Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1322 Fuyu can't believe it, it's incredible

The boats of the princes are all the same size, three-story luxury boat, the prince occupies a boat alone, the difference from other brothers is that the decoration is more gorgeous.

The other elder brothers share a boat with two families.

Handymen and rough servants and heavy luggage are placed on the first floor, and one family lives on the second and third floors.

When Shi Fujin found out that Mu Jin was also going, he deliberately dragged Shi Ye to Si Ye's residence, expressing that he wanted to go on a boat with them so that he could talk to Mu Jin conveniently.

Ten Fujin's impression of Jiangnan is only derived from what he heard from the nuns in the mansion. It is hard to say whether it is accurate or not, but it is said that the scenery is extremely beautiful, and there are countless delicious and interesting things, which is already very satisfying. Ten Fujin was in high spirits.

Therefore, for this southern tour, the ten Fujin are quite looking forward to it!

Mu Jin also went, staying on the same boat along the way, and being able to talk and have fun, it was even more wonderful.

The fourth master was naturally happy that Mu Jin had someone to accompany him to relieve his boredom, so he readily agreed. After all, he estimated that he would have to accompany the old man for more than half of the time during the day, or he had errands to deal with.

Therefore, the fourth master's mansion is in the same boat as the tenth master's mansion, the eighth master is in a boat with the ninth master, and the thirteenth and fourteenth masters are in a boat.

After everyone agrees in private, report to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then start to make final preparations.

In Shisan Ye's mansion, Thirteen Fujin is also instructing everyone to pack their luggage, and by the way, arrange all the affairs in the mansion clearly.

The Thirteenth Lord has just started to build a mansion, and there are not many affairs, and the personnel affairs in the mansion are not complicated. For the daughter-in-law who has been raised as the mistress since she was a child, it is not difficult for Thirteen Fujin to deal with these matters.

She was a little lucky, lucky that Fuyu made such a foolish mess that day, and grounded her, saving so much trouble!

Although it was said that the foot ban was for a month, but it happened to be in time for the southern tour, so there was no way to do it. Let's continue to ban the foot, and the ban will be lifted when they come back from the southern tour.

There is always no reason why the master of the Fuzhong and Fujin are not here, but she lifted the ban.

On the second day of confinement, Fuyu thought about the southern tour, and was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

This is the first time she has tasted the bitter fruit of arrogance and willfulness. It turns out that she is no longer the proud daughter of heaven, but a concubine and a concubine.

When she was still in her natal family, she often did this kind of thing of forcibly wronging and bullying concubine sisters and cousins, but it was always others who suffered.

Either others couldn't explain clearly and had to swallow their anger, or even if she was proved wrong, Er Niang would pick it up high and put it down gently, and scolded her in private, telling her to be more careful in doing things in the future, and don't leave anyone behind. The handle, that's all.

But now, no one pampered or tolerated her anymore.

Fuyu felt unbelievable and unbelievable.

The thirteenth master is not favored, there is no mother, concubine and grandfather's family to rely on, only the fourth master, his sister is Sifujin, how can the thirteenth master treat himself like this?

She originally thought that even if something harmless happened to her, Master Thirteen would just teach her a few words. How could he treat her like this?

He actually said that the feet were really grounded, and he was not allowed to go out for half a step, and he never came to visit him once.

Fuyu was about to go crazy.

She tried every means, spent a lot of money, and finally bought the woman who delivered the food to deliver the letter to her sister.

Of course, she couldn't bear to miss such a long-faced thing like the southern tour.

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