Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1276 She is a direct sister, what is she here?

She only cares about her own happiness, and doesn't care what others think at all, she can talk as she likes, and from time to time, she talks and laughs with Si Fujin about the topics of the two sisters, just leaving Thirteen Fujin aside.

Thirteen Fujin was angry, and barely got up to leave.

She is a direct sister, what is she here?

After a while, Si Fujin seemed to feel that his own sister was going too far, so he secretly gave her a wink, telling her to avoid it.

Fuyu was not unhappy at all, she said with a smile that she went to the garden to pick flowers for her sister and put them in vases, then she led the servants away.

She knew that her sister sent her away in order to beat and explain to Thirteen Fujin, so that she would not bully her.

Fuyu knew this in her heart, and Thirteen Fujin also knew it in her heart, and the hands in her sleeves tightened subconsciously.

Her heart was surprisingly calm, and she also wanted to see what Si Fujin would tell her.

Sure enough, after a few gossips, Sifujin sighed softly and said with a smile: "That child, Fuyu, is straightforward, and her temper is too naive, and she doesn't know much about the world. For her sake, I didn't know what to do before." Fortunately, she is blessed, the thirteen brothers and sisters are beautiful and intelligent, with a good character and a generous bearing, and Fuyu has entered the house of the thirteenth master, so I am relieved!"

"Thirteen brothers and sisters, if she does something wrong in daily life, or if she becomes stubborn and refuses to be persuaded, I ask the thirteen brothers and sisters to be more tolerant and tolerant. If there is anything difficult to say, just come and tell me , I will definitely discipline her well! I’m just such a younger sister, I have to worry a little more about her affairs, and I can’t bear to go out and mention it to the thirteen younger siblings.”

Thirteen Fujin heard what Si Fujin said, which was very different from what she had expected in her heart. She thought she would get angry, but she didn't want to be unexpectedly calm.

Without thinking, she answered with a smile.

"The fourth sister-in-law is too far-fetched. We are a family. Let's not talk about the two families. The Wulanara family is actually not bad. The fourth sister-in-law is a little too humble."

"After all, she is the younger sister of the fourth sister-in-law. You can tell just by looking at the fourth sister-in-law. How can she be so bad? Don't worry, the fourth sister-in-law, I know it all in my heart."

"The population of our family is also simple. My master and I are gentle people, and we definitely won't make Ulanara suffer any grievances!"

"Otherwise, even our master, I'm afraid he won't obey!"

Sifujin had greeted Thirteen Fujin more or less in the past, and he thought he was soft-tempered, gentle and easy to talk, but he didn't think that this soft nail would make people touch him and really lose his temper.

When Thirteen Fujin said this, Si Fujin was a little dumbfounded, and there was still a lot to say, and he didn't know what to say.

Sifujin could only smile: "I feel relieved when the thirteen brothers and sisters say so."

His younger sister became a strict "Ulanara family" in the mouth of Thirteen Fujin, and Fujin felt awkward.

After sitting for a while, Thirteen Fujin smiled and said, "By the way, Fourth Sister-in-law, to be honest, I still want to see Mu Cai Fujin today, and I want to ask her to bring some strawberry seedlings back home to grow, I wonder if it would be convenient?"

Si Fujin froze slightly, nodded and smiled and said, "What's the inconvenience? Mother Ji, go to Yuping Courtyard and invite Mu Cai Fujin over!"

Thirteen Fujin stood up and said with a smile: "Don't bother Mother Ji, why don't I go over there, and take a look at Little Elder Brother and Little Gege by the way."

Four Fujin: ""

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