Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1252 Did Fujin hear these words?

Si Fujin hurriedly said with a smile: "The tenth younger siblings have any misunderstanding with the eighth younger siblings? They are all sisters-in-law, their own people, don't make jokes for others to see, that's not good!"

"Who made a misunderstanding with her?" Shi Fujin looked disgusted and indignant: "I just can't hear her talking nonsense there. The third sister-in-law didn't come today, it's the third master's own business, besides, Who doesn't know about those rumors? They are all facts, right? The eighth sister-in-law is good, insisting that it is the fault of the younger sister-in-law. Ge Ge, this was an accident, it must be that the fourth sister-in-law was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and was holding grudges, so she deliberately talked about what happened in the palace before, pouring dirty water on Brother Hongsheng, and forced the two things to be separated. Let's get together and take revenge on the third sister-in-law, and the troubled third sister-in-law can't come to such a day today."

"Oh, anyway, that's probably what she said. It's obviously not the case. How can she talk such nonsense? I'm so angry!"

"If it wasn't for the palace banquet on New Year's Eve today, I would really have reasoned with her. How could she be so unreasonable!"

Mu Jin was about to laugh angrily, Ba Fujin really spared no effort in pouring dirty water on himself, he blamed himself for everything, not only was he sick, but he was also seriously ill!

She glanced at Fujin quickly, and felt that she had a vague understanding in her heart.

No wonder Fujin didn't give himself a good face but didn't say anything. Isn't Fujin and Fujin sitting at the same table?

Did Fujin hear these words?

Look, Shi Fujin still knows how to defend herself, so Fujin must blame herself. As for why she can blame herself, well, Fujin must have her own reasons.

Although Mu Jin couldn't figure it out, she believed that Fujin's brain circuit was different from hers, so she would definitely be able to figure it out.

So Mu Jin was not polite at all, and smiled at Shi Fujin: "Don't be angry with Shi Fujin, she is a lunatic, just ignore her and it's over! It's not worth it to ruin the good mood of the New Year because of a lunatic's gossip! "

Shi Fujin was taken aback, covered his mouth and started giggling, with crooked eyebrows and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Si is right, it's really not worth it for that lunatic to spoil the New Year's mood! Sister-in-law, don't be angry!"

"Well, don't be angry!"

Fujin opened his mouth, closed it again, and only cast a deep glance at Mu Jin.

She originally wanted to remind Mu Jin not to speak too much, but when Shi Fujin spoke, it was hard for her to speak.

Fujin had a headache, she really didn't like this tenth sibling who spoke freely.

I think she is too rude.

But, as a general rule, she did not make any mistakes. During the palace banquet today, Huang Ama even praised her, saying that she is sensible and straightforward, and she is a good girl with a true temperament.

Fujin felt that Huang Ama was confused? Can you praise the ten younger brothers and sisters?

Fujin didn't want to stay with her and Mu Jin. She didn't agree or disagree with what the two said, so she stood up with a smile and said that she should go back there.

Unexpectedly, Shi Fujin got up with a smile and sent them off: "Sister-in-law, please go there first, I will talk to my sister-in-law later! It's more comfortable here! My waist is so stiff when I sit in the palace!"

Fujin: ""

Well, she said it too tactfully, the tenth sibling didn't understand her meaning at all.

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