Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1245 Brother Hongsheng was reprimanded by the third master to cry for the first time

In less than half a month, there were all kinds of puppets on the market, and it was obvious that they were made according to the puppets in Linglongfang.

The price is very cheap, of course, the workmanship is also very rough.

Even the appearance is quite different. The small animals produced by Linglongfang are vivid and naive, while the copycat version has weird facial features, awkward and funny, and is extremely rough.

But in these years, it is considered a novelty. Common people’s homes cannot afford Linglongfang’s products. It’s not bad to buy a copycat version for their children during the Chinese New Year. Children still like it very much.

Master Jiu was so angry that he wanted to settle the accounts with the counterfeit merchants. Shi Fangyun took out the account book and settled the accounts for him.

Linglongfang takes the high-end route, no rich and well-known people will buy the weird-looking, crudely crafted copycat version because of the price—it’s not enough to make people laugh! And ordinary people simply cannot afford genuine copies.

Anyway, the counterfeit version can't affect your own business, everyone does their own business, so just turn a blind eye and close one eye and forget it!

If you have money, everyone can earn it together. There is really no need to compete with those traders. Besides, this kind of thing can't be competed at all. It is impossible to stop it.

Master Jiu thought about it, it really was like this. With that kind of kung fu competition, it is better to spend more time earning more points!

Those who follow behind to share the leftovers are generous, so don't bother with them.

In the twelfth lunar month, the taste of the new year is getting better day by day, and every house is cleaned up and looked brand new.

Because of the glass greenhouse, there are fresh vegetables, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., which makes me feel more comfortable.

Just a few years ago, there was a big news that Yugege had a miscarriage.

The weather was fine that day, Yugege was walking in the garden, when he was hit by brother Hongsheng and fell heavily to the ground, he saw red on the spot.

The child could already tell that it was a male fetus, and it was born in the new year, which was very unlucky, and the third master was furious!

Brother Hongsheng was reprimanded by the third master for the first time and cried.

Originally, the third master wanted to punish brother Hongsheng to kneel in the Buddhist hall for one night, but Yugege pleaded for brother Hongsheng earnestly with red eyes, so he was spared.

The third master was very moved, and felt more pity for Yu Gege, but when he turned around, he reprimanded San Fujin again.

Blame her for not being able to discipline her well, how can a seven-year-old child still be so ignorant?

I don't know if Yugege is pregnant? Why so careless?

Behaving so frivolously, is it okay to grow up?

Sanfujin hated and felt aggrieved in his heart, so what else could he do besides holding back his anger and repeatedly making amends to express guilt?

She asked Hongsheng carefully about the matter at that time, and Hongsheng didn't do it on purpose at all. Moreover, when Hongsheng ran out from the small path, he suddenly saw Yugege in front of him. He could have avoided it, but Yugege might have been frightened. , perhaps for other reasons, instead of avoiding it, they bumped into it on their own initiative, which resulted in a miscarriage

Naturally, Sanfujin didn't dare to say these words in front of the third master at this time, it would just add fuel to the fire, and the third master would definitely not believe a word.

But Sanfujin believed in her son, and her son would not lie to her.

On the contrary, Niu Gulu's bitch, that bitch is not honest at all, full of bad things, who knows what kind of peace she has! "

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