Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1296 Who wants to die if there is hope for life?

But Xiancao and Xianman have been unfair for her, and they have suffered countless grievances, and they don't know when this kind of life will end.

More importantly, how could it be better to see Geng Gege like this? If Geng Gege died one day, what should they do?

Although Geng Ge is not favored, he is a master after all.

They are the big girls next to the master, after all, they are still somewhat decent, and they can marry a small steward in the future.

But if the master is gone, what can they have?

So where are the two willing to listen?

The words have been spoken, how can I stop halfway?

"You, you still can't keep your mouth shut!" Geng Gege's eyes flashed wildly, angry and anxious, the handkerchief covered his mouth and coughed loudly, his face was flushed so red that he could hardly stop the two girls from crying.

Mu Jin glanced at Nanny Yan, and Nanny Yan and Xiao Cong stepped forward to support Geng Gege, patted her on the back lightly, whispered a few words of comfort, Geng Gege sighed softly, and then stopped talking.

The whole person was full of uneasiness.

Mammy Yan looked at it coldly, it was not a lie.

It can be seen that no matter the crying of the two girls, or the fact that Xiancao went to find Mu Fangfujin before, it was the girls' own idea, and it had nothing to do with it.

If Geng Gege could pretend to the point where even she couldn't see through, she wouldn't be in the situation she is today.

After the two girls finished crying, they looked at Mu Jin with tears in their eyes, full of pleading.

"Okay, let's all get up." Mu Jin said: "Your master is like this, don't let her worry about you anymore. You are also very courageous, and you dare to say such things, it is me, I just Assuming you didn’t hear it, if you were someone else, you are bringing disaster on your master and yourself!”

Xiancao and Xianman froze, subconsciously a little scared, and stood up tremblingly.

Mu Jin looked at Geng Gege, "I don't understand one thing. Haven't you come here well all these years? The master of our house, Tong Fujin, is a kind and understanding person, and he never treats you harshly, which is very good Yes, what kind of arrogance does Wu Gege come here to play? And Yun Shi? Who gave her the courage? But when did you offend them?"

Xiancao and Xianman suddenly became anxious, and hurriedly swore and swore: "Mu Fangfujin, our master has always been kind-hearted and honest, and he doesn't even quarrel with others. How can he do anything to offend others? It's just others who offend you." Our master, our master won't say anything or do anything."

Mu Jin only looked at Geng Gege: "Think about it carefully, if you want to die, then I have nothing to say, but if you want me to help you, you must let me know the truth, right? If you think clearly, I can Only this time."

Who wants to die if they have the hope of life?

Even if Geng Gege is honest and does not fight or grab, he is absolutely unwilling to die. She has had enough of being bullied and humiliated these days, and she is absolutely unwilling to continue suffering.

Mu Jin's words inexplicably calmed her heart and made her willing to believe.

Mu Jin said that she would help her, and she believed that she could definitely do it.

"Up to now, I don't dare to hide from Mu Fangfujin." Geng Gege smiled wryly, and said calmly: "I, I accompanied my master to Chengde last year, and called people, and made people feel resentful. Others misunderstand that the concubine is favored by the master, and they look at the concubine as a bully, isn't it?"

As Geng Gege said, he wanted to retreat and asked Mu Jin to stop.

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