Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1239 Sanfujin is secretly angry, this is a shame

Mu Jin curled her lips, and there was no smile in her eyes: "Mrs. Guerjia may not be willing to listen to my words, why not check the invitation card to prove that my mother and her natal sister-in-law did not come uninvited. It’s true, isn’t it good? As for Mrs. Guarja, since she keeps trying to investigate others and accuse others of climbing the dragon, wouldn’t it be fair to prove her innocence? Could it be that Mrs. Guarja is afraid?”

"Joke! Why should I be afraid!" Mrs. Guarjia was about to go crazy, but she kept her mouth stubborn.

Many of the people present are human beings, why can't they see it when they see it? I didn't see it, I thought about it a little bit, and I vaguely thought of it.

The Thirteenth Lord is getting married, and the Lingzhu family may not be eligible to receive the invitation.

Although the Mu family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are only the family members of local officials, they have a good daughter who is in charge of Fujin in the fourth master's mansion. She has pets and children, who would dare to underestimate her?

And the thirteenth master and the fourth master have always had a good relationship, so it is more normal to send an invitation to the Mu family. Ke Lingzhu's family

Sanfujin also thought of this possibility, especially when she saw that the Guerjia family was obviously stubborn, and her two daughters-in-law looked ashen, she was even more certain.

Sanfujin was secretly angry, this is a shame!

Of course she didn't want to stay here and lose face.

"Mu Fangfujin, let me accompany you. I'm really sorry. This matter really shouldn't be like this. Mrs. Guerjia was impulsive. If Yugege was here, she would definitely say that. Let's just let it go " Sanfujin said to Mu Jin with a smile.

She didn't want to take this matter, but the current situation is that if she doesn't take care of it, the result of the matter will be very ugly.

Guarja's disgrace, after all, she has a bad face. Who told Yugege to be in his house?

Sifujin felt a little ashamed and ashamed, and felt that Mu Jin had completely humiliated him.

Let San Fujin compensate her, how big is her face?

"Mu Shi, forget it!"

"Fujin and Sanfujin have both opened their mouths. If I refuse to agree again, wouldn't it be too unkind?" Mu Jin smiled and turned to look at Guerjia: "Ms. Guarjia, have you seen it?" In the future, when Mrs. Guerjia goes to someone's house, she still wants to be so kind and considerate of the master's family. There is no need to yell. Wouldn't it be more convenient to ask someone to check the invitation card to find out who is infiltrating the mansion? This method is simple, easy and quiet, and very respectable, don't you think, Madame Gualja?"

Mrs. Guarja's face turned red and white, her lips trembled, and she trembled with anger.

Mu Fangfujin's mouth is really, really - too bad!

Sifujin had a headache and wished he could pretend it didn't exist.

Sanfujin was also very annoyed, it was clear that she had already spoken, what kind of thing is Mu Jin? How dare you make irresponsible remarks in front of her?

Mu Jin sneered silently, but also wanted to pretend to be a good person, but also wanted to save face and make others feel wronged? Why?

Shi Fujin laughed, and was about to say something to agree with Mu Jin, when Mu Jin gently pulled his sleeves and shook his head to stop.

She herself has a feud with San Fujin, so it's fine to come by herself, there is no need for San Fujin to hate Shi Fujin.

Shi Fujin shouldn't be involved in this kind of thing.

Everyone present is not a fool, who can't see what the Guerjia family is?

Although this turmoil passed so silently, no one paid any attention to the three Guerjia mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

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