smiled, "This matter in the back house is the responsibility of my wife! Now that Master said so, I will understand."

Fourth Master nodded, "It's good that Fujin understands."

The fourth master said and got up, "Fu Jin rests, my master is leaving first."

"Yes, Lord, go slowly." Fujin reluctantly smiled and got up to see him off. As soon as Fourth Master left, Fujin felt dizzy, his body swayed, and he slumped on the chair.

"Fu Jin!" Nanny Wu hurried forward.

"I'm fine!" Fu Jin gritted his teeth, his eyes were filled with anger.

"Oh, Mammy, have you seen it? Master is really obsessed! Something will happen sooner or later, Mammy, I really regret it!"

Nanny Wu was sad, she naturally understood what Fujin meant.

There was a scandal in Si Ye's mansion, and Fujin was also dishonored.

Originally, everyone envied Fujin's virtuousness, envied that she was respected by the fourth master, and appreciated by the concubine, but when this happened, what face did Fujin have?

My father just has a temperament of being soft and not hard, the more Wu Gege and others complain, the more he will hate him, but he will never compromise. Fujin is really impatient today.

"Fu Jin rest assured, just watch again. Maybe Mu Fang Fujin will take the initiative to find you? The old slave doesn't believe it. Now that everyone in the back house blames her, how can she remain indifferent? She doesn't think about herself, she should also think about my little elder brother For the sake of Little Gege? Little Elder Brother, Little Gege has a jealous and domineering mother, which is of no benefit to them."

Fujin's eyes flickered, he pondered for a while, and smiled lightly: "You can see clearly, so just wait!"

The fourth master came to Yuping Courtyard, but he still didn't allow anyone to pass it on.

Xiaodouzi, Xiaotao, etc. were a little bitter and wanted to cry.

Master, are you addicted to playing this game? Not so scary

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