Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1265 Bafujin looks very disdainful

Concubine Rong also sent someone to give her grandson a red gold longevity lock inlaid with suet and white jade, and a small quilt with no end in it.

Sanfujin has been "ill" since years ago, and she is still ill until today, and she didn't show up on brother Hongjing's birthday, everything was arranged by Fujin Tian.

On the contrary, Yugege, who has already given birth to confinement, also showed her face.

Maybe Xiaochan hit her too hard. Although Yugege showed her face today, she also wore pink embroidered clothes for this good day, and even wore a large fresh pink flower on the head of the flag. Peony flowers, when talking to people, they also smile with a gentle tone.

However, the whole person reveals a kind of quiet and lonely.

This kind of quietness and loneliness gave her an indescribable charm and temperament, which made people feel pity for no reason.

The people in focus today are naturally Fujin Tian and Elder Hongjing.

Elder brother Hongjing looked better than before, with flesh growing on his small face, rosy in the white, and radiance in his jet-black eyes. Although he was still a little thin, it was even more distressing.

When Si Fujin arrived with Mu Jin and his party, it became even more lively.

Because of this, and because Mu Jin had just been praised by Lord Kangxi a while ago, no one troubled her today. On the contrary, there were more people around her who flattered and flattered her.

Mu Jin responded with a smile, was decent and kind, and gained a good impression.

Bafujin saw it and showed a look of disdain.

Seeing that the Seventh Fujin and the Tenth Fujin were with her, and the servants of the third master's mansion, especially the servants who served beside Tian Fang Fujin, wanted to write their gratitude to Mu Jin all over their faces, and the eighth Fujin was even more so. Dislike.

Mu Jin didn't expect that Fujin would be pleasing to her eyes, as long as she didn't take the initiative to do things.

She is not money, so she expects everyone to like her?

However, there was still a discordant voice, and it was actually Mrs. Dong'e, the mother of Sanfujin.

Although Sanfujin was "ill" and unable to host Hongjing's elder brother's birthday banquet, Sanfujin's natal family considered again and again, and Mrs. Dong E still decided to bring a daughter-in-law to congratulate her.

Otherwise, Dong E's seems to be too narrow-minded.

In the past, elder brother Hongjing had been ill all the time, and he was a weak cat, who had no sense of existence in the third master's mansion, and was also despised by the third master.

And San Fujin's two sons are very healthy, when Mrs. Dong'e comes back to the third master's mansion, she will not be proud of them?

How competitive her daughter is, Di Fujin, two sons, and the only son in the family other than the son is a sick cat who may die at any time.

The existence of the sick cat seems to be to set off the health, liveliness and spirit of the two sons-in-law.

However, as far as I can see, the sick cat-like child's body has improved little by little, and his spirit is also revealed.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes today, Mrs. Dong'e would not have believed it at all. It was just that everyone deliberately exaggerated the rumors in order to please the Sanye's mansion.

If elder brother Hongjing had been in good health, Mrs. Dong'e might not have thought much about it, but she was so weak before and suddenly recovered, but her daughter and the eldest son she gave birth to had suffered serious moral damage——

This ebb and flow is a bit too serious, one can imagine how big the gap is in Mrs. Dong E's heart.

Today, she came to congratulate Brother Hongjing as the grandparent's family. No matter how uncomfortable she felt, she had to try her best to smile and be kind to Brother Hongjing. Give a decent gift that you can afford.

ticket. . . . . . . .

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