Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1334 A good person will do it to the end and serve you well

As soon as they left, fourth master's expression darkened and he hummed softly.

Not to mention fourth master, even Mu Jin had some suspicions that Da Gege's words were taught by Li Cefujin. Fourth Master refused, and Mu Jin was very happy.

"Master, do you still have work to do today?" Mu Jin asked with a smile.

The fourth master said "hmm", "Master, I have to go out and do some inspection later, and see how the defenses are deployed."

Mu Jin smiled and said: "Since this is the case, the slave will wait for the master to come back before resting. It just so happens that the slave stews some bird's nest soup so that the master can eat it when he comes back."

Fourth Master's heart softened, and he said with a smile: "If it's inconvenient on the boat, it's fine if the bird's nest soup stops, Jin'er doesn't have to work so hard."

"What's so tiring?" Mu Jin laughed: "Master, slaves are not so delicate!"

That's true, Fourth Master couldn't help laughing too, Jin'er's physical strength, um, no, it's her body, it's still very good.

Fourth master went out to make a round of inspection, and it was almost an hour later when he came back.

After returning to the cabin, I saw Mu Jin standing up with a smile and walking towards him, "Master is back!"

At night, the lights are dim and warm, the beauty is smiling and her eyes are gentle, which makes people feel more gentle and relaxed physically and mentally. The fourth master suddenly felt tired, and nodded at her with a smile: "Don't wait for the master tomorrow night, go to bed early!"

"The slave can rest during the day!" Mu Jin smiled, sat down together with his arm, and ordered someone to fetch the stewed bird's nest soup.

Seeing Fourth Master's tired face, Mu Jin felt a little distressed, so she decided to be a good man to the end, feed him personally, and serve him well.

The fourth master glanced at the slender hand holding the silver spoon to his mouth, and suddenly felt a little itchy, wishing to kiss that beautiful slender hand first.

"Master's Jin'er is becoming more and more virtuous and capable!" The fourth master smiled and embraced her, naturally he would not refuse his family's Jin'er's hospitality.

Mu Jin's face was slightly hot, and she said coquettishly: "It's fine to be virtuous or not, but a slave is just a slave, so I feel sorry for the master."

Fourth Master chuckled, curled his lips, and finally leaned over and kissed her on the face.

After the two of them had eaten the bird's nest soup, fourth master felt refreshed, his exhaustion was swept away, he took a hasty shower, and went back to his room.

Seeing Fourth Master's obviously bright and scorching gaze, Mu Jin felt her heart beating like a drum. Being hugged by his waist, Mu Jin's body softened, and she stammered and said in a low voice: "Master, this, this is on the boat .This, this sound insulation, the sound insulation is not good, master, you, you have to be more careful."

It's fine if Mu Jin didn't say this, but when he said this, Fourth Master became more and more intrigued, his eyes deepened, he smiled with his lips curled up, and called out "Jin'er" in a hoarse voice, bowed his head and kissed deeply go down.

The next day, when Mu Jin woke up, the boat had already left.

Fourth Master has also left and went to the emperor's side.

Mu Jin was taken aback, her face suddenly burned.

Yesterday, did Fourth Master pay attention to the problem of poor sound insulation? Mu Jin didn't notice it again in the end. She only knew that she was extremely sleepy and fell asleep.

When I woke up now, my body was still sore and weak.

Hearing her call, "Come here!" Mammy Yan went in with a smile.

Mu Jin didn't expect to be able to tell any difference from the face of an old man like Yanmao, even if she really heard something, Yanmao would never show it.

Seeing her as usual, Mu Jin pretended that she didn't know anything, and soon became calm.

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