Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1299 Saying this, Mu Jin still has a lot of confidence in her heart

The two little guys can already sit up without cushions, and occasionally try their hands and feet and crawl with difficulty.

Although Mu Jin didn't dare to let them sit alone for too long, for fear that their bones would not be able to support them.

But since the two little ones can sit up, they absolutely refuse to lie down again, and when they lie down, they yell and cry when no one cares about them.

The room became more and more lively.

Fourth master brought good news and not-so-good news to Mu Jin today.

The emperor has decreed that he will set off from the capital on March 26, and go south and south. At that time, he will take a boat from the Grand Canal south, stop at Jining, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, and Zhenjiang along the way, and change land from Zhenjiang to Jiangning (Nanjing).

Back and forth for about three months.

This time, all the princes who had already opened their teeth and built a mansion accompanied them, and the fourth master naturally also went.

However, the fourth master was not in charge of the preparations this time, but was handed over to the third, eighth and ninth masters.

Fourth Master was in charge of organizing two big weddings for his younger brothers almost in a row, but Master Kangxi knew it well and let him rest.

Since Lord Kangxi came to the throne, especially after he settled Sanfan and regained Baodao, the world has been peaceful, and the southern tour has been done several times, so this whole set of equipment is complete.

The Ministry of Rites, the House of Internal Affairs, and the relevant places in the palace began to prepare secretly years ago. At that time, the emperor only delivered the message, but did not pass down the decree. He was also afraid that if something happened and he could not travel, the decree would become child's play.

So although the fourth master and the others knew that there was such a thing as the Southern Tour, everyone was sensible and didn't make any noise.

At this moment, a clear decree was issued, and the accompanying princes should also choose people and make preparations. Twenty days are enough preparations.

Mu Jin immediately thought of a sentence full of Jiangnan atmosphere, "Fireworks will go to Yangzhou in March", her eyes sparkled, her smile was gentle and sweet, and she looked up at Fourth Master with her arms in her arms: "Master!"

"Want to go?" Fourth Master chuckled, hugged her back to avoid the eyes of his children, and kissed her on the lips.

Then you have to think about it! Mu Jin nodded again and again: "Master, if you want to take people on a trip, you must have your servants, right?"

After saying this, Mu Jin still had a lot of confidence in her heart.

The scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is beautiful and amazing. Who else can Fourth Master take with him?

The fourth master smiled again, glanced at the pair of children, and sighed softly: "Master naturally wants to take Jin'er with him, but what about Brother Nian and Sisi? Jin'er can rest assured that they will stay in the mansion?"

Mu Jin: ""

Yes, she was so happy that she forgot about her precious children.

Seeing that the expression in her eyes dimmed suddenly, the fourth master couldn't help feeling distressed. He held her hand and patted it gently, leaned over to kiss her, and comforted him softly: "Good boy, Huang Amasu likes the southern tour, and there will be more opportunities in the future." That's right, the grandpa will definitely bring Jin'er along with him in the future. Well, Jin'er decides who to take this time, okay?"

Anyway, since she can't accompany her, it's the same for him to take anyone else with him.

Mu Jin: ""

She doesn't really want this kind of choice, it's completely meaningless to her, okay?

Even in modern times, the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River is still fascinating, not to mention the ecological environment is more authentic and ancient.

Moreover, there are not so many people, and everything is just right.

Mu Jin felt really reconciled to missing such an opportunity right in front of her eyes.

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